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1、林业词汇2009-5同龄林 掠夺式经营forest consisting of even-aged stand (trans.)exploitation management; high grading间歇经营、 间歇经营林;间歇作业 intermittent production ;forest under intermittentmanagement 林分经营;林分管理 stand management ; management on a stand basis 立木蓄积、立木度 stocking (=d) 更新作业法;作业法silvicultural system稽核;照查 contro

2、l 永续林;恒续林continuous cover forest永续林经营;永续林施业;恒续林施业 continuous cover forest management system 单木作业;单采作业;单木施业forest management by individual trees掠夺式伐采 exploitation 划伐、伞伐混合作业;群状伞伐作业 shelterwood group system; group shelterwood system 划伐作业; 群状择伐作业group selection system;group selection management经营林;施业林;生

3、产林 managed forest 营林监督forest inspectionplanning(neol.)森林法forest act营林监督 森林条例;森林法令 林业政策;森林政策 林业;林学 林业经济;林业经济学 高山林;山岳林;山地林森林经营计划;森林经营( 学) forest management (>) ; forest management;forest ordinance ;forest law forest inspectionforest ordinanceforest policyforestryforest economics mountain forest大面积伞

4、伐作业;大面积伞状天然下种法;广状伞伐更新法 uniform shelterwood system 小面积集团森林经营group management乔林;用材林乔林作业high foresthigh forest system木材需求;木材需要demand for wood木材供销;木材获得timber supply木材生产 timber production ; wood production 原木分级;材种;原木检尺timber assortment木材消费 wood consumption;timber consumption木材供给 wood procurement 林产业;木材工业

5、;木材加工业 timber industry ; wood processing industry 禁止皆伐clear fell ban;prohibition of clear cutting皆伐作业 (法)clearcutting system;crearfelling system地景经营;地景施业;景观施业landscape management地景保护;景观保护 landscape protection 阔叶树林 broadleaved forest; hardwood forest多目标(利用)林业 multiple-use management; multi-use manage

6、ment混交林;混合林;混生林 mixed woodland; mixed forest中林;矮林;萌芽林 coppice with standards 中林作业;矮林保残作业法 coppice with standards system;composite forest system; storied coppice system (UK)针叶树林 coniferous forest 近天然经营林分;近自然经营之林分 near to nature forest ; naturally managed forest天然林;自然林;自生林 natural forest; indigenous f

7、orest矮林;萌芽林 coppice forest 矮林择伐作业;择伐矮林作业 矮林作业;简单 (单纯) 矮林作业 正规林业;正规森林经营;合法的林业; sprout forest ; low forest coppice selection system simple coppice system regulated forest management人工林经营plantation management择伐作业 selection system;single tree selection system择伐林selection forest;plenter-wood环状划伐;带状划伐;带进孔

8、状伞伐strip-and-group felling ()带状划伐;带进群状伞伐作业strip-and-group felling system带状伐采作业速生林作业伞伐作业法strip cutting system; strip felling systemfree growth management shelterwood method; shelterwood system异龄混交法;混合林;混交林 highly structured forests 保残木作业;二段乔林作业; 保残乔林作业 high forest with reserves (system) ;high forest

9、with standards(system)原始林;原生林 virgin forest 蓄积保育 management of the growing stock 森林 forest育林( 学) ;造林;造林学silviculture森林利用 (学)forest utilization;forest utilisation森林生态系forest ecosystem牧野经营;牧野管理;草原管理 pasture management ; range management 再造林义务 replant duty; legal obligation to replant作业级;事业区 working ci

10、rcle 森林调查专家 ( 员) ;森林调查专业人员forest inventory specialist森林经营计划之归纳及演绎计划法;森林经营 ( 经理 ) 之归纳及演绎法 indicative and deductive forest management methods森林生长控制 绩效检验 永续林业;永续森林经营 永续性;保续;永续 永续作业;永续经营 永续准则;永续基准 永续经营调整;永续经营规整 禁伐;禁伐令;禁止开发 再生产超伐;过伐control of forest growth (trans.) performance test sustainable forest man

