旅游景区的标识英语 报告_第1页
旅游景区的标识英语 报告_第2页
旅游景区的标识英语 报告_第3页
旅游景区的标识英语 报告_第4页
旅游景区的标识英语 报告_第5页
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1、英语研究性学习课题: 旅游景区的标识英语辅导老师:梁海高一(10)班第 组:贾一然 高洁璇 朱利安 赵一非 段之凌 陈雪松旅游景区的标识英语一 、旅游景区(点)常用标识二 、旅游风景区标识三 、旅游度假村标识四 、公园常用标识五 、游乐园或娱乐城标识六、动物园常用标识七 、展览馆常用标识八 、旅游景区各种职务九、 旅游购物区一、旅游景区(点)常用标识序 号中 文英 文1停车场parking lot2售票口ticket office3游客中心tourist center4医务室clinic5餐厅restaurant6快餐snack bar7商店shop8厕所toilet9入口way in10出口

2、way out11导游服务tour guide service12邮政服务postal service13游乐场playground14游船码头boat rental15办公区office area16垃圾箱rubbish receptacle17消防栓fire hydrant18照像服务photo service19残疾人专用facilities for disabled person20小件寄存left luggage21公用电话public telephone22游客投诉电话tourist complaint phone23游客咨询电话tourist information phone2

3、4紧急救护电话emergency phone25禁止吸烟no smoking26游客止步staff only27禁止游泳no swimming28禁止钓鱼no fishing29严禁攀登no climing30请勿践踏草坪please keep off the lawn31爱护文物please cherish the cultural relics32食品部snack shop33酒吧bar34前台front desk 35更衣室locker room36火警出口fire exit37男厕所mens room (male)38女厕所ladies room (female)39勿扔垃圾no li

4、ttering40请勿拍照no photograpgy41步行梯stairs42电梯elevator43自动扶梯escalator44旅游纪念品商店souvenir shop45广播室broadcasting room46失物招领lost and found47火情警报fire alarm48团体接待group reception49存包处bag check50问讯处information desk51结帐cashier52残疾人洗手间accessible toiet53医疗clinic54邮箱mailbox55休息区lounge56包装食品packed food57冷饮cold drink5

5、8消防栓fire hydrant59电脑查询computer search60礼品gifts二 、旅游风景区(一)须知欢迎您来风景区游览,为保证景区的自然风貌,爱护国家和人民的公共财物以及您的人身安全,望您要遵守如下几项规定:1、保护风景区内自然风貌,风景区内严禁乱砍、滥伐、拆杈、毁林、开荒、乱开岩石、取纱、放牧和狩猎活动违者罚款。2、注意防火、吸烟、火柴杆等致燃物就地熄灭,不许乱丢,不准再风景区内点燃火堆或野炊,以防失火。3、注意安全,不要攀登悬崖峭壁,不要在溪潭中游泳、打闹,以防人身事故发生及院内严禁夜宿。4、遇有雷雨时,不要用手抚摸铁器,更不要在沟滩崖根下避雨,以防洪水暴发造成危险,看天

6、气不好时应迅速撤出游区。5、维护风景区内环境卫生,禁止随地便溺用完的各种瓶罐、包装盒、纸屑、果皮等,要扔到废品池内,严禁乱扔,摔碎违反者罚款。6、来风景区游览人员,一律购票凭票游览要听从工作人员引导,提高尊老爱幼,讲究礼貌的尚好作风。notice to visitorswelcome to this/ our tourist attraction! in order to preserve the natural environment, protect public facilities, and to ensure your own safety, please observe the f

7、ollowing rules:1、please help preserve the natural environment of the tourist attraction. unauthorized logging, damaging of trees and forests, plowing of fields, excavating of sand and gravel, herding and hunting are strictly prohibited. those who violate these rules shall be fined accordingly. 2、be

8、cautious of fire hazards. no littering of inflammable materials such as cigarettes and matches. campfires are strictly prohibited inside the tourist attraction area.3、be safety conscious. to ensure your safety, please do not climb steep cliffs; do not swim or play in streams and ponds. no staying ov

9、ernight in courtyards.4、when there is a thunderstorm, do not touch metals so as to prevent the risk of a thunder stroke. do not hide near river banks or under cliffs, or you might be exposed to the risk of sudden floods. in case of adverse weather conditions, you should immediately exit the tourist

10、attraction area.5、please help keep the tourist attraction area tidy. toilets are available for your convenience. no littering (including empty bottles, packaging materials, waste paper, fruit peels, etc). those who violate the rules shall be fined accordingly. 6、admission by ticket only. please foll

