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1、英文读后感 (15 篇 )英文读后感第 1篇:活着英语读后感To LiveWhen I read the book To Live, I know I have owna lot of happiness in this period。 To Live allowed meto see the people s sufferingand hardshipin old China 。But the most important is the spirit that age gives tothem。To Live described Fugui s life who lives in TheCu

2、lturalRevolutionandGreatLeapForward 。 Fuguiborns in a host family, when he was young , he oftenwent outsidegambling 。 Sothatintheend he spentallthepropertyunderthe trapwhichothershad designed 。At thattime , he had gotmarriedwithhiswifeJiazhen 。One day, when he went out to borrow money for lookingdoc

3、torsforhisparents, hewas caughttojointhe army。Almostallthesoldiershad died , buthe struggledtoliveand lucklygot togetherwithhis family , whenhismother had gone and his daughterFengxia had been a dumbbecause of illness。 Hisfamilywere veryhappy becauseof his ing back。 For he had not been assigned to t

4、helandlord constituents, they lived a poor and happylife。 Of the past with each passing day, his littleson was going tomiddleschool , but hisdisasterbeganagain 。 Hisson losthislifeforsavinghisclassmatewhose father is the mayor of the town。 Backlog of thepain and frustration, he and his wifeasif had

5、losta lotand theynearlylostconfidenceofliving。 Fortunately, theyhave asensibledaughter , althoughshe couldn ttalk, butshe helped her parents go through the pains。 LaterFengxiamarriedtoErxiwho isan honestman, butfatestill made fun of this hard-working and simple girl,she died from giving birth。 And t

6、hen later, in theheavy blows, Fugui s wife left him forever。Lifehad lostallhisfamily, leavinghim, lastremaining alive。 I dont know how I can experiencehis lifeinthatage, hisdisease thathe had toface ,but I know Fugui had learnt to respect for life, beproperly alive。英文读后感第 2篇:小王子英语读后感Thisstory s name

7、 is“ The littleprince ”。 As itknown to all , we willencountera lotof difficulties,even hardships。 Different people may have differentways todealwiththem 。AfterreadingThe LittlePrincess , Iam deeply impressedby Sara s way to dealwithdifficulties。 TheLittlePrincesswas writtenbyFrancesHodgsonBurnett,af

8、amousnovelistanddramatist。 Sara , the heroineofthe novel , was bornin a rich family。 In order to get a better education,her father took her from India to London so that shecouldgotothebestschool。BecauseSarawaskind-hearted, generousand most ofall rich, shewasloved by everyone 。 Allwent welluntilher f

9、atherdiedin an accident 。 Everythingchanged pletely。 She didn t understand why the teachers and classmates treatedher so badly。 Even the principal who used to be fondof her , made her work 16 hours a day。 Sara s miserablelife began 。 When I finished reading the book, I wasshocked by what the unimagi

10、nablepain Sara had sufferedafterher father s death 。 She used to be a happy ,worriless, and richPrincess , butnow she was a lonelyand poor servant 。 She had to work very hard withoutany rest but only had little food。 Besides she had toendurethe unfriendlyand evenrude waysthat herclassmates treated h

11、er。 All teachers and students inthe school looked down upon her。 The most importantfact is that Sara had lost the love and care of herparents 。 What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, couldyou stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years oldgirl, even if it were an adult, he might not put upwith it。

12、But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely。Despite of the torture of the principal and allthosepressuresabove ,shestillwasoptimistictowards life。 Byreadingthisnovel , Ifeltinspiredand thinkmuch。 When we meet such difficulties, whatshould we do? Some people always plain that the fateis unfair to them。

13、 Some people can t sustain thehardships and choose to give up。 Few of them even tryto mit suicide because they lack the courage to overeit 。 Compared with Sara an eleven years old girl whocantreatthepressureoflifewithoptimisticspirit,these people s performances are sounded so lamentable。Why can tthe

14、y make it?However , whatimpressme mostareher characteristicsand thethoughtof her“beinga realprincess。” This“ real princess” doesnot meanluxurypalaces , beautifulclothesand the apple of theothers eyes , but being kind, generous and havinggood manners。 Itis unnecessary for“ a realprincess”to be strong

15、 in body, but she must be strong in will。Sara isa realprincessin my heart allthetime , whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in theclassroomorshe was cold and hungryin theattic, justbecause she had the good characters and kind heart。The story went on。 Fortunately, a friend of Saras father

16、found her and told her that her father lefta great sum of money to her。 I pray and believe thatevery good person in the world deserve a good resultand of course, we are the same。,英文读后感第 3篇:力与户外英文读后感Ihave gotalotofinterestingscientificknowledgefrom the books of NationalGeographicReadingExpeditions, s