11、agement sustainablility sustained-yield management sustainability criteria( 调整 ) sustained yield regulation preservation order ; exploitation ban reproductionovercutting ; overfelling伐采龄 树龄,林龄 龄阶;龄级区分felling age age age gradation龄级结构;龄级分布;龄级构成 林木界限;树限;乔木界限 林业经营单元 ( 单位 ) 林缘;林分边界 林分安全性 ( 稳定性 )age cals

12、s distributiontimber line ; tree line management unitstand edge;edge of a standstand stability经营安全性;低风险之森林经营;森林经营之风险回避( 低危险 ) low-risk forestmanagement 财政轮伐期;理财的轮伐期 financial rotation 面积加权平均 林龄 ;森林之加权平均林龄 weighed average age of a forest(trans.) 伐采方向;伐木倒向 felling direction 伐采周期;回归期;循环期 felling cycle;

13、 cutting cycle次序;优先级;顺序 order 天然林演替相;天然林演替阶段;天然林之发育过程 ( 阶段 ) development phases of (natural) forests 森林经营计划期; 计划期间; 作业计划期 planningperiod ;forest managementperiod ; working plan period 择伐作业体系;择伐作业 生产期;生产时间;生产性作业时间 林缘保护;林分边缘保护 空间次序;收获地域 ( 地点)顺序 林缘( 缘条) ;境界 伐采顺序 ( 序列) 伐采顺序规划;伐采序列 伐采管理 伐采序列forest select

14、ion systemproduction time ; productive time edge protection spatial order edgecutting sequence cutting order harvest management felling series;border; felling sequence; felling order生态稳定性工艺轮伐期林衣;林套 收获周期;回归年 ( 期) 轮伐期forest mantle harvesting cycle rotation;cutting cycle rotation length最大材积收获轮伐期;材积收获最多

15、之轮伐期最大收益轮伐期;金钱总收益最高之轮伐期rotation of maximum volume production rotation of maximum cash flow经营计划起始日;经营计划之开始日 starting date of a management plan (trans.)ecological stabilitytechnical rotationrotation of maximum soil rent rotation of maximum incomemaximum cash flow rotation最大土地净收益轮伐期;土地纯收益最高之轮伐期最大森林净收益轮

16、伐期;森林纯收益最高之轮伐期rotation of the highest net income伐期龄;轮伐期更新级更新期预测rotation ageregeneration classregeneration interval ; regeneration period forecast;prognosis ; prediction森林覆盖率;森林占有率;森林率percent forest cover森林结构;森林构造forest structure;forest composition森林界限;树木界限forest boundary; forest limit抗风力;暴风抗力;耐风力;风阻

17、力windthrow resistance ; wind resistance ;windfirmness森林经营单元;森林经营单位forest management unit经济伐期 收获时序;收获次序 时间序列economic maturity temporal order time series时间序列分析;时序分析 收获表 理想立木度;法正蓄积;理想蓄积 理想蓄积 growing stocktime series analysis yield tablenormal stocking;ideal standing volume地方收获表 材积收获 法正龄级分布 法正蓄积local yi

18、eld table volumetric yield normal (ideal) age classdistribution normal growing stock法正林;理想林;正规林normal forest法正林模式;理想林模式现实林normal forest model;ideal forest modelactual forest (trans.)材种别收获表;利用材积收获表材种别收获表assortment yield table assortment tableclearfell法正计算上之裸地; 理论上之无立木地; 理论上之未立木地 theoretical area林况目标蓄

19、积目标林target growing stocktarget forest(trans. )forest condition生长表间伐( 疏伐) 收获;中间收获 所有权型;财产归属 土地利用型;土地利用分类 地块;林分;土地区分 森林使用权 forest right 森林企业;林业企业;森林事业体 森林所有权;森林地产increment tableintermediate yield types of ownershipland-use classificationparcel; land parcel;right of forest use;( forest privilegeforest