11、ow instructions given by the personnel. please respect the elders and care for the young; behave in a civilized manner while sightseeing.(二)、植物说明牌(1)、杜鹃坡 azalea hill(2)、山杏 apricot hill(3)、山核桃 wild pecan(4)、野韭菜坡 wild chive hill(5)、榛子坡 hazelnuts hill(6)、黄花坡 chrysanthemum hill(7)、金莲花 nasturtium (tropae

12、olum)(8)、黄芩 baikal skullcap(9)、刺玫坡 rosa davurica hill(10)、白桦林 white birch forest(11)、沙棘 sea-buckthorn(12)牡丹园 peony garden (13)戒 坛 jie tai altar (14)银 杏 kingko (15)丁 香 lilac (三)、地名说明牌(1)后花园 back garden(2)派出所police station(3)网球场 tennis court(4)方丈院 fang zhang yuan (courtyard of the abbot)(四)、导向牌(1)、江水河

13、村骑马观光区 horseback riding scenery area of jiangshuihe village(2)、灵山综合服务区 mt. lingshan service center(3)、去索道导向 to cableway(4)、灵山导游图 tourism map of mt. lingshan(5)、厕所导向 to toilets(6)、索道入口 cableway entrance(7)、索道出口 cableway exit(五)、警示牌(1)、索道安全警示 safety instruction for cableway(2)、请您排队购票 please line up (3

14、)、小心滑倒 mind your steps(4)、请沿此路上下山 follow this path while hiking in the mountain(5)、请您爱护景区动物 please do not harm the wildlife in the scenery area(6)、禁止攀折花木 no picking ( dont pick the flowers please)(7)、请您在17:30分前下山 please return by 5:30 pm(8)、雨雾天气结伴及早下山 on rainy or foggy days, please hike in groups an

15、d return early(9)、严禁攀爬索道 do not climb onto cableways(10)保护古树 take good care of the ancient(old) trees(11)一级防火区 禁止使用明火 class a fire zone, no open flame(12)旅游区内 禁止吸烟 no smoking in the tourist attraction area(13)请勿随手乱扔废弃物 保护环境卫生 no littering. please help preserve the environment.(14)、禁止攀登 no climbing(1

16、6)、游人止步 no admittance(17)、注意下道停车保持主线畅通park off the road. keep main lanes clear.(18)、忍一时烟瘾留万亩绿茵no smoking(19)、注意安全请勿靠近caution! keep off.(20)、弯道下坡注意安全bend downhill. be careful.(21)、弯道上坡注意安全bend uphill. be careful.(22)、连续上坡注意安全continuous ascending. be careful.(23)、禁止通行 no admittance (no entry) (24)、弯道下

17、坡注意安全 bend downhill. be careful.(六)、公用设施说明牌灵山风景名胜区售票处 mt. lingshan scenery area ticket office灵山风景名胜区检票处 mt. lingshan scenery area ticket check(七)、生活服务区:(1)公厕 toilet(2)停车场 parking lot (3)餐厅 restaurant(4)灵山综合服务大厅 service center(5)进入景区 您就是绿的使者please help protect the environment.(6)山水有情 烟火无情no smoking o

18、r use of fire.(7)人与自然 永生相伴man and nature are permanent companions.(8)坡陡!请您留神beware! steep incline(9)节约用水 please conserve water(10)游客止步 no admittance(11)清洁过后请用水冲净 flush after use(12)脚踏出水flush here(13)停车场 parking lot (14)经营项目: 一楼经营 冷饮食品二楼经营 特色小吃三楼经营 观景水吧business scope: floor 1(1st floor): cold drinkfl

19、oor 2(2nd floor): special (local) snackfloor 3(3rd floor): sightseeing water bar (15)前方1000米售票处 ticket office 1000m ahead(16)前方100米检票口 ticket check 100m ahead(17)易滑路段 caution! slippery(18)陡坡危险请勿跨越 danger! steep incline(八)注意事项一、进入景区注意山体塌方落石与路间塌陷。二、景区内要注意林区防火,严禁吸烟及带火种上山。三、水域内禁止游泳、垂钓,危险地段禁止攀登。四、景区内严禁攀爬

