1、Participants Order department in Norway, Sweden and Finland; Marianne Kraknes, Norway Elisabeth Torvbraten, Norway Carina Kamb, Sweden Niklas Karlsson, Finland Marketing department Jan-Olav Wammer, Key account responsible. Production: Stein-Olav Kirkeby, Plant Manager Kristian Hovde, Production Mana
2、ger Tor-Ivar Strm; Production Controller Finance Torbjrn Erlandsson, Elko Sweden Guests Mari Nilsen, SE Norway Johan Olsson, SE Sweden Coaches Per Engel Mller, SNB Ed Brekke, SPS Johan Olsson, Per Engel Mller, Stein Olav Kirkeby, Marianne KraknesEd Brekke, Torbjrn Erlandsson, Niklas Karlsson, Carina
3、 Kamb, Elisabeth Torvbraten, Kristian HovdeMissing from the picture: Mari Nilsen, Jan-Olav Wammer and Tor-Ivar Strm第1页/共20页第一页,共21页。Leader: Per Engel Mller Project Name: SNB Customer Call CenterGateTargetActualD05/1205/12M05/2105/21A05/2205/22I05/2305/23C06/23Team members Functional area% DedicatedF
4、acilitator: Per Engel MllerProject Leader: Marianne & CarinaSponsor : Stein-Olav Kirkeby, Plant ManagerProblem statement:We have a contractual agreement with large distributors to give them a response to delivery issues by 12 Noon the day following the requestWe often cannot meet this obligation bec
5、ause it can take us from 1 hour to 3 days to get an answer internallyBusiness Impact:KPILTThru put% time spent tracking ordersBaseline63 min.50% = 4 hrs/dayTarget30 min.30 minutes per orderActual 3 min.TBDGoal statement: Answer all customer requests for delivery related information with-in 24 hours
6、or by 12:00 Noon the following day.Scope:Start: External enquiry, phone call from customer.End: Answer delivered to customerRisk assessment: None or very low.Potential cost savings within the CCC up to 95KPositive impact on customer satisfaction.第2页/共20页第二页,共21页。DMAIC approach Define: Prepare the pr
7、ojectCharter brainstorming Measure:Understand what is going onCurrent state value stream map current state spaghetti diagram, swim lane Analyze:Identify opportunities to improveEliminate waste brainstorm, waste hunt Improve:Define and implement solutionsFuture state value stream map future state Spo
8、nsor buy-in, acceptance Control:Check that the results are as plannedSustain 30 day action plan第3页/共20页第三页,共21页。Define Problem Statement Brainstorm Activity: Are small orders a problem?Have to break up standard packaging from 5 packs / 50 or 100 pc over packs to less 5 Rework and space at the distri
9、bution centerStocked or not at distribution centerSmall order value: many invoices, many actions, less cost effective?Customer complaints about too many invoices and order confirmationsThe price for an order of one is equal to the price for 50System cannot differentiate between customer agreementsDi
10、stributor only receives confirmations for lead times 3 days Different processes for different customers Different terms and conditions for different customers Orders have to be copied to different languages1 order in local language to Norwegian Customers push costs to ElkoHandwritten ordersQuality i
11、ssues: wrong prices, missing data第4页/共20页第四页,共21页。Define Problem Statement Brainstorm Activity: What % of our time is spent on taking orders? Only about 25-30% The majority of our time is spent on delivery issuesWe have a contractual agreement with large distributors to give them a response to deliv
12、ery issues by 12 Noon the day following the requestWe often cannot meet this obligation because it can take us from 1 hour to 3 days to get an answer internallyOrders have an average of 10 lines Small orders normally have 1 2 lines第5页/共20页第五页,共21页。Define: Problem StatementAnswer all customer request
13、s for delivery related information with-in 24 hours or by 12:00 Noon the following day.Reduce waste in the Order department.第6页/共20页第六页,共21页。Measure: How Orders are Placed by Customers One order process for all orders Order process begins with the customer who places an order by E-mail Fax Phone EDI
14、 The order process ends when an invoice is printed and sent (automatic)How are orders receivedFinlandSwedenNorwayFax20%35%80%Telephone14%15%E Mail.5%1%Electronic EDI80%50%3%Post (letter).5%1%第7页/共20页第七页,共21页。Measure: All Calls to the Call Center, Reason Most common reasons for callsOrder Status and
