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1、1.想想我们学习英语的漫漫之路和我们对英语掌握的程度,应该说我们的投入与产出比太低了。 When we think about the long process of our English study and the level of our mastery of this language that we have reached, we should say that the input and output ratio is too low. 2.如今,很多电视节目里充斥着暴力镜头,这对人们,特别是青少年的日常行为,造成了极为不利的影响。 Nowadays, there are sim

2、ply too much violence in TV programs and this is having an extremely negative influence on the daily behaviors of people, especially youngsters. 3.众所周知,青少年具有超强的模仿力,因此也就最容易受到影响。 As is known to all, youngsters tend to copy certain behaviors quickly, so they are the most easily affected group / vulnera

3、ble group. 4.过多地接触暴力和色情镜头,不让他们学坏那就难了。 If they are exposed to too much violence or sex, they will just be affected. 5.有时候,成年人接触多了暴力内容也难免会受到影响的。 Sometimes even adults can be affected if they are exposed to too much violence and sex. 6.美国社会,特别是校园里频频发生枪击案,其中很重要的一个因素就是他们在模仿电影中的镜头。 The constant occurrence

4、s of shooting of innocent people in the U.S., especially on the campuses, can very much be attributed to the imitation of certain scenes in movies. 7.我们要培养孩子们遵纪守法的强烈意识,要让他们知道只有尊重他人才能获得别人的尊重。 We need to foster a strong sense/awareness of abiding by laws and regulations among our children, letting the

5、m know that to be respected, they need, first of all, respect others. 8.世界上最宝贵的是生命,无论是谁,都没有剥夺别人生命的权力。 The most precious thing in the world is life. None of us, no matter who we are, has the right to deprive the life of others. 9.社会的不断发展依靠一代又一代的年青人,因此,加强对青少年的道德教育和社会责任感教育至关重要。 The constant progress of

6、 our society relies on generation of generation of young people. Therefore, it is of vital importance to enforce education of morality and a sense of social responsibility on them. 10.青少年由于不成熟,缺乏社会经验,因此,对许多事情的认识是有限的,这就决定了他们很多时候无法判别好与坏。 As a result of their being immature and lack of social experienc

7、e, young people are often very much restricted in terms of their vision in looking at things which dictates that they are often unable to tell right from wrong. 11.法律的作用是惩恶;道德的作用是扬善。 The function of law is to punish evil while that o f morality is to reward good. 12.中国有句古话是这样讲的:一失足成千古恨。我们实在不能让我们的青少年

8、受到不良影响,从而走上犯罪的道路。 An old Chinese saying goes like this: one step wrong lead 13.常言道:榜样的作用是无穷的。作为父母、老师、成年人,我们应该为我们的孩子们树立好的榜样。 As the saying goes: the effect of good examples is immense. As parents, teachers and adults, we should set good examples for our children. 14.因此,从某种意义上讲,要防止孩子们学坏,我们成年人首先就需要以身作则

9、。 Therefore, to prevent our children from getting bad, in a sense, we adults need, first of all, discipline ourselves. 15.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Law has eyes. 16.培养一个人需要几十年的时间,但毁掉一个人只需要几天的时间。 It takes dozens of years to foster a person, but takes only a few days to ruin him. 17.我们的社会变得越来越宽容了,但另一方面,各种各样的问题也越来越棘手

10、了。 Our society is becoming more and more tolerant, but on the other hand, many things have also become more and more thorny. 18.我们应该加强对孩子所观看的电视节目的监控,不能让他们有机会接触充满暴力和色情的东西。 We ought to strengthen our supervision over the TV programs that our children watch, leaving them no chances to be exposed to vio

11、lence and sex. 19.父母、学校在孩子的道德品质教育方面一定要有切实可行的办法,因为对孩子负责,就是对社会负责。 Parents and schools must take effective measures regarding the education of morality and virtues to our children, for being responsible for our children is, in a sense, being responsible for our society. 20.孩子的独立性需要培养,因为他们总要学会自己走路的。对孩子的

