1、NORMAL PHASE 1980 2004 30% 5% Silica Gel 47% 44% Silica based bonded phases Diol Amino Cyano 3% 1% Alumina 20% 50% Chiral Bonded PhasesPrinciple:Principle: Adsorption of analytes on the polar, weakly acidic surface of silica gel.Stationary Phase.:Stationary Phase.: Silica (pH 2-8), Alumina (pH 2 - 1
2、2), Bonded Diol, and NH2, or CNMobile Phase:Mobile Phase: Non-polar solvents (Hexane, CHCl3)ApplicationsApplications: Non-polar and semi-polar samples; hexane soluble; positional isomers.第1页/共60页第一页,共60页。NP: SEPARATION PRINCIPLE Polar (specific but nonionic) interactions of analyte with polar adsorp
3、tion sites (SiOH, -NH2, -CN, Diol) cause its retention Different sorption affinities between analytes result in their separation More polar analytes retained longer Analytes with larger number of polar functional group are retained longer Structural isomers are often separated第2页/共60页第二页,共60页。外消旋体化合
4、物的色谱(s p)分离图许志刚, 艾萍, 袁黎明,醋酸纤维素液相色谱固定相的制备与手性拆分化学(huxu)研究, 2006, 17, 83-85正己烷 异丙醇(体积比为9 1)作流动相流速为0. 5 mL/min,紫外检测(jin c)波长为254 nm第3页/共60页第三页,共60页。纤维素及其衍生物作为高效液相色谱(s p)手性固定相的研究进展孟磊,袁黎明(lmng),化学试剂, 2001,23(4),220223第4页/共60页第四页,共60页。分离(fnl)机理普遍接受的是Dalgliesh的3点作用原理:a.对映体与固定相之间存在氢键(或-)作用;b.偶极-偶极相互作用;c.手性空腔
5、的立体作用。第5页/共60页第五页,共60页。海藻(hi zo)糖、龙胆二糖、蜜二糖键合硅胶手性固定相的制备和性能宋卿,李芙蓉,字敏,彭雅,袁黎明(lmng),化学研究,2009,20, 95-97第6页/共60页第六页,共60页。手性分离能力(nngl)为海藻糖龙胆二糖蜜二糖第7页/共60页第七页,共60页。手性固定相: a. Chiralcel OD, b. Chiralpak AD-H;流动(lidng)相:V(正己烷)/V(异丙醇)=80 20;流速: 0.9 mL/min; 检测波长: 254 nm手性柱:纤维素-三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯) (Chiralcel OD)和直链
6、淀粉-三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯) (Chiralpak AD-H)不锈钢手性柱, 25.00.46 cm含磷手性化合物在多聚糖类手性固定(gdng)相上的手性分离李凌云(ln yn),王立新,叶勇,钱宝英,高如瑜,分析试验室,2004,23,14-17第8页/共60页第八页,共60页。V(正己烷)/V(异丙醇): A 90 10, B 80 20, C 70 30, D 60 40;V(正己烷)/V(正丙醇): E 90 10, G 70 30;V(正己烷)/V(乙醇(y chn): F 90 10, H. 70 30. 0.9 mL/min, 254 nm表1不同(b tn)色谱条件
7、下化合物1 在OD和AD手性柱上的分离结果第9页/共60页第九页,共60页。正相色谱法同时测定(cdng)黄豆酱中的两类防腐剂Allsphere Cyano(CN)柱(250 mm4.6 mm i.d.,5m)为分离柱,二氯甲烷-乙腈(92 8)为流动(lidng)相(乙酸调pH 5.5),流速:1.0 mL/min,检测波长240 nm。方法(fngf)检出限0.050.1g/g。回收率在80.61%98.36%之间标准品苯甲酸(BA)、山梨酸(SA)和对羟基苯甲酸甲酯(MP)、乙酯(EP)、丁酯(BP)各1.0 mg注:1为SA;2为BA周建科,刘瑞英,宋歌,张明翠,中国调味品, 2009
8、,34, 93-98第10页/共60页第十页,共60页。Reversed-Phase HPLC Principle: Partition of analytes between mobile phase and stagnant phase inside the pore space + adsorption on the surface of bonded phase. Stationary Phase: Hydrophobic surfaces of moieties bonded on silica (C18, C8, C5, Phenyl, CN) Mobile phase: Meth
9、anol or Acetonitrile and Water. Applications: 80% of all separations performed with RP HPLC.第11页/共60页第十一页,共60页。REVERSED PHASE SEPARATION PRINCIPLE Nonpolar (nonspecific) interactions of analyte with hydrophobic adsorbent surface (-C18, C8, Phenyl, C4) Different sorption affinities between analytes r
10、esults in their separation More polar analytes retained less Analytes with larger hydrophobic part are retained longer structural isomers maybe more challenging in this mode第12页/共60页第十二页,共60页。反相色谱的保留机理(j l)疏溶剂理论双保留机理(j l)分离对象:同系物:烷烃数tR 直链tR支链tR化合物极性 tR固定相对组分保留的影响:碳链长度:碳链 tR烷基覆盖量:覆盖量 tR第13页/共60页第十三页,
