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1、大纲要求Monday, May 30, 2022评分标准和原则备考步骤写作步骤及时间分配写作注意事项遣词造句的规则大学英语四级写作大学英语四级写作Monday, May 30, 2022一、考纲要求 四级考试短文写作部分的设计旨在测试学生用书面英语表达思想的一种能力。学生达到四级水平时应做到:能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120-150词的短文,能写短信或便条,表达意思清楚、无重大语言错误。主要包括:书信体结构、记叙文、议论文、图表作文和说明文Monday, May 30, 2022二、评分标准0-4条理清楚、思路紊乱、语言支离破

2、碎或大部分句子均有错误、且多数为严重错误。5-7基本切题、表达思想不够清楚、连贯性差、有较多的严重的语法错误。8-10基本切题、表达思想比较清楚、文章尚连贯、但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。11-13切题、表达思想清楚、文字连贯、但有少量的语言错误。14-15切题、表达思想清楚、文字通顺、连贯性好,基本上无语言错误。Monday, May 30, 2022评分原则采用总体评分法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分而不按语言点的错误数目扣分。从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是个统一体,作文应该表达作文题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想

3、,还要考虑是否用英语清楚地表达思想,也就是考虑语言上的错误 是否造成理解上的障碍。此外,还对作文的字数有着明确的规定:不足120酌情扣分。Monday, May 30, 2022三、备考四大步骤:1、背诵:首先认真研究历年四级写作真题,重点研究近五年的真题,分析近年来四级写作的出题规律和考试重点,从语言、结构、内容三大层面,认真研读经典写作真题范文:语言方面学习范文中的精彩词汇、词组、句型;结构方面学习范文的框架结构、内在逻辑、关联词、同义替换和代词替换;内容方面学习范文的论点、论据和论证。同时背诵精彩写作范文,要求滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善,扎扎实实提高自己的写作实力。Monday, Ma

4、y 30, 20222、默写:背诵熟练之后默写下来,仔细对照原文,会发现你默写的文章与原文有一些语法、拼写、标点的区别,这些区别就是你的写作弱点,学习关键在于针锋突破,不要全面出击。这些弱点正是你在考试中扣分的原因所在,把这些弱点意义克服,分数自然就会提高。Monday, May 30, 20223、中译英:首先将写作真题范文译为中文,或参考范文的正确译文,然后进行中译英的工作,根据自己的理解把中文译为英文,最后对照英文原文,你会发现你的译文与原文存在较大的差别,这些差别正是你写作低分的症结所在。同样的一个中文句子,仔细对比一下你使用了哪些词汇、词组和句型,原文使用了哪些,这样你的写作水平才会

5、逐渐提高。 Monday, May 30, 20224、写作:进行完上述工作之后,在考前必须进行写作的工作,只有动笔写作,才会发现自己的问题。可以写510篇真题或模拟题,模仿自己曾经背诵过的精彩词汇、词组、句型、框架和范文,写出一篇新的文章。最初不要求速度,但考前一定要进行模考,半小时写出一篇120-150词的文章。写完之后仔细修改其中的语言错误,将其改的更加精彩。Monday, May 30, 2022四、写作步骤及时间分配 大学英语四级考试的主观作文题部分的时间分配也很有讲究。有经验的考生能够学会充分、有效的利用所给的30分钟的时间,从容的完成写作部分的考试内容Monday, May 30

6、, 2022不能急于动笔写作文花时间认真的审题,找出题目的重点、难点,整理自己的思路作文题目可能有生词,但根据经验,可以通过上下文猜出其词义然后将考题归类,好好想一想它属于哪一类型,应该用哪一种方式进行构思、讨论再从自己掌握的句型、词汇中“调出来”最适合这种题材、题目内容的句型、词汇Monday, May 30, 2022例题分析1How I Overcame Difficulties in Learning English (1993.1) 1)在英语学习中我所遇到的困难 2)我是如何加以克服的Monday, May 30, 2022 2.构思 所谓构思就是利用3-4分钟考虑清楚所给的题目可

