1、电大英语报刊选读课程导学一、课程总的概况课程领域概括这是英语教学中的一门不能或缺的课程。通过学习本课程,使学生掌握常见报刊词汇,报刊文章标题的翻译,学会看懂较简单的英语报刊文章。通过阅读英语报刊了解国际时事,了解各国的政治,历史、文化、教育、人民和国家概况等与英语学习有关的背景知识。以利学生进一步巩固和提高英语学习,培养学生英语阅读的能力。目标引导本课程的教学目的是通过学生自主学习及教师的导学和助学(包括面授辅导) ,使学生掌握常见报刊词汇,报刊文章标题的翻译,学会看懂较简单的英语报刊文章。通过阅读英语报刊了解国际时事,了解各国的政治,历史、文化、教育、人民和国家概况等与英语学习有关的背景知识
2、。进一步巩固和提高学生英语阅读理解和简单翻译的能力。二、使用学习资源1根据主教材学习1本课程采用的文字主教材为美英报刊文章阅读(精选本第二版) ,及上海电视大学外语系编辑的报刊活页。本课程教学安排为一学期。课内学时为72,共 4 学分,(每周 4 学时)。美英报刊文章阅读共30 课,选其中10 为必学内容,其余内容供学生自学, 10 课必学内容为Lessons1,3,4,8,10,13,14,19,24,26。以上 10 课用 10 周学完。每周一课。2本教材课文并非按语言难易循序渐进,而是按内容编写,学生自学时有一定难度。学生学习时重点是根据教师的导学,掌握一定的英语报刊常见词汇,基本会看懂
3、报刊文章的大意;通过翻译报刊标题了解报刊大致内容;通过阅读英语报刊文章了解国际时事、各国的历史、文化、风俗、习惯,掌握相关的信息。因此阅读和理解是重点。教师助学时应着重帮助学生掌握重点,分析讲解难点,而语法分析、语言点的掌握不作要求。建议学生在课后以练习为线索,多看看英语报刊文章。考前复习也是以练习,常见词汇和推荐的英语报刊文章为主。3 本课程实际是泛读快速阅读训练的混合型课程。泛读是一门进行大量阅读实践的课程,应该突出" 泛 " 的特点。本课程培养的是阅读能力,注重的是面的理解,整体的理解,而不停留于那些对理解无关紧要的细节上。4学生应按教学计划完成各阶段的阅读任务。在独
4、立进行阅读时,学生应努力根据上、下文及背景知识解决所遇到的问题或难点,尽可能少查词典,如需要查词典时,也应尽可能使用英英词典。5 阅读速度训练应按循序渐进的原则安排阅读难度与阅读量,逐步进行强化式训练。训练时应注重介绍一些常见的技巧,如浏览、略读、复读等。在平时教学过程中,也会向学生推荐一些英文报刊上难度适当的文章,供学生阅读。2 根据辅教材学习报刊活页共10 课,用 5 周学完。余下3 周用于期中考试及期末总复习。3. 其它媒体教材多读英文报纸,如CHINA DAILY, SHANGHAI STAR等4. 进行网上学习进入上海电大在线网址:进入网上课堂进入上海大同工作站网址 :进入网上课堂三
5、、预习、听课、复习英语报刊选读词汇Lesson Onecable carrake inthe lions sharecrass commercialismethnic flavorcarrying capacitythe ancient Buddhist grottoessilk roadMogao cavesUNESCOcultural wonderscash cowtourist boomLesson Three缆车赚(钱)最大(或最好的)一份唯利是图民族风格;民族特色容纳量古代佛教徒的洞室丝绸之路莫高窟联合国教科文组织文化奇迹(奇观)摇钱树旅游迅猛发展Cliquestart-uptalk
6、-show派系起步;创业脱口秀wireless-applications companyInternet datingfly highmultinationalmanagement expertiseconsulting firmdebt specialistLesson Four移动通讯公司网上约会交友野心勃勃跨国公司管理专业知识咨询公司债券交易专家animatedlyvirtual classroomlog in活跃地虚拟教室( 在网络上)连接information-based economy基于信息的经济face-to-face instruction面授课bricks-and-mort
7、ar institution( 砖墙上爬满常青藤的学校)传统的学校distance-ed provider提供远程教育的学院coursework via teleconferencing通过双向电视进行教学的课件Lesson EightAllegedBlunderEspionageWarheadthe US District CourtAttorney GeneralFBI directorplea offerJustice Departmentsolitary confinementthrow the book at sb.lie detectordecision-makerthe Judi
8、ciary CommitteeLesson Ten提出而尚未证实的愚蠢的错误;谬误间谍行为弹头联邦地方或地区法院(美)司法部长; (英)总检察长联邦调查局局长有条件认罪建议司法部单独拘禁尽量用重罪处罚某人测谎仪决策者(美国国会参议院常设)司法委员会ComplacencyConfiscate沾沾自喜;自满情绪没收;充公juvenile offendernotoriousrecessionrobustbrutalityapathydrug traffictough circumstancesdatabaseNCNBthe National Football Leaguehot cityhit ho
9、mebond issueflashier programgrass-roots leadercash register少年犯臭名昭著的经济衰退体格健壮的野蛮暴力行为麻木不仁毒品买卖不幸的境遇;恶劣的环境资料库;数据库北卡罗来纳国家银行全国橄榄球协会很好的;成功的;经济增长迅速的使人明白;示范债券发行华而不实的项目基层领导人现金出纳机drug ringnarcotics squadnarcoticsdrug kingpincriminal-justicedefining momenthead StartLesson Thirteen贩毒团伙缉毒队毒品大毒贩;毒枭刑事审判开先河之事抢步教育计划cl
10、ientcounsel to the PresidentmaneuveroffstagepetitionrostersinisterLobbyistsshady operator顾客;客户总统顾问花招;策略幕后的(地) ;不公开的(地)请愿花名册;登记表恶意的;阴险的院外活动分子幕后院外活动分子regulatory agencyretainershady reputationa buy s marketwould-bevetoa two-way streetCapitolHouse SpeakerMajority (Minority) LeaderMajority (Minority) Whi
