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1、一般过去时练习题180道一、一般过去时的基本用法1 .表示过去确定时间内发生的动作或状态常与过去时间状语如 yesterday (昨天),two days ago (两天前),last year (去年), the other day (前几天),once upon a time (过去曾经),just now 才),in the old days (过去的日子里)等连用:My parents got married in1960.我父母于 1960 年结婚。He lived in Paris until he was six. 他在巴黎一直住到 6 岁。What did you say ju

2、st now?你刚才说什么来着?2 .表示过去连续发生的动作在这种情况下,往往没有表示过去的时间状语,而通过上下文来表示:Where did you grow up?你是在哪儿长大的?I grew up right here in this neighborhood.我就在这个居民区长大。My friend spent his childhood in Beijing. 我的朋友在北京度过了 童年。3 .表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作常与always , never等连用。如果强调已经终止的习惯或动作要用used to do sth.:I never overslept. 我过去从未睡过头

3、。Roland always took me out to dinner on my birthday.我从前过生 日 时罗兰总是带我出去吃饭。I used to go to the cinema a lot , but I never get the time now.我过去常去看电影,可现在总是抽不出时间来。We used to swim every day when we were children. 我们还是一群孩子时, 天天都去游泳。有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或状态:I thought it was true.我以为这是真的。(在说话之前,我

4、以为这是真的。但现在不这样认为了。)二、一般过去时记忆口诀一般过去时并不难,过去动作、状态记心问。动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。否定句很简单,didnt站在动原前,其它部分不要变。一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动原、其它部分依次站立。特殊疑问句也简单,疑问词加一般疑问句记心问。一般过去时练习题180道一、用适当的词完成下列对话。1. - How was your weekend? - It great.-What you last weekend ?-I some homework.2. - What she last weekend?-She to the beach.3. -

5、 What they do last weekend?-They to the movies.二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。4. We(enjoy) ourselves at the party last night.5. you(go) to the Great Wall last year?6. What day(be) it yesterday?7. The old man(be)ill and went to see a doctor.8. We(have) a party last night.9. We(visit) the museum and went home.10. -

6、 How(be) the students? - They were very friendly.11. - He often (have) supper at home. Today he (have) supper at school.12. -he(have) lunch at nine? - No, he didn t.13. - They(buy) a guitar yesterday.三、句型转换14. He came here last month.( 改为否定句)He here last month.15. They played football this morning.(

7、改为一般疑问句并作简略回答)they football this morning?Yes, they.No, they.16. They went to Beijing last year.(就划线部分提问)they last year.17. Tom watched TV last night.(改为一般疑问句)Tom TV last night?18. Mary does homework every day.( 用 last night 改写句子) Mary.四、选择填空()19. Lee his mobile phone at home.A. leaveB. leavesC. leav

8、edD.()20.he a good rest? No, he didn t.A. Do, hadB. Did, haveC. Did, hadD.had ()21. As soon as he, he to his family.A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C. arrived, wroteD.write ()22. Mr. Black was late bec ause he his way.A. lostedB. loseC. losesD. lost()23. When Lee school this morning?A. did, g

9、ot to B. did, get toC. did, getD. did, got()24. - W川 you please say it again? - I you.leftWas,arriveds,don t,A. didn t, hear B. don t, heard C. didn t, heard D. hear ()25.you at six o clock yesterday?Word文档A. Do, get up)26. What did you seeA. nowB. Did, get upB. every day)27. He went into the room a

10、ndA. lockB. locking)28. - WhatA. did, buy)29.-heA. Does, hasyouC. Do, got upC. these daysthe door.C. lockslast week? - I bought a bag.B. did, boughthis lunch? - Yes, he did.)30. - Did the thievesA. fell, didnC. do, buyD. Did, got upD. just nowD. lockedD. do, boughtB. Does, haveC. Did, haveD. Did, ha

11、dinto the car?-No, theyBt fall(落下),didC. jump (跳),didntD. jump, did)31. - When did May come back from Hong Kong? - Shefrom Hong Konglast Friday.A. come backB. comes backC. returned backD. cameback)32.shethis dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week?A. Did, buyB. Does, buyC. Did, boughtD. Does, bu

12、ys)33. Heto the station this morning and wasfor the train.timeA. hurry, in timeB. hurries, on timeC. hurried, in timeD. hurried, at()34. WhereUncle Sun yesterday?A. wasB. wereC. didD.does()35. - Have you seen him today? - Yes, I him this morning.A. seeingB. seeC. seesD. saw()36. He worried when he h

13、eard the news.A. isB. wasC. doesD. did()37. There a telephone call for my brother Steven yesterday?A. isB. areC. wasD. were()38. Liu Fengwei three yuan for the lost library book.A. paidB. payC. spentD. lost()39. He in this school in 1958.A. taughtB. teachC. teachesD.teaching ()40. They tired so they

14、 stopped a rest.A. are, haveB. were, have C. were, to have D. are, having()41. Yesterday I in bed all day bec ause I had a fever.A. layB. lieC. laidD. lied()42. It was raining hard when he home.A. gotB. getC. getsD. was getting()43. She said her brother in Beijing. He to Japan on business last week.

