1、 E-mail: Pass word:lyourse Introduction Text Book: Self collected materials Teaching Hours: 24 hrs Target: Target: To enable students to master the general knowledge of scientific paper writing and improve writing skills. Score 100% = Speaking + Writing Writing = Assignments 20% + atten
2、dance 20% + Final Examination 60% Examination : 1. Time: The week after the last lesson 2. Contents: All related to the lectures Requirements 1. Attendance will be checked. 2. Any absence without a leave signed by your supervisor will be considered truancy, and truancy 旷课accounted for three times is
3、 considered the quit 弃学of the course. 10% will be deduced for each truancy. 4. A leave note 假条should be provided for every official business. Only a leave within two weeks courses is allowed.Unit 1. Introduction to Scientific Papers1. Three main indexes2. Publishing research papers3. Format and cont
4、ents of research papers4. Documents attached to a research paper 1. Three main indexes1.1 SCI SCI: Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 - created in the Institute for Scientific Information 美国资讯研究所 by Eugene Garfield in 1960 to Thomson Scientific (Group) 网址:http:/ SCI涵盖自然科学众多学科,分为SCI-H(SCI核心目录)和SCI-E(SCI扩展
5、目录)两种,它的编辑体系和评估指标已为世界各国所公认。 SCI目前已有印刷版、光盘版(SCI CDE)、Dialog国际联机版(SCI Search)和Web版(SCI-Expanded)等几种出版方式。 SCI收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的核心期刊。 进入SCI系统的刊物分为两类,前者的影响因子高于后者,前者称为SCI刊物,后者称为SCIsearch刊物。 SCI从来源期刊数量划分为SCI和SCI-E。SCI指来源刊为3750种(2012统计)的SCI印刷版和SCI光盘版(SCI Compact Disc Edition,
6、 简称SCI CDE)。 SCI-E(SCI Expanded)是SCI的扩展版,又称网络版,2012版8411种。(2013JCR统计) ISI每年出版JCR(期刊引用报告,全称Journal Citation Reports)。JCR对包括SCI收录的3800种核心期刊(光盘版)在内的8000多种期刊(网络版)之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以报道。 今年6月20日凌晨,汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)面向全球发布2013年SCI-E目录,即2012版目录,涵盖期刊8411种。 1.2 EI 工程索引工程索引
7、 - created in 1884 年 by Elsevier Engineering Information Inc. 美国工程索引其英文全称为The Engineering Index,简称EI,由美工程情报公司The Engineering Information Inc)编辑出版的一部著名的综合性检索工具. 包括印刷版期刊、光盘版及联机数据库,网上Web版数据库。 EI所报导的文献,学科覆盖面很广,涉及工程技术方面的各个领域,但属于纯理论方面的基础学科文献一般不予报导。1.3 ISTPIndex to Scientific & Technical Proceedings 美国
8、科技会议录索引美国科技会议录索引 美国科学情报研究所出版的一部世界著名的综合性的科技会议文献检索工具,于1978年创刊,其出版形式包括印刷版期刊、光盘版及联机数据库,ISTP收录世界科技各领域内用各种文字出版的会议录文献,内容涵盖生命科学、物理、化学、农业、环境科学、临床医学、工程技术和应用科学等各个领域。 ISTP的会议论文资料丰富,有会议信息(主题、日期、地点、赞助商)、论文资料(题目、作者、地址)、出版信息(出版商、地址、ISSN)。ISTP出版时差短,从ISI收到材料到索引出版,仅6-8周,比任何其他的索引都快。 # #文献索引文献索引 1.4 SSCI Social Science
9、Citation Index 社会科学引文索引社会科学引文索引, - created in 1969, Total journals covered until 2012: 3017种,其中管理学科期刊:171种1.5 ISSHP Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings人文与社会科学会议论文集索引 #文献索引文献索引 SCI and SSCI从功能上说都是一种学术论文检索工具和数据库。 1.5 Impact Index/Factor 影响因子影响因子 It refers to the general number of cit
10、ation of a journal in the past two years.在一定时期(通常是前两年)内,某一刊物发表的论文,被已经进入SCI刊物的论文所引用的总次数,除以该刊物这一时期内的论文总数,即为该刊物的影响因子。2. Publishing research papers2.1 Choosing suitable journals Scope and aim the journal coversPrestige of the journalCitation of your referenceImpact factor/indexfor sending papersFor send
11、ing papers2.2 Writing a qualified research paperA. Selecting a proper subject 要选择一个好的课题,课题立项前要进行充分的调研,其中,文献调研是十分重要的调研形式。 在充分调研的基础上,选择学科领域前沿课题。 B. Writing with considerate thoughts 导言一定要结合选题,突出选题。 研究一定要深入,不能浅尝辄止。 方法一定要科学,要有公信力。 结果一定要有说服力,要能与方法相印证。 讨论一定要有突出主题,要有独到见解。 结论一定要明晰,要突出主题,有新意。 格式一定要符合拟投稿杂志要求。
12、 文献一定要高度相关,要权威,要新。 关键词一定要反映中心议题。 C. Checking before submittion Subjective conditions permit or not? Objective conditions are true or false? Scientific principles are popular and correct? It can create global influence? It can benefit society, economy and science? It has applied theory to practice fo
13、r new discovery? It can convince or be accepted by most scientists in the same field? Format and style can meet the unique standard?3. Popular contents & formats 1) Title2) Authors and Addresses3) Abstract4) Introduction5) Material and Methods6) Results7) Discussion8) Acknowledgements9) Referenc
