1、特大新闻 大家注意啦Great news, everybody!今年是头一年 感恩节我休息This year for once, I don't have to work on Thanksgiving.我们终于可以全家团圆了So we can all be together!我还可以做感恩节晚宴And I can cook Thanksgiving dinner.好吧 -耶All right. - Yay.拜托 这是怎么回事Okay, what happened there?亲爱的 别这样 我们只是感觉Honey, come on, it's just that cookin
2、g做感恩节晚宴太费事了Thanksgiving dinner is a lot of work.是啊 难道出去下馆子不好吗Yeah, are you sure we shouldn't just eat out?我的意思是 这都是为了您好I mean, for your sake.没门儿No way.每年的感恩节我都只能吃医院外面Every Thanksgiving I have to eat Turkey sandwiches.自动售货机里的火鸡三明治Out of the hospital vending machine.而你们也只能去吃老时光自助餐And you guys have
3、 to go to the old time buffet.今年我们团聚了This year we're gonna be together,而且我要亲自下厨And I am gonna cook.老时光自助餐好吃不贵Old time buffet offers quality and value.没错 而且那里的炸鸡柳 那叫一个香Yeah, and their chicken fingers, mwah!对吧Right?我们在家吃 已成定局We are having dinner here and that is final.好吧 就依你All right, okay.事实上呢 和你
4、们说吧 我有个事情要宣布下Actually, you know, I have a Thanksgiving announcement.今年爷爷和咱们一起过节This year we are going to be joined by grandpa.是邓肯爷爷Grandpa Duncan.耶Yeah.伤心了吧Hurts, doesn't it?噢 别这样啊 大家Oh, come on, you guys.我老爸也并不是一无是处 -比如呢My dad has some good qualities. - Such as?比如 他呼出的二氧化碳 正是植物所需要的You know what
5、? He exhales carbon dioxide, which is needed by plants.成了 听着 情况越来越糟All right, well, we've got bigger problems.还是让老妈来做感恩节晚宴吧Mom's cooking Thanksgiving dinner.噢 不不不不不Oh, no no no no no.本宅金牌大厨The best chef in the house.PJ下厨来做感恩节晚宴P.J. Is cooking Thanksgiving dinner.我吗 老妈是不会同意的I am? She's ne
6、ver gonna let me.所以你要用瞒天过海之计That's why you have to trick her.给她制♥造♥一种她在做饭的错觉 而实际上Give her the illusion that she's cooking, when in reality,你才是那个掌勺的人You're the one doing all the work.明白了 明白了 只有一个疑问Got it, got it. Just one question.制♥造♥什么错觉What d
7、oes illusion mean?三个词Three words.做 感恩节 晚宴Cook Thanksgiving dinner.现在做吗Right now?放松 老爸 我和你开玩笑呢Relax, dad. Just messing with you.噢 对了 感恩节 是两个词Oh, by the way, thanksgiving. two words.生活搞得一团糟Today's all burnt toast 就要迟到 爸爸在叫Running late, and dad jokes我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe我闭上眼 咬口早
8、餐I close my eyes, take a bite跳上车子 放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房♥顶上There it is up on the roof我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived所以听取我的建议So just take my advice宝贝 不要放弃Hang in there, baby世界有很多疯狂无奈Things are crazy可是我知道你会有美好将来But I know your future's bright宝贝
9、不要放弃Hang in there, baby不要怀疑There's no maybe一切终会如你所愿Everything turns out all right生活有悲有喜Your life is up and down但是请相信我 坚持就有好结果But trust me it comes back around你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be宝贝 不要放弃Hang in there, baby.查莉成长日记 第二季第二十九集Good Luck Charlie S02E29 It's a Charlie
