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1、试题:(注:一、二、三、四题为必做题,五、六题选做其中一题,请在答题纸中写清题号。)一、以一个你熟悉的实际机械产品(或零件、部件)为例,进行如下分析说明:1)分析该产品的设计与制造由哪些具体环节(过程)组成(要求绘出产品生产过程的流程图,并进行文字说明)。(10分)答:齿轮传动是机械传动中最重要的传动之一,形式很多,应用广泛,传递功率可达近十万千瓦,其主要特点:效率高、结构紧凑、工作可靠,寿命长、传动比稳定。 设计的环节包括:齿轮模数和压力角的选择,齿轮齿数的设计,齿轮几何尺寸计算,强度的计算和校核,齿轮结构的设计,齿轮精度的设计。 制造的环节包括:下料锻造预先热处理粗加工最终热处理精加工。2

2、)以你熟悉的CAD/CAM软件系统(如UG)为例,具体分析说明怎样利用该软件系统辅助完成该产品的哪些设计和制造工作。(20分)答:设计环节可以采用CAD、CAE单项技术,制造可以采用CAPP、CAM单项技术。 CAD系统解决几何建模、工程分析、模拟仿真、工程绘图等主要功能;CAE(Computer Aided Engineering)是用计算机辅助求解产品结构强度、刚度、屈曲稳定性、动力响应、热传导、三维多体接触、弹塑性等力学性能的分析计算以及结构性能的优化设计。CAPP系统的解决毛坯设计、加工方法选择、工序设计、工艺路线制定和工时定额计算等。CAM解决零件造型和加工。二、具体分析说明有限元分

3、析包括哪三个主要阶段?在每个阶段各解决哪些问题?(10分)答:有限元分析过程可以分为以下三个阶段: 1.建模阶段2.计算阶段3.后处理阶段三、某零件的三视图和立体图如下所示。(1)分析指出该零件由哪些形状特征组成(绘简图说明)。(10分)(2)简述用UG实现下图所示零件三维造型的步骤(分步骤进行文字说明,并配适当的简图说明)。(10分) 1)、答:组成该零件的形状特征:圆角长方形底座两个拉伸圆柱体肋板倒圆角及倒角2)、答:画图步骤如下:第一步:建立底座:底座草图,拉伸建立底座;第二步:在底座上建立凸台、孔特征:;第三步:建立第一个圆柱特征:圆柱草图,拉伸建立圆柱;第四步:建立第一组肋板特征:,

4、并与第一个圆柱特征和底座求和;第五步:建立第二组肋板特征:肋板草图拉伸建立肋板;第六步:建立第二个圆柱特征:拉伸建立圆柱,并与底座、第二组肋板求和;第七步:建立第二个圆柱上的孔特征:;第八步:创建各个倒圆角、倒角特征:;第九步:零件创建完成:;四、采用立式数控铣床加工下图所示零件(从清晰性考虑,给出了两种三维图,尺寸自定)的曲面内腔,使用刀具为12mm球头铣刀,工件材料为铸铁。如果使用UG软件进行数控编程,简要叙述编制该曲面内腔数控加工程序的步骤(分步骤进行文字表述,并配适当的简图说明)。(20分) 答:第一步:用UG中的型腔铣用适合尺寸的刀具对工件进行开粗除去工件较多的毛胚第二步:用稍微小点


6、五个点如下左图所示,各点坐标如右表所示。(20分)l 如采用线性插值原理进行线性插值,试绘出实现插值计算的计算机程序流程图。l 采用某种计算机编程语言(如C、Basic),编写一段程序实现该线图的线性插值计算。2.编程:xOffset = 1;if (nargin=2) | . (nargin=3 & ischar(varargin3) | . (nargin=4 & (ischar(varargin4) | strcmp(varargin4, extrap); end % Process Y in INTERP1(Y,.) and INTERP1(X,Y,.)y = varargin1+xO

