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1、 高三英语语法复习资料名词篇纵观高考试题,试题中出现的考点主要有:名词的复数形式;不可数名词的辨认;抽象名词转换成普通名词的名词一体词;名词作定语;双重所有格;名词前多个形容词排列。一、名词可数与不可数及修饰词:常考的抽象名词有:advice, chalk, furniture, patience, paper, clothing, fun, power, work, oil, jewelery, homework, sugar, information, salt, knowledge, luck, weather, progress, news (word, money注意:another

2、不能修饰不可数名词,可说another book,不可说another news。二、复合名词的复数形式因词而异:1. a man driver (men drivers a woman doctor ( women doctors2. a film-goer (film-goers 电影爱好者3. a looker-on (lookers-on 旁观者passers-by4. a grown-up (grown-ups 成年人三、部分名词的复数形式表示特殊意义:goods, looks(表情、外貌, times, interests, works, glasses, hairs(头发, dr

3、inks(饮料, manners, papers, greens (青菜、蔬菜, irons(熨斗, forces(军队, sands(沙滩, arms, airs(做作的样子、架子put on airse.g. 1. His mother wants to buy some greens in the market. She is dressed in green.2. Her grandfather can not read without glasses.In fact her necklace was made of glass.3. Wood can be made into pap

4、er.Its polite for the students to help the teacher collect or hand out papers.4. It takes a lot of work to build a house.A new chemical works will be set up here.5. The city is in great need of our goods. How good of you to come and help us!6. Put down your arms, or well fire. She carried a box unde

5、r her arm.7. What does this French word mean?Only by this means can we learn English well.8. Dont put on airs before us. He likes going out for fresh air.9. She takes no interest in politics.We should not live only for our own interests.四、几个容易误用的名词的单复数:1. 单复数相同:sheep, deer, fish, Chinese, Japanese,

6、means, works2. 只有复数:cattle, people3. 常以复数形式出现:trousers, glasses, thanks, clothes, remains(遗物, contents, goods, congratulations, means, sports, preparations(准备, tears, repairs, regards, games(运动会4. 以s结尾的学科或专有名词常作单数:politics, maths, physics, the United States, The United Nations 五、几组易错名词的用法:1. many a

7、+ 单数名词= many + 复数名词2. 集合名词:family, team, audience, enemy, public, group, class, government, company, police, party作主语时,若看作一个整体时,谓语动词用单数;若表示组成分子,则用复数。e.g. The police are on duty at the street corner.My family is / are going to have a long journey.3. population:1作为“人口”的总称或“居民”的总数是不可数名词,谓语用单数。2问“多少人口”时

8、,不说how many或how much,而用what。3在谈到“人口比多”时,常用large,great;“人口少”时,常用small,而不用much,many或little。4当谈及“有人口”时,习惯上用have a population of。5当“百分数/分数+ of the population”作主语时,谓语用复数。6表示某个地区人口时,其前应有定冠词。7population不能与people连用。e.g. The population in China is very large, and 80% of the population are farmers.The city ha

9、s a population of the million.六、表示“许多”的词组:1. 代替many,修饰可数名词的有:a great number of, a large number of, a good number of, a great many, many a2. 代替much,修饰不可数名词的有:a great deal of3. 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large / great / good quantity of, large quantities ofe.g. The teacher gav

10、e us a large number of examples.七、用定冠词加上姓氏的复数形式,表示其全家人或夫妇两人:the Smiths八、名词的双重所有格的用法:1. 只能用于指人的名词 a friend of my sisters2. 前一名词必须泛指或有this,that,those,another,some,every,several,such,any,which,what修饰或限制,或前面有数词。九、名词前多个形容词的排列顺序:描绘性+大小/新旧/年龄/温度/形式+颜色/形状+起源/出处+材料/目的分类e.g. a pretty little American girl an o

11、ld stone bridgea small round pine table the dirty old green coat十、名词用来作定语,修饰名词:有生命的多用s或s的所有格,无生命的多用of短语。一个名词直接做定语修饰另一个名词,往往属于固定的搭配。telephone number, school education, air pollution, research work,bus driver, coffee cup, sports meet, village people 十一、表示具有某种特性、状态、特点、情感、情绪的人或事,表示变化了的词义,这一类抽象名词已完全名词化变为

12、可数名词:1. in surprise / a surprise2. with pleasure / a pleasure3. have pity on sb. / Its a pity. ( What a pity.4. a man with experience / an experience5. light(光/ a light(灯6. have difficulty in doing sth. / meet with many difficulties7. failure ( success 8. danger(危险/ a danger(危险物十二、常用名词辨异:1. accident