20、enterprise forest estate森林所有权分割;森林所有之分割forest fragmentation; fragmentation of forestholdings 非生产林;保护林non-productive forest (trans.)保安林protected forest (=d)游憩地;森林游憩林;森林游乐林recreational forest小面积林丛;灌丛;萌生 ( 芽 ) 林;矮林copse教学林; 展示林;实验林;试验林 demonstration forest ;instruction forest ;training;park forestfores

21、t ; university forest 未经营林;未施业林 森林公园unmanaged forest forest park保安林 protection forest 森林保护法案;保安林之划定forest protection act森林功能;森林机能;森林利用 forest use ;forest land use ; forset function森林功能分类;森林机能分类森林带;树林带forest land use classforest belt;woodland belt森林步道 限制林;限制使用林 保存林;预备林forest nature traillimited use f

22、orest (trans. ) forest reserve;forest walkreserved forest防风林带;保护林带经济林;生产林shelterbeltcommercial forest;windbreakproduction forest森林公益功能;森林公益机能;森林社会效益 (利益) social benefits of forests林班林班界林分小班界;林分界防火带;防火线 森林地域 鉴界;境界补正;compartment; forest compartmentcompartment boundarystandsub-compartment boundaryfire

23、breakforest area;stand boundary;fire line境界纠正 boundary correction ; rectification of boundaries林地forest land非生产地;非林地;除地林区管理处non-productive forest land forest district苗圃nursery;tree nursery ; forest nursery;range protection strip;buffer strip; inventory unit小班 准小班;造林地号;小班 绝对的森林土壤;限适森林的土壤 森林劣化、土壤劣化 土壤

24、的;土壤因素的 收获水平;生产水平 方位; a 坡向;斜面方向 森林植物社会学 霜孔;易受霜害地 倾斜角;坡度 ( 降) ;梯度 自然度林区;森林区forest range保护带;保护林 (树)带;缓冲带 protection belt 调查单位;抽查单位survey unitsub-compartmentstandsoil only suitable for forest (trans.) forest degradation edaphic yield levelaspect; direction of slope(forest ) plant sociology frost hollow

25、gradient naturalness潜在自然森林社会 / 植群;潜在自然植生 potential natural forest community 地貌;起伏度 relief 立地调查;生育地调查;地况调查;土地测绘 site survey ;site mapping;site apparaisal ;site apparaisement 立地描述,生育地描述;土地描述;地况记载 site description ; destription of site 地位指数;土地指数;地位指标 site index 立地因子,生育地因子 site factor 立地型;生育地型;地位型 site

26、type 森林生物生态空间调查;森林小区测绘forest biotope mapping森林土壤 森林区;森林地带 森林社会;森林生态体系 林型;森林型 森林荒芜;森林破坏 生长区;生长区域 生长区域;生长范围;森林带 良木尖削度;尖梢;梢杀 林龄查定;林龄调查 枝条材;枝材 枝条性 无节 尖削系数;尖削度;尖削指数 树木;乔木树种树高树木形数 树木材积 树型级测树胸高可利用材;成材;可利及费材 可利用材积形数;材积形数 肥大生长;直径生长 尖削;直径递减 直径级;直径阶 直径生长 ( 量) ;肥大生长 定期平均生长量 材积表 晋级生长 精英树;菁英树;特优树 剥皮 peeling 去皮材积;

27、收获实材积 收获损失形状高;树形高 form height 形状高生长;树形高生长 形率;形商;直径率 形数;形状系数 胸高断面积forest soilforest regionforest community; forest associationforest type forest destruction growth region growth zone cull;reject ; cull woodhigh taper age determination branchwood branchiness knot-freetaper coefficienttreepecies; tree

28、speciestree height tree form factor total tree volume tree class mensuration林木材积式;干材积式 tree volume equation; volume equation ;tariff numberbreast height (b.h.)( 材积 )merchantable timber volumetimber form factor diamemter growth taper diameter calss diameter increment; diameter growthperiodic average

