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1、英语】高一英语语法填空真题汇编 ( 含答案)一、高中英语语法填空1阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A hotel chain is employing human bed warmers to help guests get a good night's sleep. (dress) in special all-in-one sleeping suits, the walking electric blankets are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn they

2、 get under the covers.Dr Chris Idzikowski, (direct) of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said the idea could helppeople get off to sleep. He (explain) that "There's plenty of scientific evidence to showthat sleep starts at the beginning of the night body temperature starts to drop. Thedrop occurs

3、 partly because the blood vessels ( 血管 ) the hands, face and feet open upand release heat." "A warm bed approximately 20 to 24 degrees Celsuis is good wayto start this process while a cold bed isn't. It helps people sleep well especially as it's taking much (long) for them to warm

4、up when they come in from the snow."Dr Chris Idzikowski and (he) colleague Jane Bednall said the idea was like "having agiant hot water bottle in your bed". The five-minute free bed warming sessions will be tried out in London and Manchester the end of next month.【答案】 Dressed; before

5、;director ; explained; when ; of ; a; longer ; his; at 【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款新发明的暖床器以及使用暖床器的好 处。(1)考查非谓语动词。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在 客人上床之前给客人进行暖床。动词 dress 与这句话的主语 the walking electric blankets 之 间是被动关系,故填 Dressed。(2)考查状语从句。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在客 人上床之前给客人进行暖床。根据句意,客人睡觉之前需要暖床,故填before 。( 3

6、)考查名词。句意:爱丁堡睡眠中心的主任Chris Idzikowski 博士说,这个办法能帮助人们更好地入睡。空格前是一个人名,两个逗号之间的部分是这个人名的同位语,所以应 填一个表示人的名词。故填 director 。(4)考查时态。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时候就 是睡眠产生的时候。由上一句中 said 使用的是一般过去时可知,这句话也应使用一般过去 时。故填 explained 。(5)考查定语从句。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时 候就是睡眠产生的时候。根据句意,这是一个定语从句,先行词为 the beginning of the

7、 night ,并且先行词在从句中做时间状语,故填关系词when 。(6)考查介词。句意:人体温度之所以会下降,部分原因在于,(这时)人的手部、脸 部以及脚部的血管开始扩张,散发了热量。空前前后都是名词,所以空格处应填介词, the blood vessels 与 the hands 之间属于所属关系,故填 of 。( 7)考查冠词。句意:温暖的床(温度大约在20 到 24 摄氏度之间)有助于人们入睡而冰冷的床则会妨碍人们入睡。空格位于谓语动词后,空格后为一个可数单数名词短语,所 以空格处应填不定冠词。 “good是”以辅音音素开始的,故填 a。(8)考查形容词。句意:它能帮助人们睡得更好,特

8、别是当他们从大雪天进来,要花更 长的时间才能让被窝暖和起来的时候。根据句意,这句话强调天冷的时候,要花更长的时 间才能让被窝暖和起来,故填形容词比较级比较合适。故填longer 。( 9)考查代词。句意: Chris Idzikowski 博士和他的同事 Jane Bednall 说,这个主意就像是 “往你的被窝儿里放个大热水瓶。 ”空格后是一个但数名词,且 colleague 与 Chris Idzikowski 之间是所属关系,所以应填形容词性的物主代词。Chris Idzikowski 是男士,故填 his 。(10)考查介词。句意:这个五分钟就能暖床的环节这个月底将在伦敦与曼彻斯特实行

9、。at the end of 固定短语, “在末端; 在的结尾 ”,故填 at。 【点评】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,状语从句,名词,时态,定语从句,介词,冠词,形 容词,代词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础 上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确 的单词形式。2语法填空Many of the earth's plants and animals have already(die) out, and a hundred speciesbecome (endanger) every day. If nothing is

10、 done, we may find ourselves(lonely) on the earth.Wild animals live in the (forest) which are being destroyed by people. Asresult, the animals are (lose) their habitats. Without the trees, the animals are short offood. And many animals are dying out because of pollution.I suggest that measures shoul

