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1、 中国好课堂衡阳市八中2015年上期期中考试高一英语总分:100分 时量:120分钟 命题人:欧梦媛 审题人:李春华考生注意:本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力、语言知识运用、阅读理解和书面表达。考试结束后,将答卷收回。PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A (15%)Directions: In this section, youll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question i

2、s followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letters (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. Where is the bank?A. Next to the bookstore.B. Beside the supermarket.C. Opposi

3、te the supermarket.2. How many stops is it to the bank from here if the man takes a bus?A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.Conversation 23. How much would half a kilo of carrots cost?A. 3.5 dollars. B. 4 dollars.C. 7 dollars.4. Why doesnt the man buy the womans carrots?A. He wants cheaper food.B. He wants he

4、althier food.C. He wants better-tasting food.Conversation 35. How did the woman come here?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By subway.6. What will the woman order?A. Steak and soup.B. A pork pie and beef.C. A salad and an apple pie.Conversation 47. How many presents does the woman receive?A. Three.B. Four.C. F

5、ive.8. What has the woman been dreaming about having since last Christmas?A. A tennis racket.B. A CD player.C. A skateboard.9. Who loves baseball?A. Mr. Johnson.B. Mr. Sharp.C. Jack.Conversation 510. What day is it today?A. Wednesday.B. Thursday.C. Friday.11. When will the woman see her doctor on Sa

6、turday?A. At 10 am.B. At 11 am.C. At 1:30 pm.12. What is the mans plan for this Sunday?A. To travel to another city.B. To hang out with his sister.C. To spend time with the woman.Conversation 613. Why did the woman come to New York?A. To get a better job.B. To experience life there.C. To get further

7、 education.14. How many countries has the woman taught French in?A. Four. B. Five.C. Six.15. What does the woman want to do in the future?A. Settle down in New York.B. Go to teach in New Zealand.C. Share her stories through writing.SECTION B (5 %)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short pa

8、ssage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICE.A weekend camping tripStarting timeOn Saturday afternoon, 16 Place Moon LakeActivities 17 and set up camp in the a

9、fternoonHave a barbecue at nightBoat or go 18 Returning timeOn 19 What to takeYour own tent, 20 and fishing equipmentPART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE SECTION A (15%) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes

10、the sentence.21. Mr. Lee wanted to know_.A. whether he speaks at the conferenceB. when the conference would startC. what hes going to do at the conferenceD. where would the conference be held22. It is the fact _ you dont know Mothers Day _ made us surprised.A. which; which B. which; that C. that; th

11、at D. that; which23. She made _ known to her family that she didnt want to go to the college. A. that B. it C. himself D. him24. -Do you know exactly where the library is? -No, but it _ be at the end of this street.A. need B. can C. would D. might25. Last weekend, a large quantity of cars_ in front

12、of the gate of Nanhu Park. A. is parked B. was parked C. are parked D. were parked26. All of the students _ involved in the party, and many a student _ excited. A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were27. Nowadays, parents _ much importance to their children. They will do their best to gi

13、ve them the best education. A. attach B. pay C. link D. apply28. Lets look for a suitable case _ this idea can be applied. A. which B. where C. how D. why29. When _, the building will be used as a school for children from poor families. A. to be completed B. completing C. completed D. is completing3

14、0. _ on the certificate _ the names of those who performed well in the match yesterday. A. Written; were B. Written; was C. Writing; was D. Writing; were31. New phones go on sale on Sunday with _ bigger screen and 4G wireless technology, as _ company seeks to keep its competitiveness. A. the; a B. a

15、; a C. the; the D. a; the32. An old woman fell on the way near Jiefang Road. In no time _ to her. A. people had rushed B. had people rushed C. people rushed D. did people rush33. Mr. Zhangs persistence led to _. A. him having succeed B. success himC. him being successful D. him to be success34. You

16、must remember the traffic rule before the driving test. Youve made it _ often enough. A. to explain B. explain C. explaining D. explained35. When designers design clothes, they should consider the use of comfort, _ colors, sizes and styles. A. except B. as well as C. as well D. butSECTION B (12%)Dir

17、ections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B. C. and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Just after moving to a new town, my father was let go from his job as a welder. Dad diligently searched for work, and Mom trie

18、d to scrape together meals for my brother, sister and me. Soon my parents had 36 all their savings. When things got desperate, a nearby farmer offered us 37 from his field. We ate potatoes three times a 38 : fried for breakfast, baked for lunch and mashed for dinner. Several weeks passed and Dad was

19、 still unemployed. Mealtimes grew quiet.After breakfast one morning Dad pushed his chair away from the table and headed 39 I followed, and saw him rummaging(翻寻) under the seats in the car. He found some 40 , pocketed them and said, “Tell your mother Im going to town. Ill be back before sunset.”What

