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1、unit1chasevt. run after sb. or sth. in order to catch them 追逐;追赶My dog likes chasing rabbits.我的那条狗喜欢追逐兔子。We were chased by a bull while crossing the field.我们穿过田地时,有一条公牛追逐着我们。crueltyn. C, U behavior that makes people or animals suffer 残酷;残忍The book tells readers the cruelty of the slave trade at that

2、 time.这本书告诉了读者在那个时候奴隶买卖的残忍。The farmer was accused of cruelty to animals.这个农民被指控残酷虐待动物。pessimistica. expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that sth. will have a bad result 悲观的The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic.该会议的气氛非常悲观。The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of reco

3、very.医生们对他康复的可能性感到悲观。conquestn. 1. U the process of gaining control over sth. through great effort 征服;控制The conquest of inflation has been the Government's economic priority.控制通货膨胀一直是政府经济工作的重点。He finally made the conquest of the disease come true. 他最后战胜了那疾病。2. sing., U the act of taking control

4、of a country, city, etc. by force 征服;攻占After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve.在诺曼征服之后,这片森林就成了皇家狩猎地。The empire had expanded largely through military conquest.帝国的扩张主要是通过军事占领。bankrupta. without enough money to pay what one owes 破产的The company was declared bankrupt.这家公司被宣布破

5、产。Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt.五年前她是一个成功的演员,可是现在她一贫如洗了。motiven. C a reason for doing sth. 动机Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.她为什么会杀他呢?她没有任何动机。What is the motive behind the bombing?爆炸背后有什么动机?worshipvt. admire and love sb. very much 崇拜;敬重;仰慕He wo

6、rshipped his wife.他很崇拜妻子。He was amused by the way younger actors worshipped and copied him.年青演员崇拜他、模仿他的方式使他感到很有意思。spur vt. encourage sb. or make them want to do sth. 鼓励;刺激Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.她艰难的童年激励她去取得成功。My trainer spurred me to keep up a pace of four miles an hour.我的

7、教练鼓励我保持每小时4英里的节奏。luren. C sth. that attracts people, or the quality of being able to do this 诱惑Few can resist the lure of adventure.几乎没有人抵挡得住历险的吸引力。It is the lure of money that brings them to the city.是金钱的诱惑使他们来到了这城市。drownv. 1. have a very strong feeling or a serious problem that is dificult to deal

8、 with 沉浸于Relief agencies are drowning in frustration.救济机构都沉浸于沮丧之中。I felt as if I were drowning in sleep.我感到自己好像沉浸在睡眠之中。2. die from being under water for too long, or to kill sb. in this way (使淹死Many people drowned when the boat overturned.翻船时有许多人淹死了。He drowned in a boating accident.他在一次划船事故中淹死了。impe

9、riala. 1. great and magnificent 壮丽的;宏大的The house is huge and almost imperial.房子很大,极其壮丽。It is said that few places on earth offer such imperial scenic beauty as this.据说世界上很少有地方像这里有如此壮观的美景。2. relating to an empire or to the person who rules it 帝国的;皇帝的the decline of an imperial power强盛帝国的衰败Britain'

10、s imperial expansion in the 19th century英帝国在19世纪的扩张agentn. 1. C sb. whose job is to help an actor, artist, etc. find work 经纪人A best-selling writer needs a good agent.畅销书作家需要好的经纪人。My agent has a new script for me to look at.我的经纪人有一个新剧本要我看一看。2. C a person or company that represents another person or c

11、ompany, esp. in business 代理人;代理商Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.我们在纽约的代理商处理所有的美国销售业务。hastenvt. make sth. happen sooner or more quickly 加快;加速The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death.实际上她接受的治疗加速了她的死亡。News of the scandal certainly hastened his departure from office

12、.有关这件丑闻的消息当然加速了他的离职。elevatorn. C a machine that carries people or goods up and down in a building 电梯It's on the sixth floorlet's take the elevator.它在六层,让我们坐电梯吧。Some people were trapped in the elevator.有些人被困在了电梯里。blurn. C sth. that one cannot remember or see clearly 模糊的记忆;模糊不清的事物The events of

