1、羊羊与灰太狼学生英语小品剧本,片名:一把“枪”.剧情:喜羊羊一伙儿在一起玩,灰太狼突然袭击,进行抓捕,把美羊羊、懒羊羊抓走了。慢羊羊糊涂地给了喜羊羊一把假枪,喜羊羊与暖羊羊去狼堡解救美羊羊、懒羊羊。它们被喜羊羊与沸羊羊和暖羊羊用一只假枪解救,回到羊村后才发现这是假枪。最后以红太狼灰太狼被定住结束。道具:两把玩具枪。人数:五名男生,三名女生(其中一名稍胖)出场人物:喜羊羊Pleasant Goat 美羊羊Pretty Goat 懒羊羊Lazy Goat 沸羊羊 Force Goat暖羊羊Warm Goat 慢羊羊 Slowly Goat(Village Head) 灰太狼 Big Big Wol
2、f 红太狼 Red Big Wolf情节对话:(喜羊羊、美羊羊、沸羊羊、懒羊羊、慢羊羊还有暖羊羊在一起;灰太狼和红太狼在旁边隐蔽)喜:What can we play today? 美:We have nothing to play.Its dull! 懒:I have a good idea. (睡意朦胧)喜、沸:What idea do you have? (好奇)懒:Lets sleep! (自信满满)暖、慢:Oh,no!You are very lazy!(无奈指责)灰:Ha!Dear goats,Im coming!(灰太狼小声大声,出现在羊面前)美:Ah!Look,Bi
3、g-big-wolf!Run away! (惊恐了一大跳)(羊们开始逃跑,灰太狼追着美羊羊)灰:Ha-ha!Im sure that its a good and delicious goat! (灰太狼紧追美羊羊)美:Pleasant-goat!Please help me!Help,help,help! (神情紧张)灰:Its too late!My favourite goat.(十分贪婪,并抓住了美羊羊)喜:Pretty-goat,I have nothing to do.But Ill save you!(灰太狼抓住了美羊羊后,又开始抓其它羊)懒:Dont touch me!Help
4、 me!(也神情紧张)灰:Ha!Little fat goat.Im hungry now. My wife is waiting for me.Haha! (灰太狼又抓住了懒羊羊,于是逮着懒羊羊,美羊羊走向狼堡,最后进入了狼堡)-地点转换(在狼堡)-红:Wa!Big big wolf!You are very good! Oh,two goats! (激动)灰:Wife.Im going to cook them soon!Today well have a super dinner,Im looking forward to eating goats the first(灰太狼和红太狼准备
5、煮羊)-地点转换(在青青草原)-慢:What to do?Pleasant-goat,find a way quickly,be quick! (着急)沸:Pleasant goat!Find a way!喜:Theres only one key.Lets goto wolfs houseand save them!暖:What? I am very worried about that!Its too dangerous ! (表现出害怕的样子)慢:Ng.This is only one key.Im wating for you.You must save Pretty-goat and
6、 Lazy goat .And this is a special gun.Big-big-wolf wont move for an hour.Give you,Pleasant goat. (慢羊羊拿出一把枪,深沉地给了喜羊羊)喜:Thats great!Lets go.Warm goat and Force goat! (握住拳头)暖,沸:Ok,lets go to wolfs house! ( 气势磅礴) (喜羊羊它们向狼堡走去;灰太狼与红太狼正得意洋洋)-地点转换(在狼堡)- 红:Two Little goats.You will finish!Ill eat you! (贪婪野蛮)
7、美:Oh,no.I believe Pleasant goat can save me! Yes?Lazy goat?What are you doing?(无助) 懒:Let me sleep,xu.(乐观派)美:Ah!Dont sleep!I am very afraid ! If you dont sleep,I will give you candy! 懒:Really?I love candy !(懒羊羊突然醒了,美羊羊点点头)(喜羊羊,沸羊羊,暖羊羊到达,并使劲敲门)灰:Who?Oh, wife.Maybe are the other goats!Let me catch them
8、. (喜羊羊拿住枪,准备瞄准;灰太狼打开门)灰:Oh,its pleasant goat!Ill get you for my dinner!喜:Big-big-wolf.Goodbye!(Bang!)(开枪)(灰太狼突然动不了了)暖:Wa!Pleasant goat,you are very great!(赞美)灰:Pleasant-goat!What do you do? Why cant I move?!(喜羊羊笑了笑,把枪给了沸羊羊)喜:Force goat,give you gun.Let me save them. 沸:Ok!.Ng.Red big wolf!you will fi
9、nish! (喜羊羊救了美羊羊,懒羊羊,沸羊羊把枪对准红太狼)红:What are you going to do?little fat goats? (害怕)沸:Goodbye,Red big wolf!(bang!) (沸羊羊向红太狼开枪;红太狼动不了了) 美,懒:Thank you,Pleasant-goat!(感激不尽)暖:Lazy goat, pretty goat,Run away quickly! (美羊羊,懒羊羊逃了出来)红:Big-big-wolf,I hate you!Ah! (红太狼挣扎)美:Mr. Big-big-wolf and Red big wolf,goodby
10、e! (亲切)懒:Pretty-goat,wheres my candy? (天真好奇)美:Oh!Lovely lazy goat,I have no candy.Sorry?Dont blame me! (违约)懒:What?My candy!My God!.Ai,Let me sleep,xu.(无奈的)暖:Dont sleep!Lazy goat!We will go to our house! (命令)(懒羊羊随即被叫醒,并打了个哈欠,之后羊群到达羊村)慢:Pleasant goat, youre very good! Give me special gun.(迎接)沸:Here yo
