1、 “欧洲文化入门”课程学习指南一、课程基础:欧洲文化入门是全校外语类选修课程,本课程面向全校文理学生开设,是主要以提高学生的文化素养为主的课程。二、适应对象:大学英语完成三级课程学习的本科学生。 三、教学目的:本课程教学目标为:了解欧洲文化的最基本知识,开阔视野,培养兴趣,促进英语学习。本课程力图在介绍文化知识的同时,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,从而提高语言能力,以达到充分体现素质教育,全面提高学生的跨文化交际能力,培养学生的综合文化素质,扩展国际视野。四、内容提要:本课程的主要内容包括:希腊罗马文化、基督教及其圣经、中世纪、文艺复兴和宗教改革、十七世纪、启蒙运动、浪漫主义、马克思主义与达尔文学说
2、、现实主义、现代主义及其它。由于学时所限,本学期本门课只集中讲述前五个大题的内容。若学生对本门课感兴趣,想继续学习后五个大题的内容可选修大外应用提高阶段的选修课欧洲文化入门(下)。本课程以欧洲文化为语境,培养学生人文知识的底蕴,使学生对西方文化最基本的方面有一定的认识和了解,从而激发语言学习的兴趣、带动英语学习。五、自主学习 授课模式:基于计算机和课堂的英语多媒体教学模式是为了帮助学生达到大学英语应用提高阶段教学要求所设计的一种新型英语教学模式。强调个性化教学与自主学习,以及教师可通过课堂进行辅导,传授知识和技能的特点,使学生可在教师的指导下,根据自己的特点、水平、时间,选择合适的学习内容,借
3、助计算机的帮助,迅速提高自己的英语综合实用能力,达到最佳学习效果。1、教学模式的构成教学对象: 学生 教学内容: 欧洲文化入门教学环境: 计算机(单机或网络) 课堂教学 教学方式: 自学+辅导 面试 教学组织者: 教师 教学管理:教务处、教师和计算机管理软件 图一、基于计算机和课堂的英语多媒体教学模式2、基于计算机的英语学习过程大学外语应用提高教学阶段各门课程采用“以传统教学模式为主,以网络自主学习模式为辅”的教学模式。如下图: 初始测验 学习课程 每课测试 合 格 进入下一课程学习 已学到应该接受辅导的课程 继续学习 接受面授辅导 辅导通过 图二、基于计算机的英语学习过程六、自主学习 学习方
4、法:依据建构主义学习理论,在教学中采用自主学习、讨论学习等教学方法 ,采用学生为主体进行自主学习和训练及教师为主导进行讲授相结合的教学方法。通过课前预习准备、课堂情景体验、课堂知识归纳、课堂及课后知识和语言运用等四个阶段的教学活动设计,倡导体验式自主学习以任务型和小组合作、案例教学方法为依托,体验英语语言和文化知识学习的过程,在实践中学,以学习者已有的语言知识及文化知识和经验为整个学习过程的出发点,强调通过学习者积极、主动地参与各种真实目的语中语言、文化现象和实践活动来学习。七、自主学习 评价大学英语自主学习强调集诊断性、形成性、终结性评估为一体的评价体系,突出学生的过程性评价、自评
5、与互评,通过课堂活动和课外活动的记录、网上自学记录、学习档案记录、访谈和座谈等形式对学生学习过程进行观察、评估和监督,促进学生有效地学习,有效地提高学生的自主学习能力。欧洲文化入门Chapter 1. Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this chapter you are able to master: l get to know the historical context of ancient Greece and ancient Romel be clear about the great achievements of ancient Greeks
6、 and Romans in various fields such as literature, philosophy, science and art. l understand the significance and impact of Greek culture and Roman culture. Procedures 1. Before studying the chapter, you should talk about the following questions: l How much do you know about Greece (ancient or modern
7、)?l Do you know when the first Modern Olympic Games was held?l Homer was famous for two epics. Do you know what they are?l There are many famous philosophers in ancient Greece. Could you name some of them?2. The points to be highlighted:l Democracy of ancient l Greece.l 3 styles of columns in ancien
8、t Greek architecture.l The greatest names in European philosophy- Socrates, Plato and Aristotle3. Study the chapter in detail:l Greek Culture The historical context of ancient Greece Social and political structure of ancient Greece - focus on politics, economy and sports Literature, philosophy, scie
9、nce in ancient Greece. Architecture and sculpture in ancient Greece - focus on the three styles of columns and one representative temple - Parthenon Impact of Greek culture l Roman Culture Roman history- Focus on the important events in roman history. Romans and Greeks - Compare and contrast the two
10、 peoples Roman Law -Focus on the roman peoples contribution in law and its influence Latin literature- Focus on the representatives and their writing styles and representative works mainly in prose and poetry Architecture, painting and sculpture Supplementation - a brief introduction on Pompeii &
11、; A video show on Pompeii A summary on Greek culture and Roman Culture - Go over this part and restate the important points4. Practical exercisesl What are the major elements in European culture?l What were the main features of ancient Greek society?l What did Homer do? Why is he important in the hi
12、story of European literature?l Who were the outstanding dramatists of ancient Greece? What important plays did each of them write?. Self-assessments: On a scale 1 to 5, where 1 means “not at all,” 2 means “not very well”, 3 means “moderately well,” 4 means “well,” and 5 means “very well,” rate how w
13、ell you have mastered the objectives set at the beginning of this Chapter:1 2 3 4 5 I could discuss the warm-up questions actively .1 2 3 4 5 I could identify the key points of the chapter.1 2 3 4 5 I could master the main characters of Greek culture and roman culture .1 2 3 4 5 I could distinguish
14、the differences between Romans and Greeks.1 2 3 4 5 I finished the exercises independently. Chapter 2. Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this chapter you are able to master: l be clear about the components and main contents of the Biblel get to know some famous stories in English Bible l understand
