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1、Chapter 2 Business Organizations 商务组织商务组织l第二章 商务组织l1、概述l2、独资企业l3、一般合伙企业l4、有限合伙企业l5、合股公司l6、公司l7、跨国公司. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms (专业术语)l1. proprietorship 所有权l2. stockholder 股东,持股人l3. partnership 合伙企业l4. entity 实体l5. bankruptcy 破产l6. joint-stock company 合股公司l7. dividend 红利,股息l8. bylaw 附则,细则l

2、9. treasurer 司库,财务长l10. comptroller 主计长,总会计师lDifficult meanings:l1. Introductionlbusiness partnership企业所有制lease of formation创建的难度llegal capacity法定能力l2. Sole Proprietorshiplproprietary业主lstockholder股东lincur招致ltort民事侵权lentity实体lcreditor债权人l3. General Partnershiplcarry on经营、从事lUniform Partnership Act合伙

3、企业统一法案lThe common law普通法(判例法)laggregation集合lfictional person虚拟人(法人)lContributing capital资本摊派lreligious chariable fraternal宗教的、慈善的、博爱的l4. Limited Partnershiplcomply with遵守ldrilling钻井ldeduction减免、优惠l5. Joint Stock Companylunincorporatioed非公司的lshares of stock股份lformality 手续lcharter注册linitial capital启动资

4、金loutlay展示、出示lconversely相反地ltransferable 可转让的lprincipal委托人l6. Corporationsldisticnt有区别的lmerge合并lquasi-public半公有公司lnonprofit非赢利lclosely held私募集的lmunicipality市政部门l7. Transnational CorportationslGDP国内生产总值.Language Points (语言要点)语言要点) (Teachers should note that here we only give you some of the language

5、points, you may add some by yourself.)1. Businesses operate under a variety of forms of business organization. 企业以各种不同的商务机构形式来开展业务 ATTN: sentences in passive voice are more widely used in English than in Chinese. Under 据,依照, 以为依据 e.g. Under the terms of agreement, the goods should be delivered in Oc

6、tober.lExxon: l1999年,美孚石油和艾克森石油合并为年,美孚石油和艾克森石油合并为艾克森美孚石油公司艾克森美孚石油公司,成为世界第一大石,成为世界第一大石油公司。油公司。 l它是世界上第一家销售额突破它是世界上第一家销售额突破1000亿美元的公司。亿美元的公司。1993年以年以978亿美元的销亿美元的销售额在美国最大的售额在美国最大的工业公司工业公司中名列第三。中名列第三。 2. The factors to be weighed in making the decision 在做出决定时需权衡的因素 to be weighed in 不定式的被动式作定语修饰factors。

7、E.g. The machine to be designed and made in our factory will be exported to America. 我们厂设计和制造的机器将出口到美国。 ltort: n. 侵权行为 la wrongful act, not including a breach of contract or trust, that results in injury to anothers person, property, reputation, or the like, and for which the injured party is entitl

8、ed to compensation. 3. A general partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners, a business for profit. 一般合伙企业是两个或两个以上的个人以共同所有者的身份,为从事盈利性的商业活动而组成的组织。 1)association 社团,协会,行业组织 2)to carry on, as co-owners, a business for profit 隔离不定式(不定式与宾语之间加状语) lfictional: adj.lfictio

9、n: n.l3. something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story: Weve all heard the fiction of her being in delicate health. l4. the act of feigning, inventing, or imagining. l5. an imaginary thing or event, postulated for the purposes of argument or explanation. lwind up:上紧发条;使结束la. to bring to

10、a state of great tension; excite (usually used in the past participle): He was all wound up before the game. lb. to bring or come to an end; conclude: to wind up a sales campaign. lc. to settle or arrange in order to conclude: to wind up ones affairs. ld. to become ultimately: to wind up as a countr

11、y schoolteacher. lliquidation: noun l1. the process of realizing upon assets and of discharging liabilities in concluding the affairs of a business, estate, etc. l2. the process of converting securities or commodities into cash. l3. the state of being liquidated: an estate in liquidation. laccountin

12、gln.会计;会计学;记账 v.记述,报告4. Also, the partners may take advantage of various business deductions for tax purposes. 并且合伙人也可以享受多种税收优惠。 take advantage of 享受的优惠lunincorporated: l1. 无法人地位的;非特许公司的l2. 非特许自治村(或城市)的l3. 未联合的,未合并的;未被包括在内的ladjective l1. not chartered as a corporation; lacking the powers and immunit

13、ies of a corporate enterprise: an unincorporated business. l2. not chartered as a self-governing village or city; lacking the tax, police, and other powers conferred by the state on incorporated towns: an unincorporated hamlet. l3. not combined into a single body or unit; not made part of; not inclu

14、ded: Many unincorporated research notes are appended to the text of the book. lquasi-pubic 半公有公司lquasi- la combining form meaning “resembling,” “having some, but not all of the features of,” used in the formation of compound words: quasi-definition; quasi-monopoly; quasi-official; quasi-scientific.

