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1、Lecture 9Lecture 10The use of English (II)Quality: Be truthful.Quality: Be truthful.a. Do not say what you believe to be a. Do not say what you believe to be false.false.b. Do not say that for which you lack b. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. adequate evidence. Quantity: Be inf

2、ormative.Quantity: Be informative.a. Make your contribution as a. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the informative as required (for the current purposes of the exchange)current purposes of the exchange)b. Do not make your contribution more b. Do not make your contribution more

3、informative than is rmative than is required.Relation: Be relevant.Relation: Be relevant.Make sure that whatever you say is Make sure that whatever you say is relevant to the conversation at hand.relevant to the conversation at hand.Manner: Be perspicuous.Manner: Be perspicuous.a. Avoid

4、 obscurity of expression.a. Avoid obscurity of expression.b. Avoid ambiguity.b. Avoid ambiguity.c. Be brief(avoid unnecessary prolixity)c. Be brief(avoid unnecessary prolixity)d. Be orderly.d. Be orderly.It is a kind of extra meaning that is It is a kind of extra meaning that is not contained in the

5、 utterance. When not contained in the utterance. When any of the maxims is blatantly any of the maxims is blatantly violated and the hearer knows that it violated and the hearer knows that it is being violated, a particular is being violated, a particular conversational implicature arises.conversati

6、onal implicature arises.approbationtactgenerositymodestyagreementsympathyLecture 11The Varieties of English (I)Major contentsTemporal dialect madhousemental house pregnant in the family way die pass away, go to the better world, go out of third world, go aloftLecture 12The varieties of English (II)Lecture 13The Acquisition of Englishbe sufficient, comprehensible input available to L2 learners, as captured by the “i+1 formula.Figure 1: The process of learning implicit knowledge Repro


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