14、es4. Documents attached to the paperA. For the first issuea. cover letter b. your paperB. For revision (s)1) Cover letter2) Rebuttal letter3) Your revised paper Summary: 有了高水平的研究成果后,要及时撰写论文。论文的论述方式、内容的取舍、学术思想的阐述、研究背景的介绍等要反复推敲、仔细斟酌,务必使论文在做到结构严谨、内容充实、论述完整、条理清晰的同时,还要篇幅短小精炼。 文字与插图恰当配合。论文的体例格式要规范。标题、摘要、关
15、键词、正文、参考文献五要素缺一不可。 论文的标题应该清晰地描述文章论述的内容,切忌大而空;摘要要对文章的主题即研究对象及其所属领域、研究的理论或实验结果、结论以及其他一些有意义的观点给出清晰、明确、具体的概述,切忌言过其实、空洞无物;关键词要能反映论文的中心议题。 尽量使用专指性高的学科术语;对于那些能够说明研究背景、在研究过程中对文章写作有过启发的文献,均应在参考文献中列出。Unit 2. Deciding the title of a paper1. Three different titles2. Principles of choosing a title3. Requirements
16、 for writing English titles4. Improving English writing 1. Three different titles A. Noun phrase title B. Statement title C. Question titleA.The noun phrase title 名词性短语式题目名词性短语式题目 A Noun phrase title is the one in which all the words with concrete meanings are nouns, noun phrases or in v-ing form. I
17、t addresses comparatively a complete study and presents the results which are worth to be further studied or discussed. You can use a colon (:) or a dash () to separate the first, keyword-containing part of the title from a second, the explanatory section. Youd better put the keywords which can capt
18、ure the attention of readers near the front of your title. Examples: Resistance to infection with intra-cellular parasites identification of a candidate gene Methylamine/ammonium uptake systems in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: multiplicity and regulationB. The statement title 句子形式的题目句子形式的题目 A statement
19、title is only suitable for a paper that addresses a specific question and presents a non-complex answer. X Effects of added calcium on salinity tolerance of tomato Calcium addition improves salinity tolerance of tomatoC. The question title 问句形式的题目问句形式的题目 When there is no simple answer to be presente
20、d, it can be effective to write a title as a question.Which insect introductions succeed and which fail?Summary: The purpose of a title is to attract busy readers in your particular target audience, so that they will want to access and read the whole document. The more revealing your title is, the m
21、ore easily your potential readers can judge how relevant your paper is to their interests.2. Principles of choosing a title* Being relevant & Concise* Covering key words* Choosing proper form* Avoiding ambiguity Accuracy Accuracy 准确准确 避免使用非定量的、含义不明避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词(如的词(如rapid, new rapid, new 等),力求
22、具有专指性。等),力求具有专指性。 Brevity Brevity 简洁简洁 10-1210-12个单词为好,或不超过个单词为好,或不超过100100个英文字符(含空格)。删去不必要的冠词(个英文字符(含空格)。删去不必要的冠词(a, a, the the )及说明性)及说明性“冗词冗词”(如(如Analysis of , Analysis of , Evaluation of, Studies of ,Evaluation of, Studies of ,)。内容层次)。内容层次较多、难以简化时,可采用主、副题名相结合的较多、难以简化时,可采用主、副题名相结合的方法。方法。 Clarity
23、Clarity 清楚清楚 尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头。慎重使用缩略语。避免使用化学放在题名开头。慎重使用缩略语。避免使用化学式、角标、特殊符号、非常用的专业术语、专利式、角标、特殊符号、非常用的专业术语、专利名等等。名等等。Examples for analysis Title:POSITIONAL CLONING OF THE MOUSE OBESE GENE AND ITS HUMAN HOMOLOG(小鼠肥胖基因及其人的同源基因的定位克隆)(小鼠肥胖基因及其人的同源基因的定位克隆) Author(s):ZHANG YY,PROENCAR,MAFF
24、EIM,BARONEM,LEOPOLDL,FRIEDMANJM Source:NATURE372(6505):425-432DEC11994 被引4107次 题名开头为重要的主题词: positional cloning, 其后为研究对象:the mouse obese gene and its human homolog Title:Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs(空位BLAST(碱基局部对准检索)和特殊位置重复BLAST:新一代蛋白质数据库检索程序) Autho
25、r(s):Altschul SF,MaddenTL,SchafferAA,ZhangJH,ZhangZ,MillerW,LipmanDJ Source:NUCLEICACIDSRESEARCH25(17):3389-3402SEP11997核酸研究英国 被引用12529次 作者采用主-副题名相结合的方式较醒目地给出了论文的主题:基于Position-SpecificIterated(PSI)的gappedBLASTprograms,并在冒号后进一步说明PSI-BLAST是新一代的proteindatabasesearchprograms. Title:THEP21CDK-INTERACTING