13、 / incident:accident常指不幸的,预料不到的,突发性的意外事件,如灾祸、灾难等;还常与by连用,by accident 偶然类似: come across, happen to do, chance to do, by chancee.g. He had met with an accident on the way. This is why he was late for the meeting.incident指不重要的小事或引起公众注意的事件;也指事变、战争等。e.g. My father told me of an incident that took place o

14、n his first day at school.2. affair / business / matteraffair的单数形式作“事情、事件”解,复数形式作“事务、业务”解,用指国内、国际的事务。business作“生意”“行业”,没有复数形式。matter作“事情、东西、问题”解,通常指必须考虑和处理的事情。另外:1the matter麻烦事2v. 主要用于否定句、疑问句,表示“要紧,有重大关系”3no matter , as a matter of fact4matter 物质3. clothes / cloth / clothing / dressclothes统指衣服,不能与数词

15、连用,但可以说many(a few,those,myclothes,说“一套衣服”可以表达为“a suit of clothes”,其后的谓语动词用复数形式。cloth指做衣服的衣料,是不可数名词,但用于特殊用途的布,如“台布”“抹布”等是可数名词,复数形式为clothes。clothing指衣服、服装的总称,是集合名词,没有复数形式。一件衣服a piece of clothing / an article of clothing,不能说a suit of clothingdress指穿在外面的衣服,尤指在社交场合的衣服,可数名词。4. fun / jokefun和joke都有“开玩笑”的意思

16、,fun是不可数名词,而joke可用做动词,表示“开玩笑”,而fun不能用作动词。同某人开玩笑:make fun of, play a joke / jokes on sb.make a joke / jokes about sb. / sth.5. e moment (that / for the momentin a moment“一会儿后”,指从现在往后的一段时间,也可指“很短的一段时间内”。after a moment“一会儿后”,用于过去或将来的某时起往后一段时间。 for a moment作一段时间解时,指“很短暂的一整段时间”。at the moment“当时”“目前”(= at

17、 this moment, thenthe moment that表示“一就”for the moment暂时、目前6. pay / wage / salarypay是不可数名词,是个常用词,可替代其他两个词。salary是可数名词、不可数名词,按月、季或年发给的工资,一般指脑力劳动者的工资。wage(常用复数,一般指体力劳动者的工资,按日或星期来计算的。7. strength / force / energy / powerstrength常指固有的潜在力量,指人时,着重力气。force主要指自然界的力量,如暴力、势力、军事力量等。energy主要指“人的精力、自然界的能量”power主要指

18、做一件事情所依靠的能力。十三、Repeat:1. If we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with less money and fewer people.2. Shortly after the accident, two dozen police were sent there to keep order.3. We have worked out the plan and now put it into practice.4. He is going camping with two other lit

19、tle boys.5. Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no choice but to take a taxi.6. He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.7. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a message.8. Youll find this map of great value in helping you to get round London.代词篇一、it的用

20、法:1. 代替指示代词this或that2. 用作人称代词3. 表示时间、天气、距离等4. 引导词,在句中充当形式主语或形式宾语1 It seems that Sb. seems to do / to be doing / to have done2 It appears that Sb. appears to do / to be doing / to have done3 It happens that Sb. happens to do / to be doing / to have done4 It is no use / useless / no good doing sth.5 I

21、t is said / reported / believed that 6 It has been proved that 事实证明7 It is + adj. + for sb. / of sb. to do sth.8 It is a pity that 9 It is certain that 10 It is time ( that (虚拟语气11 It is necessary that (虚拟语气12 Sb. + v. + it + n. / adj. + to do sth. / doing sth. / thatfeel it an honour to domake it c

22、lear to sb. to do find it no use doing13 It is / was + 被强调的部分+ that / who 14 It was ( not / will ( not long ( hours before 15 It is not until that Not until 16 It takes sb. some time to do sth.二、反身代词:come to oneself(苏醒/ be not oneself(身体不舒服congratulate oneself on(暗自庆幸enjoy oneselfexpress oneself(表达d

23、evote oneself to(致力于dress oneself(穿衣find oneself(发觉自己在help oneself to(随便吃hide oneself(躲藏keep sth. to oneself(保守秘密make oneself at home(不要拘束,就像在自己家里一样make oneself + p.p.seat oneself三、替代词so的用法:1. So do I. 后者与前者相同,两个不同的主语。2. So I do. 重复前面的内容,同一个主语。3. I do so. 指代前面的内容。4. So it is with如果前面是两个或两个以上的句子,而且里面

