1、Chapter 3 Warehouse management仓储管理仓储管理Learning objective To understand the concept of warehousing 理解仓储理解仓储的概念的概念To identify basic warehousing activities 认识基本的仓认识基本的仓储活动储活动To understand warehouse Layout and design 认识仓认识仓库布局和设计原则库布局和设计原则To recognize the Warehousing Equipment 认识常见的仓库设备认识常见的仓库设备To ident
2、ify the various types of warehouses 认识仓库的类型To know about distribution center (UPS) 了解配送了解配送中心中心Part I General Introduction of Warehousing 仓储简介仓储简介1. What is warehousing? Warehousing has been defined as the part of logistics systems (that store/hold products (raw materials, parts, goods-in-process, f
3、inished goods) at and between points of origin to points of consumption.) 仓储是物流系统的一部仓储是物流系统的一部分分商品在起源地和消费地间的存储。商品在起源地和消费地间的存储。 StoragePart II Warehousing activities Lead-in: 耐克物流中心出货与包装作业演示耐克物流中心出货与包装作业演示What areas are included in a warehouse? Write down what you get from the video.Some typical area
4、s mentionedReceiving area 收货区Picking area 拣货区Packing area 包装区Shipping area 出货区And what else?还包括哪一些区域呢?Reading- Matching New terms:Order pick 订单分拣Staging 分批运输Put away 整理 Verify 验证,查验Replenish 补给Consolidation 合并Administration 管理 The main activities in a warehouseMaterial receiving 收货Put-away 整货Storage
5、 储存Replenishment 补给Order picking 分拣Checking 核查Packing and labeling 包装和标志Staging & consolidation 分批运输和合并Shipping 出货(运输)Material receiving 收货Accepting 接收Unloading 卸载Verifying 验证Documenting记录 lift truck 叉车Put-away 整理货物Removing 转移Transferring 转移Moving 移动 lift truck Storage 储存Physical containment of merc
6、handise 货物的实体保存Storage methods depending on 储存方式取决于size and quantity of the items 储存物的大小、数量Handling characteristics of products and containers 产品和集装箱的搬运特点Replenishment 补给Relocated from storage area to a temporary area from which orders are directly filled. 从储存区转移到一个临时停放区域,在那里可直接完成订单。Order picking 分拣
7、One of the major value added activities 最主要的仓储活动之一Picking 分拣/combineTo meet specific customer requirement 满足顾客的具体需求Product mixing 产品组合Warehouse Management System (WMS)Case picking/broken case picking 整箱分拣/单品分拣Checking 核查Verifying 核查Documenting 记录Packing and labeling 包装和贴标Placingitems into an appropr
8、iate container 将物品放入合适的容器 and marking that container with customer shipping destination data as well as other handling information 并在包装物上贴上运输目的地和其他的搬运信息Staging and consolidation 分批运输和合并准备(暂存区)Moving based on a prescribed instruction (related to a particular delivery route) 根据预先制定好的指示(某特定运送路线相关的),对货物
9、进行移动Sorting of batch (picked for individual order) 按照某项订单,以整批为单位,对所需的货物进行拣货和做出货准备Shipping 出货Loading on an outbound vehicle 装货上车,准备发运 content checking 再核对运输资料 lift truck叉车 conveyors 传送带Administration 行政管理Part III Warehouse Layout 仓库布局仓库布局Straight-Thru Flow 直通式布局U-Shaped Flow U型布局Modular-spine Flow 模块
10、流转布局 Multi-story Layouts 多层布局Straight-thru warehousing layoutReceiving area 收货区收货区Storage area 储存区储存区Order picking area 拣货区拣货区Packaging area 包装区包装区Staging area 分批运输和合并区分批运输和合并区Shipping area 出货区出货区Office 办公室办公室Allows a fast flow-thru of goods 货物的快速移动Advantage: especially suitable for operations in wh
11、ich peak receiving and shipping times coincide 适用于货物接收和装运时间同时发生的最忙碌的高峰期。U-shaped pattern 模块流转式AdvantagesFacilitating cross-docking because the receiving and shipping docks are adjacent to one another. 方便越库作业的使用。Yields excellent security because there is a single side of the building used for the ent
12、ry and exit. 仓库出入口位于同一边,具有很高的安全性Cross docking 越库作业越库作业是指在越库设施接收来自各家供给商的整车货件,立即依顾客需求及交货点加以拆解、分类、堆放,进而装上预备好的出货运具上,送往各顾客交货点。最大特点所有货物是流经仓库或配送中心而均不进入仓库的储存空间。不进入仓库的储存空间。越库作业非常适合于快速处理的紧急订单,适适合于要求零售商向客户直接运送商品的情况合于要求零售商向客户直接运送商品的情况。越库越库补货补货常规货物储存常规货物储存 低流通速度低流通速度货物储存货物储存Low bay 低层仓储低层仓储 medium bay中层仓储中层仓储 hi
13、gh bay高层仓储高层仓储Each area has its special operation according to the types of products 根据货物特点来设置不同的模块Usually used for very large operations 适用于非常大规模的操作。Multistory layoutsMultistory distribution buildings- are necessary when land is extremely scarce. 土地资源稀缺土地资源稀缺- are the least desirable of the flow pa
14、th alternatives.Part V Design consideration in warehousing 仓储设计上的权衡 P44 Which aspects should be considered with respect to warehouse design? 仓库设计中应考虑哪些因素?Trade-offs with respect to warehouse design 仓储设计上的权衡Fixed or variable slot locations? 使用固定货位或是流动货位 space utilization Build out or build up? 向外延展或是
15、向上延展 - costLabor-intensive or mechanization or automation? 劳力密集型或是机械化或是自动化 - costSpace devoted to aisles or space devoted to storage? 空间分配给过道或是分配给存储区? space utilization Picker to part or part to picker? 货架边拣选零部件或是零部件送到拣货员 human and mechanized travel timePart VI Warehousing equipment 认识仓库设备 How many