15、t,A. wasn t, went B. hasn t, went C. wasn t, go D. isn went 五、改错题44. How is Jane yesterday?45. He go to school by bus last week.46. He often goes home at 6:00 last month.47. I can fly kites seven years ago.48. Did you saw him just now.49. Tom wasn t watch TV last night.50. I didn t my homework yeste

16、day.51. He wait for you three hours ago.52. Who find it just now ?53. What did he last week?六、用所给动词的适当形式填空54. Tom and Mary(come) to China last month.55. Mary(read) English yesterday morning.56. There(be) no one here a moment ago.57. I(call) Mike this morning.58. I listened but(hear) nothing.59. Tom(

17、begin) to learn Chinese last year.60. Last week we(pick) many apples on the farm.61. My mother(not do) housework yesterday.62. She watches TV every evening. But she(not watch) TV last night.63. your father( go ) to work every day last year?64. - What time you(get) to Beijing yesterday?-We(get) to Be

18、ijing at 9:00 in the evening.65. Last year the teacher(tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.66. There a telephone call for you just now. (be)67. There not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be)68. There any hospitals (医院)in my hometown ( 家乡)in 1940. ( be not)69. There enough milk at ho

19、me last week, wasn t there?70. Eli to Japan last week. (move)71. - When you(come) to China? - Last year.72. Did she(have) supper at home?73. Jack(not clean) the room just now.74. (be) it cold in your city yesterday?75. How many people(be) there in your class last term?76. It(be) hot yesterday and mo

20、st children(be) outside.77. There (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I(have) no timeto watch it.78. He ate some bread and(drink) some milk.79. he(finish) his homework last night?80. I(be) tired yesterday.81. What you(do) last night?82. My grandfather(leave) Hong Kong for New York in

21、1998.83. What he(do) yesterday?84. Last week I(buy) a new bike.85. He(be) here just now.86. He(not find ) his key last night.87. My father(drink) a lot of wine yesterday.88. you(finish) your homework yesterday?89. I(eat) some eggs and bread this morning.90. Last year Mr. Smith(go ) to China and Japa

22、n.91. A week ago, Kitty and Ben(be) in the countryside.92. Kitty and Ben(stay) at home. They(watch) TV.七、按要求变换句型。93. Father bought me a new bike.(同义句)Father boughtme.94. Frank read an interesting book about history.(一般疑问句)Frank an interesting book about history?95. He s cleaning his room. (划线提问)he h

23、is room?96. Why not go out for a walk?(同义句)out for a walk?97. Thomas spent RMB 10 on this book. (否定句) Thomas RMB 10 on this book.98. My family went to the beach last week.(划线提问)family last week?99. I didn t have any friends.(一般疑问句) have friends?100. I think she is Lily(否 sisister.101. Sally often do

24、es some reading in the morning.(否定句)Sally often some reading in the morning.102. He is a tall, thin boy.(划线提问)he?103. They read English last night.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:对划线部分提问:八、用所给动词的正确时态填空104. He TV every evening. (watch)105. We always to school on foot. (go)106. Tom with his classmates often footbal

25、l after school. (play)107. Their classroom four big windows . (have)108. Your shoes under the bed. (be)109. She for her friends at the bus stop now. (wait)110. Sorry, I no enough money with me now. (have)111. The days longer and longer now. (get)112. here and by me. (come, stand)113. Look, the bus.

