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1、深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院Warming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Project7Vocabulary and Structure8Self-evaluation9Grammar10Warming-upTask 1Task 2Warming-upMorgan, a designer, is involved in the following activities to finalize a rendering. Match each situation with its corresponding picture

2、and explain to your partner.Task 1Warming-upCDABWarming-upComplete the sentences with the terms given below.Task 21. _is the continuation and improvement of a design solution.2. _, or design-for-manufacture, is the stage at which the necessary engineering is done for the designed product.3. A _is a

3、2D visual illustration of a product.4. _is used to develop photorealistic renderings.5. _is the process of producing an image based on 3D data stored within a computer.Design DevelopmentDetail designproduct rendering3D renderingComputer-aided designReading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Background Inf

4、ormation1. Usage of renderingWhen the pre-image (a wireframe sketch usually) is complete, rendering is used, which adds in bitmap textures or procedural textures, lights, bump mapping, and relative position to other objects. The result is a completed image the consumer or intended viewer sees. For m

5、ovie animations, several images (frames) must be rendered, and stitched together in a program capable of making an animation of this sort. Most 3D image editing programs can do this.2. Raster graphicsIn computer graphics, a raster graphics image or bitmap is a data structure representing a generally

6、 rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, viewable via a monitor, paper, or other display medium. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats.3. PixelAs the short form for Picture Element, a pixel is a single point in a graphic image. In digital imaging, a pixel is the smalle

7、st item of information in an image. Pixels are normally arranged in a 2-dimensional grid, and are often represented using dots, squares or rectangles. Each pixel is a sample of an original image, where more samples typically provide more accurate representations of the original. The intensity of eac

8、h pixel is variable; in color systems, each pixel has typically three or fourcomponents such as red, green and blue, or cyan, magenta, yellow and black.Reading ATask 1Imagine you are a car designer. Which of the following pictures would you show to your client to sell your design? What method can yo

9、u use to create the picture on the right?Rendering Rendering is the process of generating an image from a model by means of computer programs. In this case, the model is a description of three-dimensional objects in a strictly defined language or data structure. It contains geometry, viewpoint, text

10、ure, lighting, and shading information. The image is a digital image or raster graphics image. Because the image is analogous to an “artists rendering” of a scene, the term “rendering” is also used to describe the process of calculating effects in a video editing file to produce final video output.R

11、eading A Rendering is one of the major sub-topics of 3D computer graphics, and in practice is always connected to the others. In the graphics pipeline, it is the last major step, giving the final appearance to the models and animation. With the increasing sophistication of computer graphics from the

12、 1970s onward, it has become a more distinct subject. Today, many image-based modeling and rendering techniques are used to provide photo-realistic images in architecture, video games, simulators, movie and TV special effects, and in design visualization.Reading A A wide variety of renderers are ava

13、ilable now. The renderer is a computer program using one or a range of the different rendering features and techniques currently available. Some renderers are integrated into larger modeling and animation packages, some are stand-alone, and some are free open-source projects. Each uses a selective m

14、ixture of discipline related to light physics, visual perception, mathematics, and software development.Reading A In the case of 3D graphics, rendering may be done slowly, as in pre-rendering or in real time. Pre-rendering is a computationally intensive process that is typically used for movie creat

15、ion, while real-time rendering is often done for 3D video games which rely on the use of graphics cards with 3D hardware accelerators. Rendering sometimes takes a long time, even on very fast computers. This is because the software is essentially “photographing” each pixel of the image, and the calc

16、ulation of the color of just one pixel can involve a great deal of calculation, tracing rays of light as they would bounce around the 3D scene. Reading A 效果图绘制是通过电脑程序将模型生成图像的过程。此效果图绘制是通过电脑程序将模型生成图像的过程。此处模型是指依照严格定义的语言或者数据结构对于三维物体处模型是指依照严格定义的语言或者数据结构对于三维物体的描述,包括几何、角度、纹理、阴暗分布及阴影信息;图的描述,包括几何、角度、纹理、阴暗分布及