12、过分溺爱只能毁掉孩子的前途,因为溺爱不等于爱。 We should teach our children to be independent, for they will have to live their own life in the future. Excessive indulgence of our children can only ruin their future because indulgence does not equal love. 21.父母爱子女,这是普天之下的一个常理,但是,我们需要承认,不同文化中的父母疼爱子女的方式是非常不同的。 It is univers

13、al that parents love their children, but we need to acknowledge that the ways that parents from different cultures show their love towards their children are so much different. 22.什么是友谊?我想,我们多数人对友谊的理解是相近的。 What is friendship? I believe that most of us understand friendship in much the same way. 23.我

14、们都渴望真诚永恒的友谊,因为它对我们的生活会产生深远的影响。 We all long for s incere and eternal friendship in that it can profoundly influence our lives. 24.患难之交见真情。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 25.友谊是宝贵的,因为真正的友谊是无私的。 Friendship is precious because true friendship is selfless. 加分谚语 26.没有朋友的人是可怜的人,他们的生活不可能幸福。 Those who

15、have no friends are poor people and you cannot expect them to be happy. 27.我们应该善于区分真朋友与酒肉朋友。 We should be able to distinguish real friends from purely business-typed ones. 28.交友不慎反受其害。 You fall victim to your friends if you are not selective of them. 29.俗话说:“近朱者赤,近墨者黑。” As the saying goes: Hanging a

16、round with honest friends, you learn to be honest; hanging around with dishonest friends, you learn to be dishonest. 30.有位朋友告诉我,在她的眼里,友谊比婚姻更宝贵。 A friend of mine once told me that in her eyes, friendship is more precious than marriage. 31.我认为友谊与婚姻从某种意义上讲非常相似,因为婚姻首先就应该是从友谊起步,是男女之间友谊的最高境界,但不是最后的终点。 I h

17、old that in a sense, friendship and marriage are very similar because marriage is supposed to get started from friendship and is thus the highest level of friendship but not the finishing line. 32.我认为这种观点有些夸张,朋友毕竟是朋友,无论如何也替代不了夫妻关系。 I think this view has some exaggeration in it. After all, friends ar

18、e only friends and in no way could they replace the husband-wife relation. 33.不可否认,许多人非常势利,他们愿意与我们交朋友是因为我们对他们会有用处。 Theres no denying that some people are very snobbish and they would like to make friends with us simply because we are useful to them. 34.有时候,我们会因为被朋友欺骗了而感到特别伤心,因为真正的朋友不应该是这样子的。 Sometim

19、es we may feel extremely sad when a friend has cheated us, for real friends should not be like that. 35.你可以一段时间里愚弄所有的人,或永远愚弄一部分人,但你绝对不可能永远愚弄所有的人。 You can fool all people some of the time or some people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 36.一提起友谊,我们总有没完没了的话可说,因为我们的朋友常常给我们带

20、来无尽的欢乐。 Talking about friendship, we all have much to say because our friends always bring us endless joys and happiness. 37.有些人喜欢结交性格、爱好与自己相似的人,但也有人喜欢结交与自己非常不同的人,这些其实都不重要。 Some people choose f riends who are different from themselves while others would like to have friends who are similar to themse

21、lves. This is, in fact, not important. 38.不管我们选择什么样的人做朋友,最重要的一点是大家要彼此真诚相待,相互帮助,相互关心,相互进步。 No matter what kind of friends we choose, the most important thing is that we should treat each other with sincerity, help each other, care about each other, and make progress together. 39.性格不同其实有利于相互借鉴彼此优秀的品质;

22、爱好不一样反而提高了交流的质量。 Differences in personality actually open up chances for friends to learn from each others good qualities and different hobbies indeed improve the quality of the communication. 40.要信任朋友,但同时又要学会理性地分析和看待问题。 We need to trust our friends and at the same time, we also need to analyze and

