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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上商务英语教案Chapter 1 International Business EnglishI. Suggested Teaching PlanObjectivesStudents will be able to:1. understand the key idea of the international business (business, international business, the scope of international business activities, international risk, international busine

2、ss law, commercial credit, management of international business and brief introduction to WTO) ;2. master some basic terms of international business English(economic surplus, portfolio, parent company, turnkey project, collection, weight memo, T/T, D/D, etc.); 3. conduct a series of reading, listeni

3、ng, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit;4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.Time allotment1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background information)2nd period while reading

4、 (highlights of the text)3rd period highlights of the text4th period after-reading activitiesII. Teaching Method(s)1. ppt or2. teacher gives lecture mainly or3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or4. ask students to do ppt for presentationIII. Explanatory Notes on Techn

5、ical Terms1. economic surplusprofit or the money that remains after all the expenses are paid.2Portfoliothe list of shares in business owned by a person or a company; holdings in the form of stocks, bonds or other securities.3a parent companyholding company.4turnkey projecta project undertaken by a

6、contractor.5expropriationtaking away (property) or dispossessing (sb. from an estate, etc.).6collectionobtaining payment of a debt, e.g. a bill, cheque, etc.7. correspondent banka bank that has regular business with another bank or company in a distance place(esp. in a foreign country).8. insurance

7、policya document issued by the insurer, setting out the exact terms and conditions of an insurance transaction.9. insurance certificatea simplified insurance policy.10. weight memo(note)a note made out by a seller and used to indicate the net and gross weights of each package.IV. Detailed readingPre

8、-reading tasksWarming-up questions1. How much do you know about international business?2. Can you say something about the basic purpose of business activities?3. Do you know what features does international business deal with?Contents1. What is Business?l Traditionally, exchange or trade for things

9、people wanted or neededl Technically, the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profitl The primary goal of business activities is creating profit or economic surplus2. What is International Business?l As a field of management training, it deals with the special features of b

10、usiness activities that cross national boundaries including movements of goods, services, capital, or personnel; transfers of technology, information, or data, or even the supervision of employees.l The international business field encompasses international transactions in commodities, international

11、 transfers of intangibles such as technology and data, and the performance of international services such as banking and transportation. It gives special attention to the multinational enterprises _ an enterprise based in one country and operating in one or more other countries_ and the full methods

12、 open to such enterprises for doing business internationally.3. The Scope of International Business Activitiesl Physical goodsproducts from mining, petroleum, agriculture and manufacturing activitiesl Transactions in service construction, hotel, tourism, business consulting, and retailing and wholes

13、aling, transportationl Financial areas commercial and investment banking, securities, and insurancel Communication mediaradio, television, telegraph, telephone, magazines, books, newspapers, news services, networks and movies.l * foreign direct investmentinvestment that give the investor effective c

14、ontrol and are accompanied by managerial participation.* portfolio(有价证券) investment for the sake of obtaining investment income or capital gains rather than entrepreneurial income.*different ways of financing in foreign direct investment not through capital movement abroad, but by borrowing locally,

15、 reinvesting foreign earnings, by the sale to the foreign affiliate of non-financial assets such as technology, or through funds generated by licensing fees and payments for management services to the parent company. * direct investment includes whole ownership and a joint venture with one or more p

16、artners, who may be private firms or governments in the host country or other international firms of different nationalities.4. International Riskl Include financial, political, regulatory, and tax risksl Financial risk elements involve balance-of-payments considerations, varying exchange rates, dif

17、ferential inflation trends among countries, and divergent interest rates.l Political risks include the risk of expropriation and other adversary national policies.l regulatory risks arise from different legal systems, overlapping jurisdictions, and dissimilar policies that influence business practic

18、es and the application of antitrust law. l In the tax field, unforeseen changes in fiscal policies and the uncertainty of application of tax laws.5. On International Business Lawl The movement of people _ visa, work permit, employment agreement, and employment termination clausesl The movement of go

19、ods_ tax, antitrust, packaging and advertisingl Transfers of information _ patent and trademarkl Domestic laws of the home and host states, trade rules of regional groups(EU, WTO), and multilateral and bilateral treaties between the home and host states6. Commercial Creditl Credit _ means who takes

20、the responsibility of paying money and surrendering the shipping documents which represent the title to the goods in handing over the transacted goods and paying the above said money. l A. Commercial credit_ remittance (汇付)and collection (托收),the buyer is responsible to make payment, the seller to s