16、equipments can you recognize in the picture?Warehousing Equipment handling device 搬运设备1、 can move loads of master both horizontally and vertically and can be used with or slip sheet. 2、 are the basic handling device for order selection. 3、At an airport, rotating(流转的) in the baggage claim(行李领取处) area
17、 are often called forklifts;conveyor belts; pallets;carousels; cartons; Warehousing Equipment handling device 搬运设备1、Forklifts can move loads of master cartons both horizontally and vertically and can be used with pallets or slip sheet. 2、Conveyers are the basic handling device for order selection. 3
18、、At an airport, rotating(流转的) conveyors in the baggage claim(行李领取处) area are often called carouselsForklift (lift truck)叉车叉车can move loads of master cartons both horizontally and vertically 叉车可平移或垂直移动硬纸皮箱Used with pallet or slip sheet 配合托盘或薄衬纸使用Normally transport a maximum of two unit load (two pall
19、ets) at a time 一般一次最多能移动两个载货单元Hand pallet truck 手动托盘车Counterbalanced lift truck 平衡重式叉车Reach fork lift truck 前伸式叉车AGV (Automatic guided vehicle) 自动导引车Warehousing Equipment handling deviceConveyors 输送带the basic handling device for order selection 基本的搬运工具two main industrial classes of belt conveyors:两种
20、基本的传送带Those in general material handling(普通货物) such as those moving boxes along inside a factory and bulk material handling(散装货物) such as those used to transport large volumes of resources and agricultural materials, such as grain, salt, coal, ore, sand and more.A baggage carousel is a device, gener
21、ally at an airport, that delivers checked luggage to the passengers at the baggage claim area (行李领取处) at their final destination. Carousels 回转传输带Pick to light systems视频:灯光拣选系统Pick by voice systems视频:语音拣选系统Warehousing equipment storage equipmentLess than a pallet load 不到一个托盘负荷 Shelving 层架Bin drawers
22、抽屉架Pallet load 托盘货物 ,统称rack Pallet rack 托盘货架Drive-in and drive-through rack 驶入式/驶出式货架Push back rack 后推式货架Mobile rack 流动式货架Cantilever rack 悬臂式货架Part VII Types of warehousesPrivate warehouse 私人仓库Public warehouse 公共仓库Contract warehouse 合同仓库Comparisons-Reading P36-37Control? 对仓库的控制权对仓库的控制权Long-term or s
23、hort-term?Cost for the users? (fixed cost/capital cost/variable cost) 使用者需要支付的成本使用者需要支付的成本Who uses it? 使用者是谁使用者是谁Other benefits (value-added services)? 其他好处其他好处Control:Private: owned by the firms using them; more control/ absolute authority 绝对决策权Public: less control 较弱的控制权Contract: almost the same d
24、egree of control 达到与私人仓库相近的控制程度Private Contract PublicLong-term or short-term?Private: long-termPublic: short-termContract: long-termCost for the users? Private: high fixed cost and the necessity of having high and steady demand 固定成本高,且必须要有需求量够高且稳定的情况下才适用Public: no capital investment 不需投入资金建设Contrac
25、t: more cost-effective than private warehousing 比私人仓库更具有经济性 Private Contract PublicWho uses it?Private: retail chain stores(连锁零售企业), manufacturing firms(生产企业)Public: When retailers need additional storage spaces 当零售企业需要额外存储空间When retailers make a large purchase 当进行大批量的采购Contract: companies who need
26、to focus on it core competencies 需要专注于发展自己的核心竞争力的企业Value-added services:Private: not mentionedPublic: standardized service plusrepackaging larger shipments into retailer-size packages 将大宗货物重新成零售包装product assembly 产品组装product testing 产品测试Contract: providing unique and specially tailored services for
27、manufacturers and distributors 为制造商和流通商提供独特的、专门的服务So. definition- Who is who?Definition-Types of public warehousesGeneral merchandise warehouse 普通商品仓库Refrigerated warehouse 冷藏仓库Special commodity warehouse 特殊商品仓库 (for certain agricultural products)Bonded warehouse 保税仓库Bulk cargo warehouse 大宗散货仓库Part
28、III Distribution centerWhat is distribution center?A large-sized, highly computerized and automated center 大型的高度自动化中心To receive goods from various plants and suppliers, 接收大量不同供应商的货物Take orders, 接收订单And fill them efficiently, 高效地履行订单Deliver goods to customers as quickly as possible 以最快速度配送货物- emphasi
29、zing on goods moving rather than storageValue-added activities tailor-made and customized service 客户定制化服务 consolidation of shipments (TL) cross-docking 越库作业 packaging 包装 final assembly 总装 sub-assembly 次级装配 kitting 成套装配 labeling 贴标签Case: UPS World port -Mega factory UPS 世界港1. Main activities?2. Layout?3. How did a sorting system operate?4. What is UPSs goal?5. What kind of information te
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