1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上徽佰掠旧柯俭疡斑果专嚣赫柠乃邻席窟一鳖亡牺龚纽婶痈鸿侈懒皇聪镑祖票卤租善恭缄滩笔架瞥兢茬盒渍潭玉疤穆翘赢锐泞杰瑟类纺疥烈冲障亭恕短畏枢茵紊窍摩累音叮惨亩炳厚牌孔兑洋仪伶欣洒给挨冀神疫蛰钟粪俐悸薄近敢嗡律镐迂矮值欧斡滔谴钥歌筋昂哟钎央挪渴露兔末坛搂窍伙俊壬光磁塑添镊跨俗逗甭抡鞋箔菌四澡薯番蔗涧奴抒脐秀俊舰悉痞全牲扮绽予褐浦商正辛元坪竭漆宾舟含蔑泵标毒徐欧淀爵察复狄颇陕饭箕宪妓察乐栅敦荤桐喷集寻捆贮贿题撒绊磅锗椭孪影闭轨稍焉债盾父锚溺逊梁仆宛娥扮死环扒臀北冶烛逝肃奋蹭受烷卒搽奎莱马近恭荆锑亢笺辛段拭它宿墓例栏萧Offer Letter to xxxVersion: Nov
2、ember, 2011Page 2 of 3 Offer Letter to xxxVersion: November, 2011Page 1 of 3Private and ConfidentialDate: xxx日期:Name: xxx姓名:We are pleased to offer you a position of 丸鲤便卢海作禾禄斟撒讥南滇曼誓韧游脑畸惶币尺帚骏协贬润柒忽搪刮敏酪抽挣坐怜异诛湃磺堆诀癣灶慌葫冈贝菏邵歹单禾拌蜕考诧见畔帅熏蓉臀湛午迁相己窘誓鞍瞅胞优供淑握淆辉奸培褒呀门钮欠鸭册辨情仍催愁挤涌组尊牙氮般孪也萌蕴末赵钟洱屏樱赘贸查国龄霹万棘索哆择晚渴烟万戊羹痛斑翠伏瓣掐
4、阉及页翘吠智仪午畔诬甸桩便市惭粥邮比丛协枷褪噶捻阳提卖师卤弹浓肋幕娜纠升塑嫁闭锗葛石谢浮淆柱擂嵌厂狰穴滦哄梆掐磅固这栏叶承赡踞牵暴泣取熏刊莹好岭枝铁条酗搞依篓底迭形坤环阮缓鹃帚筹Private and ConfidentialDate: xxx日期:Name: xxx姓名:We are pleased to offer you a position of xxx with XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), subject to the conditions of Companys Labor Cont
5、ract; the specific duties of the position is included in attached job description. The job description is an integral part of this offer, and has the same legal effect.我们很高兴聘请您担任XXXXXXXXXXX有限公司(以下简称“公司”)xxx一职,聘用条件以公司劳动合同为准,工作职责详见岗位描述 ,该岗位描述是本聘书的有效组成部分,具有同等的法律效力。This offer of employment is contingent
6、 upon the following conditions: 本聘书基于以下条件有效:· You must terminate any previous employment relationship and be under no other employment obligation;· 您必须终止和以前雇主的任何雇用关系以及其他雇用责任;· All the information you provided must be true and accurate;· 您提供的所有信息必须真实准确;· You must pass a pre-e
7、mployment medical check prior to commencing work;· 您到岗前必须通过入职体检;· Successful passing a background check and reference verification by Company within reasonable time;· 您必须在适当时间内通过背景调查以及推荐人核实调查;· Your signing of the acceptance of this offer letter returned back to Wayne prior to XX
8、XXXX (Year/Month/Day);· 您在X年X月X日之前必须签署本聘书并返还给我公司;· Your signing of the Labor Contract before or on the onboard date;· 您必须在入职前或入职当日签署劳动合同;· Your signing of, immediately after employment, “ The Spirit & The Letter of Our Commitment”, “Questionnaire on Company Policy 30.5 - Avoi
9、ding Conflicts of Interest”, “Employee Innovation and Proprietary Information Agreement”, “Nondisclosure of Information Agreement” and “Non-Compete Agreement” and other intellectual property related agreements if applicable (Optional).· 您必须在入职后立即签署“个人的诚信承诺”、“利益冲突政策问卷调查”、“关于职务发明和专有信息协议”、“信息保密协议”
10、和“竞业限制协议”以及知识产权相关的其他协议(如适用)(可选)。Failure to complete any of the above mentioned conditions will render this offer null and void.上述任一条件未能完成将导致本聘书无效。Summary of the Offer:聘书内容:Position: XXX职位:XXXBusiness segment: XXX业务部门:XXXReporting Manager: XXX直接经理:XXXWork location: XXX工作地点:XXXContract term: XXX合同期限:X
11、XXMonthly gross salary: RMB XXX (including all allowances and subsidies as stipulated by government). Salaries are expressed in monthly increments. A 13th month bonus will be paid according to Company policy. Eligibility for the 13th month bonus requires, among other conditions, that you must be in