17、阴影信息;图像有数字图像或位图图像之分。鉴于效果图类似于艺术家对像有数字图像或位图图像之分。鉴于效果图类似于艺术家对景色的渲染,该术语也会用于描述计算视频编辑文件中累加景色的渲染,该术语也会用于描述计算视频编辑文件中累加效果以生成最终视频输出的过程。效果以生成最终视频输出的过程。效效 果果 图图 效果图是计算机三维制图法中最重要的研究子课效果图是计算机三维制图法中最重要的研究子课题之一,在实践中往往与其他子课题密切相关。在制题之一,在实践中往往与其他子课题密切相关。在制图过程中,效果图是最后的重要一步,因为它将模型图过程中,效果图是最后的重要一步,因为它将模型或动画的最终效果显示出来。自或动画

18、的最终效果显示出来。自20 20 世纪世纪70 70 年代起,年代起,计算机制图法日趋复杂,效果图制作已成为一门更加计算机制图法日趋复杂,效果图制作已成为一门更加独特的学科。如今,许多基于图像的建模及效果图制独特的学科。如今,许多基于图像的建模及效果图制作技术已广泛运用于建筑、视频游戏、模拟装置、影作技术已广泛运用于建筑、视频游戏、模拟装置、影视特效及设计可视化等领域,以绘制具有照片般真实视特效及设计可视化等领域,以绘制具有照片般真实感的图像。感的图像。 现有的效果图绘制软件种类繁多。它是一种利用现有的效果图绘制软件种类繁多。它是一种利用现有的一种或一系列不同的效果图会制特色和技术的现有的一种

19、或一系列不同的效果图会制特色和技术的计算机程序。有些效果图绘制软件集成于更大的建模计算机程序。有些效果图绘制软件集成于更大的建模和动画软件包里,有些是独立产品,还有一些是免费和动画软件包里,有些是独立产品,还有一些是免费的开放源代码程序。每种软件都选择性地给合了光学、的开放源代码程序。每种软件都选择性地给合了光学、视觉感知、数学以及软件开发等学科。视觉感知、数学以及软件开发等学科。 就三维制图而言,制作预渲染或实时效果图速度都就三维制图而言,制作预渲染或实时效果图速度都很慢。预渲染技术是一种密集使用计算机的进程,主要很慢。预渲染技术是一种密集使用计算机的进程,主要用于电影制作;实时效果图常用于

20、三维视频游戏,这种用于电影制作;实时效果图常用于三维视频游戏,这种游戏主要依赖于带有三维硬件加速器的图形卡。即使在游戏主要依赖于带有三维硬件加速器的图形卡。即使在运行速度很快的电脑上制作效果图,有时也需要花费很运行速度很快的电脑上制作效果图,有时也需要花费很长的时间,这是因为软件从本质上说是在长的时间,这是因为软件从本质上说是在“拍摄拍摄”图像图像的每个像素,而单是每个像素的颜色就需要大量的运算,的每个像素,而单是每个像素的颜色就需要大量的运算,因为它们取决于在三维场景里不断反射的光线。因为它们取决于在三维场景里不断反射的光线。calculatee.g. 1. The students wer

21、e asked to calculate the velocity of light. 要求学生计算出光的速度。 2. Let me calculate the cost of the journey. 让我计算一下旅途的用费。 v. 计算,推算,估计Reading Aonwarde.g. 1. The ship sailed onward. 船向前航行。 2. From July onward I did not accept any invitations. 自七月起,在战争期间,我不接受任何邀宴。 adv. 向前地,前进地Reading Adistincte.g. 1. The twin

22、s had distinct tastes. 这两个双胞胎嗜好不同。 2. He has a distinct gift for drawing. 他有很明显的绘画天赋。 adj. 清楚的,清晰的,明显的Reading Aselectivee.g. 1. Is French required or selective ? 法语是必修课还是选修课? 2. Im very selective about the people I associate with. 我与他人来往极慎重,不滥交。adj. 选择的,选择性的Reading Avisuale.g. 1. Her designs have a