23、look at things in a rational way. 41.朋友可以是我们生活和工作中的动力,也可以是我们烦恼和痛苦的根源。不管怎样,只要我们善待朋友,就必然会赢得相应的回报。 Friends can be the driving force in our life and work. They can also be the root of our worries and miseries. Anyhow, if we treat our friends sincerely, we are sure to be rewarded. 42.有的人喜欢变化,期盼新的经历;有的人则喜

24、欢稳定,不愿意改变自己的习惯。 Some people enjoy change and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same and they do not change their usual habits. 43.有的人说人们会因穿着的不同而表现出行为的不同,也有的人说:我就是我,不会因任何外在的变化而变化。 Some people say that people behave differently when they wear different clothes w

25、hile others maintain that their true selves are not subject to any external changes. 44.决定可以不假思索地迅速做出,也可以经过深思熟虑后断定,但是,有趣的是:前者不见得总是错误的,后者也不见得总是正确的。 Decisions can be made quickly or they can be made after careful thought. Interestingly, however, the former are not necessarily always wrong and the latt

26、er are not necessarily always correct. 45.有的人相信自己对别人性格的第一印象,因为他们认为第一印象没有偏见,因此一般情况下是正确的。 Some people trust their first impressions about others characters because they believe that, with the absence of partiality or prejudice in forming the first impressions, these judgments are generally correct. 46

27、.人心无足,总想得到更多或不同的东西。 People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different. 47.有的人认为读书就要读那些写真实的人与事以及铁板 事实的书。 Some people hold that one should read those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. 48.都进入21世纪了,还是有人认为学生学历史、文学要比学

28、科学和数学重要。 Entering the 21st century, there are still people who hold that it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. 49.有教育专家坚持认为所有小学生都应该学艺术和音乐,对此,我有不同看法。 Some education experts insist that all primary school pupils should b

29、e required to study art and music at which I look differently. 50.我认为学生,特别是小学生,应该从繁重的学习和作业中解放出来,将更多的时间投入到体育锻炼中去。 I argue that students, primary school students in particular, should be relieved from the heavy task of studying and doing homework, thus having more time for sports and physical exercise

30、. 议论文开头 1.大学教育对于年青人日后的发展是必不可缺的,因此具有十分重要的意义。 College education is indispensable to the future development of the young people, so it is of vital importance. 2.不能否认,很多没有上过大学的人也取得了事业上的成功,但是,如果问问他们,他们会说:如果当时有条件,他们也会选择上大学的,因为上大学与成功是不矛盾的。 There is no denying that many people who did not go to college have

31、 achieved great success. But if you ask them, they will say that if they had had the chance, they would also have chosen to go to college, for college education never contradicts success. 3.虽然有很多没有读过大学的人取得了事业上的巨大成功,但同样有很多人,不,是更多的、读过大学的人,取得了更大的成功。 While it is true that many people who did not go to c

32、ollege have achieved great success, it is also true that many people, no, more people who had received college education have made even greater success. 4.读大学不是成功的保障,但不读大学会成为一种遗憾。 Going to college can not guarantee success, but not going to college would be a big regret. 5.大学教育可以丰富我们的知识,但更重要的是它为我们将来

33、走向社会、服务社会做好了初级的准备。 College education can help enrich our knowledge, but more important, it prepares us, though preliminarily, for entering the society and serving the society in the future. 6.认为大学教育可以解决一切问题和认为大学教育没有多大意义的观点同样都是荒谬的。 Both views that college education can be a solution to everything and

34、 that going to college is meaningless are incorrect. 7.众所周知,世界上讲汉 语的人数和讲英语的人数旗鼓相当,但是英语分布的地理区域则比汉语要广阔得多。 As is known to all, the Chinese-speaking population is very close to the English-speaking population in the world, but English has a much broader scope than Chinese in terms of geological distribu