7、以从几个方面进行较为深入的讨论,并且从这几个方面当中挑选出两三个有深度、比较容易写、能够找到很多实例去证明、而且可以想出有很多很有强调性的句型去进行写作的方面,把它们简单的列在心里或写在试卷的背面。Monday, May 30, 2022例题分析1罗列出 1)本人在英语学习中所遇到的困难(列出23个) 2)克服、战胜各种困难的方法(列出23个)然后根据 1)重要性的顺序2)能够让阅卷人员产生共鸣的顺序3)能够很快想出许多生动的、有说服力实例的顺序4)能够很快想出通顺的有效的表达方法的顺序进行排列Monday, May 30, 2022Monday, May 30, 2022五、写作注意事项 1

8、.内容方面在起始段中是否包含了题目要求复述、是否已经阐明了自己的观点是否采用了事实、实例、原因与结果、相关数据等方法对文章主题进行了论证全文观点是否统一、合乎逻辑Monday, May 30, 2022 2.结构材料方面是否每一段都有主题句是否每一段都有论证是否相邻的两个自然段之间都有能够起到承上启下的词语、句型 3.句子方面是否每个句子都是完整的一句话是否每个句子之间都有关联是否每个句子都充分体现了句型的多样性Monday, May 30, 20224. 语法方面主谓不一致无主句句子谓语的主、被动语态用法不当谓语动词形式错误 名词单复数形式错误连词的用法并列句的用法复合句的用法冠词的用法(1

9、)尽量使用同义词避免简单重复 如“增加”可用 increase, rise, grow, climb, go up, soar等;“重要”可用 important, critical, vital, significant, crucial等。(2)尽量使用词性变化来丰富自己的表达手段和汉语一样,变化词性也是丰富英语表达的重要途径,是学习者提高英语水平的重要标志。英语学习者如果能够用 to voice some different opinions 来替代 to give/express some different opinions; 或to double/triple 来表示翻倍或增加三倍

10、则会使文章在表达上更为形象而生动。Monday, May 30, 2022六、遣词造句的规则六、遣词造句的规则(3)尽量使用派生形式来点缀文章亮点英语的构词特点就是使用前缀、后缀来完成灵活多变的语言特色。例如,it is of great importancehelp/use/significance 来替 代 it is very important/significant/helpful/useful 本身就是英语水平的一个综合展示。另外,考生作文如果能够出现not unnecessary/not unimportant 来表达非常重要或者必要,则更能显示考生的英语功底。Monday, M

11、ay 30, 20224. 段落的主题句 段落的主题句也应有两个部分组成,即:主题句主题句=主题主题+作者对主题的看法或态度作者对主题的看法或态度,两者缺一不可。Monday, May 30, 2022Smoking is a habit of many men.该主题句暴露出两个问题:(1)作者审题不清;(2)作者没有表明对主题的看法或态度1. Smoking is a bad habit.2. Smoking is a bad habit that does a lot of harm to human health.5.unityUnity refers to two qualities

12、: there is only one main idea in a sentence, and that idea is complete.Monday, May 30, 2022The explorer who has just returned from the Antarctic is busy writing reports on his adventures on that ice-covered continent, where he did not see any animals except penguins. . Born in Sichuan Province, he l

13、ater became a famous writer. He visited all the famous historical monuments of this ancient city, and he also found out that the people of the city had to pay heavy taxes.2008年12月份Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Limiting the Use of Disposable Pla

14、stic Bags. Write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1.一次性塑料袋曾广为使用一次性塑料袋曾广为使用 2.由此带来的问题由此带来的问题3.限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义Monday, May 30, 2022Monday, May 30, 2022In the past there decades, disposable plastic bags have been widely used in our daily life for its convenience.Over the p

15、ast three decades, disposable plastic bags have been widely used for their convenience in our daily life. Monday, May 30, 2022In China, for instance, a survey by an environmental organization says that Chinese people consume up to 1 billion disposable plastic bags every day.In China, for instance, u