23、strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。 2. The hotel offers audio-visual equipment for hire. 该饭店经营对外出租视听设备的业务。 adj. 视觉的,用于视觉的Reading Aintensivee.g. 1. They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; its quite an intensive few days! 他们用一周时间教速成英语课程,那几天可真紧张! 2. Intensive care in hospita

24、ls is given to the seriously ill. 在医院里危重病人得到悉心护理/加强护理。 adj. 集中的,密集的Reading Arely one.g. 1. You cant rely on him for assistance. 你不能依靠他的帮助。 2. Now (that) you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。 v. 依靠,依赖Reading Abouncee.g. 1. Dont bounce on the bed youll break the spr

25、ings! 别在床上乱蹦你要把弹簧弄断了! 2. I thought once I got a job things would bounce back. 我原以为我一旦获得工作,情况就会恢复原样。 v. 弹回,弹跳Reading AReading AFind supporting details from the passage for the following ideas about rendering.Task 2IdeasDetailsDefinitionHistory & DevelopmentFields of ApplicationRenders availableTi

26、me neededRendering is the process of generating an image from a model by means of computer programs.Since the 1970s, it has become a more distinct subject. Today, many image based modeling and rendering techniques have been successfully used to render photorealistic images.It has uses in architectur

27、e, video games, simulators, movie and TV special effects, and design visualization.Some are integrated into larger modeling and animation packages, some are stand-alone, and some are free open-source projects.It is done slowly and takes a long time.Reading ADecide whether the following statements ar

28、e true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.Task 31. Rendering creates digital images of a design concept.2. Only recently could photorealistic images be produced.3. Rendering is applicable to many different fields.4. Renderers can be obtained from different sources.5. Rendering is usually done

29、 quickly on a fast computer.TFTTFReading ATask 4The following are some computer technology terms used in design. Write the term in full and explain how it supports product design.Computer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided Industrial DesignComputer-Aided ManufacturingComputer-Aided EngineeringTask 2Task 3Ta

30、sk 4Task 5Task 1ListeningTask 1 Listen to the conversation between Morgan and his manager and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Manager: Come in, Morgan. _, please!Morgan: Thank you! Here is the rendering I did for our sofa project. I hope _our clients requirements.Manager: Good! It has been rea

31、lly _for you to finish this design in such a short period of time. Im sure our clients will find it acceptable.Morgan: Thanks for your kindness.Manager: Are you ready for tomorrows meeting? What will you include in your presentation?Take a seatit will meettoughListeningMorgan: Please dont worry; eve

32、rythings ready. Ill give a detailed explanation of all the features of the sofa, including its look, style, _.Manager: Thats great! Whats your key point, then?Morgan: Ill _ its multi- functions with the three different settings. This is highlighted in my rendering.Manager: Good! Do a good job tomorr

33、ow.Morgan: Thank you! Ill do my best.function and valuelay special stress onListening Manager: Come in, Morgan. Take a seat, please!Morgan: Thank you! Here is the rendering I did for our sofa project. I hope it will meet our clients requirements.Manager: Good! It has been really tough for you to fin

34、ish this design in such a short period of time. Im sure our clients will find it acceptable.Morgan: Thanks for your kindness.Manager: Are you ready for tomorrows meeting? What will you include in your presentation?Morgan: Please dont worry; everythings ready.ListeningTask 2 Listen to the presentatio

35、n made by Morgan and number the following pictures according to what you hear.42&32&31Listening Good morning, everybody! Im honored to behere to present renderings of the sofa you asked usto design. First, let me explain the kind of featureswe have included in the renderings. Based on our di

36、scussions and your suggestionsregarding our latest sketch we prepared theserenderings. To begin, here is a full frontal view ofour sofa design. Youll remember, we want a fresh,urban and contemporary look. Now, please lookat picture No. 1. This is the three-seat sofa with asimple outline, and an eleg