13、 that day were just a blur.那天所发生的事情简直就是一片模糊,记不清楚。My memory of my childhood days is only a blur.我对童年只有些模糊的记忆。idlea. not working or producing anything 不工作的;闲着的The workers have been idle for the last six months.在过去的六个月,这些工人们都闲着没事干。The machine stood idle for two months.机器闲置了两个月。borevt. make sb. lose int

14、erest and become tired and impatient 使厌烦He bores everyone with his stories about his girlfriends.他老讲自己女朋友的故事,使每个人都感到厌倦。Being alone with a baby all day bored her to death.整天一个人和一个婴儿在一起使她厌倦死了。boreda. tired and impatient 厌烦的It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored.那天很冷,又潮湿,孩子们都烦闷了。He was gett

15、ing bored with doing the same thing every day.每天都做同样的事,他变得厌倦了。continuityn. U the state of continuing for a period of time 连贯(性;连续(性The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity.这部小说在叙述的连贯性上是失败的。His speech lacks continuity in logic.他的演说缺乏逻辑的连贯性。sustainvt. make sth. continue to exist for a period of

16、 time 维持;使.持续She managed to sustain everyone's interest until the end of her speech.她设法使得每个人的兴趣都保持到她演讲结束。Kangaroos can sustain high speeds over long distances. 袋鼠能高速行进很长的距离。minutea. very small 极小的Her writing's so minute that it's difficult to read.她的字迹太小了,很难认。The problem was caused by mi

17、nute particles of dust getting in the disk drive.问题是由进入到磁盘驱动器上的灰尘微粒引起的。discountvt. 1. regard sth. as unlikely to be true or important 忽视;低估You shouldn't discount the possibility of him coming back.你们不应该不相信他回来的可能性。Much of what he says must be discounted.他说的很多话不可信。2. reduce the price of sth. 降低价格;

18、打折The store discounts all its merchandise.这家商店的所有商品都打折。He asked to discount 15% from the price.他要求打八五折。n. C a reduction in the usual price of sth. 折扣They usually give you a discount if you buy more than ten copies.如果你买十本以上,他们通常给你打折扣。They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.他们向乘火车

19、旅行的学生提供九折优惠。plotn. 1. C the story of a book, film, play, etc. (小说、电影、戏剧等的情节The film has a very simple plot.这部电影的情节非常简单。The plots of his books are basically all the same.他写的书在情节上基本都是一样的。2. C a secret plan 阴谋;密谋The plot was discovered before it was carried out.这密谋还没进行就已被发现。The police have foiled a plo

20、t to assassinate the President.警方挫败了一起暗杀总统的阴谋。moviemakern. C sb. who makes films, esp. a director or producer 电影制作人Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars.观众中有电影制作人吉姆·谢里登和一些电影明星。It's about time a few moviemakers with original ideas were given a chance.该是给那些具有新见解

21、的电影制作人机会的时候了。distincta. 1. clearly different or belonging to a different type 明显不同的;独特的The two concepts are quite distinct from each other.这两个概念是有明显区别的。The learning needs of the two groups are quite distinct from each other.这两个组的学习需要是相当不同的。2. able to be clearly seen, heard, smelled, etc. 清晰的;清楚的;明显的

22、The outline of the ship became more distinct.船的轮廓变得更清楚了。As night fell, the outline of the mountain became less distinct.夜幕降临,山峦的轮廓变得不那么清楚了。spotlightn. C 聚光灯The room was lit by spotlights.聚光灯照亮了房间。She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.她独自一个人站在舞台的聚光灯下。junglen.C, U a thick tropical forest with many

23、 large plants growing very close together (热带丛林The lakes are certainly there but they are hidden in dense jungle.湖肯定在那儿,不过是隐藏在密林之中。When the police hit the shore, they fled into the jungle. 当警察到达河岸时,他们逃进了丛林。fraudn. C, U the crime of deceiving sb. in order to get money or sth. illegally 欺诈;诈骗She was c

24、harged with credit card fraud.她被指控用信用卡诈骗。Big losses due to theft and fraud forced the company to close.由于偷窃和欺诈造成的巨大损失,这家公司倒闭了。contaminatevt. make sth. dirty or poisonous 污染;弄脏Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.那海岸的许多地方已被核废料污染了。The food which had been contaminated was destroyed.