15、the origin and development of Christianityl understand the far-reaching influence of the bible to the western culture. Procedures 1. Before studying the chapter, you should talk about the following questions: l Does Christianity influence you in any way?l Have you ever been to a Christian church?l D
16、o you know the masterpiece of Da Vinci The Last Supper? Can you tell the story about it?2. The points to be highlighted:l the Old Testament - about God and the laws of Godl the New Testament - the doctrine of Jesus Christl The Pentateuch - about the myths of Gods creation of world and the myths of h
17、umans original ancestorsl At the heart of Christianity is the life of Jesus: How he lived and died to redeem the whole human race.l Translation of the Bible3. Study the chapter in detail:l General introduction about bible-Focus on the history of Hebrewsl The Old Testament - Focus on the components,
18、main contents of each component and some famous stories in the old testament.l Rise of Christianity - Focus on the life of Jesus and the spread of Christianityl The New Testament- Focus on the components and famous stories in the New Testament.l Translations of the bible - Focus on the several impor
19、tant versions of bible.l The impact of bible - Focus on the influence of bible on various aspects of western civilization.4. Practical exercisesl Why do we say the Bible has shaped Western culture more decisively than anything else ever written?l What writings make up the New Testament?l How did the
20、 relations between Christians and the Roman government change'?l What was the Hebrew's major contribution to world civilization? l Why do we say Judaism and Christianity are closely related?. Self-assessments: On a scale 1 to 5, where 1 means “not at all,” 2 means “not very well”, 3 means “m
21、oderately well,” 4 means “well,” and 5 means “very well,” rate how well you have mastered the objectives set at the beginning of this Chapter:1 2 3 4 5 I could discuss the warm-up questions actively .1 2 3 4 5 I could identify the key points of the chapter.1 2 3 4 5 I could master the main structure
22、 of the bible .1 2 3 4 5 I could understand the impact of the Bible in western world1 2 3 4 5 I finished the exercises independently.Chapter 3. Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this chapter you are able to master: l the origin and characters of European feudalisml the development of Christianity an
23、d church organization during this period.l the great achievements of Europe in medieval times in literature, science, art and architecture. Procedures 1. Before studying the chapter, you should talk about the following questions: l Legends or romances are two attracting stories. We have seen the the
24、 films of King Arthur and Robin Hood. Can you say something about these two famous films? l You must have ever heard of “the middle ages”. Do you know which period of history does it refer to in European history?2. The points to be highlighted:l During the Medieval times there was no central governm
25、ent to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.l Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years. It shaped peoples lives. That is why the Middle Ages is also called the “Age of Faith”l Feudalism in Europe was ma
26、inly a system of land holding - a system of holding land in exchange for military service.l Code of chivalry: To protect the weak To fight for the church To be loyal to his lord To respect women of noble birth3. Study the chapter in detail:l Feudalism in Europe - Focus on the growth, states and char
27、acters of feudalism in Europe. l Knighthood and code of chivalry l The church - Focus on the organization of church and the power and influence of the Catholic Church.l The crusades - Focus on the cause, process and influence of the crusades.l Learning and science in Middle Ages.l Literature in midd
28、le ages- Focus on national epics, Dante and Geoffery Chaucerl Art and architecture - Focus on Romanesque and Gothic art4. Practical exercisesl Into what three groups were people divided under feudalism?l In what ways did Gothic art differ from Romanesque art?l What happened in western Europe after t
29、he decline of the Roman Empire?l What were the cultural characteristics of the period from 500 to 1000?. Self-assessments: On a scale 1 to 5, where 1 means “not at all,” 2 means “not very well”, 3 means “moderately well,” 4 means “well,” and 5 means “very well,” rate how well you have mastered the o