37、ant style that enhancesthe sense of simplicity. From pictures No. 2, andListeningTask 3 Listen to the conversation between Morgan and his client Sara. Pay attention to what Sara thinks of the renderings and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).FFTTTListening Sara: We are

38、 very excited about your work. This design is very creative and quite modern. Thank you very much for your effort.Morgan: Youre welcome. Your satisfaction is always our ultimate goal. What do you think of the shape?Sara: We like the simple outline and elegant shape very much. It looks fresh and plea

39、sing.Morgan: Thank you! And what do you think of the functions?Sara: We are particularly impressed by its multi-functions. Youve made two pieces of ListeningTask 4 The conversation is continuing. Listen carefully and help Morgan finish his notes about Saras feedback on his renderings.Listeningcolorm

40、aterialcolormaterialwoodListening Morgan: So, what aspects arent you happy with?Sara: First, we would like you to reconsider your choice of colors. Black is popular, but it can be rather dull and can give a serious tone to sitting rooms. Perhaps, it is more appropriate for the office.Morgan: What sp

41、ecific color would you suggest?Sara: Our customers usually choose warm, comfortable colors for the home. So we suggest you change the fabric color to shades of yellow, orange, red or brown.Morgan: OK, no problem. What else are you not soListeningTask 5 Morgan and Sara meet again for final design. Li

42、sten to the conversation and answer the following questions.1. What does Sara find amazing?_2. What color is used in the final design?_3. What is the sofa frame made of in the final design?_4. What is Morgan proud of in his final design?_5. Is Sara happy with the final design?_That Morgan is so effi

43、cient.Rose pink.Wood.The mattress.Yes, she is.Listening Morgan: Hello Sara. Its nice to see you again.Sara: Nice to see you, too, Morgan. You are so efficient. Its amazing!Morgan: Thank you. I really hope youll be pleasantly surprised. Look, heres the final design! Actually, I should say I hope its

44、the final design.Sara: Wow, rose pink, terrific! This color is really what our customers want. I am sure it will be extremely popular.Morgan: Good. Now look at the sofa cover. Its made of a synthetic material whichTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 1SpeakingTask 1 Work in groups. Practice presenting renderings

45、of a product you have designed with the help of the example given below. Refer to the expressions underlined if necessary.SpeakingTask 2 Work in groups. Practice explaining the features you have included in your renderings of a certain product with the help of the tips given below.SpeakingTask 3 Wor

46、k in pairs. Practice giving feedback by making suggestions or raising objections.SpeakingTask 4 Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between a designer and his/her client about the final version of the renderings they are working on. The following instructions are provided for your reference.Task

47、 1Task 2TextReading BTask 3 Reading BReading BMultipurpose Containers This series of multipurpose containers is made up of wooden elements with internal fittings mounted on runners and made of different materials (glass, wood, etc.). The containers, which also are fitted with a lighting system, can

48、be connected with a hinge and closed like a trunk for easy transport and dispatch. On opening, hinged screens create separate and private zones in the container. The “Study Container” is a section that serves as a writing surface with “secretaire” fittings. This is hinged to a bookcase element with

49、a chest of drawers. Reading BThe “Personal Container” holds a record player, record rack, radio, small bookcase, magazine rack, complete bar, ashtray, and various drawers. In the “For Woman” and “For Man” containers, the arrangement of spaces for clothes and drawers takes account of specific male an

50、d female fashion requirements. For example, in the “For Woman” container, the dressing table is set lower down, for a seated person.Reading BIn the “For Man” container, the dressing table is set higher up (in the lid). Both versions have adjustable lighting units, sockets for electric razors and cos

51、metic appliances, mirrors of adjustable height, as well as space for personal possessions. The series also includes a containerbookcase in which the books are set parallel rather than perpendicular to the surface of the container.Reading B 本系列多功能柜是实木结构,安装在滑轨上的本系列多功能柜是实木结构,安装在滑轨上的内部构件则是由不同材料做成(玻璃、木材等