25、 被污染的食品已经被销毁了。underlinevt. 1. draw a line under a word to show that it is important 在.下划线All the technical words have been underlined in red.所有的技术词汇下面都用红色划了线。Don't forget to underline the title of the essay.别忘了在文章标题下划线。2. emphasize; show that sth. is important 强调,使突出She underlined the seriousnes

26、s of the situation.她强调了形势的严峻性。To underline their disgust, the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.为了强调他们的厌恶,人群开始向舞台扔瓶子了。uncompromisinga. unwilling to change one's opinions or behavior 不妥协的;不让步的He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising.他因顽强、不妥协出名。At work, George was known as

27、an uncompromising businessman.在工作上,乔治是一个决不让步的商人。objectvi. oppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成Would anyone object if we start the meeting now?如果我们现在开始开会,有人反对吗?No one objected when the boss said it was time to go home.当老板说该回家了时,没有人表示反对。accusevt. say that sb. is guilty of a crime or of doing sth. bad 指

28、控;控告"It wasn't my fault.""Don't worry, I'm not accusing you."“这不是我的过错。”“别担心,我不是在指责你。”He's been accused of robbery. 他被控抢劫。banquetn. C a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion 宴会A banquet was planned to celebrate the victory.为庆祝胜利,计划举行一个宴会。That night

29、 there was a state banquet.那天晚上举行了一场国宴。suevt. make a legal claim against sb., esp. for money 起诉;控告The company is suing a former employee.该公司正在起诉一个前雇员。He threatened to sue them if the work was not completed.如果工作完不成,他威胁要起诉他们。attorneyn. C a lawyer 律师Simpson answered questions from his defense attorney

30、for nearly three hours.辛普森回答了将近三小时自己辩护律师提出的问题。Other investors have hired attorneys and are deciding whom to sue.其他投资者已经雇了律师,正在决定要起诉谁。secondvt. support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting 支持;附议The motion was proposed by the club's chairman and seconded by the secretary.这提案是俱乐部主席提出的,并

31、得到了秘书的支持。"Will anyone second this motion?""I second it, Mr. Chairman."“有谁支持这项蹋提议?”“主席先生,我附议。”finevt. make sb. pay money as a punishment 罚.的款Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.超速驾驶的司机会受到重罚。They fined him $100 for threatening behavior.因为威胁性的举止,他被他们罚了1

32、00美金。expelvt. force sb. to leave a school or organization 开除;驱逐The government has expelled some diplomats.政府已将一些外交官驱逐出境。My brother was expelled from school for bad behavior. 我弟弟因为行为不端被学校开除了。justifyvt. show that there is a good reason for sth. that other people think is unreasonable 证明.有道理;为.辩护How do

33、 you justify your rude behavior?你如何为你的粗鲁举止辩解呢?We can't justify spending any more money on this project.我们没有理由再在这个项目上花费更多的钱了。single-mindeda. having one clear aim and working very hard to achieve it 一心一意的;专一的She is very single-minded about her career.她专一于自己的事业。Her single-minded commitment to the j

34、ob meant that she had little time left for her family.她对工作一心一意的奉献意味着她很少有时间留给自己的家庭。novelistn. C sb. who writes novels 小说家A famous novelist gave a speech at the opening ceremony.在开幕式上,一位知名小说家发了言。musiciann. C sb. who performs or writes music, esp. as a job 音乐家;乐手Ellen is one of our most talented young