10、Duncan Thanksgiving你在画什么呢 查莉What you drawing there, Charlie?火鸡A Turkey.是吗 -是啊Are you sure? - Yeah.看起来更像土豆泥啊It looks a bit more like mashed potatoes.瞅 发明小屋有感恩节挥泪甩卖♥♥活动Look, big Thanksgiving sale at the gizmo hut.他们卖♥♥的笔记本只有四十九块 太便宜了They're selling mytab
11、s for $49? That's awesome!可不是嘛 但我们需要早点儿去排队I know! But we have to get in line early.因为他们只甩卖♥♥十个Because they'll only have 10 of these at that price.难道我们要在感恩节那天去排队吗So we have to wait in line on Thanksgiving day?是啊 甩卖♥♥从午夜开始Yes, the sale starts at midn
12、ight.他们这不是折腾人嘛Why did they have to make it so hard?我们只想赞美一下All we wanna do is celebrate.感恩节的真谛The true meaning of Thanksgiving.白菜价买♥♥下电子产品Buying electronics at terrific prices.可不是嘛I'm saying.火鸡Turkey.为什么我每次过来都是你来开门Why do you always answer the door when I come over?那不如你就别过来了
13、 我也不用过来给你开门了How about you stop coming over and I'll stop answering the door?嗨 达布尼太太Hi, Mrs. Dabney.艾米 我请教个问题Amy, I have a question for you.你知道哪有卖♥♥小一点儿的火鸡吗Do you know where I can get a small Turkey for one?因为今年只有我一个人It's just me this year.噢 是吗 达布尼先生呢Oh, well, where'
14、s Mr. Dabney?你没听说吗 我和那家伙离婚了Didn't you hear? I divorced his sorry butt.噢 对此我深表同情Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.我不难过 我们在一起就是个悲剧I'm not. We were just making each other miserable.如今我可以像平常一样活泼开朗了Now I can be the happy-go-lucky person I always was.活泼开朗You are?我是说 是说 你当然可以了I mean. I mean, you ca
15、n.活泼开朗吗You are?总之 我只能So anyway, I'll be eating.独守空房♥ 撕咬小火鸡了That tiny Turkey in that big empty house,茕茕孑立 形影相吊All alone, by myself,就寡人一人Just me.挺好的 就当是为了圣诞节预演了Well, it'll be good practice for Christmas.不送After you.达布尼太太 您愿意Mrs. Dabney, would you like to.达布尼太太 您愿意和我们一起Mrs. Dabney, w
16、ould you like to join us.吃感恩节晚宴吗For Thanksgiving dinner?这个嘛 这个情况发生的太突然了Well, this is coming out of nowhere.我要去查查我的安排计划I'll have to check my schedule.不用送了Bye now.你这是何苦呢Why did you do that?我这是怜悯仁慈I was being gracious.做一个友好的邻居And I was being neighborly.好吧 但是记住 圣诞节就别这么好客了All right, well, that better
17、 end by Christmas.嘿 老妈 手里拿的什么东西Hey, mom, what you got there?晚宴的菜单It's the menu for Thanksgiving.说到感恩节Talk about great timing.我自愿为您下厨的时候打下手Because I was gonna volunteer to help you cook.PJ啊 你太贴心了 但我还是想让泰迪帮忙P.J., that is so sweet, but actually I was gonna ask Teddy.老妈啊 泰迪没功夫的Mom, Teddy does not ha
18、ve time.她沉浸在自己的小世界里She is off in her own little world.洋娃娃啊 小马驹啊With the dolls and the horses.还有漂亮的衣服And the dress-up.她不是七岁小孩 你知道这点吧You do know she's not seven, right?先不管了 让我看看菜单Whatever. Let me see the list.好了 我稍微标注一下Okay, I'm just gonna put a little check.我想做的菜品Next to the things I like to