29、increment (uniform) tariff ingrowth elite tree; champion tree;bark removal ; debarking ;barking cubic meter under bark (m3u. b.) harvest loss; harvest wastem3o.b. )连皮材积(fm);含皮材积;实积立方公尺 cubic meter over barkvolume/basal area ratio ; tree form height form height increment form quotient form factor (f)

30、 basal area (b. a.)胸高断面积表;断面积表;圆面积表 table of basal areas ; basal-area table ; tableof sectional areas材积轮尺阔叶树; hardwood tree期间生长量;当年生长量current increment连年生长量current annual increment原木检尺;伐木检尺 ( 测定) 常设标志;测标测定位置中央直径 中央周围;中央圆周 母树measurement of felled timber measurement mark measurement locationmid-diamet

31、er mid-girth mother tree针叶树定期生长量 精英树;优型树;选留树 暴长木;暴露木 层积立方公尺coniferperiodic increment plus tree wolf tree cubic meter stacked;softwood tree; selected tree自记轮尺;电子轮尺 皮材率;树皮率bark deduction树皮厚度计;树皮计;树皮测定器 原木recording cal(l)iper(s);bark allowance bark gauge logbark factor树干;干材;主干 树干形质 树干级;树型级 树干形数 形状比 区分求

32、积 原木分等;材种分等 树干;主干stem; trunk ; bolestem qualitystem quality classstem form factorheight-dbh ratiovolune measurement by sectionslog grading; grading of logs ;grading of stemsstem树干长 stem length 萌芽;萌条;萌糱 coppice shoot 简化材积表;timber length;stool shoot ;sucker ;sprout tariff保留木;保存木;保残木 胸高圆周长;胸高周围长 连皮圆周长;

33、连皮周围长 去皮圆周长;无皮周围长 周围生长量;圆周生长量reserving of standardsgirth breast height (gbh)girth over barkgirth under barkgirth increment树高生长height growth年轮解析 年轮;生长轮 轮尺 直径测定analysis of annual rings; tree ring analysisgrowth ring; annual ringcallipers; caliperdiamter measurement最小测量径级;测径界限;直径界限minimum dbh (by inven

34、tory)树冠 crown 树冠(林冠)结构;树冠构造 crown structrue 树冠直径;冠径crown width树冠级crown classvolumetric callipers broadleaved tree可利用最小直径;最小利用直径diameter limit活力;生长力 每木调查 材积 材积收获 材积表 材积生长 ( 量 ) 生长参数;测定要素 生长率;成长率;生长速率 价值成长 树梢;梢 生长活力;生长潜力 生长形;生长型;生育型 末端直径;末口直径;末径 主林木;主伐木;收获树 容许误差 增长量;生长 ( 量) ;增量 生长锥 增长系数;生长率;生长系数 受压木;中

35、庸木 株距;株距值 平均年生长量;龄级平均增长量 树高生长曲线 height curve 人工新造林地;次生幼龄林 算术平均树高 算术平均直径 人工幼龄林;人造幼龄林vitalitycomplete enumeration timber volume volume yield volume table volume increment树种混淆;混淆 杆材木;老龄林 树层;乔木层 立木株数;株数;立木数 建造期;成林期间 树冠被覆;林冠披覆 林分密度stand basal area clearing林分剖面;林分断面图stand profile;cross-section of a stand;

36、volume production; log rulegrowth parameters; increment parametersgrowth percent; increment percentvalue increment top vigour growth formtop (end) diameter; small end diameterfinal crop tree; future tree ; crop treeallowance increment increment borer increment coefficient intermediate tree tree spac

37、ing mean annual increment height development curve ; height age curve establishment arithmetic mean height arithmetic mean diameter pre-thicket 母树林;选留木林分;特优母树林 elite stand ;selected stand ; selected cropspecies mixture; mixturepole size timber tree layer number of stems establishment periodcover; cr