35、musicians.埃伦是我们最有天赋的年青音乐家之一。desperatea. 1. needing or wanting sth. very much 极需要的;极向往的The team is desperate for a win.这个队极需要一场胜利。He was desperate to get a job.他非常想得到一份工作。2. very worried and willing to do anything to change a bad situation 绝望的;拼命的I had no money left and was desperate.我没有钱了,感到很绝望。Time

36、 was running out and we were getting desperate.时间不断流逝,我们开始不顾一切。desperatelyad. 1. very much 非常She always seems to be desperately busy!她看上去总是非常忙。I'm not desperately keen on watching football.我并不酷爱看足球。2. in a worried or angry way 绝望地;拼命地The doctors tried desperately to save her life.医生拼命地要拯救她的生命。He

37、 looked round desperately for someone to help him. 他绝望地朝四周看了看,希望有人帮助他。alasad. unfortunately 不幸的是;遗憾的是I love football but, alas, I have no talent as a player.我喜欢足球,可是,真遗憾,我没有足球队员的天赋。For many people, alas, hunger is part of everyday life. 对许多人来说,很不幸,饥饿是日常生活的一部分。at besteven when considered in the most

38、positive way 充其量;至多At best she would become disabled; at worst she would die.最乐观地看,她会变残废;最糟糕的话,她会死去。He was, at best, a second-class writer.他充其量是一个二流作家。run a/the riskbe in a situation in which sth. bad could happen 冒险;有.风险He ran the risk of losing his job by criticizing his boss.他冒着丢饭碗的风险批评了他的老板。If y

39、ou keep working in such a temperature, you will run a risk of getting heat stroke.如果你在这样的温度下继续工作,就有中暑的危险。remain/be true tocontinue to be loyal to sb. or sth. 忠于He remains true to his principle.他忠于自己的原则。We are true to our cultural traditions.我们忠于我们的文化传统。object tooppose or disapprove of sth. 反对;不赞成Rob

40、son strongly objected to the terms of the contract.罗布森强烈反对合同中的条款。I objected to having to rewrite the article.我反对重写这篇文章。accuse sb. of sth.say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth. 指控;控告Some parents are accused of being careless with their children's health.人们指责有些家长不关心孩子的健康。throw outma

41、ke sb. leave a place, school, organization, etc. because they have done sth. against the rules 开除;解雇Their trade union was instructed to find jobs for those thrown out of work.他们的工会接到指示要为那些失去工作的人找到工作。These two famous sportsmen were thrown out of the Olympics after failing drug tests.这两位著名的运动员由于没有通过药检

42、被逐出奥运会。unit3rawa. not processed, treated, or cooked 未经加工的;天然的;生的raw material原材料I prefer to eat vegetables raw, not cooked.我喜欢生吃蔬菜,不要煮。wheelchairn. C a chair on wheels for people who can't walk to get around 轮椅He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair.他在轮椅上度过了一生中的最后10年。He is so weak

43、 he can't leave home and hates to sit in his wheelchair.他身体很虚弱,不能离开家,而且他讨厌坐轮椅。pensionn. C an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a company to sb. who no longer works because of age or illness 养老金;抚恤金He finds it hard to live on his pension.他发现靠抚恤金生活很困难。He won't be able to draw

44、 his pension until he's 65.他在65岁以前不可能支取养老金。caseworkern. C a social worker who works to help people with social problems 社会工作者I stayed, first as a volunteer then as a caseworker.我先是作为一名志愿者,然后是作为一名社会工作者留下的。I've now understood what a caseworker is doing.我现在明白社会工作者是从事什么工作的了。rentn. C an amount of

45、 money sb. pays regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. that is owned by sb. else 租金We let the spare room at a monthly rent of $100.我们把空房间以每月100美元的价格出租了。I pay a higher rent than the other tenants because my room is bigger.因为我的房间比较大,我付的租金比其他房客高。v. pay money regularly for the use of a room,