19、cook.这个 这个 噢 还有这个Yeah, yes. Ooh, definitely.这个 这个 这个 这个Oh oh oh oh, yeah.儿子 你除了面包卷 剩下的全画上了Honey, you checked everything but the rolls.噢 没错 抱歉 “面包圈”Oh, right, sorry. "rolls."好吧 好吧 这些都归你Okay, fine, you can cook all that other stuff,但是火鸡必须归我But I am definitely cooking the Turkey.等等 单子上没有火鸡啊Wa
20、it, that wasn't on the list.是啊 我以为这是众所周知的Well, I thought it was obvious.我全把注意力放在配菜上了 却忘了主菜I got bogged down on the side dishes, lost my focus.情况如何So how did it go?有些不妙I've got some bad news.怎么了What?她只做一道菜She's making one dish.老天保佑是西兰花 老天保佑是西兰花Please say broccoli. Please say broccoli.它的别名
21、是吐绶鸡It rhymes with schmurkey.是火鸡It's Turkey.嘿 大伙看看 爷爷来了 -嘿Hey, everybody, grandpa's here. - Hey!成了 成了 你们都长这么大了 此处省去一万字Yeah yeah, my, how you've grown. Blah blah blah.您肯定还没见过查莉吧I don't believe you've met Charlie.干嘛把他打扮成女孩Now why is he dressed like a girl?因为她就是个女孩Well, because she
22、is a girl.没错 查莉是夏洛特的简称Yes, Charlie is short for Charlotte.那为什么不叫夏莉Then why isn't she called Sharlie?说真的 我真搞不懂Seriously, I don't get it.你给一个姑娘起了一个小子的名字 他应该叫泰迪You give the girls boys' names. He should be Teddy,他应该叫查莉 而她应该叫PJHe should be Charlie, and she should be P.J.我们不会再给孩子重起名字了 爹啊We'
23、;re not renaming the kids, dad.好消息啊 我查了查安排计划Good news. I checked my schedule,看来在感恩节我还是有空档的And it turns out I am available on Thanksgiving.好吧 搞什么 谁忘了关门了All right, really? Who left the door open?达布尼夫人 这是我岳父大人 弗兰克·邓肯Mrs. Dabney, this is my father-in-law Frank Duncan.弗兰克 这位是埃斯特尔·达布尼Frank, Este
24、lle Dabney.老鲍 能不能请你过来一下Bob, I was wondering if you could come over.看看我的垃圾处理机And look at my garbage disposal.好像有些问题 -噢 我来吧It's not working right. - Oh, I'll do it.毕竟我♥干♥了三十年的水管工Had my own plumbing business for 30 years.管道这种事情 是男人的活儿Plumbing, now that's a man's jo
25、b.如果你想抓蝴蝶了You want someone to catch a butterfly,叫我儿子吧Call my son.走吧Let's go.好耶 我们是九号♥十号♥Yes, we're numbers nine and 10!你是九号♥ 俺是十号♥ -是啊You're nine and I'm 10? - Yeah.为什么俺不是九号♥Why don't I get to be nine?有什么区别吗 我们都有份What differe
26、nce does it make? We're both getting mytabs.那让俺来九号♥Then I'm nine.噢 这下好了 看来我这一整天都要排在Oh, great, I gotta spend the rest of the day in line.你们两个废物后面Behind you two losers.看看 看看 看看Well well well,这不是卡尔吗 那个混♥蛋♥邻居If it isn't Karl, the neighborhood jerk.如果你也奔着笔记本来的
27、If you were planning on getting a mytab,那你就悲剧了 因为你是十一号♥You're out of luck. You're number 11.除非我排你前面Not if I outrun you.当我把笔记本拿到手后 我就去废物大本营网站And when I get my mytab, I'm gonna go online to the losers site.然后在你的主页上留言And post something on your loser page.就写 “嘿 废物”That says, "
