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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上项目采购管理练习题1、While completing a project, a worker strike in the sellerscity has resulted in the required deliverable being late. What is generally the BEST thing for the project manager to do? A. Extend the contract for the length of the delay. B. Remind the seller that they are under con

2、tract to complete the project by the due date or be in default on the project. C. Investigate ways to shorten other parts of the project in order to meet the sellersproject completion date. D. Tell the seller to stop work on the project until the strike is settled. 1、实施项目过程中,卖方城市发生了工人罢工,导致可交付成果延期交货。

3、为此,项目经理通常的最佳做法是什么?A 延期合同B 提醒卖方他们有义务按照合同在规定的日期内提交产品,否则就是违约C 寻找可以削减项目其它活动工期的方法,以符合卖方完工日期D 告诉卖方停止工作,直到罢工得以解决2、The work breakdown structure has the LEAST impact on which process? A.Plan Human Resources. B.Estimate Costs. C.Develop Schedule. D.Plan Procurements. 2、工作分解结构对以下哪个过程影响最小?A 规划人力资源B 估算成本C 制定进度D

4、规划采购3、Although your company is not the lowest bidder for a project, the client has come to expect good performance from your company and wants to award the contract to you. To win the contract, the client asks you to eliminate your project management costs. The client says that your company has good

5、 project processes, and project controls unnecessarily inflate your costs. What should you do under these circumstances? A.Eliminate your project management costs and rely on experience. B.Remove costs associated with project team communications, meetings, and customer reviews. C.Remove meeting cost

6、s but not the project managers salary. D.Describe the costs incurred on past projects that did not use project management. 3、你公司参与了一个项目的投标,尽管你们的报价不是最低的,但客户还是希望跟你公司合作,并期待你公司做出好的绩效。为了赢得合同,客户要求你公司删除项目管理成本,理由是认为你公司有很好的项目管理过程,没有必要使用项目控制来增加不必要的成本。在这种情况下,你应该怎么做?A 删除项目管理成本,并凭借经验做事B 删除与项目团队沟通、会议及客户评审相关的成本249

7、专心-专注-专业C 删除会议成本,而不是削减项目经理工资D 告诉客户以前没有运用项目管理反而增加了项目成本的例子4、Source selection criteria are an output of which process? A.Plan Quality. B.Plan Risk Responses. C.Plan Procurements. D.Estimate Costs. 4、供方选择标准是以下哪项的输出?A 规划质量B 规划风险应对C 规划采购D 估算成本5、While completing work for your project, the sellers subcontra

8、ctor suffers a major fire. The fire destroys the heating system they were building for your project. What is the BEST thing to do? A.Stop payment on invoices for the heating system until work begins again. B.Check to ensure the subcontractor was covered by insurance. C.Be prepared to extend the deli

9、verable due date. D.Tell the seller to stop work on the part of the project that involves the heating system until their subcontractor can recover from the fire. 5、在项目实施过程中,供方的一家承包商发生了一场大火。火灾摧毁了将要供货给你项目的供热系统。你应该怎么做?A 工作重新开始前停止为供热系统支付费用B 确认承包商是否购买了保险C 延长可交付成果的交付日期D 告诉供应商,在承包商没有恢复之前停止涉及供热系统的活动into the

10、 companys strategic plan, but will require some of the best resources the company has in order to meet the quality objectives. Management is excited because the project represents the opportunity to generate good profits for the company and will put all their company expertise to the test. The prosp

11、ective team members are also excited because the client is prestigious. In order to meet the schedule objectives for the project, you need to start committing jobs to new and critical project resources now, while the contract is still under negotiation. What should you do? A. Wait until the last min