11、d be taken (protect) wildlife. The government shouldkeep people destroying forests and shut down the factories pollute rivers andair, I think more wildlife reserves should also be (build).【答案】 Died ; endangered ; alone ; forests; a; losing ; to protect ; from ; which/that ; built【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,地球

12、上的很多动、植物已经灭绝,一百个物种每天 都变得濒临绝境,我们应该采取措施保护野生动植物。(1)考查时态。句意:地球上的很多动、植物已经灭绝。根据句意可知句子用现在完成 时态,故填 died 。( 2)考查非谓语动词。句意:一百个物种每天都变得濒临绝境。endangered 为形容词化的分词形式,意为 “濒临灭绝的 ”,故填 endangered 。( 3)考查形容词。句意:如果没有采取措施,我们可能发现我们自己在地球上独自存 在。 alone “独自的,单独的 ”,答案为 alone 。(4)考查名词。句意:野生动物生活在被人正在毁掉的森林里。根据句意可知名词用复 数形式,故答案为 fore

13、sts 。( 5)考查冠词。 as a result固定短语, “结果 ”,故填 a。( 6)考查时态。句意:动物正在失去它们的栖息地。句子用现在进行时态,故填losing。( 7)考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式做目的状语,故填to protect 。( 8)考查介词。 keep sb. from doing sth. 固定短语, “阻止某人做某事 ”,故填 from 。( 9)考查定语从句。句意:关闭污染河流和空气的工厂。此处factories 是先行词,指 物,在后面的定语从句中做主语,故填 which/that 。 (10)考查语态。句意:我认为还应该建立更多的野生动物保护区。根据句意

14、可知句子用 含情态动词的被动语态,故填 built 。【点评】本题考点涉及时态,非谓语动词,形容词,名词,冠词,时态,介词,定语从句 以及语态等多个知识点的考查,是一篇环保类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上, 进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单 词形式。3语法填空Nearly 800 new pupils of Lianhua Elementary School in Hefei, Anhui Province, is reported (receive) a unique gift: an admission letter their name

15、s are written by teachers using Chinese writing brush. (similar), Shaanxi Normal University has beensending their freshmen calligraphy admission for eleven years. Several former professors in 70s take about a week writing more than 4,500 admission letters every year.It is believed in China that &quo

16、t;handwriting is the man," (mean) good handwriting cannot only cultivate one's temperament ( 气质 ), but can also reflect one's literacy and character. At present, (tradition) calligraphy has again become a compulsory lesson in many Chineseprimary and middle schools, which aims (enhance)

17、students' cultural competence. Atthe same time, parents are attaching great importance children's calligraphy practice.It is fair to say that calligraphy is not left out in today's fast-paced society; , itsincomparable value is standing out.The charm of Chinese culture embodied in callig

18、raphy can always strike a chord with writers and (view). Do you have any interest in learning it?【答案】 to have received ; where ; Similarly ; their ; meaning ; traditional ;to enhance; to;instead;viewers【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国传统书法越来越受重视。( 1)考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道 ,安徽省合肥市莲花小学近 800 名新生收到了一份特 殊的礼物。 be reported

19、to have done 固定短语, "据说 /传闻 的"事情发生在过去 ,对现在有 影响。故填 to have received 。( 2)考查定语从句。句意:他们的名字由老师们用毛笔书写的通知书。句中先行词为anadmission letter, 在定语从句中作地点状语 ,故用关系副词 where 。故填 where 。(3)考查副词。句意:无独有偶 ,陕西师范大学已经向新生寄送书法录取通知书有 11 个年 头了。这里用副词修饰整个句子。故填Similarly 。( 4)考查代词。句意:每年 ,数名 70 岁高龄的退休教授会花一个礼拜左右的时间写完4500 余份录取通知

