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1、四级听力必背词汇:一、场景词汇二、同义替换词汇三、同音近音词四、多义词汇五、拼写费力词汇第一章 场景词汇校园场景:主体是学生和老师老师:teaching/research(ing) assistantlecturer literatureprofessor profession 职业 professional 专业人士dean 系主任;院长 president 校长e.g. The lecturers are boring. 老师很无聊学生:freshman大一学生sophomore大二学生 suffer more遭受Junior大三学生;初级的(adj)senior大四学生;高级的(adj)

2、 senior citizen 老人=elderly peoplee.g. senior manager高级经理e.g. The two speakers are seniors at college.这两个人是大四学生graduate n.大学毕业生undergraduate n.大学本科生postgraduate n.研究生graduate school n.研究生院bachelor 学士;单身汉master 硕士doctor 博士degree 学位doctor degree 博士学位term/semester 学期academic year 学年 academic academy 学院p

3、rivate school 私立学校religious school 教会学校课程:required/compulsory course 必修课optional course 选修课day course 白天的课 He signed up a day courseevening course晚上的课presentation展示 present展示(动词)lecture讲座e.g. You took an optional course this semester, didnt you?你这个学期选了一门选修课,对吗?学科名词:history历史chemistry化学literature文学 l

4、ecturerarchitecture建筑学finance金融学 (adj)financial,金融的economics经济学philosophy哲学 (pl)philosophiesgeography地理学psychology心理学 psychologist 心理学家physics物理学politics政治学 political 政治的作业ASSIGNMENT:paper 论文 essay 散文book report 读书报告feedback反馈=opinionmark分数 full marks 满分grade分数 passing grade及格分score分数 low score 低分听写

5、dictation:assignment作业literature 文学lecture 讲座philosophy哲学assistant助教undergraduate 本科生机场场景book=reserve=make a reservation 订票booking office售票处delay晚点e.g. Im sorry the flight is delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. 因为一个小的机械故障,飞机晚点了。change=switch换航班e.g. Switch to a different flight 换到另外一个航班tim

6、etable 时刻表terminal终点站,航站楼destination目的地e.g. The man has changed his destination.男士更换了他的目的地。one way ticket单程票round trip ticket往返票non-stop/direct flight直航transfer 转换e.g. Getting transferred to the English Departmentfirst class 头等舱business class商务舱economy class经济舱luggage/baggage行李confirm the flightchec

7、k inboarding card登机牌security check安检see off送行board登记take off起飞departure离开land着陆Airhostess空姐flight attendant空姐 hotel attendantstewardess空姐 听写dictation:reservation预订terminal终点站destination目的地transfer转机departure离港security check安检flight attendant空姐工作场景HR: human resources人力资源interviewer面试官employer雇主recrui

8、t v.招聘recruitment n招聘.interviewee求职者candidate候选人job applicant 申请人applicant申请apply forapplication申请 e.g. I have to discuss you application with my colleagues and well get back to you early next week.application form申请表e.g. She filled in an application formhand in/submit a resume上交简历job interview工作面试p

9、aid vacation带薪假期medical/dental insurance医疗保险feedbackturn down an offerjob prospectresponsibility责任e.g. Mr. Saunders will share one third of the womans responsibilities.income收入salary薪水wage工资allowance津贴bonus津贴pension抚恤金benefit好处security安全retire v.退休retirement n退休.be fired/ be laid off解雇quit/resign辞去r

10、esignation n.pressure/stress压力stressful adj.e.g. Why exactly(到底) does your job have reputation 名声for being stressful?厌烦的几种说法:be fed up with/be bored withbe tired of/be sick of养活自己的说法:support onselfmake a livingearn a living听写:application form申请表job interview工作面试recruitmentpension养老金retirement退休reput

11、ation名声lay off解雇resignation辞职房屋场景:live on campus(住在校园):dorm宿舍live off campus(搬出学校):apartment complex(公寓大楼)departmentcomplex 建筑群;常做adj,复杂的e.g. The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars, have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street?Vacancy 空缺inquire/enquire v.询问,打听inquiry/enquiry n.询问,打听

12、inquiring/enquiring adj.(人的神色)好奇的,探询的tenant房客: rent an apartmentlandlord/landlady房东: for rent=to let(出租)e.g. I believe you have a room to let.我相信你有一个房子要租出去。suburb(城郊)downtown (市中心)e.g. He owns a piece of land in the downtown area.furnished(配备家具的)/unfurnishede.g. Youve got your apartment furnished, h