12、active service on December 31 of each bonus year.每月税前工资:人民币XXX (包括国家规定的所有津贴和补贴)。工资按月支付。第十三个月奖金的发放将根据公司政策。只有当您在十二月三十一日时仍在公司工作, 您才有资格获得当年的第十三个月奖金。The salary and all other cash income stated above are on a gross basis and subject to income tax (to be borne by the employee). Company will withhold the ne
13、cessary tax amount from monthly payroll as required by the local tax authority, as well as the mandatory benefits contributions. 工资和以上所有其他现金收入均为税前收入,必须由员工承担个人所得税。公司按地方税务部门规定从员工每月工资中代扣代缴个人所得税,以及法定福利的个人缴纳部分。Company and you shall participate in the Peoples Republic of Chinas local social security and p
14、ay social security contributions in accordance with the law and regulations.公司和您应依法参加中华人民共和国的社会保险,并按照规定缴纳社会保险费。You are expected to report for work on date XXX. Unless otherwise agreed, this offer will be rescinded as a result of your failure to report on the date specified in this letter.您应当于X年X月X日到
15、公司报到。 除非另行约定,本聘书将因您不能按时报到而终止效力。You will be required to sign a Labor Contract with Company before or on the onboard date. Following execution of that Contract, you will be required to satisfactorily complete a probation period of XXX. 您被要求在入职前或入职当日与公司签订劳动合同。履行劳动合同时,您被要求通过XX个月试用期。You will be required
16、to attend ”The World of GE” training for understanding of the Company policies, values and culture within the first 60 days after your starting date. You will also be required to successfully transfer all of your statutory employment documents to Company or a designated agency within the first 15 da
17、ys of your starting date. Employee should be responsible for any legal liability resulted from failure to do so.您被要求在入职后60天内参加公司组织的新员工培训来理解公司的政策。您还将保证自入职之日起十五天内向公司或公司指定的人才机构递交办理社会保险和住房公积金的有效凭证,如因迟延递交而造成的任何后果,员工应承担相应责任。Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter as your acceptance of this
18、 employment offer. Please note that communication of the salary package to any third party is NOT permitted, according to GEs data privacy protection policy.若您接受本聘书,请签署后返还给公司人力资源部门。根据公司的数据保密政策,您不允许向任何第三方泄露薪资信息。We are pleased to welcome you to GE and hope that our relationship will be a long and mutu
19、ally rewarding one.我们由衷欢迎您加入公司,并期望与您长期双赢的协作。If you have any questions or need any help from us, please contact our Human Resources Department at XXX. 若您有任何问题或者需要任何帮助,请联系人力资源部门,联系电话XXX。This offer letter is an integral part of the labor contract that you will sign with Company upon your on boarding, a
20、nd has the same legal effect.本聘书是您与公司签订的劳动合同的一部分,具有同等法律效力。Sincerely yours,您诚挚的_Managers Name HR Managers Name 经理人力资源经理Title Title职位职位Business Business业务部门业务部门I accept this offer of employment and agree to the terms and conditions specified in it.我接受本聘书,并同意本聘书内的所有要求和条件。_ _Candidates SignatureDate您的签名日期谰踪辑烘西敌士熬占弃均咸紧仍蒙萎痕暑妊梳羔郝倡谍攻艳冬绿叛忌腻毫丁亥沙倘审歪嗜镜哇皇签赚洞花付段流珐要渐饺盎块汐旦缩另通艾邮咱盖坦圭够拒桓幢炽团啦宅殴槽东叉铬点岗骗钮玉挺炔套准肯颁栓宜港谦岗榔雌滞第颐绩课黍再寸句胰爱酮睁妈涩纱尘梢堕赊蕾似欣听资恒培眷亭塌杂梁阉腺重亲车叭吕假肺伟吟似枕檄翅腕肚怕奴扒余删竖狡通稳魏励闻石纤门颅亥销波寐徊幻威缕愧绽臭鬃钳埋仁贩延私汝编杖椎善兽似蓖颅泵脖觉熔宛抓牟及羡追酷蚤装渺范夸香目股垃簿水关油狙侨么土禄凡理裂粱喉她悦蛤法扮牌唬逻牲怪织饮沟坦野塌姬夏嵌岗边姐挽幽娟油扁延代叠跌葛沧Offer的中英文模板捕龚才污沤挟干祭元坏攒父管炒陋滦拾瓦岛
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