20、书。 in one's 70s “在某人 70 多岁的时候 ”。这里指代 former professors, 故 用 their 。故填 their 。( 5)考查非谓语动词。句意:中国人相信"字如其人 ",也就是说 ,好的笔迹不仅能够修身养性 , 还能反映出一个人的读写能力和性格。句中逻辑主语handwriting is the man 与 mean 之间为主动关系 ,故用现在分词。故填 meaning 。( 6)考查形容词。句意:现在在很多中国中小学,传统书法再一次成了必修课 ,其目标在于 提高学生的文化能力。修饰名词 calligraphy,前用形容词形式。

21、故填 traditional 。( 7)考查非谓语动词。句意:现在在很多中国中小学,传统书法再一次成了必修课 ,其目标在于提高学生的文化能力。 aim to do 固定短语, “目的在于做 ”。故填 to enhance 。( 8)考查介词。句意:与此同时 ,家长也愈加重视孩子们的写字习惯了。 attach importance to 固定短语, “认为 有重要意义 ”,故填 to 。( 9)考查副词。句意:书法在当今这个快节奏的社会中不仅没有过时,反而价值突显。instead 位于句首 ,连接上下句。通常是上句先否定一种情况,再以 instead 引出下句 ,提出相反的情况。故填 inste

22、ad 。(10)考查名词。句意:中国传统文化在书法中体现出来的魅力总是能够引起作者和观者 的共鸣。这里由 and 连接与 writers 并列 ,故填 viewers,表示 "观看者 "。故填 viewers 。 【点评】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,定语从句,副词,代词,形容词,介词以及名词等多 个知识点的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上 下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。4语法填空It is reported over 100,000 people took part in a massive par

23、ade at Beijing'sTian'anmen Square the morning of Oct 1, National Day, (celebrate) the 70thanniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. "Participants from all walks of life and ethnic groups attended ceremony, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots( 同胞 ), overseas

24、Chinese and foreigners (include)", said Du Feijin, head of the publicitydepartment of the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China. "Tian'anmen Square featured red decorations representing the (glory) history of the Party as it led theChinese revolution to victory", he sa

25、id, (add) that 70 red lanterns ware hung parallel tothe east and west sides of the square. A series of (active) like raising the national flag,singing the national anthem and commemorating revolutionary martyrs(烈士 ) held nationwideto let (many) people take part in celebrating the birthday of the mot

26、herland. Besides, adocumentary which featured highlights during the 70-year journey (broadcast) on TV.【答案】 that ; on; to celebrate ; the ; included ; glorious ; adding; activities ; more ; was broadcast【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了 10 月 1 日庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年 游行的情况。(1)考查主语从句。句意:据报道, 10 月 1日国庆节当天上午,有 10 多万人在北京

27、天安 门广场参加了庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年的盛大游行。 it is reported that 固定句式, “据报道 ,”故填 that 。(2)考查介词。句意:据报道, 10 月 1 日国庆节当天上午,有 10多万人在北京天安门广 场参加了庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年的盛大游行。 on the morning of 固定短语, “在的早晨 ”,具体的日子之前用介词 on,故填 on。(3)考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道,10月 1日国庆节当天上午,有 10 多万人在北京天安门广场参加了庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年的盛大游行。本句中 celebrate 做非谓语 动词,做目

28、的状语用不定式。故填to celebrate 。(4)考查冠词。句意:中共北京市委宣传部部长杜飞金表示: “来自各行各业和各民族的代表参加了仪式,包括港澳台同胞、海外华人和外国人。 ”此处特指 10 月 1 日国庆节当天上 午举行的阅兵仪式,故填 the 。(5)考查非谓语动词。中共北京市委宣传部部长杜飞金表示: “来自各行各业和各民族的代表参加了仪式,包括港澳台同胞、海外华人和外国人。”included 在句中做非谓语动词,与上文列举的 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, overseas Chinese and foreigners 构成 被动

29、表示 “被包括在内的 ”,故填 included 。(6)考查形容词。句意:他说 : “天安门广场上的红色装饰代表了党领导中国革命取得胜利 的光荣历史, ”他还补充说, 70 盏红灯笼与天安门广场东西两侧平行悬挂。 history 为名词 需要形容词修饰,故填 glorious 。(7)考查非谓语动词。句意:他说 : “天安门广场上的红色装饰代表了党领导中国革命取得 胜利的光荣历史, ”他还补充说, 70 盏红灯笼与天安门广场东西两侧平行悬挂。本句中 add 做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语 he 构成主动关系用现在分词,故填 adding 。(8)考查名词。句意:在全国范围内举行升旗、唱国歌、纪念革