13、avent you?basement (地下室)bargain 廉价货; 讨价还价e.g. She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement.block (街区)e.g. The man lives two blocks away from the Smiths.district (区域)e.g. The man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district.听写:apartment complex 公寓大楼inquiry/enquiry询问tenant房客suburb郊区

14、unfurnished未配备家具的basement地下室block街区district区域医院场景:clinic(诊所);emergency room(急诊室)e.g. Each year about 200,000 children end up in hospital emergency rooms with playground injures. Patient病人physician(内科医生);surgeon(外科医生)dentist(牙医)e.g. To the dentists.appointment预约e.g. The woman should confirm her appoi

15、ntment with the doctor.check (up)/examinee.g. Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway.coldheadache头疼fever/have a temperaturestomachachesore throattwisted anklee.g. I fell off a step and twisted my ankle.heart condition/attack/diseasee.g. If she has a heart condition, Id recommend against it.

16、black and blue遍体鳞伤;青一块紫一块e.g. Im no doctor, but its not black and blue or anything.emotional problemscancere.g. It was mainly meant for cancer patients. recovere.g. They believe people can recover without treatment. beyond cure无法治愈e.g. His illness is beyond cure a narrow escape (死里逃生)e.g. He had a n

17、arrow escape in a car accident. die/pass away听写Dictation:clinicemergencyphysiciansurgeondentistappointmentexaminestomachachesore throattwisted ankleemotional problemsrecovera narrow escape交通场景:traffic jam堵车 jam 果酱e.g. Im stuck in a traffic jam.fare (车票价) fair 公平的,集市 job fair 人才招聘会e.g. She visits her

18、 parents at weekends when the fares are down.license (驾照)rush hours高峰期overtake(超车)e.g. He was trying to overtake the truck ahead of him. Speed速度e.g. The taxi driver must have been speeding.traffic regulation交通规则e.g. The woman had violated traffic regulations. fine (罚款)e.g. Anyway, do I have to pay a

19、 fine? parking lot/space停车场e.g. The man had a hard time finding a parking space. parking meter(停车计时收费器)crash/run into(撞)e.g. Her car can stand any crash.endure 忍受 put up with听写Dictation:traffic jamfarelicenseovertaketraffic regulationcrash into餐馆酒店场景:book=reserve=make a reservation预定appetizer 开胃菜 ap

20、petitemain coursedessert甜点knife and forkspoonchopsticks服务员说的 Can I take your order, please?顾客说的 Id like to order服务员说的Ill be back with your order in a minute.付账:1, Its my treat today.2, Ill treat you today.Lets split the bill.(AA制)wine list红酒单 white winealcohol abuse酗酒power abuse滥用职权drug abuse吸毒child

21、ren abuse虐待儿童check in/out登记酒店前台:hotel clerk/receptionist/hotel attendantdiscount折扣compensation赔偿听写Dictation:dessertordertreatalcohol abuseReceptionistattendant第二章 同义替换词汇小对话同义替换词汇1:原文对应(=)选项06年6月11, got on well with each other=never a fight, had a great timeget on well with=get along12, does her own

22、housework=you clean it up by yourself 13, be unwise to buy another house=their present house is not too badwise 明智的 14, turn cold all of a sudden=the weather turn so quicklyall of a sudden突然15, restaurant=how about ordering some vegetables and fruits?16, did not feel any danger =Id go and buy things

23、 when I was 8 years old.17, same company=I work on the 9th floor18, looking for an appointment=can I take a look at it?06年12月11, give her more information=any suggestions12, go without dessert=watch my weight13, can speak a foreign language=but Japanese , and English are the only languages I can spe

24、ak.14, see professor Smith=go to his office after class15, pass the message to the man= leave a note, I can give it to her16, got emotional problems=get upset easily over little thing17, buy the tickets beforehand=in advance18, ran into a tree=crashed into a tree07年6月11, appeal more to viewers over

25、40=people over 40 might find the program worth watching12, admire her in writing=I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.13, save some trouble=picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.14, he quit teaching in June=not since June15, read only part of the book=read a few chapt

26、ers16, attend to her husband=her husband was injured in a car accident17, not far from their old one=two blocks from their old home18, had a hard time find a parking place=I drove two blocks before I spotted a place.07年12月11, overweight=a little out of shape12, hotel reception=had reserved a room fo

27、r me13, having confidence in her son=he is sure do well in the next exam14, have a short break=go out and get some fresh air.15, in perfect condition=never felt better in my life16, keeps some old furniture in her new house=just give away the useless pieces,17, forgot lending the book to the man=sor

