1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上学员编号: 年 级: 初三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: 课程主题:阅读D篇授课时间: 学习目标:教学内容 一、专题知识梳理 知识点: 回答问题解题注意事项及答题关键:回答问题解题注意事项:1.读懂问题,分清问题的种类,避免答非所问。2.注意以材料为本。无论是单词、词组、句子,还是人、物、时间、地点、原因等,都要根据文章内容准确填写。3.注意文章中的人称、时态和数,做到问答一致。考试时最常见的错误就是时态、语态用错。4.灵活运用同义词语的替换和各种句型的的不同表达。5.对于开放性问题的回答,应根据文章提供的素材,根据全文大意、中心思想和作者的
2、情感、立场展开合理的想象;6.在对待生词的处理上,要一分为二地看待。有些不影响理解的生词(如地名,人名)可直接忽视掉。7.态度要端正,目前每年的篇幅都是呈上升的趋势,所以学生要有心理准备,务必要把握好做阅读题的节奏。回答问题解题关键点:1.注意时态与人称 2.不忘其所以连词与副词例如:2019二模长宁 94.Why did the hundreds of birds die in the Pacific Ocean? _. 原文对应: hundreds of dead birds that had died because they had accidentally (意外地) eaten t
3、he plastic thrown into the sea. 解析:注意问题的时态是一般过去时,因此答案应该写成: 94. Because they had accidentally eaten the plastic thrown into the sea.3. 介词绝不能遗漏例如:2019奉贤二模阅读篇 97.How do smells bring back memories? 回答注意介词: By using a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell.二、专题精讲例题1: Every mont
4、h, junior high schools in China choose one hero of the month. This person is a hero because he or she has done something to help protect animals in danger. Huang Jing decided to write a letter to the President of China.Dear Mr. President, I have been doing a project at school recently about animals
5、in danger. I think the situation all over the world is really awful. I am writing to you to suggest what China should do to help protect animals more. I know that there are nearly 2,000 nature reserves (保护区) in China, which is good. I live in Beijing and there are about 30 reserves outside the city.
6、 We visited one of them last month to see for ourselves. I feel so sorry for the giant panda. Its one of the most popular animals in the world and a real symbol of China. We learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body weight of bamboo in 24 hours! Thats a lot of
7、 bamboo. I think we should try to do more to stop cutting down their forests. Pandas are already a rare animal and it would be so sad if they became extinct (灭绝) forever. The other animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator (扬子鳄). These creatures live in some parts of eastern Chin
8、a. These beautiful animals live in freshwater rivers and lakes but the water in some places isnt clean enough for them to live in. Its really dirty in fact. The government should stop factories polluting the lakes and rivers. If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more people may wish to vi
9、sit China to see them. They could be an important tourist attraction. It would be good if more people came to visit our beautiful country, especially to see the quieter areas in the country. Now most visitors just see the cities. I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important
10、 subject.Sincerely yours,Huang Jing93. Whats Huang Jings project at school about?Its about _.94. What animals did Huang Jing talk about in his letter? _.95. How much bamboo can a panda eat in 24 hours?_.96. Why is the water in some places too dirty for alligators to live in?_.97. According to Huang
11、Jing, how could animals become an important tourist attraction?_.98. If you are a hero of the month like Huang Jing, what else will you possibly do to help protect the animals in danger?_.精析:93.根据第一句话 I have been doing a project at school recently about animals in danger.能够得出答案animals in danger.94.