17、ome of which are about life, physics。I really can t help losing myself in the colorfulpictures and clear words in the books。 After readingthe books , I have been considering a question: Whatif we lived without science? Great changes have takenplace in the world with the help of science。 In thepast ,

18、 lifewas nasty , brutishand short。 Itis hardto imaginehow ourforefatherscoulddo withoutso manyconveniences that modern science brings about。 Backthen , only a small group of people enjoyed the veryfew forts。 Butthemajority ofpeopledidn t even havesufficientfood, letalongtheirprivilegetobeeducated 。

19、Anyway , itisscience thatchanges the worldand makes people s life better and better, althoughit also leads to some bad aspects at the same time。Fromthediscovery of the gravitytothe firststepon the moon , we human beings have experienced a longprocessof developingscience 。 And now, thisprocessis stil

20、l continuing much faster。 New organisms arealreadybeingengineered , and new geneticallymodifiedcrops promisebenefitsfromhigheryieldsand lessuseof harmful chemicals and so on。 A lot of examples areshowingthispoint。 Inthefuture, changes arelikelytobe even much greateras sciencereaches out toshapelifei

21、tself。 Maybe one day, thepossibilitythatlifeexistedonMarsbillionsofyearsagowillbepotentiallyone ofthegreatestdiscoveriesofourtime 。 Itis theforceofthepetition, we human beings inquiringmindandinitiativethatbringaboutthenon-stopped development of science。 Therefore, itisdifficultandimpossibletopreven

22、tsciencefromchanging the world and our life as well。At present, we are in two minds about science。On the one hand , we are enjoying the sweet life as aresultoftheevelopmentofscience , and expectit tocontinue。 And we are showing our interests into somescientific expeditions, such as the astronomy, th

23、ealien civilization, etc 。 On the other hand, we aredistrustful of it, due to the lack of understandingofscience。 Some peoplethusfararestillverysuperstitious,andtheywouldevenbelieveinsuperstitions rather than believe in science。StephenHawking , oneofthemostremarkablescientistsintheworld , oncesaid ,

24、 “Ina democraticsociety, thepublicneeds tohave a basic understandingof the science , sothatitcan make informeddecisionsand not leave them in the hands of experts。” This hasremindedme ofProfessorAlanG。 MacDiarmidfromAmerica ,theperson who got the NobelPrizeforchemistry in the year of XX。 In his lectu

25、re at PekingUniversity this year, he put forward that science ispeople 。 He alsoexpounded theimportanceofthebasicscience for the public。 Evidently , every one of usdoes need science, or we cant live without it。Now that everyone needs science, why not takeadvantage of some means to give the public th

26、e rightbasicscientificknowledge?Sowhen theyfacetheproblems such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect,nuclearweapons, environmentdestructionandsomeotherproblems , they can alsomake informeddecisionson these subjects, just as what Hawking said。 Oneaspectrelieson what istaughtinschools 。 But scienceisof

27、tentaughtinan uninterestingwayandmoststudents just learn it by rote to pass examinations。However, thefinal goalof learningscienceisnot topass examinations or to get a higher score; instead,we should tryto make fulluse ofitto change ourworldand life。 While learning, we should try to ask morequestions

28、and we shouldhave thecourageofsuspectingthe knowledge in the books , assome ofthescientificconclusions are likely to be corrected in the future。Who knows。 So not only must we change our attitudetowards science, but also the way of teaching andlearning science 。Inaddition, scienceis alwayschangingat

29、a fastrate , and who we learnatschool isn t thatsufficientto last a lifetime。 So the mass media including TV,radio, newspaper , magazine and publishingpany willplayan importantroleinreportingthe latestsciencein time 。 Moreover , themass media can alsopopularizebasicscience tothe public , because onl

30、yinthiswaywill more people realize what on earth science is。“ Scientists and engineers tend to express theirideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities 。 But for the rest of us , a qualitative grasp of scientific concepts issufficient diagrams, and this

31、can be conveyed by words and, withoutthe use of equations ”, saidStephenHawking。Iagree withhim very much, and , I m fond ofwonderful words above, from Stephen Hawking。For the development of science, are you ready?the英文读后感第 4篇:A Book of All Times Thoughts given by Sherlock Holmes and the Duke s SonWr

32、itteninthefirstchapterof the book PrideandPrejudice is an extraordinary sentence of which evena person who has had only a brief look upon the bookwillnotfailtoreceivea deep impression-Itisa truthuniversallyacknowledgedthatasinglemaninpossessionof a good fortunemust be inwant ofa wife 。In terms of Sh

