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1、2017年考研英语二Section I Use of EnglishDirections :Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or Don the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)People have spcciul 益cd 凤r uenturies about a future without work.T0 day is no difTercnt , with academics? writersand actiwists

2、once asain. 1 ,that teclinology is replajcifig human, workers. Some imagiriE that th t evening WQik-fiee w aild. will be dcfiued Ly . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and th& masses will struggle in an impoveri slied was tel an<d.A diEfcrcnt and not mutually CKclujiwe 3 lioldj t

3、hat the future wil 1 be a wa sic land of 口 differeat sort, Qtie 4 by pu-rpcselessness; Without jobs tQ give their lives 5 , people wall simply btcome lazy nnd depressed. today's unempl don?t ceem to be having a great time. One Gallup p(>lL found that 20 percent of Americans: who have been une

4、mployed fbr at 1 east a year report havirg Heprescion, double the rate for 7 Amencans. Also t some research juggects that the 8 for nsing rates cf mortality, mentaJ-health problems, and addicting3 p00rIyeducated middle-aged peaple y shortagewell-f)aid jebs Perhaps thi2 wrhy many 10 the Agoiiizinsdul

5、lness of a jobless futureBut it «doesn 11 foil ow Ft/otn firL<ling5 like tli ese ttiat a w orl d. without w ork vroul cl be £1 lie <1 with unease. Such via ion 3 orc baaed on the 12 o£ being unemployed in a society built on the concept of empl oymr nt. In the 13 of worlc, a 50ci

6、tty designed witli r>tlicr ends in miad cou.ld strikingly difFcrent circumstaiiccs for the future labor At:d leisure. Today s tilt 15 of work tn ay b-e a bit overb-lown. any j<?bs are boritig , degr&ding t uiihe旬tlry , and a waste of humon potential, ” gays John Dancih er, a 1ctturcr at th

7、e 1-TatioiiaL University of IrclaiKi in Galway.Tlxese <lays)leisure tiirie is relatively 1 6 for m.c-st w<>rLc;er5 ? people use theif freetun e to c ounterbalanee the intelle ctu al and emti*naL Y. of theii- jobs. i-Wicn I c&me h ora.a from ahard day?a work( I often feel 18 1 " Dan

8、aher saysi adding* LLIn a worldia which I don?t have to work., I might Em el rather differ out”perhaps -difFercnt enough to throw him self 19 a hobSy or a pa?ficn project mth the intensity usually resetired for 2。matters.1. A boastingB denyingC warningD ensuring2. A inequalityB instabilityC unreliab

9、ilityD uncertainty3. A policyBguidelineC resolutionD prediction4. A characterizedBdividedC balancedDmeasured5. A wisdomB meaningC gloryD freedom6. A InsteadB IndeedC ThusD Nevertheless7. A richBurbanCworkingD educated8. A explanationB requirementC compensationD substitute9. A underBbeyondC alongside

10、D among10. A leave behindB make upC worry aboutD set aside11. A statisticallyB occasionallyC necessarilyD economically12. A chancesB downsidesC benefitsD principles13. A absenceB heightC faceD course14. A disturbB restoreC excludeD yield15. A modelB practiceC virtueD hardship16. A trickyB lengthyC m

11、ysteriousD scarce17. A demandsB standardsC qualitiesD threats18. A ignored B tiredC confused D starved19. A offB against C behind D into20. A technological B professional C educational D interpersonalSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections :Read the following four texts. Answer the question

12、s below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points )Text 1Every Saturday mcming, nt 9 ain? more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around th<ir tocol pork. Thc: rarlmin phiomcnoti began with o dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in tlic UK mid

13、more abroad. Events nre frce? stuffed by tiiousands of volunteers. Rimncrs range fiom four y«ars old to grandparents; tiid.r times rang© £l ulii Andrew Baddeley*s wuLldiecuid 13 niiuut 48up to au hum .Paikiuii is succeeding where Loridun飞 Olympic "legacy" is failing. Ten yea

14、is w_g。oti Monday it was aiino tuiced lltat th 匕 Gaines of lilt 30L11 Olympiad would be in London. Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of rhe Crain es would be to level a nation of sport lovers away:from their couches. Ihe population would be fitter, healthier »nd produce more winn

15、er总 Ft has: not hfippened. The number of adults doing weekly sport cbd iise, by nearly 2 mill Lon in the mu -up to 2012 -but th e general population was growing fasttr. Wors, the numbers are now falling at an accel era ting rate. The opposition, claims primaiy school pupils doing at lead: two hours

16、of sport a week have nearly halved Obesity has risen among adults and children* Official retrospect! ons continue as to why London 2012 fail ed to "inspire a general on.r, The success of Parkmii offers answers.Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. Tile ethos

