1、翻译 凭样品买卖(Sale by sample ) 凭规格买卖(Sale by Specifications)商品名称商品名称Name of Commodity幅宽幅宽Width 长度长度Length 经纬密度经纬密度Density of Warp/Weft成成 分分Composition 大提花面料大提花面料126英寸英寸60码码/匹匹 60s40s 173 120100%棉Jacquard Fabrics12660 yds/pc 60s 40s 173 120100% Cotton 例1:1000M/T,With 2% more or less (1000公吨,2%溢短装)包装条款的内容
2、In cartons of 10 kilos net each.纸箱装,每箱净重10公斤。 例2:每件装一塑料袋,半打为一盒,十打装一木箱。 运输标志由卖方设计。 Packing: Each piece in a polybag ,half doz. In a box and 10 dozens in a wooden case. Shipping Mark is designed by seller. 请为中国大米制作含下列内容的合同条款 品名:中国大米 规格:不完善颗粒不超过17% 杂质不得超过1% 水分不得超过15% 数量:1000公吨,溢短装5%,由卖方选择 包装:麻袋装,每袋约100
3、公斤,以毛作净Commodity&Specification: Chinese Rice Broken grains(Max.)17%Admixture (Max.)1%Moisture (Max.)15%Quantity: 1 000 metric ton 5% more or less at sellers optionPacking:Packed in gunny bags of 100kgs each Gross for net CB 52SSG-016 NEW YORK NO. 1-120 S/C NO.52SSG-016 Date:Aug.08,2009 The Selle
4、r: Beijing Qimingxing Textiles practice I./E.Corp The Buyer: Crystal Bobe LTD. Commodity and Specification:Mens cotton shirt Quantity: 500 dozen Packing:In 120 cartons Port of loading & destination:Shipment from Tianjin Xingang to New York,USA请根据上述资料,用英文拟定品名、品质、数量和包装条款。包装方式和包装材料按管理自订。 The seller
5、:Shanghai international trade corporation The buyer:Tokyo Tkamla corporation,LTD Port of loading: Shanghai Port of discharge:Japanese Port Commodity:100% cotton blanket Size:70 X 85 IN Weight:5LBS Quantity:100Pcs装运条款 明确规定具体装运时间明确规定具体装运时间Time of shipment: April 2005Time of shipment: April 2005 规定收到信用
6、证后若干天装运规定收到信用证后若干天装运 Shipment within 20 days after receipt of L/CShipment within 20 days after receipt of L/C 装运港 (三)具体的规定方式(三)具体的规定方式1 1、只规定一个装运港(地)例、只规定一个装运港(地)例 Port of shipment:Shanghai Port of shipment:Shanghai 2 2、规定两个或两个以上的装运港(地)例、规定两个或两个以上的装运港(地)例 Port of shipment: Port of shipment: Qingdao
7、and Shanghai Qingdao and Shanghai 3 3、笼统规定例、笼统规定例 Port of shipment: China ports Port of shipment: China ports装运港规定方式装运港规定方式1 1、只规定一个装运港(地)例、只规定一个装运港(地)例 Port of shipment:Shanghai Port of shipment:Shanghai 2 2、规定两个或两个以上的装运港(地)例、规定两个或两个以上的装运港(地)例 Port of shipment: Qingdao Port of shipment: Qingdao and
8、 Shanghai and Shanghai 3 3、笼统规定例、笼统规定例 Port of shipment: China ports Port of shipment: China ports 规定目的港(地)的方法:规定目的港(地)的方法: 1 1、只规定一个目的港(地):例只规定一个目的港(地):例 port of destination: New York 2 2、规定两个或两个以上的目的港(地):规定两个或两个以上的目的港(地): 例例 port of destination:London/Liverpool3 3、笼统规定:例笼统规定:例 port of destination:
9、U.K. ports分批装运的规定方法:分批装运的规定方法: 只规定允许分批装运,但对时间、批次和每批的数量不做规定只规定允许分批装运,但对时间、批次和每批的数量不做规定 如:如:partial shipment is allowed。在规定允许分批装运的同时,订立每批装运的时间和数量在规定允许分批装运的同时,订立每批装运的时间和数量 shipment during Jul./Aug./ Sep.1000 M/Ts monthly 1)partial shipment allowed(not allowed) 2)shipment during mar./apr./may in three m