12、ute to do so. B. Ask the customer for a letter of intent. C. Only start to collect resumes and do not commit any funds. 6、为了赢得一个新的、重要的项目,你公司正在谈判过程中。此项目非常适合公司的战略规划,但需要用到公司最优秀的资源,以便达到质量要求。管理层对此很兴奋,因为这个项目会给公司带来丰厚的利润,同时会锻炼一下公司的专家。潜在的团队成员也很兴奋,因为这个客户是个知名企业。为了满足进度目标,在合同还在谈判过程中就需要你开始为新的、关键的资源安排工作内容。你应该怎么做?2

13、50A 等到最后一分钟再开始B 向客户要一份项目目标信函C 只开始搜集简历,但先不要动用任何资金D 向管理层解释,这不是一个好的想法7、Two team members are currently documenting and verifying the product, while two other team members are updating records, performing an audit, and archiving lessons learned. What activity are the team members engaged in? A. Administe

14、r Procurements. B. Close Procurements. D. Conduct Procurements. 7、两名团队成员正在归档文件、核实项目产品,另外两名团队成员正在更新项目记录、实施审计、归案经验总结。这些团队成员正在从事哪项活动?A 管理采购B 结束采购C 结束项目或阶段D 实施采购8、You are trying to decide whether to lease or buy an item for your project. The daily lease cost is US $150. The investment cost to purchase t

15、he item is US $2,000, and the daily cost is US $50. In how many days will the lease cost be the same as the purchase cost? A. 10. B. 15. C. 20. D. 25. 8、你正在对项目的某一工作进行自制或外购分析。制止的日均成本为 150 美金。外包此项工作的投资成本为 2,000 美金,日均成本为 50 美金。多少天之后自制成本和采购成本相同?A10 B15 C20 D25 9、Under a contract, formal, written corresp

16、ondence with the seller is required when: A. A change to the project is issued. B. A meeting with the sellersmanagement is held. C. The seller is asked for supporting information. D. There is a follow up to a conversation. 9、在合同条款下,在以下哪种情况下需要和供方进行正式的、书面信函?A 当项目发生变更B 当与供方管理层开会时C 当需要供方提供支持信息时D 谈话内容需要后

17、续跟踪时25110、You are managing procurement for a project and have arranged a bidder conference with the potential proposers. All of the following are appropriate for a bidder conference EXCEPT: A. A walkthrough of the project scope. B. An explanation of why particular teams and conditions are in the con

18、tract. C. A request for bidders to offer their thoughts on problems with the scope of the work. D. Working with the bidders to determine alternative solutions for the project.10、你正在管理项目的采购,已经安排了一个潜在供应商投标人会议。以下均适用于投标人会议,除了:A 了解项目范围B 解释合同中规定特殊条款的原因C 要求投标人就工作范围问题给出意见D 和投标人一起确定项目的替代解决方案11、Your contract

19、states that the maximum charge for services from the seller will be US $50,000/month. However, the actual invoices have been US $100,000 for the past three months. Stopping the sellersservice will impact the project schedule. Under these circumstances, the BEST thing to do is to review the: A. Contr

20、act change control system. B. Scope control system. C. Performance reporting system. D. Cost change control system. 11、合同规定,支付供应商的服务费最高每月 50,000 美金。然后,过去三个月的实际发票金额为 100,000 美金。如果停止供应商的服务将会影响项目进度,在这种情况下,最好是评审以下哪项内容?A 合同变更控制系统B 范围控制系统C 绩效报告系统D 成本变更控制系统12、The sellers project manager is managing a fixed

21、 price (FP) contract. She thinks that a large customer-requested change might impact the schedule of the project. What should she do FIRST? A. Meet with the stakeholders. B. Meet with the team. C. Renegotiate the remainder of the contract. D. Follow the contract change control system. 12、供应商的项目经理正在管

22、理一个固定价格合同。她认为客户发起的一项变更会对项目的进度产生影响。她首先应该做什么?A 会见干系人B 会见团队C 就合同剩余部分进行谈判D 遵循合同变更控制系统13、A company and its seller are in the middle of a long dispute over the costs of terminating the 252heard and resolved by a neutral party. To accomplish this, the project manager should us a(n): A. Functional resource

