1、Lecture 3. Language Features of International Economic & Trade ContractsB.制式短语制式短语1)(be) subject toe.g. The SELLER REPRESENTATIVE shall be an employee of the SELLER. The appointment, change, or any delegation of the authority of, the SELLER REPRESENTATIVE and any terms thereof shall be subject t
2、o prior approval by the BUYER, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.TT: 卖方必须是卖方的雇员。卖方代表的任命、变更卖方必须是卖方的雇员。卖方代表的任命、变更或授权以及任何这方面的条件都必须或授权以及任何这方面的条件都必须得到买方的得到买方的事先批准事先批准,但买方不得无故拒绝或拖延。,但买方不得无故拒绝或拖延。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语1) (be) subject toe.g. Unless expressly otherwise provided
3、for in any CHANGE ORDER, all rates and prices stated herein are fixed and not subject to any revision, escalation, or adjustment whether due to currency fluctuations or otherwise.TT: 除非变更单中明确做出不同规定,否则,本合同除非变更单中明确做出不同规定,否则,本合同所确定的所有费用和价格都是固定的,所确定的所有费用和价格都是固定的,不得进行不得进行修改、涨价或调整,是否因为货币波动或其他原修改、涨价或调整,是否因
4、为货币波动或其他原因概不例外。因概不例外。 2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语1) (be) subject to* Tips: “Subject as hereinafter provided” = Subject to the following provisions in this Clause b. Subject to the following provisions in this Agreement 为避免表达不清,最好应指明具体条款。为避免表达不清,最好应指明具体条款。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语2) n
5、otwithstandinge.g. Neither the BUYER nor the SELLER shall be liable one to the other for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the PURCHASE AGREEMENT where and to the extent such delay or failure is caused by Force Majeure.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the BUYERs obligation to pay t
6、he PURCHASE AGREEMENT PRICE, or any other sums due under the PURCHASE AGREEMENT, is not so suspended. TT: 买方和卖方对因不可抗力造成的履行迟延或无法买方和卖方对因不可抗力造成的履行迟延或无法履行彼此不承担任何责任。履行彼此不承担任何责任。尽管尽管有前述规定,但买方支付采购订单价格的义务或有前述规定,但买方支付采购订单价格的义务或其他到期款项并不因此推迟。其他到期款项并不因此推迟。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言 Subject to 买方支付采购订单价格的义务或其他到期款项
7、并不买方支付采购订单价格的义务或其他到期款项并不因此推迟,但因此推迟,但上述规定除外上述规定除外。B.制式短语制式短语2) notwithstanding* Tips: Notwithstanding 后紧跟“any other provision of this Agreement” 表明本条款就其所规定的内容在整个合同中处于最优先考虑的地位,任何其他条款都不得同它抵触,即便出现抵触情况,也应以本条款为准。但如果一个协议中出现了两个条款都有“Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract” 则两者很可能会发生冲突。 阅读时应多加注意。
8、2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语3) without prejudice toe.g. The contributing parties shall provide security for general average contribution at the request of the parties that have an interest therein.Where the security has been provided in the form of cash deposits, such deposits shall be put in
9、a bank by an average adjuster in the name of a trustee.The provision, use and refund of the deposits shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties. TT: 经利益关系人要求,各分摊方应当提供共同海损经利益关系人要求,各分摊方应当提供共同海损担保。担保。已提供保证金方式进行共同海损担保的,保证金应当已提供保证金方式进行共同海损担保的,保证金应当交由海损理算师以保管人名义存入银行。交
10、由海损理算师以保管人名义存入银行。保证金的提供、使用或者退还,保证金的提供、使用或者退还,不影响不影响各方最终的分各方最终的分摊责任。摊责任。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言Ancient principle of equity in which all parties in a sea adventure (ship, cargo, and freight) proportionately share losses resulting from a voluntary and successful sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo
11、to save the whole adventure from an impending peril, or extraordinary expenses necessarily incurred for the joint benefit of ship and cargo. B.制式短语制式短语*试比较(be) subject to, notwithstanding和without prejudice to:Clause 1 subject to Clause 2Clause 1 notwithstanding Clause 2Clause 1 without prejudice to
12、Clause 22. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言(Clause2优先于Clause1)(Clause1优先于Clause2)(Clause 1与Clause2地位相当)B.制式短语制式短语4) to the extente.g. The Contractor shall design (to the extent specified in the Contract), execute and complete the Works in accordance with the Contract and with the engineers instructions, and sh