46、house, car, etc. 租用I rented a car from a garage and drove all around the city.我从车行租了辆车,满城兜风。The old lady rented us her spare room for $50 a week. 老妇人把空房间以每周50美元的价格出租给我们。optvi. make a choice 选择;决定Anyone who opted to work full-time was busy six days a week, thirteen hours a day.选择做全日工的人一周6天都很忙,一天得忙上13

47、个小时。Against his father's advice, Peter opted for business.彼得违背父亲的意见,选择了经商。drumv. make a continuous sound by hitting a surface 不停敲击He kept drumming his fingers on the desk.他不停地用手指敲击桌子。n. C 鼓the regular beat of the drum有规律的击鼓声temptationn. C, U a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for

48、 you 诱惑,引诱Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.学生应该抵制只注重考试的诱惑。As an actor, he simply has no way to resist the temptation to move to Hollywood.作为一名演员,他根本无法抵制住去好莱坞的诱惑。profilen. 1. C the public image of a person or organization 形象;印象They have done a lot to change the profile of

49、 their company.他们下了很大力气改变公司形象。The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。2. C a side view of a person's head (人头部的侧面;侧影She has a good strong profile.她侧面看上去美丽而坚毅。The actor is photographed in profile, smoking a cigarette.这个演员从侧面拍了一张抽烟的照片。high-profilea. attracting

50、a lot of public attention 引人注目的He is a high-profile political star. 他是一个引人注目的政治明星。He is one of football's high-profile chairmen.他是足球界引人注目的主席之一。bowvi. bend one's body forward, esp. to show respect 鞠躬He bowed politely to the host.他礼貌地朝主人鞠躬。The people all bowed down before the Emperor.人们都给皇帝深深鞠

51、躬。n. C the act of bowing 鞠躬She gave a deep bow to the audience.她向观众深深地鞠了一躬。compensationn. 1. C, U sth. used to balance or reduce the bad effects of a damage, loss, injury, etc. 补偿;弥补Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot.对受伤工人的补偿花费了公司不少钱。You should claim compensation.你应该要求赔偿。2. U

52、 money that sb. receives because sth. bad has happened to them 补偿金;赔偿金She received $50,000 in compensation.她得到了5万美金的补偿费。She was awarded $350,000 compensation for her injuries.判定赔偿她受伤补偿费35万美金。liberaln. C sb. who accepts different opinions or ways of behaving 思想开明的人He liked to think of himself as a li

53、beral.他喜欢视自己为思想开明的人。As a liberal, he'd like to listen to the different opinions about the matter.作为一名思想开明的人,他想听听对这件事的不同看法。a. willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving 心胸宽广的;开明的a man of liberal views思想观点开明的人Her parents were far more liberal than mine.他父母比我父母开明得多。detectiven. C sb. w

54、ho tries to discover information about a crime and find the criminal 侦探Detectives have finally tracked down the killer.侦探们最终追捕到了杀手。He worked as a private detective for the company.他为这家公司当私人侦探。shortsn. (pl. short trousers ending at or above the knees 短裤pastevt. stick sth. to sth. else or in a specifi

55、ed place 粘贴Please paste a label on the box.请在盒子上贴一张标签。The walls were pasted with pictures of movie stars.墙壁上贴满了电影明星的照片。n. U a kind of glue made of flour and water 浆糊wallpaper paste墙纸浆糊When I put wallpaper up I got paste all over my hands and clothes.我贴墙纸时手上和衣服上全都沾满了浆糊。receiptn. C a written statement

56、 showing that you have paid for sth. 收据,收条Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy.一定要确保你买的每样东西都有一张收据。I paid the bill and he gave me a receipt.我付了账单,他给了我一张收据。donationn. C money or goods that you give to a person or an organization in order to help them 捐赠物;捐款They received a large don

57、ation to the school.他们收到了给这所学校的大笔捐款。She gave/made a donation of $200 to the Children's Hospital.她捐赠200美元给儿童医院。hipn. C the part on each side of human body between the top of the leg and the waist 臀(部;髋(部crawlvi. 1. move along on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground 爬行;匍匐前进The child crawled across t


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