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1、.广州市育才实验学校2021-2015学年八年级英语第一学期期中考试姓名:_ 得分:_一、听力2、 辨音第一节 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词16. A. countryside B. amount C. son D. instructions 17. A. ability B. human C. agree D .accident18. A. chess B. rest C. check D. encyclopedias 19. A. promise B. dinosaur C. fossil D. dollar 20. A. doubled B. developed C. compa

2、red D. challenged 第二节 找出重读音节与其他三个不同的单词21. A. include B. ability C. chessboard D. create 22. A. compare B. railway C. calculate D. anytime23. A.countryside B. dinosaur C. instructions D. notebook 24. A. suddenly B. correctly C. Italian D. invention 25. A. company B. century C. nobody D. artistic 3、 单

3、项选择26. - Has Lily been back? - Not yet. She will come back _ the evening of June _. A. in; the forth B. in; the fourth C. on, the forth D. on; the fourth 27. The weather gets _ hotter these days. A. very B. even C. quite D. so 28. - When did you make friends with Jason? - Five years ago. _, we have

4、written to _ very often. A. Since then; the others B. Since then; each other C. From then on; each others D. From then on, the other 29. _ deer drank _ water this morning? A. The number of , the amount of B. A number of, an amount of C. The amount of, a number of D. An amount of, the number of 30. -

5、 If _ comes here to meet me, call me at once. - OK, I _. A. nobody; will B. everybody; wont C. somebody; will D. anybody; wont 31. - Did you promise _ in your report this Thursday? - Yes, I had to do so because my boss ordered me _ it as quickly as possible. A. to hand; finishing B. to hand; to fini

6、sh C. handing; finishing D. handing; to finish 32. - Which do you think tastes _, the chicken or the fish? - The fish. Its _ fish Ive ever eaten. A. bad; the worst B. worse; the worst C. the worse; worse D. worse; bad33. - What do you get when you _ the number 3? - I get the number _. A. double; six

7、 B. divide; six C. divide; sixth D. double; six 34. - I think Maths is _ English. - But I dont think so. I think English is more difficult. A. as more useful as B. as useful as C. as difficult as D. as more difficult as 35. - Would you like some more soup? - _. It is delicious, but Ive had _. A. Yes

8、, please; enough B. No, thank you; enough C. Nothing more; full D. Youre so kind; full 四、语法选择Laptop computers are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people _36_their workplace. In America today, laptops also connect stud

9、ents to their classrooms.Westlake College, a _37_ college in Virginia, will start a laptop computer program that allows students _38_ schoolwork anywhere they want. Within five years,each of the 1,500 students at the college _39_ a laptop. The students _40_ laptops will also have access to 使用the Int

10、ernet._41_ addition, they will he able to use e-mail to “speakwith their teachers, their classmates .and their families. However, _42_ part of the program is that students will be able to use computers without _43_ to computer labs. They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under t

11、he trees _44_ they like! At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff use computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, “Here we are _45_ Virginia and were giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and d

12、o everything.36. A. in B. on C. at D. to 37. A. 110 years old B. 110-years-old C. 110-year-old D. 110-year old 38. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 39. A. receive B. receives C. received D. will receive 40. A. have B. having C. with D. without 41. A. In B. On C. At D. To 42. A. important B. more impor

13、tant C. most important D. the most important 43. A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 44. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 45. A. in middle of B. in the middle of C. at middle of D. at the middle of 五、完形填空A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought, “I know a little Engli

14、sh. I think people can 46 me. One day he went to a restaurant and sat down at the table. He wanted to 47 a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him, and asked, “Can I help you? “A cup of tea and he could not remember the 48 word for eggs. He looked 49 him, but nobody was eating eggs.

15、 Then he 50 a picture-book on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock on 51 cover. He 52 the picture to the waiter. “Whats the English 53 this? he asked. “A cock, answered the waiter. “What do you call a cocks wife? he asked again. “A hen. “And what do you call a hens children? “ Chicks

16、. “And what do you call chicks 54 theyre born? “Eggs. “Very well, said the French student happily. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please. And he sat down 55 a smile on his face.46. A. understand B. know C. help D. speak 47. A. drink B. take C. have D. eat 48. A. French B. Chinese C. new D. Eng

17、lish 49. A. at B. for C. after D. around 50. A. saw B. had C. bought D. drew 51. A. it B. it's C. its D. his 52. A. drew B. put C. gave D. showed 53. A. for B. of C. in D. about 54. A. when B. before C. after D. if 55. A. of B. with C. in D. about 6、 阅读理解A Once upon a time, there was a large mou

18、ntainside, where an eagle nest 鹰的巢穴rested. There were four large eagle eggs in the eagle nest. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain, causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The hens began to protect and care for the large egg.One day, th

19、e egg hatched 孵化 and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised as a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit carried out for more. While they were playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle loo

20、ked to the sky above and noticed a group of strong eagles flying in the sky. "Oh, the eagle cried, "I wish I could fly like those birds!" The chickens laughed at him, you cannot fly like those birds. You are a chicken and chickens can not fly."The eagle continued staring at his r

21、eal family up, dreaming that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his dreams be known, he was told it couldnt be done. That was what the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, at last, stopped dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chick

22、en, the eagle passed away. The moral of the story: You become what you believe you are, as if you ever dream to become an eagle, follow your dreams but not the words of a chicken.56. Why did the hens protect and care for the large egg? A. The hens wanted to make friends with the eagle. B. The hens k