30、命先烈等一系列活动, 让更多的人参与到庆祝祖国生日的活动中来。 activity 为可数名词,由 a series of 修饰应用 复数形式,故填 activities 。( 9 )考查形容词。句意:在全国范围内举行升旗、唱国歌、纪念革命先烈等一系列活 动,让更多的人参与到庆祝祖国生日的活动中来。结合句意可知 “让更多的人参与到庆祝祖 国生日的活动中来 ”应用形容词比较级,故填 more。( 10)考查时态语态。句意:此外,电视还播放了一部讲述70 年历程的纪录片。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动,且事情发生在过去用一般过去时,主语为 a documentary ,故填was broadcast。

31、【点评】本题考点涉及主语从句,介词,非谓语动词,冠词,形容词,名词以及时态语态 等多个知识点的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根 据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。5阅读下面文,在空处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China's Liangzhu Archaeological Site (declare) on the list of World Heritage sites onSaturday by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee during it

32、s 43 rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.The site, is located in Yuhang District in Hangzhou City in China's eastern ZhejiangProvince, showcases the civilization of prehistoric rice agriculture between 3,300 B.C. 2,300 B.C. The ruins of ancient Liangzhu city were discovered in 2007, an

33、d then large dam sites (surround) the Liangzhu ancient city were unearthed continuously after 2009. It was (official) submitted lo UNESCO in 2019, hoping to win (recognize) as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The site (include) archaeological remains and unearthed culturalrelics of the Liangzhu Ancie

34、nt City as well as a wetland that covers area of 908. 89hectares in a plain river network. It is also found that the Liangzhu ancestors started to use characters about 5 ,000 years ago, 1 ,000 years (early) than previously thought, according to Colin Renfrew, a retired professor of archaeology at th

35、e University of Cambridge.The World Heritage Committee added Liangzhu to the UNESCO list (encourage)better protection of the site, considered to be of "outstanding universal value" to humanity.【答案】 was declared ; which ; and ; surrounding ; officially ;recognition ; includes ; an ; earlier

36、 ;to encourage【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会在阿塞 拜疆首都巴库举行的第 43 届会议上,于周六宣布中国良渚遗址为世界遗产。同时说明了良 渚遗址的一些情况。( 1)考查时态语态。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据时间状语on Saturday可知为一般过去时,主语为 Liangzhu Archaeological Site,谓语动词用单数形式。故填wasdeclared。( 2)考查定语从句。本句为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词site,且先行词在从句中做主语,表示 “遗址 ”故用关系代词 which 。因此填 which 。( 3

37、)考查连词。 between and 固定短语, “在 之间 ”。故填 and 。( 4)考查非谓语动词。句意: 2007 年发现良渚古城遗址, 2009 年以后,围绕良渚古城的 大型水坝遗址陆续出土。分析句子结构可知 surround 在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语 dam sites 构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填surrounding 。( 5)考查副词。句意:它于 2019 年正式提交联合国教科文组织,希望获得世界文化遗产 的认可。修饰句中动词 submit 应用副词,故填 officially 。(6)考查名词。此处做 win 的宾语,且表示“认可”应用名词 recognition

38、 。故填 recognition 。(7)考查时态。本空为句子的谓语动词,且结合语境描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为 site,故谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填includes 。( 8)考查冠词。 area 为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且 area 为元音音素开头 的单词。 cover an area of 占“地 面积 ”,故填 an。( 9 )考查形容词。根据下文“ than previously thought ”可知应用形容词比较级,故填earlier 。( 10)考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词 added ,分析句子结构可知 encourage 在句中 做非谓语动词,且作