23、manager. B. Conflict solution expert. C. Arbitrator. D. Lawyer. 13、某公司和供应商就终止合同的成本上争执了很长时间。项目经理认为解决此问题的唯一方法就是通过中立方。项目经理应该找:A 职能资源经理B 冲突解决专家C 仲裁D 律师14、You are the seller to develop the software needed for your clients new product. The project work is underway when you discover that the client is goin

24、g to make a major change. This change will dramatically change the software requirements. What is the BEST thing to do? A. Stop work on the software and await instructions. C. Ask the client when the change will be finalized and manage the project accordingly. D. Stop work on parts of the project th

25、at will not change. 14、你是一供应商,为客户新产品做软件开发项目。项目进行过程中,客户发起了一项重大变更。这项变更将彻底改变软件需求。你应该怎么做?A 停止软件开发工作,等待客户的指示B 告诉客户这项变更对项目的影响C 询问客户何时能最终确定变更,然后根据情况进行适当管理D 停止没有发生变更部分的工作15、You have a cost plus fee (CPF) contract with the customer and an arrangement with your manager whereby you will receive 10 percent of t

26、he contract amount as your payment for services. While completing the project, you discover that the actual cost will be lower than expected, thus decreasing your fee. What should you do? A. Find ways to add activities to the project that provide more customer benefits and increase costs. B. Expand

27、the critical path activities so they cost more. C. Purchase more expensive equipment. D. Notify the project sponsor of the probable decreased cost. 15、你和客户签订了成本补偿合同(CPF),合同规定,项目完成后你将得到合同总额 10%的回报。项目完成后你发现,实际成本比预期成本低,这样你们拿到的回报也相应的减少。你应该怎么做?A 努力为项目增加活动,这样可以给客户提供更多的收益,同时还能增加合同成本B 延长关键路径上的活动,以便增加成本C 购买昂

28、贵设备D 将此事告知给发起人16、Aproject team is meeting to determine what the selection criteria will be for the project 253procurement. What procurement process are they in? A. Plan Procurements. B. Administer Procurements. C. Conduct Bidder Conference. D. Conduct Procurements. 16、项目团队正在开会讨论应该使用哪种供方选择标准。他们处于哪个采购

29、管理过程?A 规划采购B 管理采购C 实施投标人会议D 实施采购17、Aproject manager for a large manufacturing concern is working on a project that calls for a new building to be constructed to house a new clean system manufacturing process that is critical the ability to create a detailed procurement statement of work, with penalt

30、ies if specific statements of work deliverables are not met. He is in the Plan Procurements process, evaluating which contract would work the best. Which of the following is the BEST type of contract for this situation? A. Fixed price (FP). B. Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF). C. Cost plus incentive fee (

31、CPIF). D. Time and material (T&M). 17、项目经理负责一项新厂房的建设项目,该项目是用来安装新型清洁系统的制造程序,这个程序对项目的成功起到关键作用。他的公司不擅长实施建设项目,但他的团队有能力制定详细的采购工作说明书及具体处罚条款。项目经理正处于规划采购过程,正在核实应该采取哪种合同类型。以下哪种合同适用此情形?A 固定总价合同(FP)B 成本加固定费合同(CPFF)C 成本加激励费合同(CPIF)D 工料合同(T&M)18、You are closing out a minor contract on a major project when you di

32、scover that a deliverable has not been received. Your manager wants the problem resolved as soon as possible without much trouble. What should you do? A. Deduct the cost of the deliverable from payments. B. Deduct the deliverable from the cost of the project. C. Deduct the deliverable from the procu

33、rement statement of work. D. Require that the deliverable be done. 18、你正在结束一大型项目中某一小额合同时发现,你们还没有收到可交付成果。你经理希望尽快解决此事,不要招惹太多麻烦。你应该怎么做?A 从支付款项中扣除可交付成果的成本B 从项目成本中删除可交付成果C 从采购工作说明书中删除此项可交付成果D 要求卖方完成可交付成果25419、Aproject manager discovers an urgent need for outsourced resources on the project. He knows he h