11、u are.Village Head.慢:Ah,thats not true the special gun.This is true!(激动地拿出真枪)暖:Ah?If this(疑惑无比)慢:If this false gun,Big big wolf cant move for ten days!(大声)懒:Ha ha.NgAnd do we win?喜,沸,暖,美:Yes!We win! (羊们笑着说)-地点转换(在狼堡)-红:Big-big-wolf,Where are our goats?Where?you, you,I hate you!Ah!You are foolish! (动
12、不了了)灰:WuAwful pleasant-goat,I must eat you the first!And Im sure come back soon(哭着说)友情提示:请参考以下人物特征表演喜羊羊机智、勇敢、乐观,永远带着微笑,也是族群里跑得最快的羊,每次都识破灰太狼的阴谋诡计、拯救了羊羊族群的生命,是羊氏部落的小英雄美羊羊爱美、爱打扮、心灵手巧,能用任何东西编织出能用来打扮的饰物。还是营养学家、美容师、模特儿、服装师.一切与“美”有关的,她都非常精通。在羊村里最受羊仔们欢迎,是大家跟风学习模仿的对象。懒羊羊青青草原上最聪明的一只小肥羊,因为比别人聪明,干活、读书都比别的羊快,所以有
14、狼。可是她力大无穷,难以控制,往往只是轻轻拍拍肩膀,便可将对方拍扁。越想表示友好,越容易伤害旁人-令她十分苦恼。灰太狼灰太狼是雄性大灰狼,住在草原边上的树林,是一个奸诈但又愚蠢的笨坏蛋,平时在家爱钻研办法,练习偷鸡摸狗的技巧,一有机会就去骚扰羊部落,永远想偷羊吃,永远被喜羊羊识破打败,怕老婆,经常是老婆出口,他出手,事情没办好,就要受狼老婆的处罚。红太狼红太狼是灰太狼的老婆,一只好吃懒做、凶悍无比的母狼,贪婪、虚荣、忌妒、邪恶、狠毒,虽然长得很不怎么样,却是身材妖冶,还自己打 扮得豪华高贵,总认为自己是天下最美的女人,所以对于任何美的东西,她都要想方设法毁掉。one day, Mother a
15、sked Little Red Riding Hood to take some fruits to her grandma, because Grandma was ill. On her way to Grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. She talked with the wolf. Then the wolf ran to Grandma's house and ate her up! 剧中角色: Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽), Mother, Wolf, Six Ducks
16、, Grandma第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum: (一边走一边拍拍围裙,走到桌子旁停住。把桌子上的水果放在篮里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi, mummy, what are you doing?Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,一边皱着眉说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum: (亲切地看着Little
17、Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummyGoodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wo
18、lf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To GrandmasGrandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby duck
19、s.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We re fineThank you Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To GrandmasOh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye第三场:Grandma家Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上
20、。)Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , its here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, BangGrandma: Who is it?Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)Its me. Little Red Riding Hood.Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , Ill eat you.Grandma: (
21、惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!Ill sleep.Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)GrandmaGrandmaWolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?Little Red Riding Hood:Its me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!Wolf:Come in, Come in.Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh!