24、包含不同的人称、数或时态等时,so可以替代从句中的that宾语从句下面的动词,多用此种替代方法。5. 常用结构:Im afraid so. Im afraid not.I think so. I dont think so.I believe so. I believe not.I hope so. I hope not.I suppose / fear / imagine so. I suppose / fear / imagine not.I have been told so.四、such与so的不同用法:1. such置于冠词之前,但常用在some / any / every / ma

25、ny / all / no之后。such an interesting book so interesting a bookno such thing / one such animal2. such + adj. +不可数名词/名词的复数形式3. so many / few / much / little +可数/不可数名词so many people / so little money / such a little girl4. such用于特殊结构Such is our study plan.5. so that(目的/结果in case(没有such thatsuch as五、常用代

26、词辨异:1. one, ones, that, those, it one 与 ones 可以用来代替前面提到过的可数名词, one 指单数, ones 指复数。 one 与 ones 既可指人也可指物, ones 不可单独使用,也不可用 those , these 直接修饰,但可用 the 修饰,或 these + adj. + ones。 one 可代替可数名词为中心的整个名词词组,而 ones 不能。 one 不能加不定冠词,除非中间有形容词。 one 可单独使用,作“任何人”解。 that 与 those , that 代替前面提到过的不可数名词, those 代替前面提到过的复数名词

27、。 That , those 后面 跟定语从句时,关系代词不能用 that 。 one 和 it 都可以用来代替前面出现过的单数名词。 one 代替这类东西的任何一个, it的东西。2. no one, none no one = nobody,只指人,不指物,谓语动词用单数。 no one没有固定范围,故其后不接 of 短语。 none 可接 ofNo one, nobody 用于简略回答时,不能用来对“ How many”或“e.g. Is there anyone who can do the experiment? No one. none 。表示不可数名词时, 谓语用单数;表示可数名

28、词时,单复数均可。 none 常用来对“ How many”或“ How muchany + of 短语构成的一般疑问 句做否定回答。而 no one用来回答“ Who3. both, either, neither both 两者都, the ,物主代词 或指示代词修饰名词,需置 both复数名词搭配。 either neither六、 Repeat:冠 词 篇一、 a 与 one 的对比1. 尽管 a 和 one 这两个在意义上有些相似,但它们几乎不能互换使用。2. 在连续记数时,习惯上,用 one 而不用 a 。3. 在名词前使用 one 往往表示数量上的对比。4. 用在某些固定词组中。

29、e.g. all of a sudden(突然 , as a matter of fact(事实上 , in a hurry, in a word, do sb. a favour, pay a visit to, a hand of(少量的 , a length of(一根、一段 , a variety of(种种 , a depth of(深度为 , an article of(一 件 , a total of(总共 , an average of(平均 , one by one, one after another, one day二、不定冠词的基本用法1. 具有泛指的概念,表示“一类”

30、或“其中的一个” 。2. 初次提到某人或某物。3. 速度、比率、价格等,其意义相等于 one 或 every 。4. 用在某些物质名词前,该物质名词便具体化了。a coffee, a heavy rain5. 用在某些抽象名词前,该抽象名词前便具体化了。He has a knowledge of chemistry. The get-together was a great success.6. 用在专有名词前,表示类似的一个或某一个。He is a Kong Fansen. A Mrs Smith wishes to speak to you.7. 表示“同一个”的意思。The two bo

31、ys are of an age.These umbrellas are of a (=the same colour and size.8. 不定冠词的特殊位置:how/so/as/too+形容词 +so kind a man = such a kind man三、定冠词的主要用法1. 表示特指和第二次提到的人或物。2. 表示世界上独一无二的事物。.0.on the other hand1.(除外2. 名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格等限定词修饰时,一般不加冠词。3. 专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前,一般不加。4. 球类、棋类、学

32、科等名称前,一般不加冠词。5. 称呼、头衔、职务等表示抽象性质的名词前,不加冠词。6. 在与 by 连用交通工具名称前不加冠词。 7. 在 turn , go (变成、成为变成后面的名词做短语时,名词前不加冠词。但 become 后面的名词前一定 要加冠词。8. 在一个以“普通名词 +as”所引导的让步状语从句中,该普通名词前不加冠词。9. 泛指复数名词前不用冠词。10. 固定搭配。in debt, in good (bad health, in good condition, in great demand, in great need of, in time of danger, in o

33、ffice (就职 , in honour of, in trouble (difficulty, in favour of, with anger, in general, in size, in character(在 性格上 , in sight, in (out of order, on business, on holiday, on leave, on watch, on fire, heart and soul, knife and fork, at sea, husband and wife, brother and sister, from morning till nigh