16、p to 1 billion disposable plastic bags are used every day, according to a survey by an environmental organization.Monday, May 30, 2022However, very few of them know that such bags not only waste natural resources but also it can do harm to our environment.However, very few of us realize that such ba

17、gs not only waste natural resources but also harm our environment.Monday, May 30, 2022As we all know, plastics are made from petroleum products, we have to use large quantities of oil to produce them.We all know that plastics are made from petroleum products. We have to use large quantities of oil t

18、o produce them, which is a tremendous waste of our valuable natural resources.At the same time, disposable plastics have brought us much pollution, which, seriously threatens our environment and health. Exhaust gas from plastic factories poisons our sky and leads to harmful acid rains; waste water p

19、ollutes our rivers, lakes and seas, causing many deaths of cancer; disposable plastics are abandoned here and there, in turn, it will bring about groundwater pollution again.At the same time, disposable plastics are a source of pollution, which seriously threatens our environment and health. Exhaust

20、 gas from plastic factories poisons our sky and leads to harmful acid rain. Waste water pollutes our rivers, lakes and seas, causing cancer in humans. Moreover, people abandon disposable plastics here and there. When degraded, they will pollute groundwater.Monday, May 30, 2022Monday, May 30, 2022Fro

21、m what have been discussed above, we can conclude that disadvantages of disposable plastic bags are likely to do far more harm than its convenience, and we should take measures to limit the use of such kind of bags.From what has been discussed above, we can conclude that the disadvantages of using d

22、isposable plastic bags far outweigh their convenience, and we should take measures to limit the use of such bags.Monday, May 30, 2022Fortunately, Chinese government has carried out a resolution to reduce the use of plastic bags. And we believe if everyone makes a contribution to this event, our envi

23、ronment will become much greener.Fortunately, the Chinese government has issued a decree to limit their use. We believe that if everyone follows the rule to reduce our use of disposable plastic bags, our environment will become much greener.varietyHe was born in a small village. His father was a tea

24、cher in the village school. His mother did the housework. He began to go to his fathers school at seven. He graduated from it six years later. Then he went to the junior middle school in a nearby town. He studied at a senior middle school in the county seat. He was a good student there. He got good

25、marks at the college entrance examinations. He wanted to build a highway for his home village in future. He loved his village very much.Monday, May 30, 2022Although all the sentences are correct and clear, it sounds quite monotonous. There is no variety in sentence structure and length, and only two

26、 of the 12 sentences have different subjects, the rest all beginning with he.He was born in a small village. His father was a teacher in the village school. His mother did the housework. He began to go to his fathers school at seven. He graduated from it six years later. He was born in a small villa

27、ge. His father taught at the village school and his mother did the housework. He began to study at his fathers school at seven and six years later entered the junior middle school in a nearby town.Monday, May 30, 2022Then he went to the junior middle school in a nearby town. He studied at a senior m

28、iddle school in the county seat. He was a good student there. After graduating from it he was admitted to a senior middle school in the county seat, where he proved to be a good student. Monday, May 30, 2022He got good marks at the college entrance examinations. He wanted to build a highway for his

29、home village in future. He loved his village very much. He took the national college entrance examinations, got good marks in most subjects, and was able to enroll in a university in the provincial capital. As a major in civil engineering, he cherished the dream of building a highway for his home vi

30、llage, which he dearly loved.Monday, May 30, 2022Monday, May 30, 2022作文考试主要类型作文考试主要类型考虑到目前考生的实际情况考虑到目前考生的实际情况, 现在我们现在我们从考试的试题类型方面来论述一下英语从考试的试题类型方面来论述一下英语作文的方法。根据考试大纲的规定以及作文的方法。根据考试大纲的规定以及近年来试题的情况近年来试题的情况, 作文考试主要有以作文考试主要有以下几种类型下几种类型: 1. 关键词作文关键词作文 2. 主题句作主题句作文文 3. 提纲作文提纲作文 4. 图表作文图表作文 5. 看图作文。看图作文。Mo