17、w el comes anyboThre is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being dapped over th。line as there is about top talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contra wanted to gt more people doing sports and to produce more e! ite athJ The dual aim was mixed up二 rThe stress on success over taking part wa

18、s intitindating for ncwcotnrs,Indeed there is sonic thing a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally 'Fgpras3;root5,r? concept ns cotninunity sports associati ons. If there is a role for government;, it should really be getting involved in provi ding ew

19、imon goods making sure there is space ibr playing 6日击 wd thf m oncy to pave tennis and netball courts;, and cncout aging tlic provi si on of all theseactivities in schools. But successive governments have presided over setting green spaces,不qucfzin旦 money fiom local autliontLcs and declining attcnti

20、oti on spoil in education. Instead of wot 由,worthy strategies, futureemm cuts need to do more toprovi de the cnnrtitians: fY>r Fpnrt to thrive. Or at least not make Them worse.21 .According to Pai agi aphl. Paikimi has.A. gained great popularityH. cr eated ill hi iy jobsC. strenthenc-d community

21、ticsD, become an official 1 estival22 .The author believes that Lon don's Olympic ,legacyF, has failed to A. b oost popul ati on growthB b promote sport porticLpfltionC improve the city's imageD , increase sport hours in schools23 .Parkmn is different from Olympic game sin that it.A. aims at

22、 ciiscovering tai entsB . lotuses on miss competitianC. dues not emphasize elitismD . does not attract first-timers24 . With regat'd to mass sport. the author holds that governments should. A. Ofanizc grassroots1* sports eventsB . supervise local sports associationsC. increase tiuids tor 印orts c

23、l ubsD. invest in public sports facilities25.The author attitude to what UK governments have done for sport吕 is. A. toleraiilB. criticalC. uncertainD. svnipatheticText 2With so much focus on children use of screens, itFs easy for parents to forget about thir own screen us. iLTtcli is deigned to real

24、ly suck on you in J says Jonny Puadetsky in her study of digilal play, "and digital ptoducls are 111eie to piotnuLe maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the femily routinedRiiiJE 曲 y Ikis; studied the use of mobile pliones and lablels at me ul

25、 times by giviiig mother- chi 1 d pairs a fbod-festing exercise. She fbund that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 perc«it fewer verbal and 0 percent fewer nctiverbalinteractions with their children. During a separate obseivatian, she saw that phones became a source of tens

26、ion in the family. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention.Infants are wired to look at parents5 faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsiveas they often are when absorbed in a device it ca

27、n be extremely disconcerting foe the children. Ra desky cites tlie still face experiment>, devised byT developmental psychologist Ed Tro nick in the L970s, In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expressioii and not giving them any visual soci

28、al feedback; Hie child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother's attention. 'Tarents don/t have to be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child 冶 verbal or nonverbal expressions of a

29、n emotional needsays Rjadesky+On the other hand, TYonick himself i s concerned that the worries about kids' use of screens are bom out of an oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting*" with their children: "It's based on a somewhat fantastzect very

30、white, very upper-middle-class ideology that says if you're failing to expose youi' child to 30 a00 words you are neglecting them." Tronick believes th at just because a child isn*t J earning from the screen doesn't mean there5 s no value to it - particularly if it gives parents tim

31、e to have a shower do housework or simply have a break from their child Parents, he says, can get a I ot out of using their devices to speak to a fii end or get some work out of tlie way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to their child the rest of the timet26 . Acco

32、rding io Jenny Kadesky, digital products are designed to. A simpliiy routine mattersB . absorb user attentionC. bHl&r ini tip crsonal relationsD . incrcase work efficiency27 .Radesdcyhs food-testing exercise shows that mothers,use of devices A、takes away babies? appetiteB . distracts chHdren'

33、;s attentionC slows down babies5 verbal ctevelopnientD , reduces moth er-chi Id communication2 S.Ratfesky 3s cites the "still face experiment" to show that A. it is easy for chilch en to get used to blank expressiais B、 verbal expressions are unnecessaty for emotiotial exchange C. children

34、 are insisitive to changes in their parents* mood D . parents need to respond to cliildreiiFs emotion al needs29.*Ihe oppressive ideology mentioned by lioni ck requires parents to. A. protect kids iroin exposure to wildiantasi«sB. teach their kids at least 30ao0 words a yearC. ensure constant i

35、nteraction with tlieir childrenD * remain concealed about kicTs use of screens30.According to TYonick, kid' use of screens may.A. give tlieir patents some iiee timeB . make their parents more creativeC. help them with their homeworkD . help tlieiii become more attentiveText 3Today, widespread so