35、tion. 8.作为影响力最大的一门语言,英语早已牢固确立了其在科技、娱乐、跨文化交流领域的霸主地位。 As the most influential language in the world, English has long established its dominant place in such fields as science and technology, entertainment and cross-cultural communication. 9.汉语的影响力基本局限在中国和东南亚一带,但随着中国经济的腾飞,越来越多的外国人已经开始学习这门古老的语言。 The inf

36、luence of Chinese is mainly confined to China and Southeast Asian countries, but along with the economic takeoff of China, an increasing number of foreigners have been learning this ancient language. 10.由此可见,一个国家的经济发展可以带动其语言的传播,而语言的传播又会对这个国家的经济发展产生积极的促动作用。 Obviously, the economic development of a co

37、untry can promote the spread of its language which in turn enhances its economic development. 11.我们希望有更多的国外人士学习汉语,从而加深对中国、对中国人民和中国文化的了解,这样可以避免很多的误解。 We would like to have more people from other countries study Chinese, thus increasing their understanding of China, of the Chinese people and of Chines

38、e culture, which could help avoid many misunderstandings. 12.众所周知,在影响力方面,恐怕没有哪一门语言能够与英语相提并论的,而且,越来越多的人意识到了学好英语的重要性。 As is known to all, English is unparalleled by any other languages in terms of influence. Besides, an increasing number of people are aware of the importance of learning English. 13.在此

39、背景下,英语实际上已经成为一门国际性语言,因此,没有必要再费麻烦去创设另外一门全球性的语言了。 In this context, English has, in fact, already become a global language; thereby its quite unnecessary to take the trouble to create another world language. 14.首先不讲创造一门新的全球性语言是不是可能的,单就学习和掌握任何一门已有语言来讲就绝对不是一件轻松的事情。 Leaving aside the issue whether there i

40、s the possibility of creating a new global language, learning and mastering any one of the existing languages is nothing easy at all. 15.我们从小学开始学英语,等到大学毕业了,大多数人还是开不了口,这说明了什么呢? We start to learn English from primary school, but even after we have graduated from college, most of us are still unable to

41、 speak it. What does this situation suggest to us? 16.这充分说明了学好一门语言绝对不是一件简单的事情,是需要环境和多年积累的。 This shows fully convincingly that mastering a language is nothing easy at all. It needs the right environment for leaning it and requires years of accumulation. 17.如今,据估世界上有约六千种语言在使用中,然而,其中有不少语言讲的人越来越少。 Today

42、, it is estimated that there are about 6,000 languages spoken in the world. However, many of these languages are spoken by an increasingly small number of speakers. 18.在世界上的所有语言中,几乎有一半被认为濒临消亡,其中最主要的原因之一就是英语日渐成为一门全球性的语言。 Nearly half of the languages spoken in the world are considered endangered. One

43、of theprincipal causes of this is the rise of English as a global language. 19.英语正日渐成为国际上的娱乐语言和技术语言,特别是成为信息技术领域的语言,因为75%的因特网是英语的。 English is increasingly the language of international entertainment as well as technology, especially information technology, for 75% of all internet websites are in Engl

44、ish. 20.英语是造成弱小语言渐渐淡出使用的“杀手语言”。 English is a “killer language” that is forcing out the use of smaller languages. 21.不错,语言正在以惊人的速度消亡,这无疑是可悲的,但是,把一切的过错都归咎于英语那是不公平的。 Its true that languages are disappearing at an increasingly rapid rate, which is undoubtedly tragic, but its entirely unfair to put all t

45、he blame on the English language. 22.作为一门区域性语言,英语确实导致了很多种语言的消亡,但不要忘记英语只是约十个区域性语言中的一个。 As a regional language, English has indeed caused the disappearance of many other smaller languages, but we should bear in mind that English is only one of the 10 or so regional languages. 23.我认为与其再去创造一门新的国际性语言不如让更

46、多的人学好英语,这可能是最可行的做事方法了。 I believe that rather than creating a new global language, we should encourage more and more people to study English well, which might be the most practical way of doing things. 24.与学习母语相比,学好任何一门外语的过程都显得特别艰辛和漫长。 Compared with learning ones own mother tongue, the process of lea

