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【课件】Unit 5 Reading and thinking 课件高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册_第5页
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1、Book 1 Unit 5Language Around the WorldPeriod 2Period 2Reading and thinkingReading and thinkingCONTENTS1234Lead inRead AnalyzeTalk Can you recognize the following symbols?Guess Guess Lead in口口水水日日 田田月月 山山马鱼 鹿 牛人大子止picture-based simplified Chinese Discuss Chinese calligraphy/klgrf/Do you know how Chin

2、ese characters develop?Watch ReadPredict Predict 1. What can we learn from the title? 2. Which part do you think is the topic of the text? “The Writing System” or “Connecting the Past and the Present”? Why?The Chinese Writing System: Connecting the Past and the PresentThe Shenzhen Bay Bridge_ Shenzh

3、en and Hong Kong.The Belt and Road Initiative _ the East and the West. connectsconnectsActivity2:Skimming for main ideasThe Chinese writing system is one of the reasons why Chinese civilization has continued all the way through into modern times.Written Chinese was a pictured-based language at the b

4、eginning.The writing system became well-developed, and later developed into different forms.Para 2Para 3Para 1Para 5Para 6Para 4The writing system began to develop in one direction.Written Chinese connects Chinas present with its past, and has become an art form.The Chinese language is helping to sp

5、read Chinas culture and history to the world. Skim Activity 1: Predict the contentWhat order is the passage arranged in? Time order. At thebeginningBy the Shang DynastyOver the yearsIn the Qin DynastyEven todaypastpresent A picture - basedsymbols Event: Time: A well-developed writing systemdifferent

6、 forms develop in one directionstill used in communicationEmperor Qinshihuangdivided geographicallybegandevelopedunifieddevelops furtherFind Style Analyze Whats the writing style of the text?A. Narration (记叙文记叙文) B. Argumentation (议论文议论文)C. Exposition (说明文说明文)D. Description (描写文描写文)TotellastoryTodes

7、cribesb./sth.Toconvincesb.ofonesviewsToexplainsth.the ChineseWriting SystemPart 2Part 3 Para 1Para 2-4Para 5-6Introduce the topicDevelopmentImportanceStructure Connecting the past and the presentLead paragraph Para. 1Chinaiswidelyknownforitsancientcivilisationwhichhascontinuedallthewaythroughintomod

8、erntimes,despitethemanyupsanddownsinitshistory.Therearemanyreasonswhythishasbeenpossible,butoneofthemainfactorshasbeentheChinesewritingsystem.Analyze Picture-based symbols the use of longgu carved by ancient Chinese people ancient symbols still in todays hanziSupporting detailsPara. 2Supporting poin

9、t 1 Function: Well-developed writing systemdivided geographically many varieties of dialects and charactersSupporting detailsPara. 3Supporting point 2 Function: Developed in one directionof great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. people from different places can all still communi

10、cate in writingSupporting detailsPara. 4Supporting point 3 Connect people and cultureFunction: connecting the present with its past and becoming an art form People in modem times can read the classic works written by Chinese in ancient times. Chinese calligraphy has become an important part of Chine

11、se culture.Supporting detailsPara. 5Supporting point 4 Connect the present and the pastConnect language and artFunction: Calligraphyn.书法;书法艺术Sealscript篆书隶书Officialscript草书Cursivescript行书Runningscript楷书Standardscripteven strokes and beauty of pictograph (笔画均匀,有象形文字之美)short, wide, symmetrical (对称); st

12、retch right and left (短,扁,对称,左右分展)link strokes into short form (连笔画); more flexible, random, lively and dynamic (更灵活随意,活泼及动感)clear and strong, upright and foursquare (清晰有力,方正严整)combine the merits of cursive script and standard script, clear and lively (兼具草书和楷书优点,清晰又活泼)Important part of Chinese cultu

13、re and historyan increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate Chinas culture and history through this amazing language.Supporting detailsPara. 6Supporting point 5 Connect China and the worldFunction: a picture-based language Connecting China and the world a well-developed writing system. in one united directionconnecting the past and the present;becoming an art formopinion234561Supporting pointsTopic Topic the Chinese writing system factsConnecting


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