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1、Section BPeriod 1 (1a 1e)Translate the phrases.spread to other countriesby accidentIt is said over an open firefall into the watertake place without doubt流传到其它国家流传到其它国家偶然;意外地偶然;意外地据说据说在户外的火上在户外的火上掉入水中;落入水中掉入水中;落入水中发生;出现发生;出现毫无疑问;的确毫无疑问;的确crispy saltyDescribe how the food tastes.sour sweet saltyCan y

2、ou name any crispy food? fried peanutscookies Can you name any sour food? cookies hawthorn fruit dried plum Can you name any salty food? pickled vegetable(泡菜泡菜)Can you name any sweet food? Do you like eating potato chips?Which kind of taste do you like? Do you know how they were invented?1c1c Listen

3、 and circle T for true or F for false.1. Potato chips were invented by mistake.2. They were invented in 1863.3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough.4. The customer said they were not salty enough.5. George wanted to make the customer happy.6. The customer was happy in the end.1. W

4、hen were potato chips invented?2. Where did George work? Listen again and answer the questions.They were invented in 1853.He worked in a restaurant.The history of potato chipsDo you know how potato chips were invented? Potato chips _ by a cook called George Crum. They were invented in _. George Crum

5、 cut the potatoes really, really _ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _.were invented1853thincrispy1d Listen again. Complete the sentences.really saltyMake a conversation about the invention of potato chips.Do you know how sandwic

6、h was invented?It is said the sandwich was invented in England in the 18th century by John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. He asked his servants to prepare a chunk of meat between two slices of bread, so that he could carry on gambling without stopping to eat. Do you know how post-it notes were inven

7、ted?InventorInventor: Spencer Silver, a researcher in 3M Laboratories What he was trying to makeWhat he was trying to make: A strong adhesive (粘着剂粘着剂)How it was createdHow it was created: While working away, Silver created an adhesive that was actually weaker than what already existed. It stuck to o

8、bjects but could be pulled off easily without leaving a mark. Years later a colleague spread the substance on little pieces of paper to mark his place in his choir (唱诗班唱诗班) hymn book (赞美赞美诗集诗集), and the idea was born.Do you know how corn flakes were invented?InventorInventor: The Kellogg brothers, J

9、ohn and Will What they were trying to makeWhat they were trying to make: A pot of boiled grain How it was createdHow it was created: The brothers accidentally left a pot of boiled grain on the stove for several days. The mixture turned moldy (发霉的发霉的) but the product that emerged was dry and thick. T

10、hrough experimentation they removed the mold part and created corn flakes.Talk about other food you know. How were they invented? 1. by mistake 错误地错误地 I took his backpack by mistake. 我错拿了他的书包。我错拿了他的书包。 He put salt in her cup of tea by mistake. 他错把盐放进她的茶杯里。他错把盐放进她的茶杯里。Language points mistake 1. n. 错误

11、错误 I used to make mistakes in spelling 我过去常常犯拼写错误。我过去常常犯拼写错误。 2. v. 弄错弄错; 误解误解 You mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。你完全误解了我的意思。 mistake . for . 错错把把当成当成 Dont mistake me for an American. 不要把我误会成美国人。不要把我误会成美国人。 by mistake与与by accident 1) by mistake意为意为“错误地错误地” I took her umbrella by mistake las

12、t night because they are the same style 昨晚我错拿了她的雨伞,因为它们的样式昨晚我错拿了她的雨伞,因为它们的样式一样。一样。 2) by accident意为意为“偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地” The idea came to him by accident 很偶然地他想到了这个主意。很偶然地他想到了这个主意。知识链接知识链接Im sorry to take your umbrella _ yesterday; heres the umbrella A. by accident B. by the way C. by guess D. by mista

13、ke 解析:解析:by accident意为意为“偶然地偶然地”,bymistake意为意为“错误地错误地”,by the way“顺便顺便提提一下一下”。本句意为。本句意为“很抱歉我昨天错拿了你很抱歉我昨天错拿了你的雨伞,这是那把雨伞的雨伞,这是那把雨伞”。 D【2012江苏无锡江苏无锡】完成句子完成句子别再犯如此愚蠢的错误了,否则你只能另谋别再犯如此愚蠢的错误了,否则你只能另谋高就了。高就了。Dont _, or you will have to find another job.make such silly mistakes any more/ make such a silly mi

14、stake any more【2013湖北黄石湖北黄石】. 完成句子完成句子抱歉,我错拿了你的包。抱歉,我错拿了你的包。Sorry, I took your bag _ _ .【2013甘肃兰州甘肃兰州】根据所给汉语提示完成下根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。列句子。那个小孩在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。那个小孩在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。That child broke his leg _ _ when he was climbing the mountain. by mistake by accident2. in the end 最后,终于最后,终于 (相当于相当于finally 或或 at last

15、) In the end, they found their teacher. 最后,他们找到了他们的老师。最后,他们找到了他们的老师。 I was saved in the end. 我最后获救了。我最后获救了。by the end常和常和of相连,用于指时间,意为相连,用于指时间,意为“到到底底(末末)为止为止” They can finish the work by the end of this month. 到这个月底的时候,他们能完成这项工到这个月底的时候,他们能完成这项工作。作。 知识链接知识链接at the end of可以指时间,也可指处所,意为可以指时间,也可指处所,意为“

16、在在尽头,在尽头,在结束时结束时”。 At the end of the road, you can see the shop. 在这条路的尽头,你能看到那家商店。在这条路的尽头,你能看到那家商店。 At the end of last term, we had an English exam. 上在学期结束时,我们举行了一次英语上在学期结束时,我们举行了一次英语测试。测试。 他在花园的尽头的那边。他在花园的尽头的那边。He is down _ the garden. 最后,我们找到了这座房屋。最后,我们找到了这座房屋。 _ we found the house. 到战争结束时到战争结束时,

17、这个小铺子已经变成有这个小铺子已经变成有728个工人的大厂了。个工人的大厂了。_, the small work-shop had become a large factory with 728 workers.at the end ofIn the end By the end of the war2. 薯片是一个名叫乔治薯片是一个名叫乔治克拉姆的厨师发明的。克拉姆的厨师发明的。Potato chips _ _ _ a cook _ George Crum. 3. 而且他在它们上面放了很多盐。而且他在它们上面放了很多盐。And he _ lots of salt _ them. 完成句子。完

18、成句子。1. 薯片是由于失误而被发明的。薯片是由于失误而被发明的。 Potato chips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . wereinventedbymistakewereinventedbycalledputon4. 根据句意填入合适单词。根据句意填入合适单词。 Candy is _, salt is _, vinegar is _, and potato chips are _.5. 翻译下面的句子。翻译下面的句子。 那个厨师错把糖放进了汤里。那个厨师错把糖放进了汤里。 The cook put sugar into the soup by mistake.sweetsaltysourcrispy 单项选择单项选择1. -Sorry, I took your umbrella _ mistake. -It doesnt matter. A. with B. by C. at D. in2. I know that potato chips _ by George Crum. A. invented B. was invented C. are invented D. were inventedBD3. Mom added s


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