28、;hey, loser!"今天不好熬啊This is gonna be a long day.对不起了 卡尔 我要拉起这面无形的墙Excuse me, Karl. I'm gonna zip up the invisible wall now.这样我就不用听你废话了So we don't have to listen to you.你还是能听到我的You can still hear me.我知道你能I know you can.嘿 无形墙 愚蠢之极Hey, invisible walls. stupid.抱歉 你说啥I'm sorry, what?小泰 你先
29、走吧 赶回去吃感恩节晚宴T, you should get going so you can make it home for your Thanksgiving dinner.对 没错 好吧 我四点赶回来 再换你去吃Yeah, you're right. Well, I'll be back at 4:00 so you can go to your dinner.一会见 -一会见See ya. - See ya.嘿 艾薇姐Hey, Ivy,现在泰迪走了Now that Teddy's gone,我终于可以澄清一下 我不是混♥蛋&hear
30、ts;I can finally admit that I'm not really a jerk.我只是一个太害怕去承认I'm just a vulnerable kid who's too scared to admit.自己也需要朋友的脆弱小孩That he needs a friend.噢 真的吗Oh, really?才怪 我就是个混♥蛋♥ 你个蠢货No, I'm a jerk. Loser!没说错 难熬的一天Yep, a real long day.噢 天啊 太怪了Oh, man, this is just
31、weird.什么怪 -爷爷What is? - Grandpa.他看起来很开心He seems happy.让人心神不宁啊It's very unsettling.躲猫猫 我看见你啦Peek-a-boo, I see you.躲猫猫Peek-a-boo.好了 咱俩过去 看看他是否正常All right, you know what? We'd better go make sure he's okay.开始啦 我要抓到你Here we go. I'm gonna get ya!我来啦 呜Here he comes. Whooo!噢 她真是萌死了Oh, she
32、39;s a cutie pie!盖比 当你也这么大的时候 同样有够萌And you were cute, too, when you were at that age, Gabe. Boop.祝大家 感恩节快乐Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!感恩节快乐Happy Thanksgiving.她居然也怪怪的She's acting weird, too?好吧 出问题了Okay, something's not right.多么美好的一天啊This is such a wonderful day.我要感谢的人有很多I have so much to be
33、thankful for.感谢谁Like what?这个嘛 我要感谢Well, I am thankful.这位出现在我生命里的新白马王子That I have a new man in my life.而我要感谢 我就是那白马王子And I am thankful to be that man.呃 你俩现在如胶似漆了Um. So you two are together now?说对了That's right.就在弗兰克疏通了我的管道之后After Frank unclogged my disposal.他也疏通了我的心灵He unclogged my heart.看来我要借宿于此S
34、o it looks like I'll be sticking around.一段时间了For a while.说不准呢 盖比 有朝一日And who knows, Gabe? Someday soon,你会管我叫奶奶的You might be calling me grandma.盖比 让我们去去就回Gabe, let's go for a catch.什么 -快去外面A what? - Just go outside.好了 咱们怎么办All right, what are we gonna do?还能怎么办 拆散这对鸳鸯There's only one thing
35、 we can do. We gotta split 'em up.噢 作孽啊Oh, that sounds evil.我喜欢I like it.嘿 知道吗Hey, you know what?我们所做的就是让他们了解对方All we have to do is just help them to get to know each other.也就是说 只要了解对方后I mean, once we do that.就会讨厌对方的Then they'll hate each other.正解 -耶Exactly. - Yeah!等等 先等一下 我们真要这么干吗Wait wait
36、wait. Should we do this?他们已经日薄西山了 就不能让他们再幸福一回吗They are older people. This may be their last chance at happiness.你是说你后妈的幸福生活吗You mean your new mom's last chance at happiness?好吧 必须拆散他们Yeah, they're going down.怎么了 -儿子 我把火鸡烤缩水了What happened? - Honey, I shrunk the Turkey.噢 不会吧 你肯定是用了飘悬焙烧法Oh no, y