34、t, on horseback五、特殊情况1. 部分词组中有冠词和没有冠词其含义不同。一般说来,名词前无冠词,则表示抽象意义;名词前有冠词,则表示具体意义。out of problem(不成问题 , out of the problem(不可能 , take place, take the place of, in hospital, at table, at the table, in front of, in the front of, three of us, the three of us, on earth, of age (成年 , of an age(同岁数 , lose col

35、our(脸色苍白 , lose the colour(褪色 ,2. 有些词组中用定冠词 the 还是不定冠词 a ,意义不同。a number of the number of3. 注意当单数可数名词被 so 、 as 、 how 、 too such 。4. 注意习惯用法。在某些词组、成语中,名词前不用冠词。六、表示类别的三种情况1. 定冠词 +2. 不定冠词 +单数可数名词(用“任意一个” 。3. 可数名词复数或不可数名词,指“类别” 。介 词 篇一、 考点精析1.2. with , by , from , of , to , for 。3.二、1., at sixty miles an

36、hour, be sold at three yuan a dozen, come at us, at the beginning of, at the post office, at the airport, at dawn, at the weekend, , , at birth, at present, at any time, at a time, at times, at the speed of , at a ,表示原因,表示“见 /闻而” 。 at the news2. in :表示场所、时间与期限、状况、方向。be dressed in rags in English be

37、sold in pairs主要用来表示较长的时间单位,如月份、季节、年份等in the 1990s in the late 19th century形成“ in+时段名词”的词组或固定搭配in those days, in the daytime, in a short while, in no time, in time介词 in 在短语或句型中的省略:1 某些形容词 /过去分词后接 v-ing 形式时, v-ing 形式前的介词 in 可以省略。be busy (in doing be engaged (in doing (忙于2 某些动词如 busy 、 occupy 、 employ

38、等,常与反身代词连用,其后的 in 也可以省略。busy oneself (in doing occupy oneself (in doing3 某些动词如 spend 、 pass 、 waste 等与表示时间的名词连用,后面的介词也可以省略。spend time (in doing waste time (in doing4 在 have no difficulty in doing sth.、 have no trouble in doing sth.、 have no business in doing sth.等句型 中介词也可以省略。5 在句型 There is no use (i

39、ndoing sth.中,介词也可省略。固定搭配:in the world, in (thefuture, in the snow /rain / storm, in ink, in short, in public, , in danger, in this way, in that case, in search of, in place of, in the air, in case, , in other words, in praise of, in silence, in space, in one s opinion, in modern times, in the open a

40、ir3. on固定搭配:on doing sth., on the afternoon of October, , on the right/ left, on fire,on duty, on sale, on the radio, on and on, on show, on earth,on average, on one s own注意:一般带有宗教色彩的节日名词前面用 at一般的节日名词前用 on 。4. by固定搭配:by the village, ,by chance, by foot(=on foot,by mistake, by accident, , ,stone by s

41、tone,5. for固定搭配:,thank sb. for sth., , , for nothing6.of12some of the water3 a cup of tea4 a professor of learning(知识丰富的教授5 同位关系:the city of Beijing6 动宾关系:the study of the map(研究地图7 主谓关系:the determination of the workers(工人们的决心固定搭配:be of much use, rob sb. of sth., be fond of, make fun of, be tired of

42、, of one s own, instead of, run out of7. to 主要表示方向、程度、结果、关系和位置。固定搭配:rise to / by , to one s surprise / joy/ astonishment,to the east of, key to, come up to, add up to, be open to the public, to the point, thanks to, suit to ,stick to, refer to三、 容易错、常考的介词及搭配1. be made of, be made from, be made into,

43、 be made in2. call on = visit, call for = go and pick up, call at one s house or office3. on business (出差 / strike( 罢工 / duty(值日 / holiday / fire / vacation / watch(警戒 / sale (出售 / leave(请假 / guard(警戒4. have some trouble / difficulty (in doing sth., have a habit / idea / plan of doing sth.5. A is pl

44、eased to B, B is pleased with A(对感到满意6. be tired of, be tired from7. with the help of, under the leadership of8. by means of(使用 , by way of(经由 , by heart(记住 , by the way9. out of question(毫无疑问 , out of the question(毫不可能10. prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth.11. be thankful to sb. for sth.12. s

45、teal sth. from sb., rob sb. of sth.13. insist on doing sth., persist in doing sth., stick to,14. set about doing sth., set out to do sth.15. look sb. in the face, hit sb. on the face,16. do a favour for sb. = do sb. a favour17. tell A from B四、 介词的惯用型1. above all(首先 , after all, in all2. day after da

