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1、2012年全国高考模拟参考部分北京市高考英语章节练习二重点词汇、短语与句型1.depend on/upon 依赖,依靠,取决于2.and so on 等等(表示列举未尽)3.tongue twister绕口令4.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑5.date back 回溯到6.make use of 利用某事物(某人)7.be on good terms (with sb.)(与某人)关系好8.drive off 把(车)开走,赶走,击退9.look onas 把看作10.ahead of  (在空间或时间上比某人、某物)更前,更早11.give sb. a hand 给某人帮助1

2、2.get through 通过,度过,到达13.tear down 弄倒某物,拆除某物14.hold up 举起15.make a face 做鬼脸16.in order  按顺序,整齐17.sow seeds 播种18.harvest good crops 收获,丰收19.remove weeds  除草20.over time 随着时间的推移21.act the role of  扮演的角色22.cross-dressing men 男扮女装23.roar with laughter 开怀大笑24.an amusing story 逗乐的故事25.act o

3、ut a situation 表演一个场景26.create a rapid flow of fun创造出连绵不断的乐趣27.knock sb. off his bicycle 把某人从自行车上撞下来28.ride on 继续骑车29.cut off 切断,突然中止30.scream ones way  一路尖叫31.表示打算和计划:I willI intend toI plan/want toIve decided (not)toI am going toI hope toI wish toI hope not知识点归纳:1.over 介词 “在期间,直到过完,贯穿(一时间段)”e

4、g.Over the next few days they got to know the town well.在随后的几天里他们就熟悉那个镇子了。We discussed it over lunch.我们吃午饭时商议了此事。In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends.就这样过了几天,这位艺术家和他的老鼠就成了好朋友。She had a cold over Christmas.圣诞节期间她患了感冒。Some waste rots away over a long period of tim

5、e.有些食物要经过好长时间才会腐烂。Lets have a chat over a cup of coffee.咱们边喝咖啡边聊天吧。*over做前缀,表示“过多,过度”overcharge v. 索费过高overcrowdedadj. 过分拥挤的overcoat n. 大衣overeat v. 吃的过多overjoyedadj. 极高兴overload v. 装载过重overreactv. 反应过激oversleepv. 睡过头overstay v. 呆得超过(某期限)overweight adj. 超重的overwork v. 工作过劳或时间过长overgrowth n. 生长太快,生长过

6、度高考题链接:They had a pleasant chat_ a cup of coffee.(2003北京高考)A. for B. with C. during D. over分析:over的意思是“在期间,直到过完”,题意为:他们一边喝咖啡一边聊天。答案:D2.depend on/upon 依赖,依靠,取决于短语搭配:depend on/upon sb. to do 指望某人做某事depend on/upon + wh-clause 取决于depend on/upon it that 指望(it 是形式宾语,that是真正的宾语)That/It (all) depends. 那得视情况

7、而定depend on/upon sb. 依赖/依靠某人depend on/upon sth 取决于Whether the game will be played depend on the weather.比赛是否进行要看天气的好坏。Our success depends on whether everyone works hard.我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。He depends on his son for support.他靠儿子供养。I may help you, but that depends.我也许帮助你,但得视情况而定。You may depend on it that

8、he will help you.你可以指望他来帮助你。We can depend on him to do it well.我们可以指望他把事情办好。I havent got a car, so I have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。*dependent adj. 依靠的,依赖的常用于:be dependent on/upon sb./sth 依赖某人的,取决于某事物eg.He is still dependent on his parents.他仍然依赖父母(补助)。Success is dependent on how hard yo

9、u work.成功取决于努力的程度。* dependence n. 信赖,依赖,依靠Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.找个工作,别再依赖你父母了。* dependable adj. 可信赖的,可靠的He is a dependable friend.他是可信赖的朋友。高考题链接:-Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?-It _. (2002上海高考)A. all depend B. all depends C. is all depended D. is all de

10、pending分析:本题考查的是“It (all)depends.”(那要看情况而定),也可说成“That (all)depends.”答案:B3.couple n. 一对,一双;夫妇Peter and Jane are a nice couple. Lets invite them to dinner.彼得和珍妮夫妇很好,我们请他们吃饭吧。The couple is/are spending their honeymoon.这对新婚夫妇正在度蜜月。短语搭配:a couple of * 两人,两物Ill stay for a couple more hours.我再多呆两小时。I saw a