15、l1. He was a quasi actor. 他有点象演员。 l2. In some peoples view, TV series is a kind of quasi-art. 在某些人看来,电视连续剧是一种准艺术。 lincorporation:noun l1. the act of incorporating or the state of being incorporated. l2. the act of forming a legal corporation. lbylaw:n. 次要法规;细则;地方法则;次要法规;细则;地方法则;(社团制定的)内部章程(社团制定的)内部章

16、程 l1. a standing rule governing the regulation of a corporations or societys internal affairs. l2. a subsidiary law. 5. A primary difference between the two is that ordinarily preferred stockholders are entitled to receive their dividends before common stockholders. 两者(普通股东和优先股东)最主要的区别是优先股股东可以在普通股股东

17、之前获取股息。 Be entitled to do 有权做entitle:to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something; furnish with grounds for laying claim: His executive position entitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others. lDiscretion:the power or right to decide or act according to ones own judgm

18、ent; freedom of judgment or choice: It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay. n. 自由裁量权;谨慎;判断力;判定;考虑周到 linsolvent: 无清偿能力的ladjective 1. not solvent; unable to satisfy creditors or discharge liabilities, either because liabilities exceed assets or because of inability to pay debts

19、as they mature. l2. pertaining to bankrupt persons or bankruptcy.lIn bad faithl欺诈地;背信弃义地;善意地 lWith the intention of deceiving someone or doing harm, as in Im sure they were acting in bad faith and never planned to pay us . 6. Today few, if any, countries are economically self-sufficient . 当今,几乎没有任何国

20、家在经济上是自给自足的。(注意省略部分的译文。) 7. A rough estimate suggests that the 300 largest TNCs own or control at least one-quarter of the entire worlds productive assets, worth about US $5 trillion. 粗略的估计表明300家最大的跨国公司拥有、或者控制着全世界生产性资产的四分之一,价值伍万亿美元。 Productive assets 生产性资产 Worth about US $5 trillion 价值五万亿美元8. Becaus

21、e transnationality has many dimensions and can be viewed from several perspectives - economic, political, legal, etc., TNC has the following features: 跨国公司具有众多视角特点,可从多个角度来进行观察如经济、政治、法律以及其它角度等等,跨国公司具备下列特征: transnationality= transnational company 跨国公司 many dimensions 多角性, 多种尺度lpolycentric: having many

22、 centers, especially of power or importance: the polycentric world of banking.多中心的 9. As per capita income increases, as levels of education increase and as the growth in communications technology increases awareness of alternative lifestyles, there are rising expectations with regard to matters suc

23、h as housing, welfare, recreation, and medicine. 人均收入的增加、教育水平的增长和通信技术的提高使人们对生活方式有更大的选择,致使人们对住房、福利、娱乐和医疗等方面的需求逐步增加。lprovince: n. 省;领域;职权la department or branch of learning or activity: the province of mathematics. llever: lnoun 1. Mechanics . a rigid bar that pivots about one point and that is used t

24、o move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third. l2. a means or agency of persuading or of achieving an end: Saying that the chairman of the board likes the plan is just a lever to get us to support it. 10. There exists some evidence that foreign direct investment by TNCs and the fo

25、reign exchange that TNCs provide can improve the economic performance of the countries in which they operate. 一些事实说明,跨国公司的直接投资和资本往来可显明地促进东道国的经济增长。 (复合句,用语法引导翻译法。指导学生理解和翻译) 1)主句there exists some evidence 2) 第一个that 引导的定语从句用以修饰主句的主语。这个定语从句有两个主语foreign direct investment和foreign exchange, 谓语是can improve

26、 3)第二个that 引导的定语从句that TNCs provide 修饰第一个定语从句的主语。 4)In which 引导的定语从句修饰countries 5)Perfomance 经营,业绩,履行lnegligible: adj. 微不足道的,可以忽略的ladjective so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may safely be neglected or disregarded: The extra expenses were negligible. lhamper:lverb (used with object) 1. to h