15、Delivery timesinformation related to when an item will be delivered = 50%Place an orderAvailabilityPricingTechnical questions Technical documentationGeneral information Complaints Wrong deliveriesProduct defectReturn requestsHow do we spend our dayFISENOTaking/Placing orders25%25%30%Technical Questi
16、ons20%Pricing1 %Order/Delivery status50%40%50%Making invoicesCustoms handlingCredits/Returns/Billings25%14%20%第8页/共20页第八页,共21页。Measure: Current State Order Status CallsCall CenterElko ERPTransportERPTransportCall CenterElkoDistributionCenterElkoPurchasingManufacturingSupplierReceive Callto ck orderS
17、tatus. 2 min6 X 10dIn stock, notdelivered, callDCNot in ERP,Call or EMto purch3 minDisconnect with customerto call backLater. 1 minWritenote to callback supplier1 minPurch. Callsor e-mailto supplier3 minGiveResponse toCustomer3 minSupplierCalls Purch5 min.Ck if sys. saysorder shippedtrack order1 min
18、 Ck systemfor trackingNumber2 minCk transsystem webTracker2 minLog in to“poster” totrack4 minNo trackingnumber, callor EM2 minSearch fortrackingnumber2 minCk transsystem webTracker2 minFeedbackFrom Purch.3 min# not in website systemCall TransCCC 3 minVA NVAGreen Path: 2+1+3 = 6 min6mRed Path: 2+1+1+
19、1+3+3 +5+3+3m 6m15m + 1h to 3dBlack Path: 2+1+2+1+1+2+2+2+36m10mBlack Dash Path:2+1+2+1+1+2+2+2+3+36m13mBlue Path2+1+2+2+4+36m 8mBlue Dash Path: 2+1+2+2+1+1+3+36m9m1 hour 3 daysCk delivery date in sys.1 minDisconnect with customerto call backLater. 1 minWritenote to callback supplier1 minNo tracking
20、 #WASTE第9页/共20页第九页,共21页。Measure: Current State: Order Process, NorwayCustomerSandvika FaxOrder Entry10 OrdersShippingCustomers2.55 min1.5PT = 3mnUT = 96%10 Orders70 Orders per dayAverage 10 lines per orderLarge orders have more lines80% received by fax 56 orders per day by fax15% received by telepho
21、ne 10 orders per day by Phone7.5 Hour Day (50% for Orders) 3.75 hour dayPacking8PT = 15mnUT = Picking8PT = 15mnUT = 99%Filing1PT = 3 minCustomer CallCenterAMOT FaxMay sit for 1To 3 days30 min30 min3 min15 min15 minPLT = 93 minCT = 3.3 minFax = 80%Phone = 15%Take Call HandwriteOrder1.5.75 min?PT = 5m
22、nOrders are collected hourly, average order waits 30 mn.Take call and manually write order takes 5 min X 15% of 66 orders = .75minTake call and simultaneously write order takes 3 min X 85% of 66 orders = 2.55minTakt3.75 hrs / 70 = 1 per 3.2111.25 hrs / 70 = 1 per 9.64 m第10页/共20页第十页,共21页。Measure: Cur
23、rent State: Order Process, NorwayCustomerSandvika FaxOrder Entry10 OrdersShippingCustomers2.55 min1.5PT = 3mnUT = 96%10 Orders70 Orders per dayAverage 10 lines per orderLarge orders have more lines80% received by fax 56 orders per day by fax15% received by phone 10 orders per day by Phone7.5 Hour Da
24、y (50% for Orders) 3.75 hour dayPacking8PT = 15mnUT = Picking8PT = 15mnUT = 99%Filing1PT = 3 minCustomer CallCenterAMOT FaxMay sit for 1To 3 days30 min30 min3 min15 min15 minPLT = 93 minCT = 3.3 minFax = 80%Phone = 15%Take Call HandwriteOrder1.5.75 min?PT = 5mnOrders are collected hourly, average or
25、der waits 30 mn.Take call and manually write order takes 5 min X 15% of 66 orders = .75minTake call and simultaneously write order takes 3 min X 85% of 66 orders = 2.55min第11页/共20页第十一页,共21页。PLT ? Processing Time / Process Lead Time: PLT Processing Time: The time a product or actually is being worked
26、 on in production or in the office, either manually or by machine. Production Lead Time: The time it takes a product to move all the way through a process or through a value stream, from start to finish. Sometimes called “door-to-door” time inside a plant. Other common terms are: Total Product Lead
27、Time, Throughput Time第12页/共20页第十二页,共21页。BrainstormShipping tracking # is missing in ERPWhy? Issue in shipping department?It is extra work to follow up and not able to give customer a timely response.Due dates in system for purchased F/G are missing: can we get purchasing to update them?No, it is not
28、 possible purchasing has no way to know what parts are late system issue. Is this true? No not true, there is a report, they are just not following up!Fax orders: (Norway) Some fax orders are sent to the factory and not to the front office. It can take them several days to find their way to the orde