11、couple of men get out.我看见有两个人出去了。*几个人,几个事物She jogs a couple of miles every morning.她每天早上要慢跑几英里。辨析:pair : a set of two things which are not used separately from each other指使用时彼此不能分开的两件东西构成的物品,这两件东西可以连在一起,也可以不连在一起,但缺一不可。eg. a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a pair of trousers一条裤子a pair of shoes 一双鞋a pair of glove

12、s一副手套a pair of ear-rings 一对耳环couple : two things of the same kind 指同一类中的另一个,但并不意味着是同样的,且可分可合eg. I found a couple of socks in the room but they dont make a pair.我在房间里找到了两只袜子,但它们不成一双4.intend v. 打算,意图常见搭配:intend to do打算干某事intend doing打算干某事intend for打算给(某人)或作(某种用途)intend sb. to do 打算让某人做intend that 打算I

13、intend that he shall do it.我打算让他做这件事。What do you intend to do(或doing)?你打算怎么做?The book is intended for the beginners.这本书是为初学者编的。Do you intend to study abroad next year?你打算明年去国外学习吗?I intend you to take over.我打算让你来接管。I dont intend to listen to this rubbish any longer.我再也不想听这些无稽之谈了。5.suffer v.* 感到疼痛,遭受痛

14、苦,常与from搭配Do you suffer from headaches?你常头疼吗?Sometimes I suffer from toothaches.有时我遭受牙疼之苦。It is said that he suffers from high blood pressure.据说他患有高血压。The country has always suffered from floods and drought.这个国家经常遭受水旱灾害。*受到,遭受We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.我们在金融危机中损失惨重。She suffered

15、the loss of her students respect.她丧失了学生对她的尊敬。*忍受,忍耐 I cant suffer his rudeness.我不能容忍他的粗鲁无礼。How can you suffer such insolence?你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢?* suffering n. 痛苦,苦难The old man died without much suffering.那位老人死时没有多大痛苦。Please have pity for others sufferings.请同情他人之痛苦。高考题链接:_ such heavy pollution already, it m

16、ay now be too late to clean up the river.(NMET2001)A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered分析:根据already可知句意为:“河流已遭受如此严重的污染,现在要想清理也许太晚了”,所以此处应用suffer的现在分词的完成式。      答案:A6.certain/sure常用于以下搭配:Im certain/sure that我确信Its certain that(此句型中不能把certain换成sure)be uncertain

17、about/of 对不确信be certain/sure of/about对确信Be certain/sure to do sth(构成祈使句,表示“务必要做到”)Sb. be certain/sure to do sth(表示主语一定会做某事)make certain/sure of sth 把弄确实make certain/sure that 务必要,弄确实for certain/sure  无疑地,确定地It is certain that he is honest.他是个诚实的人是确定无疑的。I am uncertain about grammar and some idio

18、ms.我对语法及一些习语把握不大。Youd better make sure that his plane takes off at 8:00.你最好证实一下他的飞机确实是在8点起飞。Make sure that she has turned off the gas.确保她已关上煤气。Be sure to come to our party if you have time.如果有时间的话一定要来。I will go to the theatre and make certain of seats.我要到戏院去把我们的座位定好(以便有把握到开演时有座位)。Our football team i

19、s certain to win.我们的足球队一定会赢。I am sure of success.我确信自己能赢。I am certain that he saw me.我确信他看见了我。I dont yet know for certain.我知道得不确切。certain adj. 某个,某些What we are talking about is a certain person I met yesterday.我们在谈论的是我昨天遇到的某一个人。The club meets on certain days every month.俱乐部成员每月于某些确定的日期聚会。For certain

20、 reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.因为某些原因,我不能出席这次会议。A certain Mr. Brown telephoned you while you were out.你出去的时候,有个叫布朗的先生来过电话。7.knock sb./sth off*把某人/某物从撞下来A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle.一个小孩冲到了街上,把她从自行车上撞下来。* 减价,杀价It cost me 10 but Ill knock off 20 as its n