20、古城墙。五、严禁进入通往天池主坝、副坝、观景台下游的生产重地。六、在588平台观光时,严禁攀爬山体。七、要做到观景不走路,走路不观景;照相时要特别注意安全,要选择能保障安全的地点和角度。八、注意自身旅游安全,应按规定路线参观,严禁到未开放的山区游玩。九、爱护自然环境,不破坏景观资源;维护风景区环境整洁,严禁任意丢弃垃圾。十、爬山前应了解自己的健康状况,随时携带药物;有高山反应及身体不适者,勿勉强上山。旅游者在观光时请自觉遵守景点区域内的各项安全提示标志,对未遵守安全规定造成的一切后果自负、并承担相应的法律责任。 notice to visitorsi. beware of falling ro

21、cks or subsiding roads. ii. smoking or use of fire is prohibited.iii. swimming or fishing is prohibited within the scenic area. please keep off dangerous areas.iv. climbing ancient walls is prohibited. v. keep away from the manufacturing areas leading to the main dam, auxiliary dam or beneath the ob

22、servation platform.vi. dont climb the hill when visiting no. 588 platform.vii. mind your steps when you are either sightseeing or taking photos.viii. please follow the specified route for sightseeing and remain within the area that is open to the public.ix. please help protect the environment and ke

23、ep the park clean.x. please ensure no altitude reactions or medical conditions exist that may interfere with your mountain climbing plan. it is recommended that necessary medicines be carried during the trip.please follow safety signs within the scenic area. violators will be held legally responsibl

24、e for any loss, damage or injuries incurred.三、度假村(一)、度假村公共场所标识东east西west南south北north西门 west gate南门 south gate网球场 tennis court乒乓球区 table tennis zone健身场所 fitness center水上乐园 water park垂钓园 fishing garden水上餐厅 waterfront restaurant 荷花池 lotus pond(二)、游览导向识牌垂钓园 fishing garden器械健身区 body building area 乒乓健身区 t

25、able tennis area高尔夫练习场 golf court网球场 tennis court酒吧bar停车场parking lot健身房gymnasium棋牌室chess and card room桑拿楼sauna center接待处reception会议室conference room自助餐厅cafeteria垃圾箱trash bin(三)、警示导览牌:warning signs水深危险 请勿靠近 danger! deep water爱护绿地 人人有责 keep off the grass请勿攀爬 no climbing, please!有电危险,请勿触摸danger! electri

26、c shock risk请勿穿越no crossing!严禁烟火smoking or use of fire is prohibited非饮用水not for drinking! (or non-potable water!)(四)、景观说明: 垂钓园久居闹市之人皆向往自然,钓鱼是一项令人心旷神怡且雅俗共赏的活动,并在我国有着悠久的历史。它是一项精神享受,既能放飞心灵,又可陶冶情操,增长热爱自然、 善待生灵的觉悟。fishing garden- for those people planning an escape from the bustling urban life, fishing i

27、s a good option. as a popular sport in china for many centuries, it can free ones soul, nurture ones mind and build ones respect for nature and wildlife. 希望公园垂钓园位于公园中央,面积约10,000平方米,可同时接待至少50位垂钓爱好者,平均水深2.5米,配有专门的补水系统,四周有茂盛的垂柳环抱,垂钓园东侧搭建了长米的永久性遮雨棚,即使在阴雨天气里,也可以满足您的垂钓愿望。the fishing garden is located at t

28、he centre of the hope park. it has an area of 10,000 square meters and can accommodate at least 50 anglers at the same time. the average water depth is 2.5 m, with a special water refilling system in place. the pond is surrounded by exuberant weeping willows. permanent rain sheds have been installed

29、 along the east side of the garden to appease your fishing thirsts even in rainy days. 别墅群是由14栋小楼组成的欧式别墅群。有豪华套间、商务套间、标准间和三人间等各式高档客房 60 余间套。此外,别墅区内餐饮、娱乐、健身、桑拿、会议设施一应俱全,可接待大型会议、旅游团以及同学聚会、家庭度假等各种活动。villa area- there are 14 european-style buildings, including more than 60 hotel rooms with deluxe suites,

30、 business suites, standard rooms, triple rooms and other high-class rooms. 应是总共60间客房,而不单是60个豪华间。the villa boasts a full spectrum of food and beverage, recreation, body building, sauna and conference facilities. it is an ideal choice for tourist parties, conference organizers and any individual that

31、plans a classmate reunion or a family vacation. 桑拿楼逆当今桑拿洗浴中心超大规模化趋势,适用于10人左右的密友型团组进行休闲、娱乐、洽谈等活动。私密、精巧、别致,入住其中,回家的感觉油然而生,主人之品味有目共睹。sauna center -different from )the dominant practice of building a large-scale sauna facility, the center is designed a cozy home away from home (and is designed to make g