21、urrender documents.B. bankers credit _ letter of credit (L/C信用证), the banker is responsible to pay money and tender documents on behalf of both parties.l The buyer can adopt three different ways of remittance when he sends the money to the seller through a bank:1)Mail Transfer (M/T信汇) The buyer give

22、s money to his local bank. The local bank issues a trust deed for payment(付款委托书), then sends it to a correspondent bank at the sellers end by means of mail and entrusts him to pay the money to the seller.2)Telegraphic Transfer (T/T电汇)At the request of the buyer, the local bank sends a trust deed for

23、 payment by cable directly to a correspondent bank at the sellers end and entrust him to pay money to the seller.This method is quicker than mail transfer. The seller can receive the money at an early date. But the buyer has to bear more expenses.3)Demand Draft (D/D票汇)The buyer buys a bank draft (汇票

24、)from his local bank and sends it by mail to the seller. On the basis of the above bank draft, the seller or his appointed person takes the money from the relative bank in his place.l Collection (托收)The seller issues a draft, to which the shipping documents are attached, forwards the draft to a bank

25、 in his place (i.e., the remitting bank托收银行或受托银行), makes an application for collection and entrusts the remitting bank to collect the purchase price from the buyer through its correspondent bank abroad (i.e., the collecting bank代收银行).Because the remitting bank instructs the collecting bank not to pa

26、rt the documents with the latter until the draft is accepted or paid(承兑或支付), the buyers lack of commercial integrity is guarded against. l D/P _ documents against payment (付款交单)The exporter is to ship the goods ordered and deliver the relative shipping documents to the buyer abroad thorough the remi

27、tting bank and the collecting bank with instructions not to release the documents to the buyer until the payment for the goods is made.l Why cannot the buyer directly send cash or bankers draft with his order to the seller?1) the buyers capital will be tied up from the time of remitting it until the

28、 goods arrive and are sold, especially in cases where the goods ordered can only be shipped by the seller months or years after placing the order.2) The seller may be unknown to the buyer, and his commercial integrity may be questionable. l Insurance policy (保险单) a document issued by the insurer, se

29、tting out the exact terms and conditions of an insurance transaction _ the name of the insured, the name of commodity insured, the amount insured, the name of the carrying vessel, the precise risks covered, the period of cover, and any exceptions there may be. It is also a written contract of insura

30、nce between the insurance company and the insured. l Insurance certificate(保险凭证) is a simplified insurance policy. It has the necessary items of an insurance policy, but it doesnt set out the rights and duties of the insurer and the insured, which are subject to the detailed insurance clauses of a f

31、ormal insurance policy. In insurance certificate has the same effect as an insurance policy.l Weight memo(重量单) _ is made out by a seller when a sale is affected in foreign trade, indicating the net and gross weights of each package, which enables the consignee or the customs office to check the good

32、s.l Packing list(装箱单) is made out by a seller when a sale is affected in foreign trade, indicating the name of the goods, the net weight, the gross weight and complete inner packing specifications and contents of each package. It enables the consignee to declare the goods at the customs office, dist

33、inguish and check the goods when they arrive at the port of destinations.7. On Management of International Businessesl Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions.1) planning_ involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achi

34、eved.2) Organizing _ is the process of putting the plan into action. The most important is allocating resources, especially human resources, deciding on the positions to be created and determining the associated duties and responsibilities.3) The day-to-day direction and supervision of employees _ m

35、ake the full of the potentials of the employees and achieve the company goals.4) Coordinating_ to bring into proper relations among the various departments of the company. 5) Controlling _ managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. If not met, then changes are necessary in the comp

36、anys organizational or managerial structure. Then replan, reorganize, redirect, recoordinate.8. Brief Introduction of WTOl WTO was established on 1 January 1995. It is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral trading system. It provides the principal contractual obligations determi

37、ning how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations. And it is the platform on which trade relations among countries evolve through collective debate, negotiation and adjudicationl It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.l Its essential functions are:_ administering and im

38、plementing the multilateral and plural-lateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO;_ acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;_ seeking to resolve trade disputes;_ overseeing national trade policies; and _ cooperating with other international institutions involved in global

39、economic policy-making.l The structure of the WTO is dominated by its highest authority, the Ministerial Conference, composed of representatives of all WTO members, which is required to meet at least every two years and which can make decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agre