11、pWatergateLesson Fourteen管制机构定金不诚实的坏名声;声名狼藉的买方市场未来的否决双行道;互利互惠国会山众议院议长多数(少数)党领袖多数(少数)党督导水门事件donateindebtoutlawmodest means捐赠欠债;欠钱宣布为非法中等收入the lower chamberpublic officeoffice holderSupreme CourtPAC (Political Action Committee)the first-term lawmakerex-congressmanLesson Nineteen下院公职公务员;官吏最高法院政治行动委员会首次
12、当选的众议员前国会议员shareholder valueIPOon a short-term basisprovisionstate-of-the-artmake presentationa draft agreementjoint venturet ake a“can - do” attitude股东利益首次公开发行的股票短/ 近期内规定;条款最先进的;一流的;顶尖的发言;讲话草签的协议合资愿意尽各种努力并期待它能起作用business cultureacademic title商务文化职称Lesson Twenty-fourentrepreneurlegislatorlift-offmar
13、keteersustainableSilicon Valleyclassified adspicy film gossipongoing economic revivaldotcom agetop degreeAsiaweek rankingsProduction linenew breed企业家立法者发射市场主义者可持续性的硅谷分类广告关于电影演员等的骇人听闻的消息或评论镇在进行中的经济复苏互联网时代博士学位亚洲周刊排行榜生产线新一代manufacturing productivitythink-tankNew-generation free marketeercross swordsold
14、-guardface-offUN Development Fundlaunch padLesson Twenty-six制造业生产力思想库新一代的自由市场经济主义者争吵保守派对峙;争端联合国发展基金组织发射台stolen generationfoster homea ward of the statethe Jigsaw puzzlethe Aboriginal heritagethe Order of Australiaventure capitalsecurity capital被偷偷劫走的一代寄养家庭国家受监护人的身份七巧板;拼图游戏土著人的遗产澳大利亚勋章风险投资资金安全投资资本the
15、 professions各同业或同行the Aboriginal Dreamtime(澳大利亚土著神话中的)黄金时代racial discrimination种族歧视cultural genocide种族文化的消灭the disadvantaged group弱势群体四、完成作业记分作业 :以书后的练习为主,包括补充活页讲义中的练习。学生应交四次作业。两次是课本上的,两次是补充讲义中的相关练习(练习在网上)。五、碰到困难电话答疑电话:E-mail答疑电子邮件地址BBS网上答疑进入大同工作站BBS讨论专区学习小组讨论面对面答疑六、复习考试期中考试在第十到第十一周进行。期末考试包括课本内和课本外两
16、部分。该门课的总分的构成包括期末考试和平时成绩两部分。期末考试占80%,平时成绩为20%。形成性考核的具体方法是:20 分 =记分作业 ( 8 分) + 期中测验 ( 6分) +课堂表现(6 分)。4.本学期考试形式为笔试形式。学生将答案做在指定的答题纸上。考试题型如下:I 报刊常见词汇,词语或缩略语英译汉。( 30%。 30 个,每个1%)II 英文报刊标题英译汉。 ( 20%。 10 个,每个 2%)III 阅读理解( 5)()课文中的文章阅读并回答问题()()补充阅读文选英文报刊文章选读中选的阅读理解题或从最新的英文报刊中选的材料的阅读与理解()以上三个大题中,第大题及第III大题中的(
17、) ,()主要考查学生对所学的课本知识掌握情况;第II大题是考查学生的阅读能力和技巧及所学的知识的运用能力,以避免死记硬背。七、自主学习方法提示1. 学生学习本课程的基本要求阅读范围:题材广泛,体裁多样化。题材包括各类知名美,英报刊上的各种文章,涉及到时事、政治经济、文化、科技、历史地理、等方面。阅读难度由易到难。阅读速度:根据学生对文章题材背景的预先熟悉程度而有所不同,但是一般来说,阅读速度从每分钟约50-60 个词提高到70-80 个词左右。理解能力:学会运用归纳总结、推理演绎的方法,抓主要词语、主要段落和中心句的本领,准确掌握读物的中心思想、情节梗概。并不强求学生理解所有的细节。2. 为
19、,又要留给学生充分的自学机会,督促学生在教师的概括性指导下尽力发挥自我潜能完成该门课程的学习。老师在讲课时以讲解难点为主,同时教会学生阅读英美报刊文章的一些必要的阅读技巧和方法,教会他们如何看懂报刊标题。八、本课程重点难点提示英语报刊选读书本上(十课课文后的练习答案)1. What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them.2. Who turned the caves into the painted shrines It wa
20、s the travelers along the old silk road.3. Are murals in good shape.No, they are not in good shape. Many of them are alreadysaggingor peelingfromwalls,and theirdelicatebeauty is fadingaway. Others have deterioratedbeyondrepair efforts.4. Why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from b