28、ry not to have returned it earlier.18, doesnt look like a sportsman=most people dont think so either.08年6月11, give his ankle a good rest=stop regular activities.12, theater=balcony13, sad occasion=attend the funeral14, focus on the main points of her lectures=concentrate on the important ideas15, sp

29、ilt coffee on the mans jacket=have you jacket cleaned16, hard to understand=plot (情节)was complicated17, attending every lecture=never miss a lecture18, not provide anything better=I doubt theyll have anything different08年12月11, lost contact with=out of touch12, painter=color13, make inquires elsewhe

30、re=have you inquired ?14, gain some weight=hadnt spent time exercising15, doesnt like abstract paintings=havent acquired a taste for yet16, may have put notebook amid in the journals=did you check the pile of journals17, want to get some sleep-was up till 3 this morning18, chance is slim-the other t

31、wo seemed better qualified.qualify能够胜任的quality质量quatity数量小对话同义替换词汇2:09年6月11, enjoyed great popularity=she was popular even when she was a child.12, have a holiday=well be getting away for a while.13, courageous=I really admire his courage.14, buy a new machine=invest in a recent model15, not excited

32、 about new position=no, not really16, offer a drive to the party=give her a ride17, finalizing the contract=go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it18, ordered some paper=completed the order form on line yesterday.09年12月11, get some small change=you can get it through the

33、 money changer12, buying a gift for a child=Id suggest this toy train13, taking photographs=do you let people know when you re taking pictures of them?14, provide little information=but I was really young at that time15, he knew his own limitations=but I know I need more experiences16, his gym exerc

34、ise has yield good results=your effort has paid off17, suggestion is constructive=that might help18, indifferent=I am somewhat tired of working here10年6月11, cannot get access to the assigned book=cant find the book12, drive the man to the supermarket=we go together13, tidy up the place=forgive the m

35、ess in here14, talk can be held any day except Friday=other than this Friday15, understand the feelings=Id feel that way too16, have to invite David=my mother insists that he come17, find lectures boring=could hardly stay awake18, assemble a computer=put a computer together10年12月11, enjoy staying in

36、 Washington=be happy here12, the directors opinion=director give me feedback13, avoid excessive physical training=not to overdo it14, whether she can travel by air=worried about her going on a plane15, violated traffic regulation=have to pay a fine16, have someone repair the refrigerator=have it fix

37、ed17, finally do what he has dreamed of=congratulations18, got hurt in an accident=hand hurt from the fall11年6月11, careless about appearance=should shave himself and put on something clean12, be caught in a traffic jam=drive through heavy traffic13, training=working hard14, having a hard time=terrib

38、le15, thinks highly of=its been a long time since Ive heard anyone is good16, seek help from tutoring service=theres a tutoring service on campus17, Jill wore the overcoat=that was my sister Jill18, an imaginary situation=suppose长对话同义替换词汇:1, be interviewed=received your resume2, lead a team=in charg

39、e of a team3, be satisfied with=you might just be the person weve been looking for4, brush up=practice5, historical=old6 originate =come from7, talk to the manager=complain to the manager8 , a half=fifty percent9, be fed up with my job=be tired of my present job10, see a piece of property=a farm11,

40、has passed away=has been died12, ideal=swift action13, a financial trader=trading in financial market14, a good thing=a positive thing第三章 同音近音词汇同音近音词汇breakbrake sail-sale on sale 特卖sightsite for-four steal-steel threwthroughthrew a party 办partyget through=be through with 完成weather天气-whether是否 wood-w

41、ould passed-past hear-hereall together-altogether flew(fly过去式)flu流感 sauce辣椒酱-source来源heal治愈-heel 鞋跟hourourfare-fair peace和平piece 一片find找到-fined罚款full满的-fool傻子 loose-松的-lose失去了 track-truck拖拉机first-fast pull拉-pool 游泳池bald-board avoid避免award奖赏pass通过-path路第四章 多义词汇多义词汇:appeal vi.呼吁;有吸引力1,The police are a

42、ppealing to the public for any information about the missing girl.2,Its a program designed to appeal mainly to 16 to 25 year-olds.article n.文章;条款;物品1,Id better read one of the articles for our political science class.2,Id like to go over all the articles of the contract once moreLaw article 法律条款bear

43、 n.熊 v. 忍受;容忍=stand;endure;put up withbearable adj.可忍受的unbearable adj.无法忍受的1,He couldnt bear to see the dog in pain.2,The heat was unbearable.break v.破碎;结束 n.中止;休息1,Eventually someone spoke, breaking the silence.2,Well take another break at 3.30.character n.性格;特征;特色;角色1,Politeness is traditionally p

