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1、2018-2019 学年度成都金牛区八年级英语上(人教版)期末质量检测卷一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )1 Do you know girl with long curly hair? Yes, she is Mary. She plays piano very well.A a; /B the; /C the; the D a; the2Mum, Bob is coming for dinner this evening. OK. Let's give him to eat.A anything differentB different anythingC someth

2、ing differentD different something3Must I do the dishes now? No, you .A mustn't B needn't C may not D can't4 We all like Lucy as she is always thinking of others than herself.AlessBmuch moreCmuchDwell5 If you are late for a movie, please walk in .AloudlyBclearlyCquietlyDcheaply6Where wou

3、ld you like to go for your summer holiday, Beijing or Shanghai? . I will go to Sanya in Hainan.A BothB EachC Neither D Either7How hard you are working, Helen! We must! President Xi said that we are, we will be.A the more hard- working; the luckierB the hard- working; the luckyC more hard- working; l

4、uckierD the most hard- working; the luckiest8It's too hot. I swim in the lake? No, you . That's too dangerous!A Should; can'tB Need; mustn'tC Must; needn'tD Could; can't9I'm sorry, Mr Hu. I my English exercise book at home. It doesn't matter. Please remember it here t

5、his afternoon.Aforgot; to bringBleft; to takeCforgot; to takeDleft; to bring10 While Alan was writing a letter, the children outside.AplayBwere playingCwill playDplays二、完形填空(每小题1 分,共 10 分 )It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stop after school when a car stopped and the driver opened th

6、e door. It was my 11.“ Quick! Getin!”he told me. I was very 12, but I did as he said.At first, I was worried that something 13 happened. Then, I noticedmy mother. She was also 14 the car and on the back seat. There weresome bags of clothes and 15 food. My father was driving the car, but hewas not dr

7、iving 16. He was driving out of the town. “ Where are wegoing?” I asked.It was a warm evening and lots of people were walking along the road. It was the 17 day of the term. Did my parents have a big surprise for me? Wewere going somewhere specia l 18 where? The next thing I can rememberis falling 19

8、. When I woke up, I saw the sea. We were at the beach.My father was smiling. “ Here we are,”he said, “ the summer holiday20 now!”11 A.fatherB motherCbrotherDsister12 A.sadB surprisedCexcitedDglad13 A.goodB importantCinterestingDbad14 A.inB onCbyDat15 A.manyB noCsomeDfew16 A.abroadBhomeCthereDhere17

9、A.firstBoneCworstDlast18 A.orBforCbutDas19 A.asleepBillCsilentDquiet20 A.startedBstartsCendedDends(每小题2 分,共 30 分 )AA Timetable for Children's PalaceTuesday17: 00 19: 00PhotoMr Brown From FranceLearn to take good photos.Please bring your own camera.(5 weeks)Wednesday16: 30 19: 00Computer ScienceM

10、r Smith From New YorkLearn how to use computers.(12 weeks)Thursday19: 30 21: 30Modern MedicineMs Green From LondonWould you like to know medical developmen?t (4 weeks)Saturday14: 00 17: 00ChessMr Wu From ChinaDo you want to improve your skillsof playing chess?(8 weeks)Sunday8: 30 10: 30Show of Perso

11、nal InventionsYou can see many inventions by students; you may also bring your own inventions.(16 weeks)21. The teacher who teaches Computer Science is from A FranceB AmericaC BritainD China22 If you want to play chess better, will probably give you some help.A Mr Brown B Ms GreenC Mr SmithD Mr Wu23

12、 If you are free between 19: 00 and 22: 00, you can learn A how to take picturesB Modern MedicineC how to play chessD Computer Science24 You can go to the Children's Palace on if you are interested in takingpictures.A Tuesday B Wednesday C SaturdayD Sunday25 Which activity lasts the longest hour

13、s in total?A Computer Science.8 Chess.C Show of Personal Inventions.D Modern Medicine.BKaitlin Riffel's dream to end poverty ( 贫困 ) started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.“ I never realized there were people in the world who didn't have a home or food before,”

14、said Kaitlin, who is now sixteen. “ I knew there was something I had to do about that. ”At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. “ It took me two years,”Kaitlin said. “ We started small. We wanted to do something tomake a difference. ”In 2014, when Kaitlin was thirteen, she vis

15、ited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, she founded Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.“ The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one,”Kaitlin said. “ We also

16、 got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of.Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission. “ This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world,”said the headmaster of Ka

17、itlin'sschool.26 The job of Kaitlin's father was to .A sell foodsB build playgroundsC visit schoolsD help homeless people27 When did Kaitlin found Kids on a Mission?A In 2009.B In 2011.C In 2014. D In 2017.28 What was people's life like in Central America according to Kaitlin?A They live

18、d in strong houses.8 Their drinking water was dirty.C Their bedrooms were very big.D They had enough food and clothes.29 What can we infer from the headmaster's words?A Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.8 Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C Kaitlin often changes schools for her st

19、udy.D Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.30 What might be the best title for the text?A School life in America8 Gifts from a headmasterC Father's duty in the familyD Girl's dream to end povertyCHomework is your teachers' way of evaluating(评估 ) how much students understand the l

20、essons in class. As a student, you always have too much homework, but you have to finish it. Here are a few tips to make homework less. Make a homework plan. First, write the task down in your notebook. If you forget it, please ask the teachers again. Second, use any extra time in school to work on