12、由文中I feel so sorry for the giant panda. 和The other animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator知道答案The giant panda and the Chinese alligator. 95. 由文中We learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body weight of bamboo in 24 hours!知道答案Half its body we
13、ight. 96. 由文中The government should stop factories polluting the lakes and rivers. 得知原因是什么,本题不能照搬原文,要学会把句子改编成符合问题的答案Because factories pollute the lakes and rivers. 这点学生尤其要注意,不要因为找到地方了而生搬硬套反而扣分。97. 由文中If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more people may wish to visit China to see them. They
14、 could be an important tourist attraction. 得知这就是问题的答案,同样How引导的问句回答要用介词by, 同时加上自己的话语By encouraging more people to protect these beautiful animals.98. 本题是开放题,也是分值最高的一题。文中Huang Jing的做法是给主席写了一封信,呼吁人们保护濒临灭绝的野生动物,文中提到熊猫和扬子鳄的灭绝是人们不保护熊猫的居住环境砍掉了森林,同时工厂向河流排污导致扬子鳄数量越来越少,我们可以做的就是不乱砍树木,不乱扔垃圾,要学会总结成自己的话语。可学习的词汇及句
15、型:I have been doingnature reserves自然保护区The situation all over the world is really awful.see for ourselves 我们亲自看Its one of the most popular animals in the world and a real symbol of China.I fell so sorry forextinct 灭绝creature生物The water in some places isnt clean enough for them to live in.stopdoing阻止
16、做tourist attraction旅游胜地encourage sb. to do sth.此篇文章涉及到保护濒临动物的话题间接在说保护环境的话题,基础好的学生可以把以上列出的短语句型背熟,有更多的时间可以把这篇小文章背下来运用到自己的作文中去。三、专题过关检测题1Leadership in a time of troubleThe Chilean(智利的) mine collapsed(倒塌) on August 5, 2019. There were thirty-three men trapped at the bottom of the mine(矿), 700 meters bel
17、ow the surface of the earth. The men knew they were in big trouble. Would they be rescued, or would they be forgotten and remain buried(埋) alive? It was a time of despair (绝望). Luckily, though, there was one man who did not despair, one man who rose to take charge of their dangerous situation. He wa
18、s their leader: Luis Urzua.Urzua was a miner and he had the experience and knowledge gained from working underground for thirty years. He immediately took charge of the situation. He organized the men into three groups to give them a team spirit. He kept the men busy. He gave them jobs to do and kep
19、t them working at regular hours. This gave the men a structure and a sense of order. In the end, this "normality"(正常)gave the men hope.Leadership is always important, but it is especially important in times of trouble. A leader has to know how to find out what the problems are and then set
20、 goals that are achievable by his group. Some people seem to be natural born leaders but leadership can also be achieved by knowledge and experience. It is never too early to begin learning how to be a leader. You can do this by accepting responsibility, e.g.(例如)being the class monitor or even looki
21、ng after a younger child. These things give you the experience of solving problems and being responsible for others.The Chilean miners know how important leadership is. They are thankful to their leader, Luis Urzua.99. How many miners were buried when the Chilean mine collapsed?100. Who was their le
22、ader?101. What did the miners do when they were in trouble?102. The miners didn't lose their hope, did they?103. Were the miners back to the ground at last?104. According to the passage, what should a leader do in times of trouble?105. According to the passage, how can a person learn to be a lea
23、der?Keys:99. Thirty-three. 100. Luis Urzua. / Urzua. / Luis.101. They worked at regular hours. (Any reasonable answer can be accepted.)102. No, they didn't.103. Yes, they were.104. He should try to solve the problems and to.be responsible for others.(A leader should find out what the problems ar
24、e and then set goals that are achievable by his group.)105. He can learn to be a leader by accepting responsibility. (Any reasonable answer can be accepted.)检测题2Music not only gives you something to sing and dance to, but also can make you feel happier. Scientists say that music can help to relax pe
25、oples mind and even help to relieve pain. How does music work its magic? It is the fact that music can adjust(调节) our mood. Recently, there is a scientific research to back up what we have always known about music. The studies have shown that when people are excited or happy they are more helpful. T
26、he opposite (相反的情况)happens when people feel aggressive(好斗的) or under stress. The use of music can influence how helpful people can be. Dr. Adrian North made a study with 256 university students.Half the group took exercise in the gymnasium listening to music which can bring happiness and the other h
27、alf exercised to aggressive music. When leaving the gym, the students were asked to hand out flyers(传单) in support of the local disabled athletes foundation(残疾运动员基金会). The results showed that nearly half of the group that listened to happy music were willing to (愿意) hand out flyers. But less than 20
28、% in the group that heard the aggressive music were willing to do so. This study suggests that our choice of music can influence our willingness to cooperate(合作). While a study also shows that productivity (生产效率) can be increased with the right choice of background music in the workplace. As music s
29、timulates(刺激)workers mind, job satisfaction is often positively influenced. Other studies have shown that workers who are in a good mood have more job satisfaction than those in a bad mood. These studies show that music can have a powerful influence on a persons ability to cooperate. Moods have a di
30、rect influence(直接影响) on cooperation and job satisfaction. These factors also have a direct relationship to the success of a business.88.What do scientists say about music?_.89.The phrase “back up” in Line 6, Paragraph 1 most probably means “support”, doesnt it?_.90.Why do people use the right choice
31、 of background music in the workplace?_.91.How many university students did Dr. Adrian North make a study with?_.92.How do people feel if they are bored or sad ?_.93. What do moods have a direct influence on?_.88. They say that music can help to relax peoples mind and even help to relieve pain.89. Y