21、o longer new.那是我花10美元买的,因为已经旧了我减价20。The shop assistant knocked ten percent off the bill.店员将价格削减百分之十。*停止做某事(尤指工作)What time do you knock off(work)?你什么时候下班?*迅速完成He knocked off two chapters in an hour.他一小时就完成整整两章。*击倒,打倒The thief knocked him off his feet and ran away.小偷把他击倒在地就逃跑了。*其他knock 短语:knock sb/one

22、self out使某人/自己筋疲力尽knock sb. down 把某人撞到在地knock sth down 拆除某物knock into sb  撞在某人身上knock at/on (the door/the window)敲门或窗knock sb up(敲门、窗等)叫醒某人Shes knocking herself out with all that wok.她做的工作把她累得筋疲力尽。She was knocked down by a car.她被一辆车撞倒了。These old houses are going to be knocked down.这些旧房子将被拆除。Wou

23、ld you please knock me up at 7 oclock?请你7点钟敲门把我叫醒好吗?8.drive v.* 驾驶,开车送某人去He drives a taxi.他开计程车。I drive to work.我开车去上班。The man got into the car and drove off.那名男子钻进了汽车就开走了。Could you drive me to the station?你能开车送我去车站吗?* 驱赶(动物或人)They were determined to drive the enemy off.他们决心把敌人赶走。I was driven out of

24、 the club.我被驱逐出俱乐部。* (指风或水)卷、刮、冲The gale drove the ship out of its course.大风把船吹出了航道。The rain was driving in our faces.雨扑面而来。* 使或逼(某人)处于某种状态或做某事Hunger drove her to steal.饥饿逼得她行窃。The noise will drive me mad.这噪音会使我发疯的。* drive-in n. 免下车的影院、餐厅等(顾客可安坐汽车中得到娱乐、饮食服务等)driving-belt n. 传动皮带driving-licensen. 驾驶执

25、照driving-test n. 驾驶员为取得驾驶执照的考试* drive n. Lets go for a drive in the country.我们开车去郊外兜兜风吧。9.slience * n. 沉默,寂静短语搭配:in science 安静地,无声地,沉默地keep silence 保持沉默,不讲话put sb. to silence 驳斥某人,驳得某人哑口无言break silence打破沉默,开口讲话We can not pass over the matter in silence.我们对此事不能保持缄默。A series of ironclad facts put him

26、to silence.一系列铁的事实驳得他哑口无言。The whole ceremony took place in complete silence.举行仪式的全过程中寂静无声。He listened to me in silence.他静静地听我谈话。*v. 使(某人/某物)沉默,使安静They tried to silence the noisy crowd.他们设法使喧闹的人群静下来。The chairman silenced the meeting.主席让参加会议的人安静。*silent adj. 机警的,无声的;沉默的;(指字母)不发音的The b in doubt and the

27、 w in wrong are silent.doubt一词中的b字母和wrong一词中的w字母都是不发音的。She was silent for a moment, then began her answer.她沉默了一会,然后开始回答。10.condition n.*“状况,现状;健康状况” 不可数名词,但可和a连用,表示某一种状态 短语搭配:in good condition  处于好的状况in poor condition  处于坏的状况in excellent condition 处于极佳的状况The ship is in no condition to make

28、 a long voyage.此船的现状不适宜远航。He is in excellent condition for a man of his age.他就其年龄而言,身体极好。I have had no exercise for ages; Im really out of condition.我已多时没运动了,现在健康状况欠佳。His clothes were in a shabby condition.他的衣服很破旧。My car is old but in good condition.我的车很旧,但车况良好。*“环境,情况” 常用复数形式(conditions)He was brou

29、ght up in very difficult conditions.他是在很艰苦的环境中被抚育长大的。*“条件” 可数名词短语搭配:on condition (that) 在条件下,倘若on no condition 一点也不One of the conditions of the job is that you should be able to drive.做这项工作的条件之一是要会开车。You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.你要穿上外衣才可出去。You must on no condition tell him w

30、hat happened.你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。11.appreciate vt.* 欣赏,赏识You cant fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。I really appreciate a good cup of tea.有好茶一杯我就真乐在其中了。Youll appreciate that book about England after you have been there yourself.你亲自去过英国的话,你就会欣赏那本关于英国的书。* 体恤,体谅,体念You dont