46、y,3. at peace(和平 , , at dinner4. by oneself, , by chance, by accident,by no means, by the way5. in her teens, in need6. to one7. (高兴地 , with one s help, without difficulty(毫不困难地 , without exception(毫不例外 ,8, along with(和一起 , as to(至于 , because of, except for(除9. (不正常 , out of date, out of trouble(脱离困

47、境 , out of sight, out of touch(没有联系10. at the bottom of, at the centre of, at the end of, at the top of,at the cost of(以为代价 at the sight of, at the thought of, at a speed of11. in memory of(纪念 , in favour of(同意 , in the habit of(有习惯 , in touch with(与 保持联系 , on the left of, on the eve of(在前夕12. from

48、time to time(不时地 , from day to day(天天 , from hand to hand(一个传一个 , from side to side(左右地 , from car to car(一个车厢一个车厢地 , from bad to worse(越来越差 , from beginning to end(从头到尾 , from hand to mouth(仅能糊口 , from head to foot, from start to finish, from one to another 五、 掌握方式、手段、工具的表达方法 1in +文字、语言、材料名词in Engl

49、ish (ink, pencil, capital letters2with +工具、机器;人体器官;情绪、情感、态度的名词with a branch, with ones nose, with pride, with satisfaction,with the help of, with ones permission3by 表示泛指的方式、手段by bus, by land, by means of(用方法, by way of(经由, by doing sth.,by hand(手工, by post(由邮局传递, by letter(用写信的方式, by electricity, by

50、 hard work, by the year, by the hour(by + the + 单位名词按4其它表示方式(情况、状况、手段的表示法through the radio / by radio / on the radio, through / by / from practice,by telephone (on the telephone, on foot, on the train, in satisfaction, in surprise, in silence, in a low voice, in comfort, in sorrow, in high / good /

51、poor spirits,in anger, in safety, in debt, in good order, in good / poor health, in tears,in use, in pain,六、某些名词和介词的固定搭配1要求to:key, answer, visit, apology, introduction2要求in:interest, satisfaction, expert3要求on:mercy, congratulation4要求其它:victory over, struggle with, price for, respect for七、某些形容词和介词的固定

52、搭配1be afraid of 担心be afraid for替而担心2be angry about / at sth.因而生气be angry with sb.对某人发怒3be anxious for sth.渴望be anxious about sth. / sb.担心4be different from 与不同be indifferent to 不关心5be good at 擅长be good for 对有益be good of sb. to do sth.友好6be strict with sb.对严格be strict in sth.7be popular with sb.受到欢迎b

53、e popular in some place流行在be popular for因而流行8be pleased with + n.或what从句;be pleased at +抽象名词听、看到而高兴9be disappointed at sth. ;be disappointed with sb.对失望10be known to sb. ;be known with + n.或从句;be known for因而著名11be absent from缺席12be devoted to 献身于13be open to 对开放14be poor / clever / expert at 15be so

54、rry for 替/为后悔16be rich in be interested in 17be proud of (take pride in18be satisfied with / by be sure of / about 19be fond of, be fit for, be busy with sth. (in doing sth.20be late for, be ready for21be similar to ;be wrong with 八、以to为中心构成短语的归纳belong to, come to(苏醒, look forward to, lead to, stick

55、 to, refer to, turn to,drink to(为干杯, object to(反对, reply to the letter, help oneself to,sing / dance to the music(和着在声中唱/跳, devote oneself to九、以for为中心构成短语的归纳ask for, call for(去接某人, care for(关心, go in for(从事, answer for(对负责, send for, pay for, praise sb. for(赞扬某人某事, head for(向方向移动, search for, take f

56、or (误以为, leave for, prepare for(为准备, thank sb. for, make a dive for(向猛冲, make up for(弥补损失十、以on为中心构成短语的归纳come on来吧, call on拜访, pass on传递, carry on进行下去, live on sth.靠生活, depend on依靠, have on 穿着, have pity on同情, look on as 把看作,push on推动, spy on窥探, switch / turn on旋开, wait on服侍, walk on继续走, spendon 在上花费时间、金钱, operate on给动手术,take on a new look呈现新面貌十一、吊尾介词1某些形容词后接不及物动词或“V+介”型短语动词的不定式形式表“反射”,常用吊尾介词。A fit, easy, hard, good, difficult, comfortable, heavy等形容后,常用吊尾介词。e.g. The girl is easy to get along with.B


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