31、nday, May 30, 20221 1、关键词作文、关键词作文关键词作文是指按照所给出的关键词作文是指按照所给出的题目和关键词题目和关键词进行扩写。进行扩写。Title:Title: The Libraries The LibrariesKey words and Expressions:Key words and Expressions: library, information, books, library, information, books, periodicals, in addition, research periodicals, in addition, researc

32、h papers, reference room, encyclopedia, papers, reference room, encyclopedia, different services, entertainment, as different services, entertainment, as well as, fiction, source of readingwell as, fiction, source of readingMonday, May 30, 20222 2、主题句作文、主题句作文 主题句作文是指按照所给出的主题句作文是指按照所给出的题目和每题目和每个段落所给出

33、的第一句进行续写个段落所给出的第一句进行续写, , 完成段落完成段落。主题句作文一般由三段组成。主题句作文一般由三段组成, , 而且三段均而且三段均为主体段结构为主体段结构, , 一般没有开头段和结尾段的一般没有开头段和结尾段的结论。例如结论。例如: : MoneyMoney1 1)Money is regarded by some people as Money is regarded by some people as the most important thing in life. .the most important thing in life. .2 2)But money ca

34、nnot buy everything. But money cannot buy everything. 3 3)There are people who gamble or There are people who gamble or cheat to obtain money. cheat to obtain money. Monday, May 30, 20223、提、提 纲纲 作作 文文 提纲作文要求考生根据所提供的题目和提纲作文要求考生根据所提供的题目和提纲要点提纲要点, 紧扣短文的中心思想进行写作紧扣短文的中心思想进行写作, 提纲可以是以汉语也可以是以英语的形式提纲可以是以汉语也

35、可以是以英语的形式出现。近几年的作文试题都是采用命题的出现。近几年的作文试题都是采用命题的方法,要求考生写议论文,为了保证判卷方法,要求考生写议论文,为了保证判卷的客观性,除了短文的标题之外,还给出的客观性,除了短文的标题之外,还给出了统一的写作提纲以及第一段的段首句,了统一的写作提纲以及第一段的段首句,这实际上不仅规定了作文的主题,也规定这实际上不仅规定了作文的主题,也规定了文章的大体内容和基本结构,下面我们了文章的大体内容和基本结构,下面我们看例子看例子:Monday, May 30, 2022Title: Good HealthBeginning Sentence: The desire

36、 for good health is universal.Outline:1. Importance of good health. 2. Ways of keep it. 3. My own practices.Monday, May 30, 20224 4、图、图 表表 作作 文文 图表作文包括几种形式,图表作文包括几种形式,有统计表有统计表(table)(table)、比率表、比率表(graph)(graph)、图示与统计、图示与统计数字相结合的图表数字相结合的图表(chart)(chart)或图画或图画(cartoon)(cartoon)等。等。图表作文要求考生通过分图表作文要求考生

37、通过分析试题所提供的图表中相互关联的各种析试题所提供的图表中相互关联的各种数据数据, , 阐述某种现象的规律和原因阐述某种现象的规律和原因。它。它要求将图表中所包含的信息转化成英语要求将图表中所包含的信息转化成英语描述。例如描述。例如: : Monday, May 30, 2022For this part, you are allowed 40 minutes to write a composition about Changes in Peoples Diet according to the following outline in three paragraphs. Your par

38、t of the composition should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given. Outline: 1. State the changes in peoples diet in the past five years 2. Give possible reasons for changes 3. Draw you own conclusion Monday, May 30, 202219911992199319941995Grain49%47%46.5%45%45%Milk10%11%11%12%13%