26、(come)114. His uncle usually to work by bus. (go)115. Sorry, I m busy. I to a friend of mine in Hangzhou. (write)116. Lin Tao and his classmates on a farm next week. (work)117. We to the Gre at Wall if it fine tomorrow. (go, be)118. Mary thirteen next year. (be)119. Today is Monday. Tomorrow Tuesday

27、. (be)120. There no hospitals here ten years ago. (be)121. He you to the station tomorrow morning. (see)122. It very hard. We d better stay at home. (rain)123. I always up at six in the morning, but I up a little later yesterday. (get )124. She swim very well when she was five years old. (can)125. T

28、hey in Beijing in 1960. (be)126. He always to work by bike when he was in Shanghai. (go)127. I you up as soon as I to Nanjing. (ring, get)128. They never in the room. (smoke)129. I to school yesterday bec ause I ill. (not go, be)130. John like his father. (look)131. Be quiet. The baby.(sleep)132. So

29、me young people in the lake. (swim)九、改错题133. . How is jane yesterday?134. . He go to school by bus last week.135. . He often goes home at 6:00 last month.136. . I can fly kites seven years ago.137. . Did you saw him just now.138. . Tom wasn,t watch TV last night.139. . I didn ,t my homework yesterda

30、y.140. . He wait for you three hours ago.141. . Who find it just now ?十、选择142. She lived there before he to ChinaA. cameB. comesC. comeD. coming143. I but nothing.A . was listened; was hearingB. listened; heardC . have listened; heardD. listened; heard of144. When did you here?A. got toB. reachedC.

31、arrive inD. reach145. I my homework at 7:00 yesterday evening.A. finishedB. would finish C. was finishingD. finish146. - He didnt go shopping with you yesterday afternoon, did he? -.A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he didnt C. No, he did D. Yes, he did.147. When you supper yesterday?A. have; had B. do, have

32、C. did, haveD. will, have十一、填空148. They (be) on the farm a moment ago.149. There(be) a shop not long ago.150. Jenny(not go) to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.151. Danny(read ) English five minutes ago.152. I(see) Li Lei(go) out just now.153. He(do) his homework every day. But he _ (not do) it yes

33、terday.154. When I was young, I(play) games with my friends.155. When you(write) this book? I it last year.156. Did he(have) lunch at home?157. I(eat) the bread, I m full now.十二、句型转换158. The children had a good time in the park.否定句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:159. There were about nine hundred people at the conce

34、rt.否定句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:160. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:161. Last week I read an English book.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:对划线部分提问:162. My brother was in the park just now.否定句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:十三、翻译下列句子163. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。but exciting weekend.164. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。What they Saturday?

35、They homework and.165. 今天早上方方得做饭,因为昨晚他父亲不在家。This morning Fangfang because his father yesterday.166. 他在打扫教室的时候,发现地上有块表。When he the classroom, he a watch on the ground.167. 他什么时候出生的? 1980年。-When he ? - 1980.十四、用动词的适当形式填空168. He(work) in that bank four years ago.169. She(live) in USA for a long time.17

36、0. I(see) him yesterday.171. He(come) to school at 6 o clock this morning.172. The boy(have) a bad cold yesterday.173. When you(buy) that house?174. He(tell) a story to his daughter yesterday.175. you(try) to call me last night?176. What you(buy) in the shop?177. I(buy) a coat just now.178. The doct

37、or(get) up late this morning.179. She(paint) the wall last month.180. My mother(be) a worker 20 years ago.1. was 2. did, do; went 3. did, do; went 4. enjoyed 5. Did, go 6. was7. was 8. had 9. visited 10. were 11. has, had 12. Did, have 13. bought14. didn t,come 15. Did, play; did; didn t 16. Where,

38、did, go 17. Did, watch18. didn t, do, homework, last, night 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. B24. A25. B26. D27. D28. A29. C30. C31. D32. A33. C34A35. D36. B37. C38. A39. A40. C41. C42. A43. A44. iswas45. gowent46. goeswent47. cancould48. sawsee49. wasn,tdi dn t50. didntdidnt do51. waitwaited52. findfoun

39、d53. did hedid he do54. came55. read56. was57. called58.heard59. began60. Picked61. didnt do62. didnt watch63. Did, go64.did, get; got65. told66. was67.weren t68. weren69. was70. moved71. did, come72. have73. didnt clean 74. Was75. were76. was, were77. was,had78. drank79. Did, finish80. was81. did,

40、do82. left83. did, do84.Bought85. was86. didn t find87. drank88.Did,finish89.ate90. Went91. were92. stayed,watched93.a, new, bike, for94.Did, read95. Is, cleaning96. Why, didn t, you, go97. didn t,spend98. Where, did, your family, go99. Did, you, any100. I dont think she is Lily11sidtersn t, do 102.

41、 What, does, look,like 103. They didn t read English last night; Did they read English last night? Yes, theydid. No, theydidn t.What did the y do last night? 104. watch 105. go 106. plays 107.has 108. are109. is waiting 110. have 111. get 112. Come, stand 113. is coming114. goes115. am writing 116. will work 117. will go, is 118. will be 119. will be120. were 121. will see 122. is raining 123. get, got 124.


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