30、bjectives set at the beginning of this Chapter:1 2 3 4 5 I could discuss the warm-up questions actively .1 2 3 4 5 I could identify the key points of the chapter.1 2 3 4 5 I could master the main characters of middle ages1 2 3 4 5 I could distinguish the differences between Romanesque and Gothic art
31、1 2 3 4 5 I finished the exercises independently.Chapter 4. Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this chapter you are able to master: l the historical context of Renaissance and Reformationl the achievements of Renaissance and Reformationl some great figures and their representative works in this perio
32、dl the great impact of Renaissance and Reformationl the historical context of Reformation and counter-reformationl the contents of Reformation and counter-reformationl the great impact of Reformation and counter-reformation. Procedures 1. Before studying the chapter, you should talk about the follow
33、ing questions: l what you know about the Renaissance and Reformation.2. The points to be highlighted:l the reasons for the flourishing of Renaissance in Italy.l The essence of the Renaissancel the distinct features of the tradition of the Renaissance art l three predominant figures in the High Renai
34、ssancel the paintings and architectures 3. Study the chapter in detail:l Renaissance in Italy - the historical background, the rise of humanism, new literature, renaissance art, the decline of the Italian renaissancel Reformation - Pre-Luther religious reformers, Martin Luther and his doctrine, John
35、 Calvin and Calvinism, Reformation in England, Protestantism and the rise of capitalism.l Renaissance in other countries- Focus on renaissance in France, Spain, England and the northern Europe such as Netherlands, Flanders, Germany. l the science and technology during the renaissance - Focus on geog
36、raphical discoveries, astronomy, anatomy, printing, political science and historiography.4. Practical exercisesl What made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance?l What are the main elements of humanism? How are these elements reflected in art and literature during the Italian Renaissance?l What ar
37、e the doctrines of Martin Luther? What was the significance of the Reformation in European civilization?l Why did England come later than other countries during the Renaissance? In what way was English Renaissance different from that of other countries? Who were the major figures and what were their
38、 contributions?. Self-assessments: On a scale 1 to 5, where 1 means “not at all,” 2 means “not very well”, 3 means “moderately well,” 4 means “well,” and 5 means “very well,” rate how well you have mastered the objectives set at the beginning of this Chapter:1 2 3 4 5 I could discuss the warm-up que
39、stions actively .1 2 3 4 5 I could identify the key points of the chapter.1 2 3 4 5 I could master the main characters of renaissance and reformation.1 2 3 4 5 I could understand the significance of renaissance and reformation.1 2 3 4 5 I finished the exercises independently.Chapter 5. Learning Obje
40、ctivesAfter learning this chapter you are able to master: l the historical context of The seventeenth Century l the achievements of science in the seventeenth Centuryl some representatives in philosophy, politics and Literature in Englandl the Descartes theoryl the French classicisml some great figu
41、res and their representative works in baroque artl the great impact of the seventeenth century. Procedures 1. Before studying the chapter, you should talk about the following questions: l You must have ever heard of the sentence, “I think, therefore I am.” Do you know who said it? How much do you kn
42、ow about him?l What is the feature for the 17th century?l Do you ever hear those names: Galileo, Newton, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes? l When you watch TV, do you hear something about Baroque Art?2. The points to be highlighted:l The new science and philosophy gave a great push to the political struggle waged by the newly emerged class, the bourgeoisie, and other classes.l Nicolaus Copernicus -Forerunner of modern science.l Keplers three laws of planetary motionl Sir Isaac Newtons Achie
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