47、rning any one foreign language well seems to be especially hard and long. 25.学习一门外语的最好办法就是到母语为这门语言的国家工作或学习几年的时间。 The best way to learn a foreign language is to go wo rk or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there 论说文类比话题 1.人们学习的方式是不尽相同的。

48、有的人通过做事学习,有的人通过阅读学习,还有的人通过听人交谈学习。 People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things while others learn by reading about things. There are still others who learn by listening to people talk about things. 2.有的人喜欢非常周到地计划自己闲暇时候的活动,也有的人选择不做任何计划,对于我这么一位做事非常有条理的人来讲,我肯定是赞成前者的。 Some people pr

49、efer to plan their activities for their free time very carefully while others choose not to make any plans at all. To such an organized person like me, Im naturally in favor of the former way. 3.有的人认为家庭对年青人的影响作用最大;也有人认为朋友的影响最大,对于我来讲,我认为两者的作用同样大。 Some people think that the family has the most importa

50、nt influence on young adults while others believe that friends have the most influence. As for me, I argue that they are equally important. 4.有的人喜欢与一两个亲密的朋友在一起欢度快乐时刻,有人则喜欢与很多朋友共享快乐;对于我而言,我会根据情况予以确定。 Some people prefer to celebrate happy occasions with one or two close friends while others choose to

51、share such occasions with a large number of friends. As for me, Ill decide according to how special a certain occasion is. 5.有的人认为孩子应该在很小的年龄就开始正规教育,把大部分时间用在学校里的学习上;有人则认为孩子应该多花时间玩耍。我个人赞成后者。 Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most o

52、f their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. On a personal note, I support the later view. 6.有人认为了解生活的最佳作法是聆听家人和朋友的建议;也有人认为了解生活的最佳作法是通过个人经历。我个人认为两者结合是最可取的作法。 Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to

53、 the advice of family and friends while others hold that it is best to learn through personal experience. Personally, I think a combination of these two ways is the most advisable. 7.有人认为大学教育应该对所有的学生敞开,有的则认为高等教育只能开放给那些优秀者。我个人赞成前者。 Some people believe that college education should be available to all

54、 students while others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Personally, I support the former stance. 8.公正地讲,住在校园内与选择住寄宿家庭各有其优缺点。 To be fair, living on campus and choosing home-stay both have their advantages and disadvantages in their own special and unique way. 9

55、.人们常说:个人得益于社会,社会得益于个人,这是一个极富哲理且紧密关联的问题。 People often say that individuals benefit from the society as a whole and that the other way round is also true. This is a very philosophical and closely correlated issue. 10.一个人生活中取得成功所需具备的最重要的品质是什么? What is the most important characteristic that a person sho

56、uld have in order to be successful in life? 11.有人认为政府应该加大太空探索的投入以便天科学家能够向我们展示更多未知的世界;也有人表示反对,认为这些钱应该用于那些更为基本的需要。 Some people think that governments should invest more fund into space exploration so that scientists can let us know more of the unknown world. Others are against this view, saying that t

57、his money should be spent on those more basic needs 12.中国人常常援引一句古诗词来抒发友情的可贵,那就是“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”。 1 The Chinese people often cite a line of an old Chinese poem to convey how precious friendship is. It goes “Long distance separates no bosom friends.” 2 “Good friends are good friends no matter how far awa

58、y they are from each other” is often cited by the Chinese people to express the importance of friendship. 13.做事情要有轻重缓急,重要的、紧急的事情先做,次要的、不急的事情后做。 We should always take care of the most important and urgent things first, not the other way round. 14.我一直在努力,因为我深信天道酬勤的道理。 I always work hard because I know that God reward those who work hard. 15.要彻底解决13亿人口的吃饭穿衣问题,我们任重而道远。 1 Theres just so much to do before we fundamentally solve the problem of feeding and clothing the 1.3 billion people.


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