52、等)。内部构件则是由不同材料做成(玻璃、木材等等)。柜子内部装有照明系统,柜体由合叶链接,关闭起柜子内部装有照明系统,柜体由合叶链接,关闭起来像一个大箱子,便于搬运;打开则变成一个由合来像一个大箱子,便于搬运;打开则变成一个由合叶链接的屏风,可在柜子内形成一个独立的私密空叶链接的屏风,可在柜子内形成一个独立的私密空间。间。“学习柜学习柜”由由“写字台写字台”构件组成,可用作写字构件组成,可用作写字的台面,它还由合叶与带抽屉的书架链结。的台面,它还由合叶与带抽屉的书架链结。男男/ / 女用多功能柜女用多功能柜Reading B“私人物品柜私人物品柜”可存放录音机、收音机,带有磁带架、可存放录音机

53、、收音机,带有磁带架、小书箱、杂志架、小吧台、烟灰缸及各式抽屉。小书箱、杂志架、小吧台、烟灰缸及各式抽屉。 “ “女用柜女用柜”和和“男用柜男用柜”对衣服和抽屉的空间设对衣服和抽屉的空间设计均考虑了男女不同的时尚需求。例如,计均考虑了男女不同的时尚需求。例如,“女用柜女用柜”的着装台就设置得较低,供人坐着使用。的着装台就设置得较低,供人坐着使用。Reading B“男用柜男用柜”的着装台则设置得较高(在盖板上)。两的着装台则设置得较高(在盖板上)。两者内部均有存放私人物品的空间、可调节的照明装置、者内部均有存放私人物品的空间、可调节的照明装置、剃须刀及化妆用具插座和可调节高度的镜子。该系列剃须

54、刀及化妆用具插座和可调节高度的镜子。该系列柜还包括一个箱式书架,可将书本平放而不是立放在柜还包括一个箱式书架,可将书本平放而不是立放在书架上。书架上。Reading BRead the above passage and complete the following table.Task 1 Be a section that serves as a writing s u r f a c e w i t h “secretaire” fittings, h i n g e d t o a bookcase element with a chest of drawers.Hold a reco

55、rd player, record rack, radio, small bookcase, magazine rack, complete bar, ashtray, and various drawers. The dressing table is set lower down for a seated person in the version “For Woman” and higher up in the version “For Man”. Both have adjustable lighting units, sockets for electric razors and c

56、osmetic appliances, mirrors of adjustable height, as well as space for personal possessions. Include a container-bookcase in which the books are set parallel rather than perpendicular to the surface. This series of multipurpose containers is made up of wooden elements with internal fittings mounted

57、on runners and made of different materials (glass, wood, etc.). The containers, which also are fitted with a lighting system, can be connected with a hinge and closed like a trunk for easy transport and dispatch. On opening, hinged screens create separate and private zones in the container.Reading B

58、Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings.Task 2 Reading BTranslate the following passage into Chinese.Task 3 In product design, it is important to create visual representations so as to explore design ideas through modeling. Product rendering provides “photorealistic” impressions of pro

59、ducts without the need to physically build components. The process of visual rendering can save significant amounts of money when proving a design, especially when it comes to market investigation, advertising and concept evaluation.在产品设计中,创建视觉在产品设计中,创建视觉直观效果图非常重要,这直观效果图非常重要,这样可以通过建模来探讨设样可以通过建模来探讨设计

60、创意。效果图可以展示计创意。效果图可以展示出极富出极富“真实感真实感”的产品,的产品,而无需用实物组建起来。而无需用实物组建起来。创建视觉效果图用于设计创建视觉效果图用于设计论证可以节省大量金钱;论证可以节省大量金钱;用于市场调查、广告宣传用于市场调查、广告宣传和创意评估时尤其如此。和创意评估时尤其如此。Task 2Task 1WritingWritingTask 1 Suppose you are David Miller, the designer of the containers mentioned in Reading B, and you are working for Rain Design Inc.


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