36、cial pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction wit h increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to comple tely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year. After all, if everyone you know is goin g to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a ye

37、ar, doesn't it? And after going to sc hool for 12 years, itdoesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something thatn ' acade mic.But while this may be true, it ' not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the s

38、ocially perpe tuated “ raceo the finish line, Whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career. But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits- in fact, it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show

39、 that students who take a gap yea r are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not. Rather than pulling students back, a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for i ndependence, new responsibilities and environmental changes all things that first-year s

40、tudents often struggle with the most. Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment, making i t easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent valu

41、e in taking a year off to explore interest s, then consider its financial impact on future academic choices. According to the Natio nal Center for Education Statistics, nearly 80 percent of college students end up changin g their majors at least once. Thissn ' surprising, considering the basic m

42、andatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes. It ' not necessarily a bad thing, but depending on the school, it can be costly to make u p credits afte

43、r switching too late in the game. At Boston College, for example, you woul d have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department. Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and s ave money later on.31.One of the reasons for hi

44、gh-school graduates not taking a gap year is that.A. they think it academically misleadingB. they have a lot of fun to expect in collegeC. it feels strange to do differently from othersD. it seems worthless to take off-campus courses32.Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year h

45、elps.A. keep students from being unrealisticB. lower risks in choosing careersC. ease freshmen s financial burdensD. relieve freshmen of pressures33.The word “acclimation” (Line 8, Para. is closest in meaning to.A. adaptation B. application C. motivation D . competition34.A gap year may save money f

46、or students by helping them.A avoid academic failures B establish long-term goalsC switch to another college D decide on the right major 35.The most suitable title for this text would be.A. In Favor of the Gap Year B. The ABCs of the Gap YearC The Gap Year Comes Back D The Gap Year: A DilemmaText 4T

47、hough often viewed as a problem for western states, the growing frequency of w ildfires is a national concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars, says Professor Max Moritz, a specialist in fire ecology and management.In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of

48、 its $5.5 b illion annual budget fighting fires-nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago. In effect, fewer federal funds today are going towards the agency's other work such as forest conservation, watershed and cultural resources management, and in frastructure upkeep-

49、 that affect the lives of all Americans.Another nationwide concern is whether public funds from other agencies are going in to construction in fire-prone districts. As Moritz puts it, how often are federal dollars bu ilding homes that are likely to be lost to a wildfire?“It ' already a huge prob

50、lem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole co untry, he says. We need to take a magnifying glass to that. Like: Waia minute, is this OK?' " Doe want instead to redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape? ”Such a view would require a corresponding

51、 shift in the way US society today views fire, researchers say.For one thing, conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive. Over the pas t decade, the focus has been on climate change一how the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leading to conditions that worse n fires. While cli

52、mate is a key element, Moritz says, itshouldn 'come at the expense of the rest of the equation.“ The human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked, and the interactions go both ways," he says. Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplifie d view of what th

53、e solutions might be. Our perception of the problem and of what the so lution is becomes verylimited. ”At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly co ntrolled and unleashed only out of necessity, says Professor Balch at the University of C olorado. But acknowl

54、edging fire's inevitable presence in human life is an attitude crucia l to developing the laws, policies, and practices that make it as safe as possible, she says .“ We vedisconnected ourselves from living with fire, Balch says. "Itis really impo rtant to understand and try and tease out wh

55、at is the human connection with fiiteday.” 36.More frequent wildfires have become a national concern because in 2015 theyA. exhausted unprecedented management effortsB. consumed a record-high percentage of budgetC. severely damaged the ecology of western statesD. caused a huge rise of infrastructure

56、 expenditure 37.Moritz calls for the use of "a magnifying glass" to. A. raise more funds for fire-prone areasB. avoid the redirection of federal moneyC. find wildfire-free parts of the landscapeD. guarantee safer spending of public funds38.While admitting that climate is a key element, Mor

57、itz notes that.A. public debates have not settled yetB. fire-fighting conditions are improvingC. other factors should not be overlookedD. a shift in the view of fire has taken place39 .The overly simplified view Moritz mentions is a result of failing toA. discover the fundamental makeup of natureB.

58、explore the mechanism of the human systemsC. maximize the role of landscape in human lifeD. understand the interrelations of man and nature40 . Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should.A. do away withB. come to terms withC. pay a price forD keep away fromPart BDirections :Read th

59、e following text and match each of the numbered items in the left column to its corresponding info rmation in the right column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answers on the ANS WER SHEET. (10 points )The decline in American manufacturing is a common refrain, particularly from Don ald Trump. "We don't make


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