29、r department. Some get lost completely.Can we move factory fax to a place where it is checked more often?Can we send out a notification to customers on correct fax number?Why do they send orders to this fax? Because they find it on the bottom of the letterhead.Fax machine is located in reception not
30、 located in order area (no dedicated number) so why not get a number and move it?We file and retain FAX orders and handwritten receipts of telephone orders. Norway saves for 5+ years. “Need” information from fax in case customer calls back and questions shipment. For how long do we really need?Retai
31、n fax as record for what Elko person takes order. Cant we put this in the system automatically?When we get a telephone order why dont we enter the information directly into the order system rather than write?第13页/共20页第十三页,共21页。Action ListIssueActionRespWhoWhenShipping tracking # is missing in ERP re
32、sults in x-tra work to follow up and not able to give customer a timely response.Poka yoke in system to prevent closure without the tracking # field completed CarinaInge, IT Dept.06 / 06Due dates in system for purchased F/G are missing - results in x-tra work to follow up and not able to give custom
33、er a timely response.Purchasing to utilize “past due report” to keep ERP updatedMarianneGro,Kristian06 / 20Fax orders: (Norway) Some fax orders are sent to the factory and not to the front office. Fax machine is not located in order area (no dedicated number).Special fax # for ordering.New fax machi
34、ne in orderCommunicate new #MarianneMarianneCapgem.GroIT, Sales05 / 3005 / 2006 / 20Filing and retention of FAX orders and handwritten receipts of telephone orders. Norway saves for 5+ years. “Need” information from fax in case customer calls back and questions shipment. Also retain fax as record fo
35、r what Elko person takes order.Do not file Fax, hold 5 days, discard. No more handwritten forms for telephone orders, enter direct into system.Add coding of order “taker” to systemElisabethCarinaInge05 / 3005 / 3006 / 06Investigate further improvements.Take more calls and reduce lost call rate.Make
36、pro-active contact with customers; strengthen partnership & increase relationships with customersShare & help facilitate future events in other areas or functionsHow do utilize the time saved?第14页/共20页第十四页,共21页。Improve: Future State Order Status CallsCall CenterElko ERPTransportERPTransportCall Cent
37、erElkoDistributionCenterElkoPurchasingManufacturingSupplierReceive Callto ck orderStatus. 2 min6 X 10dGiveResponse toCustomer 3 minCk delivery date in sys.1 minWASTE第15页/共20页第十五页,共21页。Improve: Future State: Order Process, NorwayCustomerSandvika FaxOrder EntryShippingCustomers3 min1.5PT = 3mnUT = 96%
38、70 Orders per dayAverage 10 lines per orderLarge orders have more lines80% received by fax 56 orders per day by fax15% received by fax 10 orders per day by PhonePacking8PT = 15mnUT = Picking8PT = 15mnUT = 99%Customer CallCenter15 min15 minPLT = 30 minCT = 3 minFax = 80%Phone = 15%?Take call or recei
39、ve Fax and simultaneously write order: 3 minTelephoneFax第16页/共20页第十六页,共21页。Actions Out of ScopeIssueActionRespWhoWhenTimely receipt of “hot” items in reception department, reliable dates from suppliers.Table for receiving eventFlow of orders through picking / packing / shipping is batched.Table for
40、receiving eventSmall quantity orders ( Std Pkg Size) are an issue for the distribution center.Separate event How do we spread the news? If Elko wants to motivate employees for future events what can they doKaizen event board with information and photos Use G&I newsletter第17页/共20页第十七页,共21页。ResultsAns
41、wer all customer requests for delivery related information with-in 24 hours or by 12:00 Noon the following day.Customer will get an answer right away when they callFinancial saving of app. 95.000 a year corresponding to the time spend less on inquiriesReduce waste in the Order department.Reduced wai
42、ting Moved fax to order dept., Procedure established at mot faxReduced motionMoved fax to order dept.,Eliminated over-processingNo handwritten orders, No filingReduced defectsNo handwritten ordersOrder process lead time has been reduced from 63,3 min to 3 min(process until picking and packing)第18页/共20页第十
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