34、as the money to cover the cost of these resources. He goes to the procurement manager and explains the situation, insisting a contract be drawn up today so he can obtain resources and circumvent the standard procedure. Is this the correct process to follow? A. Yes, of course. For urgent needs, it is

35、 not necessary to follow the organizationsprocedure regarding procurement. B. Yes. Urgent needs from projects should always be dealt with immediately, as directed by the project manager. C. No. The procurement manager has a process to follow when creating contracts that helps protect the company and

36、 its projects. D. No. The procurement manager should be checking in with the project manager to see if he is in need of a contract, rather than making the project manager come and ask for one. 19、项目经理发现,他负责的项目急需购买一项资源,而项目又有购买这些资源的成本。于是他找到采购经理,解释了原因后坚持于当天签署合同,不必遵循公司的流程,这样即可以尽快获得资源。请问他的这种做法正确吗?A 正确。因为

37、当时需求紧急,不必遵循公司的采购流程B 正确。项目的紧急需求应该由项目经理直接指导进行及时处理C 不正确。在制定和同时,采购经理应该遵循采购流程,这样可以有效地保护公司及项目D 不正确。采购经理应该主动核实项目是否真正需要签署合同,而不是让项目经理来找采购经理索要合同。20、Generally, when is the BEST time to create a procurement management plan? A. After the contract is signed. B. Preceding the Conduct Procurement process. C. During

38、 project initiating. D. When updating the procurement management plan. 20、通常来讲,何时是制定采购管理计划的最佳时间?A 合同签署之后B 实施采购过程之前C 项目启动阶段D 当更新采购管理计划时21、In a fixed price (FP) contract, which of the following might NOT be an output of the Administer Procurements process? A. Resource approvals. B. Payment requests. C

39、. Contract changes. D. Records collected. 21、在固定价格合同(FP)中,以下哪项不是管理采购过程的输出?A 资源的获批B 支付请求C 合同变更D 收集的记录255the Close Procurement process activities have been completed when a procurement audit identifies a failure. The project is considered to be: A. Incomplete until the problems is resolved. B. Complet

40、e. C. Still in closure until the problem is resolved. D. Incomplete until formal acceptance is accomplished. 22、买方已经接受了最终的可交付成果。在结束采购实施采购审计过程中发现一项问题。这时,项目被认为:A 问题解决后才算结束B 已经完成C 问题解决之前项目一直处于收尾阶段D 正式接受之前项目一直处于未完成阶段23、Aseller has failed to make delivery on a major item for your project. What is likely

41、to be the LEAST effective thing to do? B. Work with the seller to correct the problem. C. Negotiate an extension of time. D. Hire another seller to work side by side with the original seller.23、一供货商没有按照规定某一重要产品。实施以下哪种措施最没效果?A 由于对方的失误而终止合同B 和供货商一起解决问题C 协商延期交付日期D 再雇佣一位供货商,和原来的供货商肩并肩一起工作24、An output of

42、 Plan Procurements, the procurement documents are also an input to all of the following EXCEPT: A. Close Procurements. B. Administer Procurements. C. Manage Project Team. D. Conduct Procurements. 24、采购文件是规划过程的输出,也是以下各项的输入,除了:A 结束采购B 管理采购C 管理项目团队D 实施采购25、Ateam is in the Plan Procurements process. Whi

43、ch of the following are they working on? A. Proposals received. B. Procurement contract award. C. Creation of a request for proposal. D. Procurement audit. 25625、项目团队正处于规划采购阶段,以下哪项是他们工作的内容?A 收到的建议书B 采购合同授予C 制定请求的变更D 采购审计26、Management tells a project manager to subcontract part of the project to a co