11、共60页。HPLC Effect of Carbon Chain Length on Separation第14页/共60页第十四页,共60页。反相色谱中流动(lidng)相选择水有机改善剂常用:甲醇( ji chn)、乙腈、四氢呋喃、二氧六环极性:有机改善剂水洗脱能力:有机改善剂水极性顺序:甲醇( ji chn)乙腈二氧六环四氢呋喃洗脱顺序:水甲醇( ji chn)乙腈二氧六环四氢 呋喃第15页/共60页第十五页,共60页。HPLC Solvents Polarity for Reverse Phase第16页/共60页第十六页,共60页。HPLC Solvent Effect第17页/共6
12、0页第十七页,共60页。HPLC Effect of Modifier60:4050:5040:60Acetonitrile : Water第18页/共60页第十八页,共60页。Reversed-Phase vs. Normal PhaseSeparation of 2-Me-Phenol and 4-Me-Phenol in RP and NPSeparation of 2-Me-Phenol and 4-Me-Phenol in RP and NPReversed-PhaseMeOH/Water, Luna-C18Normal PhaseHexane/IPA, Luna-Si90/1060
13、/4095/598/2第19页/共60页第十九页,共60页。反相键合相色谱的优点(yudin)流动相可选用水溶性 .样品的溶解度范围提高 .流动相可变性大 .柱重现(zhn xin)性好固定相表面化学能低 .平衡容易 .梯度洗脱固定相选择多固定相耐溶剂冲洗 热稳定性好第20页/共60页第二十页,共60页。缺点(qudin):流动相PH范围要控制(PH28) PH太低:Si-C键易断裂(dun li) PH太高:硅胶基质易溶解游离的硅羟残基影响分离 第21页/共60页第二十一页,共60页。 5 5 反相色谱法具有反相色谱法具有(jyu)(jyu)以下特以下特点点 (1)柱子使用寿命较长 (2)流
14、动相可灵活选择(3)应用范围特别(tbi)广泛 第22页/共60页第二十二页,共60页。6 6 反相液相色谱反相液相色谱(s p)(s p)的应用的应用占液相色谱占液相色谱(s p)(s p)的的70-80%70-80%小分子有机物、农药、氨基酸、低聚核苷酸、肽小分子有机物、农药、氨基酸、低聚核苷酸、肽生物大分子核酸、蛋白质等(生物大分子核酸、蛋白质等(50KD50KD)第23页/共60页第二十三页,共60页。HPLC - Applications第24页/共60页第二十四页,共60页。第25页/共60页第二十五页,共60页。稠环芳烃的分析稠环芳烃的分析(fnx)(fnx) 稠环芳烃多为致癌物
15、质。 固定相:十八烷基(wn j)硅烷化键合相 流动相:20%甲醇-水 100%甲醇 线性梯度淋洗,2%/min 流 速:1mL/min 柱 温:50 C 柱 压:70 104 Pa 检测器:紫外检测器第26页/共60页第二十六页,共60页。服衍生物型手性固定(gdng)相分离a一氨基酸对映体的研究第27页/共60页第二十七页,共60页。吕海涛(hi to),云自厚, 色谱,1995,13,8-11第28页/共60页第二十八页,共60页。R1CH3R2OHOCH3CH3CH3CH3CH3CH3CH3TocopherolsTocopherolsOCH3CH3CH3CH3CH3OHCH3R1R2T
16、ocopherolsTocopherolsTocotrienolsTocotrienolsR R1 1R R2 2a-Tocopherol (a-T)a-Tocotrienol (a-3)_MeMeb-Tocopherol (b-T)b-Tocotrienol (b-3)MeHg-Tocopherol (g-T)g-Tocotrienol (g-3)HMed-Tocopherol (d-T)d-Tocotrienol (d-3)HHTocotrienolsGenesis silica column (250 x 4.6 mm, 4 m). Mobile phase: Hexane-1,4-di
17、oxane (96:4). . J. Chromatogr. A, 881 (2000) 217-227Separation of synthetic tocopherols by reversed phase HPLC (280 nm) :1) d-tocopherol, 2) g-tocopherol, 3) b-tocopherol, 4) a-tocopherol, 5)a-tocopheryl acetateFood Chemistry, 76 (2002) 357 362. Experimental Comparison of NP and RP HPLC第29页/共60页第二十九
18、页,共60页。 液液色谱法的固定相 由载体(zit)与固定液构成 载体(zit): 全多孔型或薄壳型 涂渍适当的固定液 化学键合固定相液-液分配(fnpi)色谱法固定相第30页/共60页第三十页,共60页。第31页/共60页第三十一页,共60页。利用化学反应的方法通过化学键把各种不同(b tn)的有机分子(固定液)键合到载体表面,这样制得的填料称化学键合相,简称键合相。其优点是:使用过程中固定液不遗失;化学性能稳定,在pH28的溶液中不变质;热稳定性好,一般在70以下稳定;选择性好;利于梯度洗脱。化学键合固定(gdng)相第32页/共60页第三十二页,共60页。 这类键合相表面键合的是极性很小
19、的烃基,如十八烷基(C18)、辛烷基(C8)、甲基与苯基(bn j)等。其中以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶(或称ODS)应用最为广泛,在化学键合相中约占 80。它适合分离非极性或极性小的试样。在应用中可选用极性较强的溶剂,如水。甲醇、乙醇或无机盐的缓冲液作流动相。 十八烷基键合相(ODS键合相)是将十八烷基氯硅烷试剂与硅胶表面的硅羟基,经多步反应生成ODS键合相。 非极性键合相第33页/共60页第三十三页,共60页。晶体电阵计算(j sun):(j sun):硅胶表面的硅羟基密度为8 8个/nm2/nm2。化学法测定:5:5个/nm2/nm2, 第34页/共60页第三十四页,共60页。 Si-OH +
20、 HO-R Si-OR + H2O 它的反应条件是在150-250度下反应3-8小时(xiosh)HPLC早期的一种正相键合填料Si-O-Si键型(硅胶与醇类物质(wzh)反应)第35页/共60页第三十五页,共60页。 Si-OH + SOCl2 Si-Cl + SO2 + HCl Si-Cl +R-NH2 Si-NHR +HClSi-N键型(硅胶(u jio)与胺类物质反应)第36页/共60页第三十六页,共60页。 利用格里亚反应合成固定(gdng)相。 Si-Cl +RXMg Si-R +MgXCl 稳定性相当好! Si-C键型(硅胶(u jio)与卤代烷反应)第37页/共60页第三十七页