21、eing destroyed Money is at the root of the problem. China is a poor nation. Local governments have little money left over for cultural conservation.5. Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural sitesYes, itdoes. For instance,ithas given award to the Getty Con
22、servationInstitutefor its contributions to the preservation of them at Dunhuang.6.Why did Mr. Neville Agnew say “Ifyou can make a good connection,tourism and conservation are good partners”theyare.Inotherwords,ifyou can allocatepartof the money earned from tourismto conservation,and dont turnto tour
23、ismas a cash cow, they will be good partners.Lesson Three1. Why did some of the HBS grads choose to come back to China although they hadreceived lucrative offers from Americas top companiesNot only has China changed dramaticallysince most of them leftbut also the nationcan offermore personalfreedoms
24、 and economic opportunitiesnow than ever before.2. What profession do they usually like to go in for Most of them choose e-commerce3. Why did most of them choose to take in IT industry Because IT is the leading industry now.4. Why did some of them decide to stay in the US while some chose to come ba
25、ckThey wanted to gain experience in the States before they came back.5.What do you thinkisthe biggestobstaclepreventingtheelitefrom coming backhomeIt is the complicated relationships and uncertainty of our human resourcemanagement system.6.What does the title of this article It means some of the HBS
26、 elite“Home At Last ” have made their finalmean decisionto returnto Chinato serve their country.Lesson Four1. Why are virtual institutions thought of as best graduate schoolsBecause they arethe best graduate schools for those who have their career andfamily. When they pursue advanced degrees, univer
27、sity campus.they dont have to step onto a2. Why is the huge upsurge of interest in remote learningIt is very convenient for anyone to learn at anytime of anyplace. Thereforeit is the best way for working adults to keep on learning.3. Will the distance education substitute the traditional education E
28、xplain.No, itwont.These two modes ofinstructionareequivalentand complementaryas far as student learning is concerned.4.Whats the advantage of remote learningA large number of people who have difficulty in suspending their career andfamily can pursue advanced degrees without stepping onto a universit
29、y campusor moving and commuting to get their degrees.5. Whats the opposite idea about remote learningSomeone argues there s a largegap betewwn distanceeducationand traditionaleducation, and education requires a relationship between people because it isa processofidentityformation,validation,encourag
30、ement,emulationandinspiration.Thisonlyhappensfacetoface.Inotherwords,theyvalueface-to-face instruction and relationship.6. What are the factors you should consider before you choose a distant education schoolThey are the accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency,and technology.