39、目的状语故用不定式。故填 to encourage 。【点评】本题考点涉及时态语态,定语从句,连词,形容词,副词,名词,时态,冠词, 形容词,非谓语动词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇新闻报道,要求考生在理解细节信息的 基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出 正确的单词形式。6 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Vegetarianism( 素食主义 )is becoming one rising trend in the UK, as more people are deciding not (eat) meat

40、 and animal products. Vegetarians are people who don't eat meat, while vegans are people who don't eat or use any animal products at all. These lifestyles(become) more well-known in the UK. are Britons cutting out meat? Many are unhappy about the poor treatment of animals and the effects of

41、meat and fish production the environment. (worry) about food safety and foodborne illnesses, such as mad cow disease, have also played a part. Others choose to change their eating habits in order to become (healthy). According to the Vegetarian Society, a meat-free diet can helpreduce risk of certai

42、n cancers, as well as heart disease and high blood pressure.Organic farming is rising trend that is appearing in the UK. Many people are rejectinggenetically modified( 转基因的 )food and want their food to be (organic) produced.Organic farmers use very few or no chemicals. Organic meat (produce) without

43、 the useof drugs.【答案】 to eat ; are becoming ; Why ; on ; Worries ; healthier ; the ; another ; organically; is produced【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,素食主义在英国逐渐增加,越来越多的英国人决定 不食用肉类和动物产品。根据素食协会的说法,无肉饮食可以帮助降低某些癌症、心脏病 和高血压的风险。( 1)考查非谓语动词。句意:素食主义在英国正成为一种上升趋势,越来越多的人决定 不吃肉和动物制品。 decide to do 固定短语, “决定做 。”故填 to eat 。(2)考

44、查时态。句意:这种生活方式在英国越来越出名。根据语境可知,此处应使现在 进行时,表示逐渐变化的过程。故填is becoming 。( 3)考查疑问词。根据下文 “许多人对虐待动物以及肉类和鱼类生产的影响感到不满 ”可 知,此处指 “为什么英国人不吃肉? ”故填 Why。(4)考查介词。句意:许多人对虐待动物以及肉类和鱼类生产对环境的影响感到不满。 have an effect on 固定短语, “对 有影响 ”。故填 on。(5)考查名词。句意:对食品安全和像疯牛病这样的食源性疾病的担忧也起到了一定的 作用。根据句意及谓语动词 have 可知,此处应使用名词复数。故填Worries 。(6)考

45、查形容词。句意:其他人选择改变他们的饮食习惯是为了变得更健康。根据语境 可知,此处应使用比较级。故填healthier 。(7)考查冠词。句意:据素食协会称,无肉饮食可以帮助降低某些癌症、心脏病和高血 压的风险。根据语境可知,此处表特指,应使用定冠词。故填the 。( 8)考查形容词。句意:有机农业是另一个正在英国兴起的趋势。another 另“外的 ”。故填 another 。(9)考查副词。句意:许多人拒绝转基因食品,希望他们的食物是有机生产的。此处修 饰动词 produce ,应使用副词形式。故填 organically 。(10)考查时态语态。句意:有机肉类的生产不需要药物。根据语境可

46、知,此处应使用被 动语态,且描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故填is produced 。【点评】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,时态,介词,名词,形容词,冠词,副词以及语态等 多个知识点的考查,是一篇社会现象类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步 根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形 式。7阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Digital receipts offer a few improvements over (tradition) paper receipts. One ishealth-related. L

47、ots of receipt paper contains bisphenol A, or BPA. This chemical can completely influence or outright change some bodily processes, like hair growth, hormone function and cell repair. (reduce) receipt paper reduces the risk for BPA exposure for not only consumersbut also for employees who handle the

48、 paper a more routine basis.Another reason why digital receipts are better just boils down to (convenient). Youcan access those receipts through your email and file (they) away in a separate folderor with a specific label for easy sorting. Or, if you need more help on the organization front, try a r

49、eceipt tracking app. Physical receipts require you physically (keep) track of them, andthat means a shoe box or an accordion folder or a big thumb tack on a cork board in the kitchen. There have been times when I've let something go unreturned I didn't have the receipt.I'm betting I'