26、P R OT E I N C I P 1 I S A P OT E N TI N H I B I T O R O F G 1 C Y C L I N -DEPENDENTKINASES(p21Cdk作用蛋白(又称Cip1)是G1细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶的强抑制剂) Author(s):HARPER JW,ADAMIGR,WEIN,KEYOMARSIK,ELLEDGESJ Source:CELL75(4):805-816NOV191993 被引3247次 该文的眉题为该文的眉题为“Cip1 is an inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases “,以简单陈述
27、句的形式直接地表达了作者的以简单陈述句的形式直接地表达了作者的结论。结论。 Title:MODELTEST: testing the model of DNA substitution Author(s):PosadaD,CrandallKASource:BIOINFORMATICS14(9):817-8181998 被引用1877次 作者采用主作者采用主-副题名相结合的方式较醒目地副题名相结合的方式较醒目地给出了论文的主题给出了论文的主题 Title:MEGA2: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis software Author(s):Kuma
28、rS,TamuraK,JakobsenIB,NeiMSource:BIOINFORMATICS17(12):1244-1245DEC2001 被引1116次 作者采用主-副题名相结合的方式在题名的开头给出了论文最重要的主题词:MEGA2 ,并在副题名中解释了论文的内容: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis software3. Requirements for writing English titlesA. Capital letters in a titleB. Articles in a title C. Size of lettersD.
29、Character style Assignments1. 按照专业或实验室分组,下周提交名单。2. 每位同学选出两个题目,下周课堂分析。 4. Improving English Writing4.1 Characteristics of two languages4.2 Negative transfer in Chinese students writing4.1 Characteristics of two languagesChinese语义型语言语义型语言( (以意统形以意统形) )Meaning-focused with emphasis on implicit coherenc
30、e ( (隐性连贯隐性连贯) )English形态型语言形态型语言( (以形驭意以形驭意) )Form-focused with emphasis on explicit cohesion(显性联接)(显性联接)4.2 Negative transfer Be influence by your own native language and language culture and thinking pattern. Tend to find equivalents A. Collocation transfer : ignoring the verb-object match 搭配迁移B.
31、 Morphological transfer: Ignoring the functions of words 形态迁移C. Syntactical transfer: More repetition 句法迁移D. Mood transfer: using words in a subjective mood 情态迁移E. Pragmatic transfer: preferring noun and noun phrases 语用迁移 Example他想学习,增长知识,他想学习,增长知识, 也愿意把自己的也愿意把自己的知识传授给他人。知识传授给他人。He wants to learn, t
32、o know, to teach. Out of necessity or out of interest, people go back to school for the common goal to improve themselves. 不管不管是出于需要,是出于需要,还是还是出于兴趣爱好,人出于兴趣爱好,人们重返学校是为了一个共同的目标们重返学校是为了一个共同的目标-提提高自己。高自己。 He initiated her into the study of other cultures. 他他引导引导她进入对于其他文化的研究。她进入对于其他文化的研究。拉动拉动经济增长,经济增长, 扩
33、大扩大内需内需Promoting economic growth and expanding domestic demand三思三思而而后行后行 Look before you leap.A. Collocation transfer搭配迁移搭配迁移 - ignoring the verb-object match - A large part of waste shell is commonly disposed in the field without any pretreatment, giving a potential threat to arable farmers.- It ha
34、s a rapid development recently.-It relaxed agricultural labor.- We obtained personal experience (gain/acquire)A. Collocation transfer搭配迁移搭配迁移 - Ignoring the agreement in a sentence It is proposed that plant CLCs are involved in many biological processes, such as ( for instance, in regulating turger)
35、 the regulation of turgor, .B. Morphological transfer形态迁移形态迁移 - ignoring the functions of words Functions : adj., adv., noun., verb. , prep., etc.persistent, persistence, persistently;invest, investigation, investigate;influence, influential;Proliferate增殖, proliferation, prolific多产的 Adv + adj Adv +
36、verb Adv. + clause Adj + Noun Noun1 + Noun2 Transitive verb Intransitive verb It is_ done. good/well The total RNA of each tissue was _extracted and subsequently reverse-transcribed into cDNA. Subsequent/subsequently Alpha carotene is shown as only _ via LCYE when it is known that LCYB is required a
37、s well. produced / being produced _ evidence demonstrates that miRNAs have evolved as a major class of gene-regulatory molecules critical for diverse biological _,such as development, differentiation, proliferation and diabetes in eukaryotes 6-9. Increasing/increased processes /processC. Syntactical transfer句法迁移句法迁移- - more repetitionOur apologies for misunderstanding the submission process. The submissionform asks for an abstract separately from the paper, and we thought that this meant that an abstract did not need to be included in the paper. and al
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