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1、Narrator:Long time age, there was a war in China. 旁白:很久以前,在中国有一个战争第一幕:德首与土酋交战德首:Get out.  The land doesn't belong to you. 德首:出去。土地不属于你。土酋:Your land?Fuck !We just get our land Back。土酋:你的土地?混蛋,我们只是把我们的土地要回来。 德首:Go to hell, you barbarians. 去地狱吧,野蛮人。土酋:Attack! 攻击吧!德首:Fire!  Kill them all.

2、开火吧!把他们都杀了。德首:Just wait and see.My son, Li Shang, will revenge himself on you. 德首: I was shot,and soon going to die.Just wait and see,My son, Li Shang, will revenge himself on you. I am dying.啊,我中箭了,我快挂了!等着瞧。我的儿子,李尚会为我报仇的!我真的挂了!啊!李尚(李尚在家):Ah,Heart aches,whats up?maybe there's some

3、thing wrong with my dad,would he die?Oh,dad,dad,I will revenge for you啊,心好痛,怎么会这样,难道,莫非,父亲大人他。他挂了!呜呜,父亲!我会为你报仇的!第二幕:招募士兵李尚:Your majesty, we are losing our land.how shameful!if you believe in me,i will do my best to take our land back 陛下我们失去了土地,这是多么耻辱啊!如果您相信我,我会拼尽全力去抢回我们的土地的陛下:OK.Even if the odds are

4、 against us, we must keep going on.Now, what we can do is drafting(征兵).  好。尽管形势对我们不利。我们也要坚持走下去。现在,我们我们能做的是征兵!李尚:Don't worry,Your majesty,i will take my father's job and retake our land. 放心吧,陛下交给微臣去办。我会接替父亲的责任夺回我们的土地的。木兰:(作无比纠结,虔诚状)god,please tell me,what can i do to face the draft?dad i

5、s dying.My brother is too young.神啊,请告诉我,面对这种暴力征兵的方式,我能做什么?父亲正在一天天老去而我的弟弟又是那么的年轻。旁白:What can she do? 她能做什么?Mulan:What can I do? 我能做什么?旁白:You can go to the army instead of your father.   你可以去军队,而不是你的父亲。Mulan:But I'm a girl.  但是我是一个女孩。Voice:Why not?you can dress up as o man.You know

6、that you look like a man. 为什么不呢?你可以假扮男人。你知道你看起来像一个男人。Mulan:Right!Good idea!I can dress up as o man .Wait,what,fuck you! 好,好主意,我可以女扮男装,等等,神马,混蛋第三幕:军旅生活Narrator:Mulan began her life in the army. 旁白:木兰开始她在军队的生活。领队士兵:Attention!This is our general, Li Shang. 大家注意,这是我们的长官,李尚Li Shang:I just want

7、you to follow three "A" s.Tell them what three "A"s.  我仅是想要你们遵守三个“A”。告诉他们哪三“A”领队士兵:The three "A"s are "Apple, airplane, adult video."  三个A是苹果、飞机、成人视频Li Shang:The three "A"s are "Action, ability,and agility”understand? 三个A是“行动、能力、和敏捷性”明

8、白吗?众士兵:Yes! 是Li Shang:Good!.Dismissed.  好,解散士兵领队:Soldiers, follow me!  士兵们,跟我走众士兵:嘿咻. Mulan:Ouch! 啊士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short time? 你就跑了一小段时间就上气不接下气了吗?士兵:You are a sissy boy.- 你是一个娘娘腔士兵:Look!He is so thin and so weak.How can our country depend on him? 看,他是那样的瘦弱。我

9、们的国家怎样能依靠他?众士兵:Ha, ha, ha! 哈哈哈Li Shang:Hey, man!There is no time for you to chat!Are you O.K.?嘿,年轻人。你们没时间讨论。你还好吧?Mulan:I'm all right. 我没事Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree. 去看一下医生然后去树下休息一下吧Mulan:He is really a good guy.I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough

10、 to marry him. 他是一个好人。我在想那个幸运的女孩可以与他结婚领队士兵:Hey!Soldiers.It's time for dinner. Oh.food!Food!-Hey, here is nothing for you.Get away! 嗨士兵们,吃饭时间到了 哦,食物食物,嘿,没你的吃的,一边呆着去Li Shang:唉.i am sorry about that .This is for you. 唉,我很抱歉,这个给你Mulan:Thank you. Sir! He is really a good man.  In order not to di

11、sappoint him, I'll do my best to become stronger. 谢谢长官。他真是一个好人。为了不让他失望,我会尽全力是自己变强第四幕:战争Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weakness.So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself.She lifted weights and did push-ups.After a few months of hard training.旁白

12、:在被大家耻笑羞辱之后,木兰对为自己的弱小而羞耻。所以,她尽全力是自己变强,她举重和做俯卧撑。经过几个月的艰苦训练木兰:(做强壮状,展示肌肉)wow,muscles,ha ha ha 哇,总算练出肌肉了。旁白:barbarians is coming,fighting, fighting. 嗷呜敌人来了,快上阵杀敌啦Li Shang:Do you still remember General Lee?You killed him ruthlessly.I'm his son, Li Shang. 你还记得李将军吗?你残忍地是害了他,我是他的儿子李尚土酋:I've killed

13、too many people.It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.我已经杀了很多人了,不介意再多杀一个,所以,你们父子很快会在黄泉相见Li Shang:Ha!You talk too much, you ugly barbarian.Now it is my chance to take revenge on you. 哈,你话太多了,你这个丑陋的野蛮人,我复仇的机会来了土酋:You?Ha, ha, ha.impossible!  你?哈

14、哈,不可能Li Shang:Watch out, I'll kill you all. 小心为妙,我会杀了你们土酋:Oh yeah?You're still wet behind the ears.How can you beat us and kill us all?You are dreaming.哦?你还乳臭未干。你怎样打败我们并杀了我们所有人。你在做梦吧Li Shang:Just wait and see if I can't.Soldiers, fire! 你就等看我是否做得到,小的们,开火土酋:My brave soldiers, go!Ha, ha, ha

15、.Now you are under my control.Surrender? 我勇敢的士兵们,上,哈哈。现在你们在我的控制下,投降吧?Li Shang:Just kill me.I'd rather die that surrender. 哼,我宁死不降Mulan:Lee general,they are so powerful that you'd better leave here quickly,you(对士兵),take care of his safety i cover for you. 将军,他们太强大了,你快走吧,士兵!请保护好将军的安全,我掩护你李尚:ho

16、w can i leave behind you?i can't。唔。 我怎么能丢下你们呢,我不能。唔。(木兰突然吻了李尚,李尚傻眼了,木兰趁机打晕他)木兰:(对士兵)please take good care of lee general(对李尚)i love you,you must be better 请保护好将军。(对李尚)我爱你,你要好好的!土酋:Catch him!quick catch him 抓住他,快点抓住他!木兰:No way!you gonna have to go through me 先过我这关再说!旁白:They fight for three hundre

17、d round 木兰一夫当关万夫莫开,众人大战了三百回合土酋:its impossible, actually I was defeated by you 这,这怎么可能,我竟然被你打败了!(张杰的“爱”响起这就是爱)旁白:Oh my god,guys this is the power of love 偶买噶的,各位看官,这就是爱情的力量啊第五幕:表白Mulan:Li, I'm sorry. 李,我很抱歉Li Shang:Why did you kiss me?Are you a gay? 你能先解释下,你为神马吻我?你是同性恋Mulan:No.In fact, I am a wom

18、an. 事实上,我是女的。李尚: What,pardon youre a woman According to the law, a woman can't be a soldier.you have done a huge fault.什么,你再说一遍,你是女人!你知不知道根据法律,女人不能从军,你犯了极大的罪!Mulan:I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision. 我知道我犯了错,但是我上有老父下有小弟。我不得不来参军。Li Shang:Hum.I'll try to save you. 嗯,我会帮你的Mulan:And,I,I,I found that i love you. 而且,我,我。我发现我爱上了你。李尚:You love you?呜呜,I love you too.when i first meet you ,I was fa


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