7、ffset;siz_y = size(y);% y may be an ND array, but collapse it down to a 2D yMat. If yMat is% a vector, it is a column vector.if isvector(y) if size(y,1) = 1 % Prefer column vectors for y yMat = y.; n = siz_y(2); else yMat = y; n = siz_y(1); end ds = 1; prodDs = 1;else n = siz_y(1); ds = siz_y(2:end)

8、; prodDs = prod(ds); yMat = reshape(y,n prodDs);end% Process X in INTERP1(X,Y,.), or supply default for INTERP1(Y,.)if xOffset x = vararginxOffset; if isvector(x) error(MATLAB:interp1:Xvector,X must be a vector.); end if length(x) = n if isvector(y) error(MATLAB:interp1:YInvalidNumRows, . X and Y mu

9、st be of the same length.) else error(MATLAB:interp1:YInvalidNumRows, . LENGTH(X) and SIZE(Y,1) must be the same.); end end % Prefer column vectors for x xCol = x(:);else xCol = (1:n);end % Process XI in INTERP1(Y,XI,.) and INTERP1(X,Y,XI,.)% Avoid syntax PP = INTERP1(X,Y,METHOD,pp)if ppOutput xi =

10、varargin2+xOffset; siz_xi = size(xi); % xi may be an ND array, but flatten it to a column vector xiCol xiCol = xi(:); % The size of the output YI if isvector(y) % Y is a vector so size(YI) = size(XI) siz_yi = siz_xi; else if isvector(xi) % Y is not a vector but XI is siz_yi = length(xi) ds; else % B

11、oth Y and XI are non-vectors siz_yi = siz_xi ds; end endend if xOffset & isreal(x) error(MATLAB:interp1:ComplexX,X should be a real vector.)end if ppOutput & isreal(xi) error(MATLAB:interp1:ComplexInterpPts, . The interpolation points XI should be real.)end % Error check for NaN values in X and Y% c

12、heck for NaNsif xOffset & (any(isnan(xCol) error(MATLAB:interp1:NaNinX,NaN is not an appropriate value for X.);end % NANS are allowed as a value for F(X), since a function may be undefined% for a given value.if any(isnan(yMat(:) warning(MATLAB:interp1:NaNinY, . NaN found in Y, interpolation at undef

13、ined values nt,. will result in undefined values.);end if (n = 3+xOffset & isempty(varargin3+xOffset) method = varargin3+xOffset;else method = linear; endend % The v5 option, *method, asserts that x is equally spaced.eqsp = (method(1) = *);if eqsp method(1) = ;end % INTERP1(X,Y,XI,METHOD,extrap) and

14、 INTERP1(X,Y,Xi,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL)if ppOutput if nargin = 4+xOffset extrapval = varargin4+xOffset; else switch method(1) case s,p,c extrapval = extrap; otherwise extrapval = NaN; end endend % Start the algorithm% We now have column vector xCol, column vector or 2D matrix yMat and% column vector xiCol

15、.if xOffset if eqsp h = diff(xCol); eqsp = (norm(diff(h),Inf) = eps(norm(xCol,Inf); if any(isfinite(xCol) eqsp = 0; % if an INF in x, x is not equally spaced end end if eqsp h = (xCol(n)-xCol(1)/(n-1); endelse h = 1; eqsp = 1;endif any(h 0) xCol,p = sort(xCol); yMat = yMat(p,:);if eqsp h = -h; else

16、h = diff(xCol); endendif any(h = 0) error(MATLAB:interp1:RepeatedValuesX, . The values of X should be distinct.);end % PP = INTERP1(X,Y,METHOD,pp)if nargin=4 & ischar(varargin3) & isequal(pp,varargin4) % obtain pp form of output pp = ppinterp; varargout1 = pp; returnend % InterpolatenumelXi = length

