1、The Four Great Inventions of ancient ChinaPapermaking Printing GunpowderCompass 1、PapermakingvWhen the paper appeared? What is to be made of? First paper appeared at Xian in the Western Han Dynasty, and it made by oakum . In 1986, a tomb in Tianshui of Gansu Province unearthed a paper map. According
2、 to appraisal of some experts ,this piece of paper is a plant fiber paper. 最早的纸出现在西汉时期的西安,是用麻絮来制成的。最早的纸出现在西汉时期的西安,是用麻絮来制成的。 1986年,在甘肃省天水的一座古墓中年,在甘肃省天水的一座古墓中 出土了一幅纸地图。经专家鉴定,出土了一幅纸地图。经专家鉴定, 认为西汉时期的纸属于植物纤维纸。认为西汉时期的纸属于植物纤维纸。PapermakingvWhen it appeared that todays paper experience ? Who invented it? In
3、Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Lun summarized the experience, improved paper making, so this paper is also known as Marquis Cais paper. 如今的造纸经验在什么时候就出现了?由谁发明?如今的造纸经验在什么时候就出现了?由谁发明? 东汉末年,蔡伦总结了造纸经验,改进了造纸法,所以这种纸又称为东汉末年,蔡伦总结了造纸经验,改进了造纸法,所以这种纸又称为“蔡候蔡候纸纸”。vWhat raw materials used in Eastern Han Dynasty papermak
4、ing ? What is the process? Raw materials - bark, hemp head, rags, old fishing nets Process - Pulping, paper fishing, drying 东汉时造纸使用什么原料?有什么工序?东汉时造纸使用什么原料?有什么工序? 原料原料树皮、麻头、破布、旧鱼网树皮、麻头、破布、旧鱼网 工序工序制浆、捞纸、烘干制浆、捞纸、烘干Papermakingvpapermaking propagation 4th century AD, introduced to the Korean, Vietnam. 7th
5、 century, introduced to Japan, the Arab region. 12th century, spread to Europe, Africa. 造纸术对外流传造纸术对外流传 公元公元4世纪,传入朝鲜、越南。世纪,传入朝鲜、越南。 公元公元7世纪,传入日本、阿拉伯地区。世纪,传入日本、阿拉伯地区。 公元公元12世纪,传入欧洲、非洲。世纪,传入欧洲、非洲。2、PrintingPrintingvHow is the printing generated? The earliest books are copied by hand, but then it is als
6、o time-consuming and error-prone. Therefore, printing generated . 印刷术是怎么样产生的?印刷术是怎么样产生的? 最早的书籍是用手来抄写的,但是这样既费时费力也容易出错。因此就产生的最早的书籍是用手来抄写的,但是这样既费时费力也容易出错。因此就产生的印刷术。印刷术。vMost original printing - rubbing method. In 4th century AD, people put the paper on the stone rubbing, get some rubbings.This method i
7、s the most original printed methods. 最原始的印刷术最原始的印刷术拓印方法。拓印方法。 公元公元4世纪,人们把纸放在石碑上拓印,得到一些拓本。这种方法就是最原始世纪,人们把纸放在石碑上拓印,得到一些拓本。这种方法就是最原始的印刷方法。的印刷方法。vWoodblock printing Sui and Tang dynasties, people put words carved on wood, let the word protruding ink painted on top, then spread on top of paper, brush it.
