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1、M4 U1 单词检测根据首字母或汉语意思写出单词:1 Dto carry out the plan in time, they will make careful preparations.2 Sorry, the dictionary is not aat the moment.3 You are required to pay for your pbefore you leave the supermarket.4 The ahas advertised an advertisement ion TV to promote his products.5 I in the old media

2、 are newspapers, magazines, radio and television, andfilms.6 He is trying to persuade us to accept his idea, but his p does not soundpersuasive.7 I recommend that we should p10 copies of Voyage to an Amazing Kingdomfor the library.8 She eus not to give up in the face of pressure.9 The project benefi

3、ts the local people a lot at present, which is more b tothem in the long run.10 Our low prices mean you don t have to be wto look great.11 Come this Saturday to one of our new branches and get the fclothes youalways wanted.12 PSAs use some of the same methods as commercial advertisements, like apict

4、ures and exciting languages.13 PSAs are not mto trick us.14 I will pay a lot more attention to the public ad c.15 An u telegram urged him to go home at once.16 Don t make con others appearance.17 Thank you for offering such useful advice dwith my research.18 I will remember to think before I buy som

5、ething so that I will not be c.19 An advertisement uses words and pictures to ppeople to buy a product or1service, or to believe in an idea.20 Advertisements are also a good way to make people aof the needs of othersand the dangers around them.21 The grocery just hopes that you will make a mconnecti

6、on with the food in thegrocery.22 All ads don t play ton us.23 These ads deal with widespread social c.24 All of these ads are meant to benefit the public, and you can often learn a lot by fthe advice they give.25 When it cto advertisements, we must be smart .26 He is 2 years sto me.27 The sales and

7、 mdepartment will present the results of their marketresearch to the head of the company.28 The company can then choose the right product to p.29 The right product is expected to be most popular with c, people who buyand use the product.30 There was no change. The figure rthe same.31 Think tbefore y

8、ou buy anything!32 Some ads are not ainnocent.33 Our sandwiches are a bat only 5 yuan each.34 A pair of Wild & Fancy jeans conly 40 yuan, available in all Wild & Fancy shopsnow.35 Are you bwith wearing the same blue jeans every day?36 It is time to dwhat you want the audience to know or think about.

9、37 There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are ptogether an ad campaign.38 His unique ato solving the problem was thought highly of by the teacher.39 The company wants to aa marketing manager.40 His lie was so touching that many of his friends ffor it.41 Some commercial

10、ads don t tell the truth, so be sabout them.42 Ssudden was the attack that the enemy had no time to escape.43 Our main aim is to dyoung people from smoking.44 Smoking makes people sterrible, and gives them bad teeth, skin and fingernails.45 You may cyour dictionary if you don t know the meanings of

11、the words.46 If we can cyoung people not to start smoking, they might then urge theirparents and other people to give up smoking, too.47 Our website will pstudents with more information about smoking.48 We will also publish an article (告诉 ) students about the dangers ofsmoking.49 We will organize an

12、 ( 短文 ) competition as well.50 Every packet of cigarettes ( 含有 ) poisonous chemicals that can result inlung cancer and heart disease.51 We will educate them about the bad physical effects of smoking and how smoking ( 影响 ) those people around them.52You will be amazed at the new ( 食谱 ) and new taste.

13、53 Who is the ( 受众) for your ad campaign?54 Our new package must ( 吸引 ) to people of all ages.55 We must (更新 ) our package in order to attract today s youth.56 We need to keep some design ( 方面 ) of the old packages to make surethat the ChocoLoco Bar does not look completely different from our compan

14、y s other products.57 Have you ever (后悔 ) not having recorded those important momentsforever?58 Use your ( 智力 ) and don t be a slave to ads.59 Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to ( 讨价还价 ).60 Now I know how they can ( 造福于 ) society.61 You d better (商量 ) with the go-between about t

15、heir wedding.62 Do you want to look smarter and more ( 精力充沛的)?63 He said that he was used to such embarrassing (评论).64 He realized something of ( 紧急情况 ) had happened.65 He ( 欺骗 ) me into giving him money.66 ( 作弊 ) in the examinations means fooling the teachers and yourselves.67 PSAs are meant to edu

16、cate people about health, (安全 ) , or any otherproblems that affects public welfare.68 Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells the complete ( 实话 ).69 The market share is the (百分比 ) of a market that the product has.70 Also important are the sales ( 目标 ).71 Can you provide any evidence th

17、at he was ( 无罪的 ) of the crime?72 The sales figures(在范围内变化 )between 40 and 50 percent.73 The ( 平均的) pricewas 50 yuan.74 The ( 最大的 ) speed is 80 km per hour on this road.75 As you know, sales of our Snowman ice cream have ( 成倍增长 ) sincewe gave it a new package.76 That is why we are considering ( 设计 )

18、 a new package for our chocolatebar as well.77 The price has (上涨 ) to 250 yuan a kilogram.78 You will need to do a little research and ( 分析 ) in advance.79 It is time that you ( 决定 ) what you want the audience to know or thinkabout.80 The related developments have just been released to the (媒体 ).5M4

19、 U1 单词检测答题纸1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 1011 12 13 14 15 _16 17 18 19 20 _21 22 23 24 25 _26 27 28 29 30 _31 32 33 34 35 _36 37 38 39 40 _41 42 43 44 45 _46 47 48 49 50 _51 52 53 54 55 _56 57 58 59 60 _61 62 63 64 65 _66 67 68 69 70 _71 72 73 74 75 _76 77 78 79 80 _1 Determined2 available3 purchases4 advertiser5 Included6 persuasion7 purchase8 encourages / encouraged9 beneficial 10 wealthy11 fantastic12 attractive13 meant14 campaign15 urgent16 comments17 dealing18 cheated19 persuade2


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