20、is he doing? I 41 .When he returned he was clutching(抓牢) a small brown bag. He whispered to mother, who shooed us out of the kitchen.“Were going to have a(n) 42 meal to celebrate,” Dad announced.“Celebrate what?” I asked. It didnt seem like we had much to be happy about. And surely Dad would have to

21、ld us 43 he had found work.“Life, Roy. Were celebrating life. Things may be 44 for us right now, but I know that with Gods help we will get through this. He has truly blessed us.”Then Mom brought out dinner. Mounds of pink, green, blue and orange were piled on our plates! Whats this? After devouring

22、 (吞食) the first 45 , I knew: mashed potatoes. But because of all the colors, they were fun to eat. My brother, sister and I giggled as we ate, and the cloud that had been hanging over us at mealtimes began to 46 .A couple of weeks later Dad found a job. We gladly quit our potato diet. His philosophy

23、 continues to color my life. Now, when my family experiences tough times, I make rainbow mashed potatoes as a 47 of how fortunate we are.36. A. hadB. donatedC. lostD. spent37. A. applesB. potatoesC. beansD. tomatoes38. A. dayB. weekC. monthD. year39. A. backwardsB. insideC. outsideD. upstairs40. A.

24、keysB. bagsC. coinsD. bills41. A. suspectedB. wonderedC. askedD. complained42. A. simpleB. expensiveC. specialD. common43. A. whileB. beforeC. thoughD. if44. A. toughB. smoothC. ridiculousD. comfortable45. A. smellB. biteC. lookD. sight46. A. liftB. closeC. exchangeD. thicken47. A. rewardB. celebrat

25、ionC. recordD. reminder SECTION C (8%) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Most people pay into social security. This is a governmental programme intended 48 provide retired citizens with checks for a portion of their previous

26、daily income. It can be 49 vital asset(资产) to retirees. 50 there has been some concern in the U.S. that social security will not last very much longer, it is still a big benefit for those 51 receive it. Social security is only one way to prepare for financial planning at the present time. The import

27、ance of financial planning is being ready for the future. Retirement financial planning can be planned with a company, through the government, 52 by personal means. 53 depositing(存储) even a small portion of a paycheck, a person can receive large gains over time. People are living longer now 54 ever

28、before. The retirement age, however, is not changing. The importance of financial planning for retirement has never been so great. To avoid problems after retirement, it is important to plan wisely for the future. Money is 55 a concern for people to enjoy their retirement after they retire if they p

29、lan their future smartly.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION (15%)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the informati

30、on given in the passage.A It wasnt until I was much older that I would find something that I would consider as evidence of my fathers love. When the Commodore 64 personal computer came onto the market, I convinced myself that I had to have it even enough its price was out of my mothers range. So I d

31、ecided to earn the money myself. I mowed(割草) every yard I could find that summer for a few dollars each, yet it still wasnt enough. So my dad agreed to help me raise the rest of the money by driving me to one of the watermelon farms south of town, loading up his truck with wholesale melons and drivi

32、ng me around to sell them. He came for me before daybreak. We made small talk, but it didnt matter. The fact he was talking to me was all that mattered. I was a teenager by then, but this was the first time that I had ever spent time alone with him. He laughed and repeatedly introduced me as “my boy

33、”, a phrase he relayed with a sense of pride. It was one of the best days of my life. Although he had never told me that he loved me, I would consider that day as the greatest evidence of that fact. He had never intended me any wrong. He just didnt know how to love me right. He wasnt a mean man. So

34、I took these random episodes and clung to them like a thing most precious, storing them away for the long periods of coldness when a warm memory would prove most useful.It just goes to show that no matter how distant the father, no matter how deep the damage, no matter how broken the relationship, t

35、here is still time, still space, still a need for even the smallest bit of evidence of a fathers love.56. The author finally managed to get the Commodore 64 _.A. with the money he asked his mother forB. by getting well paid from mowing yardsC. with his hard work and his fathers assistance D. by sell

36、ing watermelons in the neighbourhood57. The author had never spent time alone with his father probably because _.A. his father didnt know how to love himB. his father didnt live with himC. they didnt get along well at firstD. his father was always busy with work58. What do the underlined words “that

37、 fact” in the fourth paragraph refer to?A. He never told me.B. He loved me.C. He never intended me wrong.D. He didnt know how to love me.59. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A. The Best Days of My LifeB. The Story of My FatherC. Evidence of LoveD. Father and Son60. Whats t

38、he writing style of this passage? A. Narration B. Argumentation C. Description D. Exposition (说明文) BSurviving treasures from the National Museum of AfghanistanAFGHANISTANCROSSROADS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD3, MARCH-3, JULY, 2013At the heart of the Silk Road, Afghanistan linked the great trading routes of