50、m not alone on that.Some businesses, particularly local ones, use newer point of sale systems like Square that will (automatic) send you a digital receipt if you've already received one from another business that uses Square. When you pay with the same credit you did at the first seller, and you

51、've already provided email address to the Square system, you (get) areceipt in your email minutes later.【 答 案 】 traditional ; Reducing ; on ; convenience ; them ; to keep ; because ; automatically ; an;will get【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了与使用传统纸质票据相比,使用电子票据的 益处。( 1)考查形容词。句意:数字收据比传统的纸质收据有一些改进。此处作定语修饰名词 r

52、eceipts 应用形容词。故填 traditional 。(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:减少纸质收据的使用不仅降低了消费者接触BPA 的风险,也降低了那些经常使用纸质收据的员工接触 BPA 的风险。分析句子结构可,此句缺少主 语,此处时动名词作主语。故填 Reducing。( 3)考查介词。句意:减少纸质收据的使用不仅降低了消费者接触BPA 的风险,也降低了那些经常使用纸质收据的员工接触 BPA 的风险。 on abasis固定短语, “在 的基础 上”。故填 on 。( 4)考查名词。句意为:数字收据更好的第四个原因归结起来就是方便。boil down to 固定短语, “归结起来是,其结果

53、是 ”,此处名词作介词 to 的宾语。故填 convenience 。(5) 考查代词。句意:你可以通过电子邮件查看这些收据,并将它们归档到一个单独的 文件夹中,或者用一个特定的标签进行分类。此处指代前面名词复数those receipts 在句子中作宾语应用人称代词宾格形式 them 。故填 them。( 6)考查非谓语动词。句意:有形的收据需要你亲自去记录。require sb. to do sth. 固定短语, “请求某人做某事 ”,动词不定式作 require 的宾补。故填 to keep。(7)考查连词。句意:有好几次,我因为没有收据而不能把东西退回了。本句为原因状 语从句,表示 “

54、因为 ”应用 because。 故填 because。( 8)考查副词。句意: Square 会自动给你发送电子收据。修饰动词 send 应用其副词形 式。故填 automatically 。( 9)考查冠词。句意:您已经向Square系统提供了一个电子邮件地址。 address 是可数名词,且此处表泛指,应用不定冠词,又因 address 的发音是以元音音素开头的,应填an。( 10)考查时态。句意:你会在几分钟后收到一封邮件。此处为主句谓语动词,根据 when 引导的时间状语从句的时态可知,此处主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将 来。故填一般将来时。故填 will get 。【点评】本

55、题考点涉及形容词,非谓语动词,介词,名词,代词,连词,副词,冠词以及 时态等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科技类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一 步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形 式。8阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词 )或括号内单词的正确形式。I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. When he (ask) why he was able tosucceed, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience w

56、ith mother when he wasabout two years old. "I was trying to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I lost the bottle and it fell, spilling ( 溢出 ) the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk! I got (frighten) and Ididn't know what to do!" he said.Instead of (punish) him, his mother ask

57、ed him to play in the milk for a while. Thenshe said, " You know, we failed in how to (successful) carry a big milk bottle with twotiny (hand) just now. Let's go out in the yard and fill the bottle water to see ifyou can discover a way to carry it."This famous scientist then remarked t

58、hat it was at that moment that he (know) hedidn't need to be afraid to make mistakes were actually opportunities for learningsomething new. Even if the experiment "doesn't work", we usually learn something (value) from it【答案】 was asked; his; frightened ; punishing ; successfully ; hands ; with ;knew ; which/that ; valuable【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一位著名科学家和大家分享了他成功的一个小故 事:小时候,有一次他把牛奶洒在了地板上。母亲非但没有批评他,反而让他玩了一会 儿。通过这次经历,科学家明白了一个道理:犯错其实是学习新东西的机会。即使实验 " 不 成功 " ,我们通常也能从中学到一些有价值的东西。(1)考查时态语态。句意:当他被问到为什么他能够成功的时候,他给出了答案。


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