39、Meat17%20%20%23%21%Fruit24%22%22%20%21%VegetableTotal100%100%100%100%100%Monday, May 30, 20225、看图作文、看图作文关于统计表、比率表以及图示与统计数关于统计表、比率表以及图示与统计数字相结合的图表我们大都见过,但对于字相结合的图表我们大都见过,但对于图画形式我们见得不多。下面我们举例图画形式我们见得不多。下面我们举例说明:(图画见下页)说明:(图画见下页)看图作文与提纲式作文的写法一样,基看图作文与提纲式作文的写法一样,基本上可以写成三段式,即第一段描述图本上可以写成三段式,即第一段描述图画,第二段写

40、出它的引申意义,第三段画,第二段写出它的引申意义,第三段写出自己的观点和看法。写出自己的观点和看法。 Monday, May 30, 2022Monday, May 30, 2022 There is an interesting and funny cartoon: A fat official holds a document which is about the information high way, and he orders his secretary to find out whether this way would cross their area or not. His

41、secretary, a thin young man, seems very obedient and is ready to follow his order. On the wall there is a map of c o m m u n i c a t i o n l i n e s .Monday, May 30, 2022 It is obvious that this official has no idea of the difference between the usual high way and the information highway. However, h

42、e seems very gentle and sure of himself. This reveals a serious problem now in our country. In some areas, especially in some remote and poor areas, some leaders are not qualified enough. They cant catch up with the quickly developed society, so they are actually ignorant of high technology. Moreove

43、r, they a l w a y s t h i n k h i g h l y o fMonday, May 30, 2022themselves and are reluctant to accept other peoples opinions or suggestions. As a result, they will make serious or foolish mistakes like what the above cartoon shows. In my opinion, it is very necessary to take measures to improve th

44、e officials qualities because it is a key to improving the governments efficiency and quickening the speed of the healthy development of the economy in our country.Monday, May 30, 2022十二、常用句型1. 开头句It is a fact thatIt can be seen thatIt is well known thatThere is no doubt thatIt is generally believed

45、 thatMonday, May 30, 2022Now it is commonly accepted thatPeople used to hold a belief thatNowadays more and more people are concerned with the problem thatDifferent people have different opinions onWhen it comes to the issue of Monday, May 30, 20222. 提出个人观点As for me,For my part,As far as Im concerne

46、d,I am in favor of I am on the side of In my opinion,I agree to Monday, May 30, 20223. 罗列各个原因、方面罗列各个原因、方面The reasons can be listed as follows.Quite a number of reasons lead to this problem.In the first place, / In the second place, Firstly, /Secondly, First of all, / The second reason is For one thi

47、ng, / For another thing,The first and the foremost important is/ The last but not the least is Monday, May 30, 20224.罗列正反面的论据罗列正反面的论据On one hand, / On the other hand, On the contrary, / In contrast, Monday, May 30, 20225. 总结总结In all,In a word,In short,To conclude, To sum up,To sum up in one word,It

48、can be concluded that,A conclusion can be reached that Monday, May 30, 20226.提出解决办法提出解决办法Here are some suggestions that we shouldMy suggestion is thatIt is suggested thatActions should be taken toWe should take some measures toMonday, May 30, 20227.表示问题的重要性表示问题的重要性It is very important toIt is of gre

49、at importance toIt is vital toIt is playing an important role in Without it we cannotMonday, May 30, 20228.描写图表的表达方法描写图表的表达方法It has been shown thatAccording to the table/diagram/chart, we can see thatThe table/diagram/chart has revealed thatThe table/diagram/chart can give us some idea ofMonday, May

50、 30, 20229.描写数据变化的表达方法描写数据变化的表达方法 From the table/diagram/chart, we can see that the rate of A is higher than B. As can be seen in the table/diagram/chart, there are more A than B. The number of A is as large as B. The number of A has increased sharply from B to C. The number of A is declining dramat

51、ically from B to C.Monday, May 30, 2022举例分析下面是2003年1月大学英语四级考试作文部分的评分标准: It Pays to Be Honest1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2. 诚实利人利己,作人应该诚实Monday, May 30, 2022例文1 14points Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat in the exam. Dishonest people are short-sight. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but consumers wont buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune and even be


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