8、 This is the famous woodblock printing. 雕版印刷术雕版印刷术 隋唐时期,人们把字刻在木板上,让字凸出,在上面涂上墨,再把纸铺在上隋唐时期,人们把字刻在木板上,让字凸出,在上面涂上墨,再把纸铺在上面,刷一刷就可以了。这就是闻名的雕版印刷术。面,刷一刷就可以了。这就是闻名的雕版印刷术。PrintingvMovable type - Bi Sheng In the 11th century, the Song Dynasty people Bi Sheng invented movable type. This printing method both eff
9、ort and quickly find errors ,which can also be corrected promptly. 活字印刷术活字印刷术毕升毕升 公元公元11世纪,宋代人世纪,宋代人毕升毕升发明了活字印刷术。这种印刷方法既省力又迅速,发现错误还可发明了活字印刷术。这种印刷方法既省力又迅速,发现错误还可以及时改正。以及时改正。vLater it was also invented a higher quality printing technology Wood type - copper type - type of lead 后来人们还发明印刷质量更高的技术后来人们还发明印
10、刷质量更高的技术 木活字木活字铜活字铜活字铅活字铅活字vMovable type external communication It gradually spread to Korea, Japan and Western countries. 活字印刷术对外传播活字印刷术对外传播 陆续传到朝鲜、日本和西方各国。陆续传到朝鲜、日本和西方各国。3、CompassvWhat inspired people to make the guide tools? Long ago, people discovered that lodestone can absorb the iron (which is
11、 now what we call the magnet). As early as the Warring States period, Chinese ancestors have made Si nan by lodestone to indicate direction. This is the first guide tool. 人们是受到什么启发才制造了指南工具的?人们是受到什么启发才制造了指南工具的? 很早以前,人们发现了能吸铁的天然磁石(即现在我们所说的磁铁)很早以前,人们发现了能吸铁的天然磁石(即现在我们所说的磁铁)。早在战国时期,中国先民已用天然磁石制成指示方向的早在战国时
12、期,中国先民已用天然磁石制成指示方向的司南司南。这就是最这就是最早的指南工具。早的指南工具。v In the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Jun invented the guide car. Song dynasty scientist Shen Kuo describes a method of making use of the needle pointing in its Dream Pool Essays . Later, it developed into a needle and bearing plate into the compass. In the
13、 late Northern Song dynasty, the compass has been used in navigation; In the Southern Song Dynasty, people have been using dial navigation. The invention of the compass, for the exchange of maritime traffic and the economic and cultural development, played a significant role. 在三国时,在三国时,马钧发明了发明了指南车。宋
14、代科学家宋代科学家沈括在其在其梦溪笔谈中记载了制作指向用的磁针的方法。后来,又发展成磁针和方位盘联成中记载了制作指向用的磁针的方法。后来,又发展成磁针和方位盘联成一体的一体的罗盘。在北宋后期,指南针已用于航海;南宋时,已使用针盘导。在北宋后期,指南针已用于航海;南宋时,已使用针盘导航。指南针的发明,对于海上交通的发展和经济文化的交流,起了极大航。指南针的发明,对于海上交通的发展和经济文化的交流,起了极大作用。作用。4、Gunpowderv Gunpowder was invented in China, dating back more than 1000 years. Research be
15、gan in ancient alchemy . Alchemy was popular for a thousand years, but finally nothing. However, some of the specific methods used in alchemy still has merit, and it shows the original form of the chemical, refining methods like gunpowder. Thus the invention of gunpowder has some chance. 火药是中国人发明的,距
16、今已有火药是中国人发明的,距今已有1000多年了。火药的研究始于古代多年了。火药的研究始于古代炼丹术。炼丹术流行了一千多年,最后还是一无所获。但是,炼丹术所炼丹术。炼丹术流行了一千多年,最后还是一无所获。但是,炼丹术所采用的一些具体方法还是有可取之处的,它显示了化学的原始形态,就采用的一些具体方法还是有可取之处的,它显示了化学的原始形态,就如火药的炼制方法。因此火药的发明具有一定的偶然性。如火药的炼制方法。因此火药的发明具有一定的偶然性。v Gunpowder consists of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal powder, so it is also ca
17、lled black powder. 火药是用硝石、硫磺和木炭的粉末混合制成的,所以也叫火药是用硝石、硫磺和木炭的粉末混合制成的,所以也叫“黑火黑火药药”。 GunpowdervGunpowder applications: In the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder began to be used for military. For example, people often use the Rocket in the fire attack. During the Song and Yuan Dynasty (AD 960 - AD 1368), gunpowder i
18、s widely used in the military, there has been a lot of gunpowder weapons, such as rockets, handguns, spears, guns and so on. 火药的应用:火药的应用: 唐朝末年,火药开始用于军事。比如在火攻中常使用唐朝末年,火药开始用于军事。比如在火攻中常使用“火箭火箭”。 宋、元时期宋、元时期(公元公元960年年公元公元1368年年),军事上广泛应用火药,出现了许,军事上广泛应用火药,出现了许多火药武器,主要有火箭、火铳、突火枪、火炮等。多火药武器,主要有火箭、火铳、突火枪、火炮等。
19、vExternal communication of gunpowder In the 13th century, gunpowder was passed by the Indian businessman into Arab countries. The Greeks knew gunpowder by translating the books of Arabs. 火药的对外传播火药的对外传播 13 13世纪火药是由世纪火药是由商人商人经印度传入阿拉伯国家的。希腊人通过翻译阿拉伯人的经印度传入阿拉伯国家的。希腊人通过翻译阿拉伯人的书籍才知道火药。书籍才知道火药。 Gunpowder we
20、apons spread through the Arab countries by war , in the period of Genghis Khan westward conquest, the Mongol army used gunpowder weapons. In the 1260 year , Kublai Khans army was defeated in war with Syria, the Arabs seized their weapons and gunpowder, so as to equip the manufacture and use of gunpowder weapons. 火药武器是通过火药武器是通过战争战争传到阿拉伯国家,成吉思汗西征,蒙古军队使用了火药传到阿拉伯国家,成吉思汗
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