37、ou must have flash roasted it.飘悬焙烧法 什么东西Flash roasted? What's that?这个嘛 有些复杂Well, it's complicated.只有在填充料过多和火候太大同时发生时It's what happens when you simultaneously.才会出现这种情况Over-breast and under-roast.简而言之 任何东西都会被缩水Put simply, it shrinks everything.即使是骨头 -特别是骨头Even the bones? - Especially the b
38、ones.PJ 我们该怎么办啊P.J., what are we gonna do?好吧 让我仔细想想Well, I'm just thinking on my feet here,我们有口油炸锅 -是啊 怎么了But we do have a deep fryer. - Yeah, so?那我们就油炸火鸡 晚餐就可以在九十分钟内搞定So if we deep fry a Turkey, dinner could be ready in 90 minutes.我们去哪再找一只火鸡Where are we gonna get another bird on Thanksgiving?我有
39、只备用的火鸡放在车♥库♥了I have a spare Turkey in the garage.你怎么会有备用的火鸡在车♥库♥里Why do you have a spare Turkey in the garage?为什么你没有备用的火鸡在车♥库♥里Why don't you have a spare Turkey in the garage?快去拿 -好的Go get it. - Okay.嘿 老妈 还有多久才能开饭Hey, mom, are we
40、gonna eat soon?因为大家都快饿死了'cause everyone's really hungry.而且希望能在四点之前吃完And would love to be done by 4:00.说实话 晚餐被推迟了Actually, dinner has been delayed.PJ用了飘悬焙烧法P.J. Flash roasted the Turkey.导致我们要重头来过And now we have to start all over.艾薇 嗨 是我Ivy, hi, it's me.听着 我老妈搞砸了火鸡Listen, my mom ruined the
41、 Turkey.还嫁祸于PJAnd blamed it on my brother,所以我晚点回去So I'm gonna be late.好了 别慌 别慌Yeah, no, okay. Don't worry, though.我会想办法的 你坚守住阵地I'll think of something. Just. you stay in line.我尽快赶到 好的I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay.老妈 噢 老妈啊Mom, oh. mom,我头疼I have a headache.哇 看来我应该回房♥休
42、息一下Wow. So maybe I should rest in my room for a bit.你可能两个小时都看不见我 因为你懂得So if you don't see me for, like, two hours or so just remember,我在房♥间里呢I'm in my room.闺女啊 你可能是饿了Well, honey, you're probably hungry.给你 先拿迷你版火鸡垫垫肚子Here, nibble on the flash Turkey.算了 我还是回房♥间吧Yeah,
43、I'll be in my room.如果我把你煮了 你能膨胀回来吗If I boil you, will you plump back up?你和谁说话呢Who are you talking to?迷你火鸡The mini Turkey.埃斯特尔 你让我重获新生Estelle, you make me feel like a new man.汪 -喵Woof! - Meow.嘿 知道吗 我知道一种特别好玩的游戏Hey, you know what? I got a really fun game.叫做 别学兽叫Called let's not make animal sou
44、nds.这么说来 达布尼夫人So, Mrs. Dabney.噢 盖比 小乖乖 别这么见外Oh, Gabe, baby, why so formal?直接叫我婆婆 叫我奶奶更好了Call me Nana. Or better yet gam-gam.这么说来 哈哈 奶奶So, ha ha ha, gam-gam.你刚才学的猫叫很是有趣It's interesting that you meowed,因为我们都知道你很爱你的小猫咪们Because we know how much you love your Cat caboodle.我爸可不喜欢猫 对吧 爸And dad doesn
45、9;t like cats at all. Isn't that right, dad?讨厌猫 -那就不留一只猫Hate 'em. - Then caboodle's gone.但你爱你的猫 胜过任何事情But you love that Cat more than anything.本来我也是这么想的 -噢I thought I did. - Oh.嘿 你知道我爸在睡觉时鼾声雷动吗Hey, did you know my dad snores so loud,鼾声能掀翻屋顶He rattles the whole house?那太好了 我前夫睡觉特别安静Good, M