31、Lesson Eight1. Who are the top decision-makers in the caseThey are attorney general Janet Reno, FBI Director Louis Freeh, and Energy2. What are the factors which have caused government officials to accuse Mr. Leeof spying Politics caused them to do so. Some politicians such as Mr. Cox dont want to s
32、ee Sino-American relations improved, and have shown muchdiscrimination against Chinese in American security organizations, so theyturned up the heat on the authorities.3. Why was Mr. Lee placed in solitary confinement Was it appropriate for the authorities to do soa. the authorities wanted to compel
33、 him to make a full confessionb. it was not proper to do so because he made only minor security violations.4. Did the justice and Energy officials in question agree with what Judge Parker saidNo, they didnt agree.5. Do you think Justice Department official have thrown the book at Dr. Lee Yes, they h
34、ave used his minor security violation as accusation against Lee.6. Who is to blame in the caseChristopherCox isthe firstto blame because he and hiscommitteehave createdthe atmosphere of Chinese espionage, and put pressure on the officials on thecase.The top decision-makersin the case and the mass me
35、dia especiallyThe NewYork Times , are the second to blame.Lesson Ten1.What does the title of this article“Big Crimes, Small Cities” meanIt means that bigcrimes which were usually associatedwithbig cities are nowcommitted in smaller cities.2. Why do the people show apathy towards people being attacke
36、d by criminalsThey are afraidof being killedby the assailants.From the conceptof the worldoutlook, they are very selfish.3. Why are teenagers more apt to use deadly force over small mattersThey lack necessaryfamilyand schooleducationon the one hand, and on the other,their needs are not met.4.What do
37、es it mean that Charlotte risked becoming a“fortress city”The city frightened with frequent violence is gong to protect itself with allnecessarydefensivemeasures as ifthe enemy were coming to attackit.In otherwords, when the crime rates are going up people in the city are at a loss, andoverreact to
38、that.5. Does, the crime wave have something to do with drug, guns, and the economic recession State the reason.Yes, it does. When is undergoing economic recession, the poor lead a poorer life, they feel disappointed, and try to do away with their worries by takingdrugs.The more disappointedthey feel
39、.And consequently,thereare more violentcrimes.Lesson Thirteen1. Who are lobbyists usually hired by What fora.They are usuallyhiredby corporations,laborunions,individualsand otherspecial interests.b.They tryto work on the actionsof theAdministrationand lawmakingbodies.2. What is the relationship betw
40、een lobbyists and legislatorsThey are closely associated with each other for their separate advantages.3. Why do some of the former senior officials choose lobbying as their professionBecause theycan make use of theirgood connectionsin governmentand Congresson the one hand, and on the other,they can
41、 make big money by lobbyingforspecialinterest groups and individuals.4. How do lobbyists earn their pay How effective are they a. Their clients pay them for their services.b.Most of them are very effectivein persuadinglawmakers to act in theirway.Lesson Fourteen1.Why has the House of Representatives
42、 been changing into a rich mans club ora House of LordsBecause the House of Representatives is largely composed of wealthy men, andthey get elected not on their merit, but on their money.2. In what way did the Court decision favor the wealthy candidatesThe Court decision outlawed limits on the amoun
43、t that a candidate could giveto his own campaign. At the same time it upheld limits on amounts contributedby outsiders.3.Are women farbehindmen in gettingCongressionalofficesPlease givean examplefor your answer.Yes. Take the Congressional election in 1984 for example, only two women gotelected.4. Wh
44、at role do political action committees play in a campaign for public office They play a very important role to help officeholders to get re-elected with campaign contributions5. According to the authors of the study, on what basis should the political raceforpublicoffice be placedDo you think it possible for Congress to changecampaign system in the context of the prese
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