39、 ancient Iran, Central Asia, India and China, and the more distant cultures of Greece and Rome.Nearly lost during the years of civil war and later Taliban(塔利班) rule, precious objects that reveal this diverse past were bravely hidden in 1989 by officials from the National Museum of Afghanistan to sav

40、e them from destruction.The surviving treasures date from 2000 BC to the 1st century AD and include rich gold ornaments(装饰品) found at a burial site and limestone(石灰岩) sculptures of a Greek city.This is a unique opportunity to discover the story of Afghanistans ancient culture, its immense fragility,

41、 and the remarkable dedication(奉献) shown to its survival and protection.DETAILED INFORMATIONOPENING HOURSThe exhibition is open late on Fridays until 20:30. 10, members free.EXHIBITION AND EVENTS BOOKINGwww. britishmuseum. org020- 73238181MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR VISIT On weekdays, take advantage of a

42、classic afternoon tea package in the Court Restaurant for just 26 (including exhibition ticket). The exhibition catalogue ( 25 paperback) and other related titles are available in the museum shops or online at www. britishmuseum. Org/shop. The exhibition Multimedia Guide ( 1) is available at the exh

43、ibition entrance. If you are visiting with a group, ask for the group ticket price. Details on group lecture package are available at www. britishmuseum. Org/groupvisits. SPECIAL EVENTS Nowruz Monday 18, March, 17:30. Nowruz, or New Year, is celebrated in many countries from Afghanistan and Iran to

44、Uzbekistan. 17:30 18:00 Entrance to exhibition. 19:00 Talks and discussion on Nowruz. 15 (including exhibition entry). Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab. Tuesday 14, May, 16:30 17:30. Afghan rubab virtuoso Soudi Homayun Sakhi and table player Yusuf Mahmoud give a performance of a full raga an

45、d folk pieces. 5, members 3. Easter holiday activities Thursday 18 Monday 22, April, 11:00 16:00. Explore the rich culture of Afghanistan. Listen to stories of Alexander the Great, try making a kite and be inspired by the treasures from the Hill of Gold. Suitable for all ages. Free, just drop in.61.

46、 What can you enjoy if you arrive at the museum on May 14th? A. Easter holiday activities. B. New year celebration. C. Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab. D. The exhibition without any special events.62. Which of the following statements is wrong? A. Museum officials saved these objects from d

47、estruction. B. You can learn details about group visit either on website or by phone. C. The Multimedia guide is offered at the exhibition entrance. D. Of all the special events Easter holiday activities costs least.63. When seeing “the performance of a full raga and folk pieces”, a tourist can pay

48、less by _.A. becoming a member of the British Museum B. calling 020- 73238181C. booking tickets onlineD. attending talks and discussion on Nowruz64. What is not provided in MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR VISIT? A. Website of details on group lecture packages. B. The exhibition Multimedia Guide. C. The exhibi

49、tion catalogue. D. Classic afternoon tea.65. Where can you most probably read this passage? A. In a state-owned newspaper. B. In a travellers booklet. C. In a high school textbook. D. In a history magazine.C Everyone knows about the disastrous trip of Titanic. One hundred years ago, the great ocean

50、liner sank, and more than 1,500 lives were lost. Awful as the Titanic disaster was, this ship tragedy was not the worst one in American history. There was a worse one which happened 147 years ago on the Mississippi River. On April 21, 1865, passengers boarded Sultana, a steamboat on the Mississippi

51、River in New Orleans, Louisiana. The ship was to travel north to St. Louis, with stops along the way. Most passengers were men who had just finished serving in the Civil War. Some were weary, some were wounded, and others were filled with complaints. They had fought for the Union and were returning

52、home. They did not realize that another tragedy was waiting for them. The boat was full. Sultana was built to carry 376 people, including the crew. In Vicksburg, Miss., it stopped for repairs on its boilers (锅炉) after it set off. While the boat was docked in Vicksburg, more and more passengers came

53、aboard. Most were soldiers just released from war prisons in Alabama and Georgia. So eager were soldiers to return home that they packed the ship well beyond its capacity. Some estimates say about 2,300 people were aboard when the ship left Vicksburg. Sultanas journey up the Mississippi was slow and

54、 difficult. In addition to its overload of passengers, the ships boilers failed to work properly. The river itself was nearing a flood stage and its currents were strong. At about 2:00 on the morning of April 27, 1865, as Sultana rounded a bend of the river a few miles north of Memphis, Tenn., the b

55、oilers exploded. The ship caught fire. “Quickly following the explosion, Sultana caught fire and soon she was turning into angry flames,” reported a soldier from the Third Tennessee Cavalry and survivor of the disaster. Many passengers were thrown into the water. Several men were so weak from their time in the war that they could not manage to s


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