22、 What big ears!Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What big eyes!Wolf:I can see you pretty face.Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What big hands.Wolf:I can hug you.Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!Little Red Riding H
23、ood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)Its delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Wheres the wolf? Look! A door(推门)The wolf is sleeping.Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声)Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I mu
24、st be hurry(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank youHunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and threadLittle Red Riding Hood ,Give me some stonesGrandma: (从桌子上拿来针线)Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)Grandma: I
25、9;ll thread it.Hunter: (拿起枪)Wake up!Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms!Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Dont shot me!Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!Wolf: (应声倒下)Hunter: The bad wolf is deadLittle Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠
26、躬): Thank you1、龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise)Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look.(伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!)The hare and the tortoise will have a match again.(小兔和乌龟又要比赛了。)Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match?(小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?)Didnt the hare lose last year? Why do that again?(小兔不是输了吗?怎么还要比呀?)Bir
27、d: Yes, the hare lost the match last year, and her mother was too angry to eat anything in two days.(是的,小兔去年输了,兔妈妈气得两天没吃任何东西。)Mother hare order them to have a match again this year.(兔妈妈命令他们今年再比一次。)Monkey: Oh, so it is.(原来是这样。)Together: ( Music).!Monkey: Everybody, the match begins.(各就各位,比赛开始了。)Im th
28、e referee.(我是裁判)Hare and tortoise, ready?(小兔乌龟,准备好了吗?)Mother hare: Honey! Honey! Come on!(亲爱的!亲爱的!快过来!)Have some coffee.(喝些咖啡。)Hare: Mom, oh, I cant drink it all.(妈妈,哦,我喝不下了。)Mother hare: It can help you keep alert on the way.(它可以让你精精神神的。)My little dear! Drink it quickly!(亲爱的!快点喝了它!)Monkey: Mother h
29、are, the match is going to begin.(兔妈妈,比赛要开始了。)Mother hare: Ah! The match is going to begin.(啊!比赛要开始了。)Monkey: Please ready, go!(预备,跑!)Birds: Come on, come on!(加油,加油!)Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!)Tortoise will be the winner.(乌龟赢!)Hare: Yi? I know this tree, oh, yes! The grass is very soft.
30、(我认识这棵树,是的,草软软的。)I fell asleep comfortable under the big tree.(树下睡觉舒舒服服的。)This time I wont sleep.(这次我不会再睡了。)Oh? There are two routes. Here or there? Which one?(这里有两条路,这儿?那儿 ?哪条啊?)Mom, mom, help me, help me!(妈妈,妈妈,帮帮我,帮帮我。)Tortoise: Hare, let me tell you, turn to the right.(小兔,我告诉你,向右。)Hare: Ah! Tort
31、oise, youre here? So fast!(啊!乌龟,你跑到这儿了?这么快!)Come on, come on!(我得加油了!)Hes my opponent, Can I believe him? choose the right way?No!(他是我的对手,我能相信他走右边吗?不!)After I run farther, he will turn to the left,(等我跑远了,他再往左一拐。)Then I will lose the match.(那我就要输了这场比赛。)Oh, yes, I should choose the left way. Run faster
32、!(哦,是的,我应该选走边,快跑!)Tortoise: Hare, hare, youve gone a wrong way.(小兔,小兔,你跑错路了。)Come back, come back.(回来,回来。)My friends come and help me!(伙伴们,快过来,帮帮我!)Together: Tortoise, why dont you run fast?(乌龟,你为什么不快跑?)Mother hare: Oh, tortoise, Is it your turn to sleep under the tree this time?(哦,乌龟,这次是不是轮到你在树下睡觉了
33、?)Tortoise: Mother hare, look! Your daughters got a wrong way.(兔妈妈,看!你女儿跑错路了。)Mother hare: Oh, my god, why? Why is she going there?(哦,天啊,为什么?她为什么会去那儿?)Didnt you tell her its a wrong way?(你没告诉她那条路是错的吗?)Tortoise: I told her, but she didnt believe me.(我说了,但是她不相信我。)She said “mother told me the opponent
34、is the enemy. I couldnt believe you.”(她说“妈妈告诉我对手就是敌人。我不能相信你。”)Mother hare: Yes, I said that.(我是说过。)My daughters got a wrong way, she cant win the match. You run please!(我女儿跑错路了,她不能得冠军了,你跑吧!)Tortoise: Mother hare, shes got the wrong way, its unfair to her, I must find her.(兔妈妈,她跑错路了,这样对她不公平,所以我必须找到她。
35、)Hare mother: Tortoise, you, youre a good boy.(乌龟,你,你是个好孩子,)The match wont go on. My daughter loses at the very beginning because of me.(比赛不用进行了,因为我的错误,我女儿在起跑线上已经输了。咳!)Tortoise: Mother hare, its not important to win or lose the match.(兔妈妈,谁是冠军不重要。)Lets call her back,OK?(让我们把她喊回来吧!)Together: Yes, you
36、 are right. OK!(是的,你说的对。)Hare, hare, come back. Come back.(小兔,小兔,回来。回来。)2、小红帽 One day, Mother asked Little Red Riding Hood to take some fruits to her grandma, because Grandma was ill. On her way to Grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood met a wolf. She talked with the wolf. Then the wolf ran to
37、 Grandma's house and ate her up! 剧中角色: Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽), Mother, Wolf, Six Ducks, Grandma 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (一边走一边拍拍围裙,走到桌子旁停住。把桌子上的水果放在篮里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi, mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,一边皱着眉说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and
38、 bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummyGoodbye, mummy. Mum: Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!F
39、lowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To GrandmasG
40、randma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We re fineThank you Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:T
41、o GrandmasOh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye 第三场:Grandma家 Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。) Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , its here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang Grandma: Who is it? Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,
42、一边说)Its me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in. Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , Ill eat you. Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!Ill sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)GrandmaGrandma Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It
43、s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in. Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What big eyes! Wolf:I can see you pretty face. Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What big hands.