38、own cover ;canopy coverstand density林分发育;林分生育期 (阶段) stand development ; development of a stand 林分形数 stand form factor 林分胸高断面积;林分胸高断面积合计林内孔隙;林隙;林分未遮蔽率of a stand蓄积结构;蓄积构造立木度;林分密度指数 地位级;立地位级 可利用材积生长量;利用材积生长量growing stock structurestand density index site classmerchantable timber increment林分结构;林分构造 stan

39、d structure ; constitutionof a stand ;structure平均总生长量;总平均生长量 标准树高曲线单层林冰霜害 主伐林分;主伐木;主伐收获 暂植木;补植木 总收获材积 郁闭林分;最大蓄积林分同龄林;同龄林分 均质林分;一齐林;均匀林分;even-aged stand同形林;同质林uniform stand树群;群group;group of trees伐期平均生长量 主要树种final mean annual increment main tree species;average yield class主林分;主林木;主伐木 main crop ;princ

40、ipal crop 优势木 dominant crop;main stand ;principal stand次要树种;副树种;补助的混交树种;经济价值少的树种nurse species; auxiliaryspecies ;accessory species断面积平均木树高 height of mean basal area tree; mean height断面积中央木树高 median height40%百分位树高; 40%规则的树高height according to the 40% rule树高曲线 height curve 林分水平结构;林分水平构造 团;灌木;树丛未成熟材;未熟

41、材 幼龄生长;幼龄林;丛状林; diameter-height curve horizontal stand structure see “ group juvenile wood thicket每木调查表;调查表;检尺簿;野帐; 胸高断面积平均木;断面积平均木 冠层;林冠;树冠 树冠竞争;树冠竞合 树冠层;林冠层 树冠郁闭度;林冠密度 灌丛;树形不良林分;矮林;灌木林 连年总平均年生长量;连年生长量明细表 tally sheet ;measurement list mean basal area tree canopy crown competition crown layercrown c

42、losure; crown coverscrub (stand)total mean increment复层林multi-storied stand混合(交) 树种associated species林分平均胸高直径;林木平均直径 mean diameter 林分平均树高 average height;average diameter;stand height平均树高Lorey's mean height中央木;平均木 mean tree 天然修枝;天然落枝;自行修枝 natural pruning;self pruning郁闭期;丛林;壮龄林 thicket 断面积平均木直径 qua

43、dratic mean diameter ;diameter of mean basal area tree 断面积中央木直径;中央断面积直径 median dbh 40%百分位胸径; 40%规则的平均胸径 mean dbh according to the 40% rule 直径分布 diameter distributionmean gross incrementstandard height curve single-storied stand ice damage final crop fillertotal volume;total yieldfully stocked stand次

44、要树种;副树种;从属种 附属林分 上层树高;上木高度secondary species secondary crop top height ; subordinates pecies height of dominant trees强势木生产力 ;生产力指数;地位指数 productivity index 上层 overstor(e)y;uppermost layer ;upper stor(e)y上层木 先驱树种 形质生长(量) 成熟林overwoodpioneer species quality increment mature stand;upper crop; pioneer ; in

45、crease in quality纯林pure stand;pure crop采运损伤;出材损伤 采种林;母树林 损害;疵伤;损伤 树( 林)冠疏密度 雪害 株距;干距tree spacingextraction damage seed standdefect canopy density snow damage ;spacing(between trees);parent stand;damage;espacement立木位置图;直径分布;胸径分布;树干分布;林木分布 dbh distribution 立地稳定性;立地强度 stability of stand; pole crop中龄林;杆

46、材;小径木 (林)pole stage风害 枯死木wind damagedead trees;storm damage小群 过熟林分;老龄过熟林分 ( 木 ) 异龄林不规则林;不整齐林see groupovermature standuneven-aged standirregular stand下层林;下层植生;下木 留存木;主林木 试验地;试验区;试区understor(e)y; underwood; undergrowthmain crop after thinning;residual standexperimental site; experimental area林分垂直结构;林分