27、old back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work. l2. to interfere with; curtail: The dancers movements were hampered by their elaborate costumeslindigneous:adj. 本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的 lroyalties: n. 版税;稿酬(royalty的复数形式) ltenuous: adjective纤细的;稀薄的;贫纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的乏的 l1. thin or slender

28、in form, as a thread. l2. lacking a sound basis, as reasoning; unsubstantiated; weak: a tenuous argument. lmalaise: noun n. 不舒服;心神不安不舒服;心神不安 l1. a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease. l2. a vague or unfocused feeling of mental uneasiness, lethargy

29、, or discomfort. lCote dIvoire:科特迪瓦;象牙海岸;科特廸亚;科特迪瓦共和国 lsubcountract: n. 分包合同;转包合同 | vi. 转包;分包 lnon-equity:非股权 l non-equity shares非权益股份1)per capita 人均,每人,按人头2)as capita income 随着人均收入3)as levels of education increase 随着教育水平的提高4)as the growth in communication technology increases 随着通讯技术的发展5)awareness o

30、f alternative lifestyles 选择生活方式的意识6)rising expectations 增长着的愿望7)with regard to 关于8)such as 诸如9)welfare 福利10)recreation 娱乐 11. Although in theory transnational corporations can foster social development in developing countries by transferring management skills as well as research and development (R&D

31、) capacities, in practice their record in this field is mixed. 虽然在理论上跨国公司可以通过传递管理技术和研发能力来推动社会的进步,但实践的效果喜忧参半。 1) foster social development 推动社会的发展 2) by transferring management skills as well as research and development capacities. 通过传递管理技术和研发能力(来推动社会的进步) 3) be mixed 掺和,结合,喜忧参半lfraction: n. 数分数;部分;小部

32、分;稍微laffluent: adjective 1. having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich: an affluent person. l2. abounding in anything; abundant. lIn 1992, Phillip Morris paid 4.5 billion dollars in taxes to the United States government alone, including billions more in employ

33、ee and excise taxes.l1992年, Phillip Morris 公司仅向美国政府就支付了45亿美元的税收,包括多达数十亿的员工税及消费税。. Keys to Test Yourself(练习答案)(练习答案)1. Comprehension Questions1) What are the major disadvantages of sole proprietorship? Sole proprietorship has the following disadvantages: First, the owner is exposed to unlimited liabi

34、lity. That means the owner is personally liable for all debts of the business. These debts may be incurred as a result of a contract obligation or as a result of tort liability. Second, the sole proprietorship is normally not in the best position to raise large sums of money because its ability to r

35、epay loans is limited by the assets of the individual proprietor. The third disadvantage is the sole proprietorships lack of continuity.2) What are the chief differences between general partnership and limited partnership? The chief differences between general partnership and limited partnership are

36、 that: (1) one or more partners in the limited partnership have limited liabilitythat is, their liability is limited to the extent of their investment in the partnershipwhereas all partners in a general partnership have unlimited liability. (2) Limited partners have no control over the everyday mana

37、gement. )3) Is general partnership a legal entity? Although general partnership is regarded as an entity in itself in the course of daytoday business activities, the common law does not recognize it a legal entity, but usually as an aggregation of individuals. Thus, a partnership is not a fictional

38、person with a distinct legal existence apart from its members. 4) Why is it desirable to have articles of partnership as far as partnership is concerned?5) What has to be dealt with between dissolution and termination of a partnership?6) Why are the limited partners in a limited partnership like sha

39、reholders in a corporation?7) What are the main advantages and disadvantage of joint-stock company?8) Why is a corporation a separate legal entity for all purposes?9) Which feature makes a corporation attractive to investors? Why?10) Make a brief comparison between sole proprietorship, partnership a

40、nd corporation.2. Translate the Following Economic Terms into English:1) 独资企业 sole proprietorship 2) 普通合伙企业 general partnership3) 法人 fictional person4) 合股公司 joint-stock company5)董事会 board of directors 6) 国有公司 public corporation7) 资本摊缴 capital contribution 8) 多数股权 controlling interest9) 优先股股东 preferr

41、ed stockholder10) 公司章程 articles of incorporation3. Read the Following Passage and Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Words:l3. Canization 2.dissolve 3. owner 4.operations 5.secrecy 6. derive 7.success 8.size 9. assume 10.obligations 11.general 12.therefore 13.whose 14.partnership 15.better 16.management plementary 18.responsible 19.major 20.form 21.limited 22.ownership 23.performance 24. enhanced 25.heavy4. Translate the Following Passage into English,then Ans


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