44、mpany that management has worked with many times. Under these circumstances, the project manager should be MOST concerned about: A. Making sure the company has the qualifications to complete the project. B. Meeting management expectations of time. C. The cost of the subcontracted work. D. The contra

45、ct terms and conditions. 26、管理层要求项目经理把部分项目工作承包给另外一公司,这家公司和管理层有过多次合作。在这种情况下,项目经理最应该关心以下哪项?A 确保这家公司有完成此项工作的资质B 满足管理层对进度的期望C 分包工作的成本D 合同条款27、The project manager is asked to assist the procurement manager in giving some sellers a tour of the facilities where the project work will be done. What part of t

46、he project management process are they in? A. Initiating. C. Executing. D. Monitoring and controlling. 27、管理层要求项目经理协助采购经理一起组织供应商到项目实施地进行一次旅行。项目处于哪个管理过程?A 启动B 规划C 执行D 监控contract, you see that it says “seller to provide twenty (20) computers.” What should you do FIRST? A. Issue a change order through

47、the contract manager. B. Return the five extra computers. C. Make payment for the 25 computers. D. Call the seller and ask for clarification. 28、你从客户那里收到了 25 台新电脑,但你们只需求 20 台。也是你查阅了合同发现,合同A 通过合同经理发起一项变更257B 将 5 台电脑返还给供方C 支付 25 台电脑的费用D 给供方打电话,以澄清情况29、Aproject manager is working on a project for a lar

48、ge technology integrator. His project calls for Java technology. He needs to supplement his technical staff with a technical consultant for one month because his company does not have this skill set due to unexpected leaves of absence in the technical team. He will management the vendors work since

49、he wants to retain control. Which would be the BEST type of contract to use? A. Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF). B. Time and material (T&M). C. Fixed price (FP). D. No contract is needed. A simple purchase order will work. 29、项目经理负责一个大型技术积分器的项目,他的项目命名为 Java 技术。由于技术人员的离职,公司没有完成此项工作的技术,所以接下来一个月内,他需要从另外一咨询招

50、聘技术人员。他希望管理卖方的工作以便保持控制。最好使用以下哪种类型的合同?A 成本加固定费合同(CPFF)B 工料合同(T&M)C 固定价格合同(FP)D 不需要签署合同,只需要一个简单的购买订单即可30、Emotions are running high during negotiations to purchase major equipment for your project when the seller starts to pack up his things. This an example of which negotiation strategy? A. Missing ma

51、n. B. Fair and reasonable. C. Withdrawal. D. Deadline. 30、关于某一重要设备的采购谈判,双发谈判的场面非常激烈。卖方开始收拾东西准备离开,这是以下哪项谈判策略?A 关键人物不在B 公平合理C 撤退D 最后期限31、Which of the following can be used to determine the type of contract to use on a project? A. How your company does business. B. How complete the procurement statemen

52、t of work is. C. Type of contract the law requires. D. Type of contract you have experience with. 31、可以通过以下哪项来确定项目的合同类型?A 公司做业务的形式B 如何完成工作说明书C 法律要求的合同类型D 之前你经历过的合同类型25832、Ateam has just gathered information and requirements for a new project that will be completed by an external company. If the proj

53、ect manager is just starting the procurement process, which one of the following should be done LAST? A. A make-or-buy analysis. B. Seek expert judgment from a variety of resources including industry groups, consultants, and other division of her organization. C. Contract type selection including fi

54、xed price, unit price, and cost reimbursable contracts. D. Finalize the terms and conditions of the contract. 32、项目团队正在为一外包的新项目收集信息和需求。如果项目经理刚刚开始采购过程,以下哪项是应该最后做的事情?A 自制或外购分析B 通过各种渠道寻求专家的判断意见,包括行业团体、顾问公司以及她自己公司的其他部门C 选择合同类型,包括固定价格合同、单价合同以及成本补偿合同D 最终确定合同的条款33、In the planning process group of your project, it is apparent that factions within the clients company have significantly different views on how the project should be structured and how the deliverables shou


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