32、es, it does.90. Because the productivity can be increased with the right choice of background music in the workplace.91. 256 university students.92. They have less job satisfaction that those in a good mad.93. Cooperation and job satisfaction.检测题31) If you live in Tornado(龙卷风) area, you keep a close
33、 eye on the sky. This part of the mid-western United States has as many as 300 tornadoes blowing through it every year. Local people know that a “twister”(旋风) maybe only a hop, skip, and a jump away. Twisters are tornadoes, and tornadoes are trouble for people living there.2) A tornado is wind cause
34、d by a thunderstorm(雷雨). Tornadoes are the most terrible winds on Earth. They can travel up to 300 miles an hour. At that high speed, they damage almost everything. As they move, tornadoes turn round quickly in a twisting movement. They change direction without warning.3) Once youve seen a tornado,
35、youre not likely to forget it. It has a unique(独特的) appearance. Take an ice cream cone, turn it upside down, and youve got a model for a tornado. The sound is also hard to be mistaken. Everything becomes completely silent. Even the insects stop buzzing. It seems the tornado take in all of the sound
36、from the air. Suddenly it shouts it all back out in a roar, like a train running out of control.4) But sometimes the result cant be predicted. Have you ever seen the film The wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪)? Remember the scene when Dorothys house flies? A tornado once carried a house through the air for two mile
37、s. Another twister lifted a china cabinet(橱柜) and dropped it back to Earth some miles away. No disk was broken. Once, a tornado swept a child and her pony into the air. Her mother found her half a mile away, still sitting on the pony. Luckily, neither the girl nor her pony was seriously hurt.5) Thes
38、e stories ended happily. Most tornado stories dont. These terrible windstorms usually bring sadness, death and even disasters. In 1955, a tornado killed 34 people in one town. Three thousand buildings, including five schools, were damaged.6) Luckily, tornadoes seldom last more than an hour. Most tra
39、vel only at 20 miles per hour. They are almost always less than a few hundred yards wide. Thats a good thing for us! If twisters were any worse than they are, tornado area would be a tornado wasteland.88. What do tornadoes usually bring people trouble or happiness?89. How fast does a tornado go when
40、 it comes to its high speed?90. Which sentence in the 2nd paragraph says people can hardly predict the way a tornado move?91.Which two words or expressions in the 3rd paragraph describe a tornados sound change?Model, silent, shout out in a roar, a train92. What can be the main idea of the 4th paragr
41、aph?Tornado stories sometimes .93. How do you understand “If twisters were any worse than they are, tornado area would be a tornado wasteland.”88.Yes, it can.89. It travels up to 300 miles an hour。90. They change direction without warning.91. Silent and shout out in a roar.92. cant be predicted。93.
42、Tornadoes are not so bad that tornado area cant be changed into wasteland.四、学法提炼方法总结1)老师通过演绎法引出首字母及回答问题解题技巧;2)老师通过讲授法将解题技巧讲授给学生;3)学生学习的方法为填空法,复述陈述法。课后作业作业1:2019年一模浦东新区D)Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)My daughter, Tina, began to look for a job several months before she graduated from univer
43、sity. “Because of the financial crisis(金融危机), it is more difficult to get into a company than to take the college entrance exam.” I told her, “You shouldnt have too much hope or you would feel really disappointed.” Tina applied for a position in a company in the city center. The competition was fier
44、ce. The company was to employ only one among the twenty people. Tina said to me, “I am not afraid of disappointment. As long a s I try, there will always be hope! ”Everything seemed to go quite well and Tina passed the first round and entered the final in a weeks time. On the day of the final interv
45、iew, Tina and two other candidates (候选人)arrived on time, waiting for the test. To their great surprise, the interview was quite simple, and the interviewer only chatted with them for a moment. The interviewer said to them, “All of you are super. Please go home and wait for our answer. We will tell y
46、ou the result in three days. Good luck to all of you!” On the third day, Tina received the message from the company telling her that she was not employed. She felt upset. In order to comfort her, I pretended to be relaxed and said, “It does not matter! I believe you will have more opportunities in t
47、he future!”Late in the afternoon, Tina suddenly told me excitedly on the phone, “Dad, good news. Ive made it! ” I could not wait to ask her, “Whats the whole matter?” Tina told me that she received a second message saying that she was employed. She was so confused that she made a call to the company
48、. In fact, the message Tina got in the morning was also part of the test of the interview. The three candidates received the same message this morning and only Tinas replay was satisfying to the company. “How did all of you reply?” I asked. “One did not reply. The other said Goodbye and I said Thank
49、 you.”88. Has Tina graduated from university? (此题1分)89. In the writers opinion, which was more difficult, to get into a company or to take the college entrance exam? 90. How many people entered the final round of the competition? 91. Why did the writer pretend to be relaxed when he learned Tina was
50、not employed? 92. What does the underlined sentence mean “Ive made it!” mean in English? It means “_”. 93. What can we learn from Tina? (Give at least two points.) (此题3分)答案:88. No, she hasnt 89. To get into a company / The previous one / The first one90. Three 91. In order to comfort her92. I have s
51、ucceed/ I am employed 93. Be polite and never give up.作业2:2019年二模闸北区D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (12分)Super Singers Imagine yourself singing in front of an audience, performing in other countries, and having your music put on a CD! All this excitement isnt just for rock stars. Joining a childrens chorus gives kids the chance to do t
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