13、all remedy any defects in the Works. TT: 承包商应按照合同的规定以及工程师的指示(承包商应按照合同的规定以及工程师的指示(在在合同规定合同规定的范围内的范围内)对工程进行设计、施工和竣)对工程进行设计、施工和竣工,并修补其任何缺陷。工,并修补其任何缺陷。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语4) to the extente.g. If and to the extent that the Contractor encounters physical conditions which are unforeseeable, g
14、ives such a notice, and suffers delay and/or incurs Cost due to these conditions, the Contractor shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 Contractors Claims to claims. TT: 如果且仅限于如果且仅限于承包商遇到了不可预见的外界条件承包商遇到了不可预见的外界条件,发出了通知,且因此遭致延误和,发出了通知,且因此遭致延误和/或产生了费用或产生了费用,承包商应有权根据第,承包商应有权根据第20.1款款承包商的索赔承包商的索赔要
15、求要求索赔。索赔。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语5) to the/that/such effecte.g. The BUYER shall have the right at any time and at its absolute discretion to terminate the PURCHASE ORDER by giving the SELLER written notice to such effect. TT: 买方有权在任何时候自主决定向卖方发出买方有权在任何时候自主决定向卖方发出大意为大意为终止本采购订单的通知以终止合同。终止本采购订
16、单的通知以终止合同。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语6) the samee.g. No review, approval, acknowledgement or certificate given by the BUYER shall relieve the SELLER from any liability or obligation under the PURCHASE AGREEMENT unless the same is expressly set out by the BUYER. (= unless that such review, app
17、roval, acknowledgement or certificate given by the BUYER shall relieve the SELLER from any liability or obligation under the PURCHASE AGREEMENT is expressly set out by the BUYER. )TT: 买方进行审核、批准、确认或证明都不会解除卖买方进行审核、批准、确认或证明都不会解除卖方在本采购订单下的任何责任或义务,除非买方方在本采购订单下的任何责任或义务,除非买方明确指出。明确指出。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式
18、语言B.制式短语制式短语7) in/at ones discretione.g. The Board may, in its absolute discretion, and without assigning any reason therefore, decline to register any transfer of any share whether or not it is a fully paid share. TT: 董事会董事会完全有权决定完全有权决定,无须任何理由,拒绝股票,无须任何理由,拒绝股票转换登记,该股票是否已经全额付清概无例外。转换登记,该股票是否已经全额付清概无
19、例外。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语8) as ofe.g. This Contract is entered into in Beijing as of this 9th day of May, 2010, by and between Party A and Party B. TT: 本合同由甲、乙双方本合同由甲、乙双方于于2010年年5月月9日在北京签署。日在北京签署。9)inter aliae.g. The bill of lading must include, inter alia, the following particulars: TT:
20、 提单中必须载有下列事项:提单中必须载有下列事项:2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语10) in witness ofe.g. In witness of this, the Employee and the Company have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above.TT:雇员和公司在本协议第一次出现的日期签署本协雇员和公司在本协议第一次出现的日期签署本协议,议,以资证明以资证明。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语11) in
21、clude without limitatione.g. The Contract Price does not cover costs and expenses that are for Buyers account under this Contract, or any taxes (including but not limited to customs duty and value added tax) payable by Buyer in respect of this Contract.TT:合同总价不含根据本合同应由买方承担的费用和合同总价不含根据本合同应由买方承担的费用和开销
22、,或根据本合同应由买方支付的税款(开销,或根据本合同应由买方支付的税款(包括但包括但不限于不限于关税和增值税)。关税和增值税)。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语11) include without limitation* Tips: 尽管“include”本身已经包含了“include but not limited to”,但为了避免争议,合同方最好还是使用“include but not limited to”,而不仅用“include” 。或者在Definition部分作出如下定义:The words “include” or “including”
23、 mean “include without limitation” and “including without limitation” respectively. 还需要注意还需要注意include, comprise和和consist of的区别:的区别:include通常表示include without limitation或者include but not limited to,即后面列举的事物尚未穷尽;但如果是comprise或者consist of,则表示后面列举的事物视为已经穷尽。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语12) so agree/r
24、equest/declare/其他v.e.g. BUYER reserves the right at any time to make changes in the PURCHASE ORDER. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in SELLERs costs or alteration in the date of delivery, SELLER shall so advise BUYER. TT:买方有权任何时候对本采购订单作出变更。如果买方有权任何时候对本采购订单作出变更。如果这种变更致使卖方费用增加或减少或交货日期变化这
