1、LOGO金金 融融 英英 语语河北政法河北政法职业学职业学院院主主讲教师讲教师:张晓张晓冬冬LOGOFinancial English HeBei professional college of political science and lawPrepared by Prepared by zhangzhang xiaodongxiaodongLearning objectivesBy the end of the Unit, you will learn the following points: Identify common loans and particular loans Def
2、ine special credits Define consumer credit and real estate loan Teaching key points and teaching difficult points Key points : categories of commercial loans; types of special credit; BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) Difficult points: Definition of draft and export credit ; forfeiting ; mortgage loan; S
3、yndicated loan IntroductionCommon loans: commercial loans and special credit Particular loans: syndicated loans and BOTTeaching procedures Introduction Overview: commercial banks extend credit to different types of borrowers for many different purposes. For most customers, bank credit is the primary
4、 source of available debt financing. Tips: loans are the dominant asset in most banks portfolios. As with any investment, extending loans to businesses and individuals involves taking risks to earn high returns. Returns come in the form of loan interest, fee income and investment income from new dep
5、osits. Common loans Discount spread syndicate mandate recourse render memorandum endorsement Infrastructure variation acquisition Amortize installment collateral underwrite portfolio maintenanceNew words illustration Short-term loan, medium and long-term loan, current account, fixed asset, overdraft
6、, Export credit, bill of exchange, documentary credits, consumer credit Non-installment loan, mortgage loan Terms illustrationNew words illustration 2.mandate:n. 命令,指令,要求,托管地vt. 把(某一地区)置于委任管理下 The government gave the police a mandate to reduce crime. 政府命令警方进一步打击犯罪活动 authorization 1.discount n. 折扣,贴现
7、率vt. 打折扣,贴现,vi. 贴现,减息贷款 These goods will be sold at a discount. 这些货物将减价出售。We give 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款,我们九折优惠。3.syndicate:n. 企业联合v. 联合组织 A syndicate of local business4.spread: The rapid spread of the disease We spread butter on bread .New words illustration 5. recourse: nv Your only re
8、course is legal action against them. 你只有求助于法律来对付他们。6. endorsement: n. 支持,认可,背书 formal and explicit approval 7. amortize: vt. 分期偿还,摊还 amortization liquidate gradually 8. installment: n. 分期付款(安装,一期) default on the installment payment. 我没有付分期应付的款。We will pay for houses by monthly installments. 我们将按月分期付
9、款买房。New words illustration 9.underwrite:vt. 写在 . 下面,认购,保险vi. 从事保险业 The government underwrote the initial costs of the operation. 政府为该项活动提供了开办时所需的费用。10. portfolio: n. 文件夹,作品集,证券投资组合 11.maintenance: n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用供给,抚养; 主张 New words illustration 12. Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。1
10、3. infrastructure: n. 下部构造,下部组织,基础结构,基础设施 14. variation: Prices have not shown much variation this year. 今年物价没显出多大变化。15. acquisition: n. 获得,所获之物16. collateral: The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size. 银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。Terms illustration 1.short-term loan, medium and long-term loa
11、n. 短期贷款和中长期贷款按照期限来划分,贷款可以分为两大类:短期贷款和中长期贷款。期限在1年以内的贷款称为短期贷款,期限在1年以上的银行贷款被称为中期或长期贷款。短期贷款通常用于满足借款人流动资金的需要,而中长期贷款用以对固定资产进行投资。2. overdraft 透支透支是指直接通过现金账户进行的事先协议好的信用额度。由于利息经常发生波动,所以这类贷款的利率会比协议的低一些。然而,有时银行会对大额的透支收取承诺费。这是因为银行为保证储户随时提取款项,常常需要保存储备金。除非有一些相反的明示或暗示条款,否则透支一经请求就必须偿还。通常只要账户运行正常,银行是不会急着将透支的款项收回的。一般来
12、说,透支是一种简单而且便利的信贷方式。Terms illustration 3. documentary credit 跟单信用证 跟单信用证是指开证行应申请人(买方)的要求并按其指示向受益人开立的载有一定金额的、在一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。信用证是国际贸易中最主要、最常用的支付方式。4. Export credit 出口信贷 出口信贷是出口国为了支持本国产品,在政府支持下,由本国专业银行或者商业银行向本国出口商或外国进口商提供较市场利率略低的贷款。Terms illustration 5. bill of exchange 汇票 汇票是由出票人签发的,要求付款人在见票时
13、或在一定期限内,向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定款项的票据。汇票是国际结算中使用最广泛的一种信用工具。Terms illustration 6.mortgage loan 抵押贷款 抵押贷款指借款者以一定的抵押品作为物品保证向银行取得的贷款。它是银行的一种放款形式。抵押品通常包括有价证券、国债券、各种股票、房地产、以及货物的提单、栈单或其他各种证明物品所有权的单据。贷款到期,借款者必须如数归还,否则银行有权处理抵押品,作为一种补偿。7.consumer credit 消费信贷 消费信贷是金融创新的产物,是商业银行陆续开办的用于自然人(非法人或组织)个人消费目的(非经营目的)的贷款。它打破了传统的
14、个人与银行单向融资的局限性,开创了个人与银行相互融资的全新的债权债务关系。 Business lending is an important part of banking because it provides small to medium sized businesses the opportunity to grow quicker compared to self-financing. Lending to businesses is a lot more complicated than lending to an individual, because there are man
15、y variables that can affect the way a business develops. For example, a personal home loan has two main variables? The first is the borrowers ability to repay the loan and the second is the market value of the property. However, business is affected by supply and demand factors, the business managem
16、ent team, revenue, depreciation, taxes, loan interest, employee expenses, etc. Too much or too little of any one thing can be a problem? Business lending is essentially conducted in the same way as loans to individuals. Often referred to as a business credit line, these short-term financing faciliti
17、es come in a number of different forms. Some of which include bills of exchange, letters of guarantee, etc. Common loansCommercial loan Common loansMortgage loan:it is the long-term loan to borrowers to buy house or land. The ownership of the property remains in mortgagees and the possession of the
18、property usually remains in mortgagors unless and until the occurrence of default or full repayment.Consumer credit: it is the high risk and high interest credit products, which are usually classified into amortization loan, credit card and non-installment loan Special credit Export credit: buyer cr
19、edit and seller credit Commonthe term generally denote the purchase of obligations falling due at some future date, arising from deliveries of goods and services mostly export transactions without recourse to any previous holder of the obligation.Forfeiting: particular loansParticular loans Syndicated loan A syndicated loan is a loan in which a group of financial institution make funds available on common terms and conditions to a particular borrower.BOT(Build-operate-transfer)The est
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