40、ements. V. After-reading activitiesA. Try to do the exercises according to the text.1. Comprehension of the text. Answer the following questions1). What is the definition of business today?2). Whats the scope of International business activities?3). What is the definition of foreign direct investmen

41、t?4). How do we treat the international risk?5). What are the management functions in international business?6). What does the word “credit” mean? Whats the commercial credit?7). What ways of remittance can the buyer adopt when he sends the money to the seller?2. Explain the following key terms Remi

42、ttance, collection, D/P, D/D, T/T, packing list, insurance policy, turkey project, weight memoB. Make a presentation about WTO in groups.Chapter 2 Business OrganizationsI. Suggested Teaching PlanObjectivesStudents will be able to:1.understand the basic idea of business organizations;2.master some ke

43、y types of business organizations (corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, sole proprietorship, professional corporation, joint-stock companies, business trusts and joint ventures, etc.); 3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme o

44、f the unit;4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers.Time allotment1st period pre-reading activities (familiarizing new words, warming-up questions and background information)2nd period while reading (highlights of the text)3rd period highlights of the text

45、4th period after-reading activitiesII. Teaching Method(s)1. ppt or2. teacher gives lecture mainly or3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or4. ask students to do ppt for presentationIII. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms1. proprietorshipownership.2stockholderone who o

46、wns stock in a company.3partnershipunregistered business where two or more people agree to share, not necessarily equally, in the risks and profits of the organization.4entitysomething that has a real and separate existence.5bankruptcystate of being declared by a court of law not to be capable of pa

47、ying its debts.6Joint-stock companypublic company whose shares are owned by very many people.7. dividendpercentage of profits paid to shareholders.8. bylawa law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.9. treasurerperson who looks after the money or finance of a club or society.10.

48、comptrollerfinancial controller.IV. Detailed readingPre-reading tasksWarming-up questions1. How much do you know about business organizations?2. Can you say something about the different types of companies?3. Do you know the difference between sole proprietorship and partnership?Contents1. Introduct

49、ionl The majority of business organizations are corporations, others are general partnerships(一般合伙企业), limited partnerships(有限合伙企业), and sole proprietorships(独资企业). Less common are professional corporations(专业公司), joint-stock companies(合股公司), business trusts(商业信托) and joint ventures(合资企业). The facto

50、rs to be weighted in making the decision are ease of formation, financial resource available, control, taxation, management skills available, ability to raise capital, continuity, and legal capacity.2. Sole Proprietorship_ is owned by a single person. l The principal advantage of the sole proprietor

51、ship is that the owner has exclusive control over its operations without accounting to board members, partners, or stockholders.l Disadvantages_ first, the owner is exposed to unlimited liability. Second , it is normally not in the best position to raise large sum of money. Third, the lack of contin

52、uity. If the owner dies, or becomes too ill to continue operation of the business, there is no separate legal entity in existence with which the public, creditors, or suppliers can deal to ensure the continuity of the business.3. General Partnership _ is an association of two or more persons to carr

53、y on, as co-owners, a business for profit. (the common law does not recognize a partnership as a legal entity, but usually as an aggregation of individuals. Thus, unlike a corporation, a partnership is not a fictional person with a distinct legal existence apart from its members.)l Does not require

54、a formal written agreement, an agreement in writing contains names of the partners, name, location, purposes, duration of the partnership, allocation of profits and losses among partners, capital contributions by partners, partners rights and responsibilities, dissolution procedures.l Dissolution by

55、 act of the parties_ 1) by agreement; 2) withdrawal or addition of a partner; 3) violation of the partnership agreement by one of the parties; of 4) accomplishment of the purpose for which the partnership was formed.l Dissolution by operation of law_ 1) by the death of a partner; 2) the bankruptcy o

56、f a partner or the partnership; 3) the illegality of the partnership; or 4)by order of a court.l Termination_ even though the partnership is dissolved, it does not actually terminate until the partnership affairs are completed.l Liquidation _ occurs between dissolution and termination. During this p

57、rocess, business affairs are put in order, receivables are collected, accountings are made, payments to creditors are made, and the remaining assets are distributed to the partners as provided in the Uniform Partnership Act.4. Limited Partnership _ one or more partners in the limited partnership hav

58、e limited liability, that is, their liability is limited to the extent of their investment in the partnership, and the limited partners have no control over the everyday management of the partnership. The limited partnership involves passive investors who are like shareholders in a corporation. Thus limited partnership has features of both a general partnership and a corporation.5. Joint Stock Company _ is a


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