10、onthlylots,each xx M/T 3)shipment during mar. to Jun. In four equal monthly lots 4)Transhipment allowed. (or at xx only) 实例:实例: 1 1、收到信用证后、收到信用证后3030天装运,相关的信用证必须最迟于天装运,相关的信用证必须最迟于XXXX天开到卖方。天开到卖方。 Shipment within 30 day after receipt of L/C. The relevant Shipment within 30 day after receipt of L/C. T
11、he relevant L/C must reach the Sellers not later than xx (date)L/C must reach the Sellers not later than xx (date) 2 2、20052005年年1/21/2月每月平均装运月每月平均装运 装运港:上海装运港:上海/ /南京南京/ /南通南通 目的港:伦敦目的港:伦敦/ /汉堡汉堡/ /鹿特丹鹿特丹 Shipment During Jan./Feb.2005 in tow equal monthly lots Shipment During Jan./Feb.2005 in tow e
12、qual monthly lots Port of loading:Shanghai/Nanjing/Nantong Port of loading:Shanghai/Nanjing/Nantong Port of destination:London/Hamburg/Rotterdam Port of destination:London/Hamburg/Rotterdam 3 3、20052005年间由上海运往热那亚,允许分批,不允许转船年间由上海运往热那亚,允许分批,不允许转船 Shipment from Shanghai to Genoa during July 2005 with S
13、hipment from Shanghai to Genoa during July 2005 with partial Shipment partial Shipment a allowedllowed,transshipment not permitted transshipment not permitted 提单正面 1)托运人托运人shipper 2)收货人收货人consignee 3)通知方通知方notify party 4)装运港装运港place of receipt or port of loading 5)目的港目的港destination or port of discha
14、rge 6)船名船名vessels name & voyage number 7) 唛头唛头shipping marks & numbers 8)货物货物description of goods & number of package 9)重量和体积重量和体积weight & measurement 10)运费运费freight prepaid of freight to collect 11)提单号码提单号码number of original B/L 12)承运人承运人name & signature of the carrier 13)出单的地点和
15、时间出单的地点和时间place & date of issue指示提单指示提单(Order B(Order BL) L) 凭凭XXX的指示才能使另外的人使用提单来提货,的指示才能使另外的人使用提单来提货, 收货人记载收货人记载方式方式: To order of shipper凭托运人指示凭托运人指示(托运人背书托运人背书 ) To order of XXX Bank 凭银行指示凭银行指示 (银行背书银行背书) To order of XXX公司公司 凭凭x公司指示公司指示 (公司背书公司背书) To orderTo the order 凭指示凭指示 (托运人背书托运人背书)买卖合同中的
16、保险条款 “保险由买方自理”(Insurance:To be covered by the buyer) “保险由卖方自理”(Insurance:To be covered by the seller) “保险由卖方按发票金额的 %投保 险、 险,以中国人民保险公司年 月 日的有关海洋运输货物保险条款为准。” Insurance: To be covered by the seller for % of total invoice value against 、 as per and subject to the relevant ocean marine cargo clauses of t
17、he Peoples Insurance Company of China,dated 1/1/1981 在在CIFCIF、CIPCIP合同下,可对买方的特殊要求作如下规定:合同下,可对买方的特殊要求作如下规定:“除经约除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方需增加保险额及需增加保险额及/ /或需加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同或需加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经卖方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。” Except in cases where the insurance is c
18、overed by the Buyer as arranged,insurance is to be covered by the Seller with a China insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and/or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers account. “以装运港以装运港( (地地) )( (检验机构名称检验机构名称) )签发的品质和重量检验证书签发的品质和重量检验证书作为信用证项下议付所提交单据的一部分。买方对于装运货物的作为信用证项下议付所
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