47、垂直构造vertical stand structure主要树种main speciesprincipal species生长率;增长百分比;成长率 二层林;二段林取样率 sampling intensity 必要样本数;最少样本数 调查;定期抽样调查 遥测;遥感探测 定期调查;追踪调查 集团取样法立木蓄积;林木蓄积 growing stock生长函数 growth function指标林分 index stand; indicator stand ;control stand兽害;鹿伤害;动物危害tree damage caused by forest fauna (trans.)林分成长龄

48、级;林分成长级数;自然的龄级 stand development class生长空间;生育空间 growing sapce 中央木平均生长;增长量中央木;平均生长木mean growth treeincrement percent;growth percenttwo-storied;sampling fraction ;sampling rate required sample size inventory remote sensing periodic inventory cluster sampling分层取样;分层取出之样本stratified sample概估;粗略估计rough es

49、timate ;raw estimate断面积调整;断面积规整basal area regulation测高器height meter测树学mensuration ;dendrometry森林调查;森林清查inventory;forest inventory;forest survey森林调查设计inventory design森林调查方法;森林清查方法inventory method水平样线法(直线样品)列表样品; 3P 样品;列表取样line-plot survey; line-plotlist sampling;strip survey航空照片判释 空中摄影测量 aerial aeria

50、l survey 空中三角测量 材积调查;蓄积推定aerial photo interpretationphoto (graphic) survey ;aerial photo( graphic )inventory ;aerial photo triangulation volume determination ;( standing ) timberdetermination ;growing stock determination 数理统计学的样本分析 statistical analysis of inventory data 目视估计立木材积 volume estimation by

51、 sight; ocular volume estimation正射投影图 (照片);正射图 orthophoto (graph) 定期调查;多相取样法multiphase sampling永久样区;连续森林调查法 样区;标准地 样区调查法continuous forest inventory with permanent samples sample plot inventory by sample plots机率比例取样法 proportional sampling ;probability proportional to size( pps)林分断面积调查仪;林分面积调查仪(relasc

52、ope) relascope;relascop测高法;形数测高法 Pressler's method of height determination 林分株数调查enumeration;tally样本 sample圆形样区法sampling using a range of fixed radius plots固定面积样区法;样本地法fixed area sampling变动面积样 区法;变动样区法;可变半径样区法 sampling using variable radius plots 取样;抽样 sampling 取样单元;抽样单位;取样单位 sampling unit 取样误差;

53、样本误差 sampling error 取样法;取样调查法 sampling methods取样数 样本分布sample number ; sample size ; size of a sample sampling unit distribution分层;层次层;层聚系统取样;系统抽样法stratificationstratum / stratasystematic sampling系统误差 systematic error林分特性估测 stand estimation;estimation of stand characteristics 估测法 appraisal method 连续森

54、林调查的临时样本;连续的森林调查;变换样本的暂时样本 continuous forest inventory with changing samples (trans.)材积计算 volume calculation; volume measurement先驱调查;预备调查 pilot survey;pilot inventorycontinuous forest inventory increment study经营记帐单位;经营计划单位;记帐单位management planning unit蓄积调查inventory of growing stock 永久样区森林调查;连续森林调查 生长

55、量研究 ( 试验 ) ;生长量调查伐采量;伐采收获 felling volume; felling yield生产材明细表;生产材目录;堆积材明细表 product summary (trans.)年伐量annual cut;annual yield执行稽核;实行照查 ( 稽核 )control of prescriptions森林绩效检定;稽核簿;经营簿 经营簿;作业稽核;稽核簿 木材生产稽核;照查;稽核 经营计划检订;施业计划检订( 监控) control of forest development( trans. )control of operation; work trackingcontrol of forest production( trans. )management plan revision ; working plan revision检尺timber scaling; scaling of felled timber经营计划的执行plan of operations森林稽查;森林踏查 forest inspectorate 经营计划期中检订;施业计划期中检定management plan revision经营计划;森林经理计划 经营目标;施业目的;


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