32、uests feel at home. people may invite up to ten friends to have fun or chat in a totally relaxing atmosphere.四、公园(一)各种标识售票处 ticket office 票款当面点清 please check your change. 热线电话 :白天6506-5409 晚上6506-0339hot line: day 6506-5409 night 6506-0339 开园: 6:00 opening time: 6:00 静园: 22:00 closing time: 22:00 止票

33、: 21:00 no tickets sold after: 21:00游客监督电话: complaint telephone:公园景区管理中心 park administration center 公园新景区门票收费价目表 ticket prices for the new park 门票:5元/人.次 admission: rmb 5 月票:8元/人.月 monthly ticket:rmb 8年票:80元/张.年 annual ticket: rmb 80 年票:50元/张.年(凭老年证) senior citizen annual ticket: rmb 50 (with valid

34、id) 门票优惠办法 discount物价局价格举报中心: price control bureau: 物价局举报电话: price control bureau: 南门入口 south entrance残疾人轮椅使用须知 notice to people in wheelchairs放风筝游客须知 notice about kite flying游船码头 boat dock 厕所 toilet 七彩乐园 childrens colorful playground游船码头 boat dock游览车车站 sightseeing vehicle station南门 south entrance礼花

35、广场 fireworks square公园简介 introduction to sun park公园游览图 map of sun park 码头售票处 ticket office for boating电瓶船 accumulator boat 手划船 row boat 脚踏船 pedal boat 公园游乐项目价目表 sun park amusement attractions price list每条船核定乘员: boat capacity: 售票时间:8:30-17:30 hours of operation: 8:30.-17:30票款当面点清 please check your cha

36、nge公园游乐项目价目表 sun park amusement attractions price list 商业餐饮服务区 catering service area一米以下儿童须有成人陪同并购票 children less than 1 meter must be accompanied by adult with ticket.售票亭 ticket office豪华碰碰车luxury bumper car禁止跳水 no diving 禁止打闹 no roughhousing医务室clinic为了您的健康和安全,请勿游泳,请勿上冰, 请勿捕鱼。 for your safety, do no

37、t swim or fish here. do not walk on the ice.保护环境草坪help take care of the environment 请爱护小草keep off the grass植树区 planting area健身园 physical exercises area办公区 office门前禁止停放各种车辆 no parking around the entrance请勿吸烟no smoking请勿攀爬no climbing建议箱 tourists suggestion box公用电话 public phone飞船运行时请游客远离围栏 stay away fr

38、om the railing when spaceship is running.老年人残疾人售票窗口 ticket office for the aged and disabled停车场内严禁行人穿行逗留 no loitering收费存车处存车须知 notice on parking机动车停车场收费管理规定 parking fee administration rules 存车处收费标准 parking fees提示:请游客把随身物品携带好,以防落入水。warning: take care of your belongings 假山 artificial hill (二)、门票优惠方法一、1

39、.2米以下儿童免费二、大、中、小学生(不含成人教育)凭学生证门票半价优惠三、老年人凭老年证,残疾人凭证,门票半价优惠四、对持有社会保障金领取证的人,门票半价优惠五、现役军人、武警官兵、残疾军人,离退休干部凭有效证件优惠discounts1. free admission for children under 1.2 meters2. 50% discount for students with student id card (adult students excluded)3. 50% discount for senior citizens with senior citizen card

40、 and the disabled with disability card4. 50% discount for people relying on social security funds5. free admission for soldiers and police in service, disabled soldiers and retired officers (三) 、乘客须知一 、客票当日有效,1米以下儿童乘坐,须由成年人购票陪同二 、乘客须在工作人员引导下登机、下机,舱门关闭和开启过程中切勿将身体伸出舱门,以免造成伤害三 、设备运行中,请抓牢座位前的扶手,严禁站立、打闹,

41、严禁在船内吸烟、吃东西,严禁携带易燃、易爆、有毒、有异味物品入场四 、在乘坐过程中若感觉不适,请按头顶上方的红色紧急停止按钮五 、患有心脏病、高血压、精神状况不佳及饮酒者请勿乘坐notice1. tickets are good for the day of purchase only. children under one meter must be accompanied by an adult. 2. follow staff instructions when getting in or out of the cabin. do not stretch your head, hands

42、 or feet out of the cabin when the door is to open or close. 3. when equipment is in motion, please hold handrail tightly; do not stand up. smoking, eating and drinking not allowed in the cabin. flammables, explosives and smelly items are forbidden.4. if you feel uneasy during the ride, please push