44、art of the British character.2,The film revolves around three main characterschief adj.首要的 n.首领1,The chief duty of every government is to protect persons and property.2,A police chief.fine adj.健康的 v.处.以罚款 n.罚款;罚金1,She has been fined many times.2,Do I have to pay a fine?last adj.最后的 v.持续1,At the last

45、 moment he changed his mind.2,It will last one week.manual adj.手工的;体力的 n.手册;说明书1,Manual laborers shouldnt be looked down upon.2,Do you know a many packs are without manuals?stock n.储备;股票1,Im afraid its out of stock. In stock 有储备2,They are exchanging stock market information.第五章 拼写费力词汇1,历年复合式听写词汇2,历年

46、选词填空词汇3,历年真题重点词汇历年复合式听写词汇1:98/1worlds 世界的architecture 建筑学 architect 建筑家success 成功 successful 成功的 succeed v.成功experiences experience经验(不可数);经历(可数)artificial 人工的 artificial lake 人造湖romantic浪漫的 romance ndespite尽管 prep01/6Cancer 癌症retirement退休focused 聚焦 同义替换:concentrate (on)crossed 交叉 十字路口的说法:crossed ro

47、addistant 有距离的 distance n.距离= out of the way 路的外面,引申为有点远out of shape 走样了 touch 失去联系 stock 没有储备了 style 不在时尚了 date 过时了emotionally 情绪上的increasingly 增长的03/1species 种类average 平均的coupled 伴随的 couple 夫妻 a couple of ruining 毁灭;毁坏ensure 保证 mysterious 神秘的 mystery n. 奥秘percent 百分数 percentage04/6prints 打印的名词 pri

48、nt打印 printer 打印机instruments乐器 musical 乐器permitted 允许 (注意双写,辅+元+辅) permission n.许可established 建立 establishment n.destroyed 毁坏popular流行的 popularity n.流行 historical 历史的 history n.历史05/1quality 质量 quantity 数量 qualified 合格的,能够胜任的value 价值 valuable 有价值的investigated 投资 侦探recommend 推荐 recommendation n. sugge

49、st 推荐 suggestionfamiliar 熟悉的additional 额外的 extra 额外的perhaps也许06/6future 未来schedule 日程表trained 训练 training admire 崇拜 admiring 让人崇拜的waste 浪费 considerate 周到的;贴心的 and thoughtful considerable 很多的 visible 可见的 visibility 能见度 invisible 隐形的necessarily 必要地 necessary 必要的 necessity 必需品 essential 必需的历年复合式听写词汇206

50、/12usage exception 例外 exceptional outstanding 卓越的; distinguished ; phenomenon现象phenomenal 卓越的reference 参考 refer to 提到essays 散文;随笔 responsibility-responsibilities责任colleagues 同事 college 大学natural 自然的particular 特定的=especiallypersonal 个人的07/6competition 竞赛 compete 竞争 competitive 竞争的standards 标准 standar

51、d 标准的semester 学期accustomed 习惯的 customs 海关 inquire 询问adjusting meaningawarebe aware of 意识到07/12comparison 比较 compare 比较proportion 部分;比例 proportional workforce 劳动力reverse 倒转increased 增加alarming 惊醒的 sheer 彻底的 ;完全的disturbing 打扰08/6labor ingredientsindividualsfiguresengage 订婚generating 制造;产生vital 关键的curr

52、ently 现在地08/12trend 流行phenomenon 现象 scene 场景 scenery offensesmurder 谋杀explosion 爆炸 explosiveassociated 练习 association 协会particularly 09/6information 信息(不可数)row phenomenonconcentrated depends 依靠suspected 怀疑 suspect 嫌疑straight adj/adv efficiently 有效率地 efficiency 效率 effective 有效的09/12album 专辑appreciati

53、on 欣赏context 上下文 contest 比赛image 图像,形象 imagine想象instruments 乐器classified 分类 classify classification implies 暗示 imply background 背景10/6mystery 奥秘 mysterious 秘密的 figuring interacting 互动curious好奇的 curiousityindependent 独立自主的unusual 不常见的 formal 正式的 formerabstract 抽象10/12households chat 聊天 rates rate 比率;费用preserve 保鲜appreciate 欣赏receive 收到 reception receptionistsubmit 提交convenient 便利的11/6survive 存活distant有距离的backward靠后discover发现 discoverys


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