21、,共60页。 Si-OH +X-Si(R)(R1)(R2) Si-O- Si(R)(R1)(R2) +HX反应式中,X为Cl、CH3O或C2H5O,R1、R2可以与X相同,也可以是甲基。主导键合类型,具有(jyu)良好热、化学稳定性,pH 2-9Si-O-Si-C键型(硅胶与有机(yuj)硅烷反应)第38页/共60页第三十八页,共60页。第39页/共60页第三十九页,共60页。第40页/共60页第四十页,共60页。第41页/共60页第四十一页,共60页。30m15m5mInfluence of Particle Size on the Separation effect第42页/共60页第四十
22、二页,共60页。HPLC Effect of Particles Size第43页/共60页第四十三页,共60页。HPLC Particles Size第44页/共60页第四十四页,共60页。HPLC Column Diameter and Separation第45页/共60页第四十五页,共60页。Solvent properties affecting detectionSolvent properties affecting separationSolvent properties affecting flowViscosityMiscibility第46页/共60页第四十六页,共60页
23、。UV Cutoff -Solvent may interfere with detectionFor peptide analysis UV = 215 nm. Solvents thatabsorb UV at this wavelength would not be goodcandidates for the mobile phase.Refractive Index of Solvent vs Sample forRefractive Index detection (Carbohydrates)Volatility needed for HPLC Mass Spectrometry
24、(trifluoroacetic acid is a typical volatile buffer)Solvent Properties Affecting Detection第47页/共60页第四十七页,共60页。BUFFERS1)Buffers are needed to control the pH differences caused bythe sample matrix.2)Buffers are used to control the ionization of compoundsand therefore their retention by the column.第48页/
25、共60页第四十八页,共60页。Retention Time and pH in Reversed Phase3456789pHRelative Retention TimepKapartially chargedfully chargednot chargedWhen an acid or a base is ionized it becomes much less hydrophobic and will elute much earlier. Acids lose a proton and become ionized (negative charge) as pH increases.
26、Bases on the other hand, gain a proton and acquire a positive charge as pH decreases.BasicCompound第49页/共60页第四十九页,共60页。SOLVENT SELECTIVITYThe less time a compound spends in the stationary phase, the faster it will move through the column (less retention time).If two compounds are added to the column,
27、 the ratio of theirretention times is called the selectivity.The higher the selectivity, the better the separation.Selectivity can be increased by adjustment of the mobile and stationary phases.第50页/共60页第五十页,共60页。Solvent Selectivity TriangleRepresenting 3 “Polarity” factors1) Each dot in the triangl
28、erepresent a different solvent2) Solvents can be groupedbased on their type of polarity3) Solvents and solvent mixturesare available for just about anyseparation you may desire.第51页/共60页第五十一页,共60页。Viscosity - resistance to flowDifficult to force high viscosity solvents throughthe column.Mixing solve
29、nts can drastically change viscosity第52页/共60页第五十二页,共60页。Viscosity of Water-Organic Solvent Mixtures第53页/共60页第五十三页,共60页。Viscosity vs. PressureThe higher the solvent viscosity, the harder it is for thesolvent to move through a column, and the more pressure inrequired to move the solvent at a specific velocity. The pressurerequired to move a solvent through a column can be estimated bythe following formula:P = 250 L F / Dp2 Dc2Where P = pressure drop in psi.F = flow rate (mL/min)L = column length (cm)Dp = particle diameter (m)= solvent viscosity (cP)Dc = column
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