33、erlock Holmes, we d better alter thesentence into“It is a fact universally accepted byreadersthroughouttheworldthat an excellentbook inpossession of our famous detective Sherlock Holmes isundoubtedlya masterpiece ofalltimes 。” Perhapsthisisoneofthemostobviousexplanationsfortheunrivaledpopularityof“H

34、olmes series ” inthefieldofdetectivestories。 Overwhelmed by the remendationsprovided by my friends, I decided to take a look onthis Sherlock Holmes and the Duke s Son originallypublished by Oxford University Press。As a whole , this book is about a case concerningthe Duke s missing son。 Arthur, the D

35、uke s son ,was foundoutina certain morningtohave disappeared ,acpanied with which was also the disappearance of theGerman teacher 。 The school master Dr。 Huxtable thenturned to the famous detective of the time SherlockHolmes forhelp 。 Realizinghow toughand importantthecase is , Holmes immediatelymad

36、e up his mind toacceptthe case and followed Dr。 Huxtable back to Mackletonby train 。 Having formed a rough idea about the wholematter , Holmes probed into the case immediately andhad a carefulinvestigationof theentireareashortlyafter the arrival, during the process of which hediscovered the body of

37、the German teacher Heidegger。Finally , primarily due to his prominent ability as adetective, hemanaged tounravelthemysteryandobtained the twelve thousand pounds promised by theDuke。Having once started reading this fiction, I waspletely immersed in the mysterious story presented bythe book。As thesayi

38、nggoes,“ Wellbegun,halfdone”。At the beginning of the story, just like many otherdetectivestories , the author givesusabriefdescription of the condition by the words of a client。However ,unlikeotherones , thisstoryfirstdelineatestheclients strange behavioratlengthtoindicatetheseverityoftheincidentino

39、rdertoattractthereaderstocontinuereadingit 。 As isknownto all, vivid depiction is essential to detectivestories since it can help the readers understand eachfigure s characteristics and visualize the scenes,thus making the story more authentic and attractive。Therefore, trying to present a“real world

40、” to hisreadership, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of theoriginal“Holmes series ”, hasskillfullyarrangedtheplots of the whole story from the perspective of Dr。Watson, acharacternot so specializedindiscoveringthe truthhidden behind the enigmatic happenings as Holmes but so loyal to Sherlock Homes as

41、a friend that he alwaysacpanies Holmes wherever he goes。 In this way, heelaborately depicted every scene and character in thebook, Apartfrom thespecial start, the endingof thewhole story, beingdramaticbut reasonable, iscertainly an outstanding one。 After all, except theauthor himself, who knows that

42、 the Duke s seeminglyordinary secretary is in fact the Duke s bastard? Inaddition, who knows thattheDuke actuallyhas alreadybeenacquaintedwiththewhole thingbeforeHolmessolves this plicated problem? Yet, surprising as itis , this ending seems so natural that it fits all theplotsofthestory perfectlywe

43、ll。 Whileenjoyingthiswonderful story, I could do nothing but admire thewonderful design of this masterpiece as well as theauthors gorgeous writing skill。 Closing my eyes,I can even “ see”thestoryhappening justlikewatchinga film。 Notuntilthen didIunderstandwhy theJapanesecartoon filmDetectiveConan us

44、ed this“ Conan” asthenameof its hero。Asfaras Iam concerned , nothingismore admirableand surprisingin theheroSherlockHomes thanhisprofound knowledge which has certainly assisted him alot when he was studying the case。 Take the bicycletyres for instance, Holmes actually is capable ofrecognizing 42 dif

45、ferent varieties of bicycle tyres。What s more, accordingtohisotherstories, Holmeshas studieddifferentkindsofnewspapers , cigarettes,people s footprintsand otherspecialthingsas well 。Therefore , he seems to have the mastery of anythingrelevant to the cases he deals with。 Except for hisillimitableknow

46、ledge , Holmesalsospecializesinarranging the facts in order and then finding the factleading him to a GREat discovery or even the truthitself。 From hisspeaking“ Everymysteryhasananswer ”, we can readilyshape theimpressionof a manwith great intelligence and inflexible will。 In thiscase , aftergetting

47、ridofunrelatedfacts, SherlockHomes eventually grasped the clue and discovered theamazing fact。Needlessto say, asa world-renowned masterpiece,Sherlock Holmes and the Duke s Son has attracted andisstillcharming numerous readersfromallcornersoftheworldand people fromallwalksoflife。 The“Holmes series ”

48、has already set up a standard againstwhich allthefollowingdetectivefictionsaremeasured。 Sherlock Holmes, beyond alldoubt , hasbeea name firmly rooted in peoples memories 。 AlthoughDr。 Watson s closingThe Case Book ofSherlockHolmesin 1927was aGREatpityto thereaders,thediscontinuance of the entire “ Holmes series ” may have actually added to


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