23、new that the eagle would kill them if they did not do so. C. The hens thought it was one of their eggs. D. The hens wanted to eat it when it became an eagle. 57. What was the difference between the eagle in the hen's room and other eagles? A. He could fly higher than other eagles. B. He believed

24、 he was only a chicken. C. He wanted to eat the chickens one day. D. He was sure he could fly higher one day.58. Why did the eagle believe he could not fly high? A. He was told he could not do that from time to time and he believed at last. B. He tried several times but he failed. C. He would be bea

25、ten by hens when he tried. D. He thought eagles could not fly high. 59. What does the underlined word “moralmean in Chinese? A. 道徳 B.精神 c.品德 D. 寓意60. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Eagles can fly higher than hens. B. Try hard to become what you want to be. C. Eagles can fly higher than hen

26、s. D. You should be the same as others.BClothes are important and necessary to us, but do you know how to choose suitable clothes in a correct way? Here are some ideas for you.When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes, you should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide h

27、ow much money you can spend on them. Then look at the labels that are inside the new clothes. They tell you how to take care of the clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say "dry clean

28、 only" and cleaning in water may ruin损坏 this coat. If you do as the directions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, you had better check if they need to be dry-cleaned. You can

29、 save money if you buy clothes that can be washed or that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money don't always mean they are better made. They may not fit you, either. On the other hand, less expensive

30、 clothes may sometimes look better and fit you well.61. The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is _ A. to know how to wash them B. to look for well-made clothes C. to read the directions inside them D. to see which kind of clothes you need62. According to the passage, a sweater may be

31、_. A. washed in cold water B. washed once a week C. washed in hot water D. dry-cleaned only63. What does the underlined word "label" mean? A. 品牌 B. 标签 C. 价格 D. 尺寸64. _ look good even after they have been washed a lot of times. A. Cheap clothes B. Expensive clothes C. Dry-cleaned clothes D.

32、 Well- made clothes65. The main idea for the passage is _. A. buying less expensive clothes B. washing clothes in a right way C. being a clever clothes shopper D. choosing the well made clothesCChristian Eijkman, a Dutch doctor, left the Netherlands for the island of Java. Many people on the island

33、had a disease called beri-beri. He was going there to try and find a cure. At first, Eijkman thought some kind of germ 细菌 caused beri-beri. He raised some chickens. He didn't eat them, but made experiments 实验on them. The local people were quite surprised at that. One day he noticed that his chic

34、kens became sick when they were fed the food most Javanese ate-refined精细的 white rice. When he fed them with unrefined rice, also known as brown rice, they recovered. Eijkman realized that he had made an important discovery - that some things in food could prevent disease. These things were named vit

35、amins. The Javanese were not getting enough vitamins because they had actually removed the part that contains vitamins. Later, other diseases were also found to be caused by the lack of vitamins in a person's food. Today many people know the importance of vitamins and they make sure they have en

36、ough vitamins from the food they eat. If they don't, they can also take vitamin pills. 66. The underlined word "cure" in Paragragh 1 probably means _. A. a medical treatment B. a kind of vitamin C. a kind of germ D. a kind of rice 67. Christian Eijkman went to the island of Java to _.

37、A. spend his holiday B. find ways to grow better crops C. do some research about the island D. help the Javanese with their illness 68. Why did Christian Eijkman raise some chickens? A. To eat them. B. To carry out his experiments. C. To give the Javanese a surprise. D. To make money by selling them

38、. 69. If a person doesnt get enough vitamins in his diet, hed better _. A. Eat more rice B. Eat more meat C. Eat some chicken D. Eat vitamin pills70. We can learn from the passage that _. A. beri-beri was caused by chickens B. the Javanese didn't like vitamins C. Christian Eijkman's experime

39、nt was successful D. the Javanese's disease was caused by a kind of germDSweet TomatoesSalad FruitVegetablesEat as much as you canSay goodbye to any meat, enjoy fruit and vegetables!Adult-¥60Child6-12-¥30under6-free Save ¥5-Coupon in Sundays China Daily First ten on the 2nd Sunday each month - g

40、et one free tasty chocolate Business hours: 11:00 a.m.10:00p.m.TueFri 10:00a.m.11:00p.m.SatSun Closed on Monday Our stores in Taian : Daiyue . 0538 3370-9531 Feicheng . 05383682-2366 Xintai . 0538 3270-9831Ningyang. 0538 3270-983171. People cant go to Sweet Tomatoes for a meal. A. on Sunday B. on Mo

41、nday C. on Tuesday D. on Thursday72. Maria may call to order the seats, because she lives in Ningyang. A. 0538 3270-9831 B. 05383682-2366 C. 05383866-8888 D. 0538 3370-953173. Mr. and Mrs. White visited Sweet Tomatoes with two kids, Sara, age 7; Tom, age 4. They have to pay for the meal. A. ¥ 110 B.

42、¥ 120 C.¥ 150 D. ¥18074. What is a “coupon used for? A. To invite a friend B. To save money C. To get a VIP card D. To be a reader of China Daily.75. Where would you probably read this passage? A. In encyclopedias B. In a math book C. In a newspaper D. In a fashion magazine7、 单词拼写根据首字母用单词的正确形式填空:76.

43、 We plan to go to the zoo. But if it rains tomorrow, we will go to the museum i _. 77. Finally, Tom r _ the importance of doing exercise. 78. - How many people are there in the hall in t _? - More than three hundred.79. The plane cant fly without w _. 80. - How big is your TV? - Its screen is 42 i _. 根据中文填写的单词。81. Who is the famous _ 音乐家in China now? 82. Please take as many _ 蜡烛 as you want. 用


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