31、seem to appreciate how busy I am.你似乎不能体会我多么忙。I appreciate your problem, but I dont think I can help.我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。*感激,感谢I appreciate your help.我感激你的帮忙。I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour.如果你能帮忙,我会非常感激的。*常用搭配:appreciate doing sth.Ill appreciate your calling back this afternoon.今天下午如果

32、你能回个电话,我将很感激。We shall appreciate hearing from you again.我们将乐于再收到你的信。We greatly appreciate your timely help.我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助。*appreciative adj. 感激的;有欣赏力的appreciation n. 欣赏高考题链接:I really appreciate _ to relax with you on this nice island.(2001上海高考)A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to

33、having time分析:本题考查appreciate的用法搭配。此处appreciate意为“欣赏”,其后不能接动词不定式作宾语,而只能用名词或动名词 答案:B12.date * n. 日期,(和异性的约会)Has the date of the meeting been fixed?开会的日期决定了吗?I have a date with my girlfriend tonight.我今晚和女朋友有个约会。短语搭配:out of date 不再流行的,过时的;过期的up to date 现代的,时髦的Will denim jeans ever go out of date?粗布牛仔裤会过

34、时吗?My passport is out of date.我的护照已过期了。She wears clothes that are right up to date.她穿着最时髦的衣服* v. 注明的日期;约会His last letter was dated 24May.他最后一封信的日期是5月24日。Theyve been dating for a long time.他们一直频频约会。I only dated her once.我和她只约会过一次。短语搭配:date back to /from 追溯到,始于This castle dates back to the 14th centur

35、y.这座城堡建于14世纪。The Great Wall dates from the third century BC.长城始建于公元前三世纪。考题链接:These old buildings possibly _ the Ming Period.A. are dated back to B. date from C. are dated from D. date back分析:date from和date back to 都无被动形式。答案:B13.offer(1offer to do 主动提出做-He offered to lend me his dictionary.他主动提出要把字典借

36、给我。She offered to get some tickets for the students.她主动提出要给那几个学生弄几张票。She offered to help me learn Russian.她提出帮我学俄语。Each of them offered to be a guide for the tourists.他们每个人都自愿给游客当向导。(2offer (sb. sth. 主动拿给The teacher offered me her raincoat.老师要把雨衣借给我。Many people willingly offered their blood.很多人自愿献血。

37、No food was offered at the party.聚会时没有食品。They offered us some money, which we refused politely.他们要给我们一些钱,我们婉言谢绝了。(3offer sth. 提出,表示,出价We all went to offer congratulations.我们都前去表示祝贺。Jeff offered a new suggestion.杰夫提出了一个新建议。The boss in that company came personally to offer us apologies.那个公司的老板亲自来向我们道歉

38、。They offered him 3,000 yuan to buy the laptop.他们出3,000元买他的笔记本电脑。(4n. Practice making offers and requests.练习提供请求和帮助。Thank you for your offer of help.你表示愿意帮忙,我十分感激。Thank you for your kind offer to lend me your car.你愿意借车子给我,十分感激。Ive had an offer of 10,000 yuan for my motorbike.有人出一万元买我的摩托车。高考链接:When _

39、 help, one often says “Thank you” or “Its kind of you”. (NMET2005福建A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered答案 D分析 offer的逻辑主语是one,构成被动关系,用过去分词作状语。14.way(1方式,方法,方向Can you tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand?通过他们坐立的方式,你能够判断他们今天的心情吗?Generally, newspapers follow the Am

40、erican way.一般说来,报纸遵循美国方式。Could you tell me the way to the station?你能指点我去车站的路吗?Is this the way you do it?这就是你做那件事的方式吗?Look this way, please.请向这边看。(2有关短语:in the way 挡路in a way 在某种程度上on the/ones way在路上out of the way 奇特,不寻常by the way顺便说by way of 由,经过lose ones way 迷路feel ones way 摸索前进make way for 为-让路pus

41、h ones way 挤着向前15.go ahead(1说吧,干吧,开始干At first, I didnt have enough courage to go ahead.开始我没有足够的勇气干这件事。-May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?-Yes, go ahead! 请说吧。They went ahead to rebuild their school after the earthquake.地震以后他们开始重建学校。If you think you can do the work, just go ahead.如果你认为你能做那工作,那就做吧。(

