1、签证单位介绍信签证单位介绍信1致 X 国驻华大使馆:XXX,身份证号: XXX,为 XXX(单位名称 ) 员工。自 XX年几月至今一直在我单位任某职。我单位在XX 时间段准他休假,批准他到美国旅游,不会滞留不归。请予协助办理其签证事宜。单位名称 :日期 :签证单位介绍信2AttherequestofMr.XizhenChen,my formerstudentin the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Univ.ofSciences,I am glad to write this letter furnishing myuationofhisaca
2、demicaptitudeforyourreference.Mr.Chenisinterestedinyour graduateprograminComputerScience.Icame toknowhiminSeptember 1987 when Mr.Chen enrolled in my class onFORTRAN IV Programming,a three semesters course.In the class he was one of the most outstandingstudents.At the semester final he earned ahigh g
3、radeof 81,which should be” A” accordingtoourgradingsystem.Ialsoound him good atotherstudies.Aftertheclass,he had personal talks with me several times.Heindicatedagreatinterestincomputerhardware,Inmyopinion,Mr.ChenhasapotentialinComputerScience,whichcanbefurtherdeveloped.Inview of hispreviousachievem
4、entsin thisCollege,Iamfirmly convinced that Mr.Chen will make asuccessfulgraduate student.Your favorable consideration of hisadmission will be hi ghly appreciated.签证单位介绍信3美国驻华大使馆:巩霞平自 20xx 年 3 月份至今一直在北京瑞风协同科技股份有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴aPriori在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴美国 aPriori公司邀请于20xx 年 5 月 30 日至 20xx 年 6月 1
5、3 日去美国参加为期2 周的 .aPriori公司的产品培训,批准他到美国为期2 周假期,不会滞留不归。此证明仅为申请美国公务签证使用。至此单位公章:北京瑞风协同科技股份有限公司日期: 20xx 年 5 月 4 日签证单位介绍信4I am pleased to write this letter for my formerstudent Miss Nan Li,who graduated from this Collegeto the Department of Law of thisCollegein 1974 throughhighlycompetitiveentranceexaminat
6、ionwhichisconductedannuallyand isopen tothewhole nation.Eveninsuchaselectivegroup.MissLimadeherselfdistinguished.As professorand dean oftheCollege,Ihave accessto her records of academic work and moral conduct,Inherfourthyearstudy,IinstructedherinAnglo-AmericanLawsonTrespass.SoIhaveknownherquite well
7、.Miss Li s performance,like that in manyother courses she taken,was excellent with asuperiorgrade of 86 forthefirstsemester,and84 forthesecondsemester.In our university and in other university here,80isconsidered”A” ,thehighestlevel.AsfarasIknow,Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law foran adva
8、nced degree.I am sure she has had sufficientprerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainlyhas the abilitytoundertakethestudy.Irecommend MissLiwithoutreservationand shallappreciateyourfavorable consideration of her application.签证单位介绍信5美国驻华大使馆:XXX,身份证号: XXX,为 XXX(单位名称 ) 员工。自 XX年几月至今一直在我单位任某职。我单位
9、在XX 时间段准他休假,批准他到美国旅游,不会滞留不归。请予协助办理其签证事宜。单位名称 :20xx 年 xx 月 xx 日签证单位介绍信6美国驻华大使馆:xx 自 20xx 年 3 月份至今一直在北京瑞风协同科技股份有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴aPriori在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴美国aPriori公司邀请于 20xx 年 x 月 x 日至 20xx 年 x 月 x 日去美国参加为期2 周的 aPriori公司的产品培训,批准他到美国为期2 周假期,不会滞留不归。此证明仅为申请美国公务签证使用。至此单位公章:北京瑞风协同科技股份有限公司日期: 20xx 年 x 月
10、 x 日签证单位介绍信7公司英文名称公司英文地址tel: * fax: * visa office,consulate general of the kingdom of norway beijing, china 13 apr. 20xx dear sir/madam: expenses. the peoplementioned above will go back china after the conference.please kindly find the name list below: full name passport no. post* * * * *公司英文名称would
11、 liketo take thisopportunityto renew its highestconsiderations.thanks and regards!签证单位介绍信8公司英文名称公司英文地址tel: * fax: *visa office,consulate general of the kingdom of norwaybeijing, china13 apr. 20xxdear sir/madam:expenses. the people mentioned above will go backchina afterthe conference.please kindlyfi
12、ndthe namelist below:full name passport no. post* * * * *公司英文名称would liketo take thisopportunitytorenew its highest considerations.thanks and regards!公司英文名称也可以列表形式列出详细内容:人名拼音护照号码职位签证单位介绍信9XX服务中心:兹介绍我单位正式工作人员同志( 身份证号: ) 携带我单位有关资料原件,凭该同志有效身份证原件到贵单位办理泸州市政府投资工程建设项目网上招标投标注册确定及密钥购买事宜。之前,我单位在泸州市人民政府政务服务中心公共资源交易网登记注册时提供的资料数据与现所提供的原件一致,并对其真实性、合法性和完整性负责。我单位用于接收贵单位相关交易信息的手机号码为:( 仅限一个 ) 。若该手机号码变更,我单位将及时书面告知贵单位,并承
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