43、the red button above your head.5. people with heart disease, hypertension or mental disease and those who have been drinking alcohol should not try the game.码头游船售票须知一 、租用游船最低起价时限为1小时,超10分钟按半小时计算,超40分钟按1小时计算;二 、所租船只均凭票计费并退押金,如因船票过期、丢失,均由持票人负责,本园将不退押金;三 、船票一经售出将不予退换;四 、退押金手续应回所购票码头办理。notice1、 the mini

44、mum usage time is one hour. an excess of 10 minutes is calculated as an additional half hour and an excess of 40 minutes as one hour2、 deposit is returned with ticket only. no settlement on out-of-date or lost tickets.3、 no refunds4、 for deposit refund, boat must be returned to dock from which ticke

45、t was bought.乘船须知1、 为了您的安全,请按规定座位上船,严禁超员;2、 严禁在船上站立,摇晃,打闹等不安全行为;3、 服从工作人员的管理,游船未停稳时,请勿上下船;4、 请您爱护公物,不要损坏游船设备设施;5、 请您自觉维护公共卫生,不要将废弃物抛到水里和船上;6、 请带小孩的游客在乘船过程中看管好您的孩子,12岁以下儿童须有监护人带领方可上船;7、 突遇大风(雨)情况时,请您听从工作人员指挥,选择安全地点就近上岸。notice 1、 no overloading;2、 dangerous actions-standing, swaying and playing on the

46、 board are forbidden.3、 follow instructions of the park staff. do not get on or off the boat until safely anchored.4、 protect facilities and the boat. 5、 keep the environment clean. do not throw anything into the water.6、 take care of your children. children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

47、7、 in case of sudden strong wind or heavy rain, follow instructions of the park staff, and go ashore at safe sites as soon as possible.五、游乐园或娱乐城1、须知亲爱的游客,为使您的游览愉快,对有心脏病、高血压、精神病、酗酒者,孕妇请不要参观。学龄前儿童必须由家长陪同或监护人监护,方可参观。为了维护清洁的旅游环境,请勿随地吐痰,乱扔果皮纸屑。为了您和他人的安全及观赏效果,请不要吸烟。请您保管好自己的物品。请您系好安全带。 notice to visitors o

48、f ttl theatrefor your own safety and pleasant journey, people with heart disease, high blood pressure, mental illness, or in drunken condition or pregnant are not recommended to visit.children under school age must be accompanied by an adult.no smoking, spitting or littering. fasten your safety belt

49、 for your own safety.ensure that your belongings are secure while enjoying yourself. 2、 娱乐城简介娱乐城占地一千多平方米,内设四个区:儿童娱乐区,健身区、台球、拳击、大型健身器材、绳索桥、棋牌等。儿童驾校区,适合十几岁儿童驾驶,模拟各种交通工具的形状和声音,深受小朋友的喜爱。欧式体闲区,卡拉ok厅,法国巴黎街的豪华建筑。娱乐城集欣赏、娱乐、休闲于一体。您不妨到此一试身手。 introduction to the entertainment citycoving an area of 1000m2, ente

50、rtainment city is divided into four sections: childrens entertainment, exercise, childrens driving-school and european-style leisure section. in the exercise section, there are billiards, boxing, bodybuilding equipment, rope-bridge crossing and different chess games. in the childrens driving-school

51、section are all kinds of simulated traffic facilitiesa lot of fun for children. the european-styled leisure section has luxurious paris streets with karaoke entertainment facilities. entertainment city is an integrated sightseeing, entertainment and relaxation site. 3、游乐项目及须知螺旋滑行车high-altitude rolle

52、r coaster旋转木马merry-go-round新型赛车go-kart大观缆车giant wheel快乐杯merry cups飞碟space fighter北翔剧场bei xiang theatre动感电影e-motion movie卡丁车赛场karting track幻像水族馆mirage aquarium大荡船galleon神奇古堡magic castle旋转苹果spinning apple童趣岛childens island碰碰船water bumper boat三维立体影院3d cinema飞行塔air craft tower碰碰车bumper car大海贼sea panic快艇

53、码头marina旋转秋千swing驯鸟表演talent birds show野生动物世界wild animal world空中自行车monorail skybike激流勇进water rider新干线children train ride吃惊房屋surprising housedj疯狂之旅crazy tour影视厅movie theater电子游戏机室video game room儿童游乐区childrens paradise游乐园派出所police station码头商店shopping area世纪之星滑行车 century star roller coaster卡丁车karting游乐区amusement area游客中心tourists center 乘坐须知*高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒者请勿乘坐。*乘坐时要压好安全棒。中途不得站立、下船,


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