46、r. Dabney was one of those silent sleepers.至少这个呼噜声At least with a snorer,可以让我知道这个屋子里有个纯爷们You know there's a man in the house.我希望这个纯爷们可以久居于此And I hope he's there for a long time.我也是Me too.汪 -喵Woof. - Meow.嘿 情况如何了 大家真的都饿了Hey, how we doing out here? Everyone's really hungry.应该会在九十分钟内搞定Dinne
47、r should be ready in 90 minutes.你能提点速吗You think you could speed it up?弗兰克爷爷一直在达布尼夫人的后背上画心形Grandpa Frank keeps tracing finger hearts on Mrs. Dabney's back.那我应该可以先弄点小三明治给他们I guess I could whip up some little sandwiches.看好了火鸡 成吗 -好啊 没问题Watch the bird, okay? - Yeah, sure.我可以看着火鸡提速两倍I'm gonna wat
48、ch it cook twice as fast.查莉 你要吃你的三明治了吗Charlie, are you gonna eat your sandwich?是 -好吧 我能咬一小口吗Yes. - Well, can I have just a bite?不 爸爸No, daddy.我给你买♥♥娃娃I'll buy you a doll.好了 大家Okay, everyone,晚饭十分钟内搞定Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.不对吧 火鸡还要再做一个小时呢No, it won't. The Turk
49、ey's gotta cook for another hour.那你就错了 我加大了火候That's where you're wrong. I turned up the heat.你什么 -加大火候啊 节省了一半时间You did what? - Turned up the heat, cut the cooking time in half.你不能这样 如果油太热了 那火鸡就有可能You can't do that. If the oil gets too hot, then the Turkey might.爆♥炸&hea
50、rts;Explode.噢 看那火鸡飞得多高多远Oh, look at that Turkey go!噢 不要啊 掉下来了Oh no, it's coming back down.呜 呜 呜 -不 不 不Whoa whoa whoa! - No no no!好了 艾薇 我正赶过去呢Okay, Ivy, I'm on my way.好的 再见Yeah, see ya.感觉怎么样了 宝贝How you feeling, sweetie?我这是怎么了What happened to me again?火鸡从天而降 砸到了你Turkey fell out of the sky on y
51、ou.但是火鸡不会飞啊 对吧But turkeys can't fly. Can they?不能飞 在动画片里可以飞No, I guess in cartoons they can.噢 我爱看动画片Oh, I like cartoons.好了 大家Okay, everybody.刚从自动售货机里出来的Fresh from the vending machine.感恩节快乐 -好吧 至少还有火鸡Happy Thanksgiving. - Well, at least they're Turkey.或者 “可能含有火鸡”Or "may contain Turkey.&qu
52、ot;嘿 亲爱的 真对不起Hey, honey, I'm sorry.你又要在医院里吃火鸡三明治了You gotta eat Turkey sandwiches in the hospital again.我知道这并不是你所期望的I know this isn't the Thanksgiving you wanted.说实话 的确不是Well, it's not.但你知道吗 至少我们还在一起But you know what? We're all together.泰迪无大碍Teddy's okay.正是我所要感谢的And that is what I
53、'm thankful for.是啊 嘿 知道吗Yeah. Hey, you know what?我要感谢在场的每一个人I am thankful for everybody in this room.我也是 -我也是Me too. - Me too.我要感谢212房♥的病人 给我订了冰激凌I'm thankful that the patient in room 212 ordered ice cream.我很想知道那对鸳鸯在干什么I wonder how the lovebirds are doing.你不能这么和我说话You can't ta
54、lk to me that way.我爱怎么和你说就怎么说 蠢蛋I can talk to you any way I want, dimwit.步入正轨了That sounds promising.嘿 怎么了Hey, what's going on?他是个蠢蛋He's an idiot.她是包租婆She's a battleaxe.这个 我们知道 你俩怎么了Yeah, we knew that, but what happened?我俩独处了一个小时We spent an hour alone together.我这辈子最长的一个小时Longest hour of my life.这么说来你俩掰了So
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