42、2继续前进Go straight ahead, then turn right at the second crossing.一直向前走,第二个十字路口右拐。You go ahead and I will come later.你先走,我随后就来。He went ahead of us to tell the good news to his parents.他走在我们前面去告诉他父母这个好消息。(3go ahead with sth.We are going ahead with the task given to us.我们正在做交给我们的工作。The teacher asked us t

43、o go ahead with our discussion.老师要我们继续讨论。Just go ahead with your work. Dont care what others think.继续你的工作,别管别人怎么想。16.vary (1vi. 变化,差异Opinions on the matter vary from person to person.对这件事的看法因人而异。The students work varies considerably in size.学生作业的质量参差不齐。-What time do you start to work?-It varies.-你什么

44、时间开始工作?-看情况而定。The prices vary from season to season.价格随季节变化而有所不同。His mood varied from day to day.他的情绪每天都有变化。(2vt. 使变化You can vary the speed at will.你可以随意变化速度。You should often vary your diet.你的饮食应该经常变换花样。(3 varied adj. 多样的They are rich in content and varied in style.他们内容丰富,风格多样。The explanations of th

45、is fact are varied.这一事实的说法多样。The workers enjoyed a full and varied cultural life.工人的文化生活丰富多彩。17.get through, go through(1都可表示“通过;用完”The man was so fat that he couldnt get/go through the door.那人胖得连那扇门都过不去。The plan will have to get/go through the leading group of the school.本学期计划得经校领导班子通过。I have got/g

46、one through three pairs of shoes in a month.我一个月穿坏了三双鞋。(2又各有其含义:go through 检查;看一遍;经历(痛苦,困难)get through 通过考试;接通电话I got through everything except English.除英语外我别的都及格了。I cant get through to Beijing. The line is busy.我打不通北京的电话,占线。I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.我将作业检查

47、了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。Go through the text from the beginning.把课文从头看一遍。She must have gone through a lot.她一定吃了不少苦。高考链接:I couldnt _. The line was busy. (NMET2005浙江A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through答案 D分析 get through这里表示接通电话。18.attract(1 vt. 吸引,引诱,引起The concert attracted a great number of people.音乐

48、会吸引了许多人。What do you think attracts people to big cities?你认为吸引人们到大城市的原因是什么?Magnets attract iron.磁石吸铁。Something in the dark attracting my attention was a cat.黑暗中吸引我注意力的是只猫。(2 attraction n. 可数名词表示“诱人之处;吸引人的地方(东西)”;不可数名词表示“魅力”。To be honest, I cant tell what the attraction of this building is.老实说,我说不出这座建

49、筑物有何诱人之处。There are a lot of scenic attractions of China on the banks of Yangze River.长江两岸有许多中国的风景名胜。She still has attraction, wearing a not-so-fashion dress.尽管穿着不太时髦的衣服,她依然富有魅力。高考链接:The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _ new customers to its stores. (NMET2005上海A. join B. attract C.

50、stick D. transfer答案 B 分析 这里表示“吸引新的顾客”,用attract。19.risk (1 risk + n./pron./doingYou should not risk your health for the job.为那份工作你不值得用健康冒险。Its not so necessary to risk injury.没必要冒受伤的风险。Are you willing to risk being punished for such a trifle?你甘愿为一件小事冒受惩罚的危险吗?(2 n. take/run the risk (of doing Sometime

51、s we have to run/take the risk of losing at the moment so as to gain finally.有时为了有所得,我们必须冒暂时有所失的风险。The damage of his house by fire has to be at his own risk as it was caused by his smoking.由于他本人吸烟导致房屋被烧,损失只能由他自己负责。高考链接:He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _ the good opport

52、unity.(NMET2005 上海A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost答案 B分析 risk doing, 这里主语he和lose是主动关系。同步练习:一、 单词拼写1.How well your plants will grow depends on the quality and c_ of the soil.2.Such a thin coat gives little p_ against the cold.3.These plants produce a number of thin r_.4.Scientists have made many important d_ in recent years.5.He is very _(幽默)


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