21、your homework. Watch where you work. Find a table at home which doesn't need to be very large, just big enough to put your school things on it. You'd better not do it before a computer or on your comfortable bed. It's hard for you to concentrate on(集中精力于) your homework. Get to work. When

22、 you start your homework at home, do the hardest problems first. Later, when you feel tired, you can do the simple ones. Don't spend too much time on a difficult problem. You can ask an adult or an elder family member for help, or call or e-mail a classmate for advice. Have a rest. Having a 15-

23、minute rest every hour is good for you. After you finish your homework, check it over. Be sure to put it safely away in your backpack. Now you're free to play outside.31 When you make a homework plan, the first thing you should do is .A to write down the task in your notebook8 to ask your teache

24、r for helpC to work on your homework right nowD to have a rest first32 From the passage you'd better do your homework .A before a computerB on the sofaC on a tableD on the bed33 When meeting a hard problem at home, you can .A spend too much time on it8 call a classmate for adviceC ask a policema

25、n for helpD never do it34 After you finish the homework, you should first.A check it over8 make a homework planC go out to playD put it away in the backpack35 What's the best title for this passage?A Where to Do Your Homework8 The Importance of HomeworkC The Teachers and Your HomeworkD How to Ma

26、ke Your Homework Less四、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 20 分 )One day, a baby snail(蜗牛) found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell atany time. He was confused (困惑的), so he went up to his mother and asked,“ Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?” His mother said, “ Because we don't have bo

27、nes to hold us up. We can only move slowly, so we need a shell to protect us. ”The baby snail asked again, “ The caterpillar(毛毛虫 )has no bones, either, and she can't move quickly. Why can she live without a shell?” The mother snail answered, “ That's because a caterpillar will become a butte

28、rfly( 蝴蝶 ). She can fly high into the sky. The sky can protect her. ”The baby snail had one more question, “ But the earthworm(蚯蚓) moves likeus. He has no bones and he won't turn into a butterfly. Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell?” His mother said,“ He can dig a hole and hide in t

29、he ground, and then the earth acn protect him. ”The baby snail then cried, “ We are so poor! We have no protection from the sky or from the ground !” His mother smiled at him, “ That's why we have a shell. My dear, imagine that if we don't have the shells, what will happen to us? Hot sun wil

30、l dry out our bodies and we'll have nowhere to sleep. What's worse, we'll die in the heavy rain. How terrible it is! We don't depend on the sky or the ground for _ _. We should depend on ourselve” s根据短文内容,完成下列各题。36 Whom did the baby snail ask for help?A His mother.8 His father.C His

31、mother and father.37 The caterpillar will become when she grows up in the story.38 How many questions did the baby snail ask?39用protect 的适当形式填空40翻译处画线的句子:五、选词填空(每小题1 分,共 10 分 )选择方框中的词语并用其恰当的形式填空。before, dangerous, keep, come, don't, hold, drop, careful, cover, fallHow can we students keep oursel

32、ves safe? Here is some advice.On your way home or to school: Wait for the green traffic light, and look left and right 41 you cross the road. If you see a car 42, don't crossuntil it really stops. Dress in bright colors, so the drivers can see you clearly.At school: When students around you begi

33、n to push, try 43 ontosomething, or stay in a safe corner. If you 44 down in a crowded place,cover your head with both hands.When there's a fire: 45 calm and leave quickly. Use a piece of wetcloth 46 your mouth and nose so that you don't breathe in smoke. If yourclothes catch fire, 47 to the

34、 ground and roll from side to side to put out thefire.For eating: Wash fruit like apples or pears 48 before you eat them.Check the expiration date(保质期 ) and if your food looks or smells bad, 49eat it.For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手) and stand on the right side of the es

35、calator because the right arm is stronger. It is50 to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator steps are not designed设计 () for running.六、书面表达(20 分 )为丰富学生的校园生活,鼓励学生参加体育运动,学校每年开展形式多样的运动会。既为有体育特长的学生提供了展示的舞台,也给了其他学生自由表现的机会。运动会中有人奋力拼搏,有人乐于助人,有人善于写宣传报道请你写出某次运动会中自己的表现和感受,并为学校的运动会提出1 2条具

36、体的建议。要求: 1. 80 词左右;2文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名。参考答案1. C 点拨:考查冠词。girl 被 with 介词短语所修饰,所以其前应加定冠词the;又piano“钢琴”,为乐器,与动词play 连用需加定冠词the。2. C 点拨:形容词修饰不定代词时应放在其后;肯定句中用something。故选C。3. B 点拨:以must引起的疑问句,否定回答用needn't,意为“没必要”。4. B 点拨:考查比较级的用法。than 是比较级的标志;又根据上文“我们都喜欢露西”,可知答案选 B, much修饰比较级。5. C6. C 点拨:根据问句中的Beijing

37、or Shanghai和答语中的Sanya可知,对问句中的两个地点表示否定,故选C。7. A 8.D 9.D 10.B11.A 点拨:上下文联系法。根据下文My father was driving the car可知选A。12. B13. D 点拨:根据前面的worried 可判断此处选D 。14. A 15.C16. B 点拨:上下文联系法。根据后句He was driving out of the town.可推知爸爸不是朝家的方向开车。17. D 18.C 19.A 20.B3、 A 21.B 点拨:细节理解题。根据第二个方框中信息“Mr Smith FromNew York” 可知,计算机技术老师来自于美国,故选B。22. D23. B 点拨: 时间推算题。题干中说between 19: 00 and 22: 00有空,把时间与各个方框中的时间作比较,只有第三个方框中19: 30 21: 30时间


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