17、(xiCol);p = ;switch method(1) case s % spline % spline is oriented opposite to interp1 yiMat = spline(xCol.,yMat.,xiCol.).; case c,p % cubic or pchip % pchip is oriented opposite to interp1 yiMat = pchip(xCol.,yMat.,xiCol.).; otherwise % nearest, linear, v5cubic yiMat = zeros(numelXi,prodDs,superior

18、float(xCol,yMat,xiCol); if eqsp & any(diff(xiCol) 0) xiCol,p = sort(xiCol); else p = 1:numelXi; end % Find indices of subintervals, x(k) = u x(k+1), % or u = x(m-1). if isempty(xiCol) k = xiCol; elseif eqsp k = min(max(1+floor(xiCol-xCol(1)/h),1),n-1); else ignore,k = histc(xiCol,xCol); k(xiCol=xCol

19、(n) = n-1; end switch method(1) case n % nearest i = find(xiCol = (xCol(k)+xCol(k+1)/2); k(i) = k(i)+1; yiMat(p,:) = yMat(k,:); case l % linear if eqsp s = (xiCol - xCol(k)/h; else s = (xiCol - xCol(k)./h(k); end for j = 1:prodDs yiMat(p,j) = yMat(k,j) + s.*(yMat(k+1,j)-yMat(k,j); end case v % v5cub

20、ic extrapval = NaN; if eqsp % Data are equally spaced s = (xiCol - xCol(k)/h; s2 = s.*s; s3 = s.*s2; % Add extra points for first and last interval yMat = 3*yMat(1,:)-3*yMat(2,:)+yMat(3,:); . yMat; . 3*yMat(n,:)-3*yMat(n-1,:)+yMat(n-2,:); for j = 1:prodDs yiMat(p,j) = (yMat(k,j).*(-s3+2*s2-s) + . yM

21、at(k+1,j).*(3*s3-5*s2+2) + . yMat(k+2,j).*(-3*s3+4*s2+s) + . yMat(k+3,j).*(s3-s2)/2; end else % Data are not equally spaced % spline is oriented opposite to interp1 yiMat = spline(xCol.,yMat.,xiCol.).; end otherwise error(MATLAB:interp1:InvalidMethod,Invalid method.) endend % Override extrapolationi

22、f isequal(extrapval,extrap) if ischar(extrapval) error(MATLAB:interp1:InvalidExtrap, Invalid extrap option.) elseif isscalar(extrapval) error(MATLAB:interp1:NonScalarExtrapValue,. EXTRAP option must be a scalar.) end if isempty(p) p = 1 : numelXi; end outOfBounds = xiColxCol(n); yiMat(p(outOfBounds)

23、,:) = extrapval;end % Reshape result, possibly to an ND arrayyi = reshape(yiMat,siz_yi);varargout1 = yi; %-% function pp = ppinterp %PPINTERP ppform interpretation. switch method(1) case n % nearest breaks = xCol(1); . (xCol(1:end-1)+xCol(2:end)/2; . xCol(end).; coefs = yMat.; pp = mkpp(breaks,coefs

24、,ds); case l % linear breaks = xCol.; page1 = (diff(yMat)./repmat(diff(xCol),1, prodDs).; page2 = (reshape(yMat(1:end-1,:),n-1, prodDs).; coefs = cat(3,page1,page2); pp = mkpp(breaks,coefs,ds); case p, c % pchip and cubic pp = pchip(xCol.,reshape(yMat.,ds, n); case s % spline pp = spline(xCol.,reshape(yMat.,ds, n); case v % v5cubic b = diff(xCol); if norm(diff(b),Inf) = eps(norm(xCol,Inf) % data are equally spaced a = repmat(b,1 prodDs).; yReorg = 3*yMat(1,:)-3*yMat(2,:)+yMat(3,:); . yMat; . 3*yMat(n,:)-3*yMat(n-1,:)+yMat(n-2,:); y1 = yReorg(1:end-3,:).; y2 = yReorg(2:end-2,:).; y3 = yReorg(3


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