25、种变更致使卖方费用增加或减少或交货日期变化,卖方应,卖方应将这些情况通知将这些情况通知买方。买方。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语13) 叠词叠词e.g.1. The contract was declared null and void by the competent authority. TT:该合同被主管部门宣布为该合同被主管部门宣布为无效无效。e.g. 2. Party A further represents and warrants that the Land is free and clear of any and all claims, c
26、harges, easement, encumbrances, lease, covenants, security interest, liens, option, pledge, rights of others, or restrictions.TT: 甲方进一步甲方进一步陈述和保证陈述和保证,该土地不存在,该土地不存在任何任何权利主权利主张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保张、抵押、地役权、权利负担、租约、契约、担保权益、留置权、购买权、质押、他人权利或限制。权益、留置权、购买权、质押、他人权利或限制。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言B.制式短语制式短语13)
27、叠词叠词e.g.3. The User can demand full and complete access to the Information, pursuant to Article 40. TT:用户用户完全完全有权根据第有权根据第40条的规定要求使用这些信条的规定要求使用这些信息。息。e.g. 4. The Supplier undertakes and agrees to provide current, complete and accurate information and maintain it as current and accurate.TT: 供应商供应商承诺承诺
28、,提供新近的、完整而又准确的信息,提供新近的、完整而又准确的信息,并使这些信息一直保持更新且准确无误。并使这些信息一直保持更新且准确无误。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言C.制式长句制式长句e.g. If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general nature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing
29、 the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a shipped bill of lading issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the
30、 bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion of the absence of reasonable means of checking. 2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言如果如果承运人或代其签发提单的其他人确知或者有合理的根据怀疑承运人或代其签发提单的其他人确知或者有合理的根据怀疑提单所载有关货物的品类、主要标志、包数或件数、重量或数量提单所载有关货物的品类、主要标志、包数或件数、重量或数量等项目没有准确地表示实际接管的货物,等项目没有准确地表示实际接管的货
31、物,或在或在签发已装船提单签发已装船提单的的情况下情况下,没有准确地表示实际装船的货物,没有准确地表示实际装船的货物,或者或者他没有适当的方他没有适当的方法来核对这些项目,法来核对这些项目,则则承运人或该类似承运人的其他人必须在提承运人或该类似承运人的其他人必须在提单上作出保留,说明不符之处,怀疑根据,或缺乏适当的核对方单上作出保留,说明不符之处,怀疑根据,或缺乏适当的核对方法。法。C.制式长句制式长句制式逻辑:exception, condition, right and obligation(例外、条件、权利义务)e.g. Article 27. otherwise expressly p
32、rovided in this Part of the Convention, any notice, request or other communication is given or made by a party in accordance with this Part and by means appropriate in the circumstances, a delay or error in the transmission of the communication or its failure to arrive does not deprive that party of
33、 rely on the communication. 除非公约本部分另有明文规定,否则,如果当事人按照本部分的除非公约本部分另有明文规定,否则,如果当事人按照本部分的规定并根据情况以恰当的方式发出通知、要求或其他信息,则规定并根据情况以恰当的方式发出通知、要求或其他信息,则这种通信如在传递上发生耽搁或错误,或未能到达,并不使该这种通信如在传递上发生耽搁或错误,或未能到达,并不使该当事人丧失依靠该项信息的权利。当事人丧失依靠该项信息的权利。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言Unlessifthe right toC.制式长句制式长句e.g. Article 39.(2) In a
34、ny event, the buyer loses rely on a lack of conformity of the goods he does not give the seller notice thereof at the latest within a period of two years from the date on which the goods were actually handed over to the buyer, this time-limit is inconsistent with a contractual period of guarantee.无论
35、如何,如果买方在实际收到货物之日起两年内不将货物不符无论如何,如果买方在实际收到货物之日起两年内不将货物不符合合同情形通知卖方,他将丧失声称货物不符合合同的权利,合合同情形通知卖方,他将丧失声称货物不符合合同的权利,但这一时限与合同规定的保证期限不符的除外。但这一时限与合同规定的保证期限不符的除外。2. 2. 英文合同的制式语言英文合同的制式语言unlessifthe right toC.制式长句制式长句e.g. otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, monthly progress reports prepared by the Con
36、tractor and submitted to the Engineer in six copies.除非特殊条款中另有规定,承包商应编制月进度报告,并一式六除非特殊条款中另有规定,承包商应编制月进度报告,并一式六份提交给工程师。份提交给工程师。e.g. the seller, in accordance with the contract or this Convention, hands the goods over to a carrier and if the goods are not clearly identified to the contract by markings on the goods, by shipping documents or otherwise, the seller give the buyer notice of the consignment specifying the goods.如果卖方按照合同或本公约的规定将货物交付给承运人,但没有如果卖方按照合同或本公约的规定将货物交付给承运人,但没有在货物上加标记或以装运单据或其他方式清楚地注明该批货物在货物上加标记或以装运单据或其他方式清楚地注
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