44、 Wolf:I can hug you. Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)Its delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping. Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Wheres the wolf? Look! A door(推
45、门)The wolf is sleeping. Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声) Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and threadLitt
46、le Red Riding Hood ,Give me some stones Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线) Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three. Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里) Grandma: I'll thread it. Hunter: (拿起枪)Wake up! Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy. Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms! Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Dont shot me!
47、Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang! Wolf: (应声倒下) Hunter: The bad wolf is dead Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you 3、 A proud peacock 骄傲的孔雀 小松鼠:唱歌跳舞小猴:Great! Great! Let me have a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。狐狸:Hi! You two, dont play any more. 嗨!你们两个,别
48、再闹了。The forest concert is going to begin. Youd better go and prepare for it.森林音乐会将要开始了。 你们最好快去做准备工作吧!小猴:Look, Im just preparing for it.看,我不正在排练吗?狐狸:You little monkey! Dont play any more.你这个调皮的猴子,别贪玩了。小松鼠:Lets go! Little monkey!我们走吧!小猴!小猴:Would you like to go with us, Fox?你和我们一起走吗?狐狸?狐狸:Thanks! But I
49、m going to invite the peacock to our concert. Ill be back soon.谢谢!但我还要去请孔雀来参加我们的音乐会。 我马上就回来。松鼠、小猴:See you later!等会见!狐狸:See you later! My beautiful peacock. Where are you? Can you hear me?等会见!美丽的孔雀。 你在哪里? 你能听到我在叫你吗?孔雀(上):Hi, Im a peacock! Look! How pretty I am! 大家好!我是孔雀。看!我多漂亮啊!My colourful feathers.
50、 My beautiful cockscomb. Who have these just like mine?我五彩缤纷的羽毛。 美丽的冠子。 你们谁有呢?Oh! What are you saying? Have I got any friends? Oh, no, no. 哦!你说什么? 我有没有朋友? 哦,不、不。 I dont need any friends. My only friend is me. 我不需要任何朋友。我自己就是我的朋友。狐狸:Hello! My beautiful peacock. Im looking for you everywhere. 你好!美丽的孔雀。
51、 我正到处找你呢。孔雀:Looking for me? 找我?狐狸:Oh, yes! We are holding a forest concert. Would you like to join us?哦,是的!我们要举行一个森林音乐会。你愿意一起参加吗?孔雀:Oh, no, no. I never play with any ugly ones. Look! Your ears are so long. 哦,不,不。我从不和丑陋的人一起玩。看!你的耳朵这么长,They are too terrible. And all of your friends are ugly too. Do yo
52、u think so?(对观众)他们太可怕了。 并且你所有的朋友都和你一样丑陋。 你们说呢? 狐狸:My beautiful peacock. You are too proud. Thats bad for you. 美丽的孔雀, 你太骄傲了。 这对你不好。 。Although we are not beautiful. Well help you when you need.虽然我们并不漂亮。但我们会在你困难的时候帮助你。Please be our friend. And please join us! We all like your dance.请成为我们的朋友吧!并请参加我
53、们的音乐剧吧!我们都喜欢你跳舞。孔雀:Oh, no, no. I never dance for any ugly ones. And Ill never need your helps.哦,不,不,我从不为丑陋的人跳舞。 并且我不需要你们的帮助。狐狸:My beautiful peacock美丽的孔雀孔雀:(打断狐狸的话)Dont say any more. You ugly fox. 你别说了,丑陋的狐狸。狐狸:Oh, I have to leave now. You are too proud.哦,我必须走了。 你太骄傲了。孔雀:Oh, what a lovely day. The sun is so good!. Why not have a good sleep under this tree?啊,美好的一天,阳光多好啊。 为什么不在
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