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1、MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒F&B Aperitif Training餐饮部开胃酒培训MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Tra

2、ining Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Aperitif Defination开胃酒定义开胃酒定义An apritif (also spelled aperitif) is an alcoholic drink that is usually served to stimulate the appetite before a meal. It is often served with something small to eat, such as crackers, cheese, pt, olives, and various kinds of salty finger foo

3、d.The word is derived from the Latin verb aperire which means “to open.”开胃酒是一种在正式用餐前饮用的用来开胃的含酒精饮品。 同时服务的还有一些餐前小食,如苏打饼干,芝士,法式馅饼,橄榄以及一系列花样繁多的只需用手取来食用的精美小吃。Aperitif 起源于拉丁语中“打开”的意思。MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Traini

4、ng Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒There is no consensus about the origin of the apritif. Some say that the concept of drinking a small amount of alcohol before a meal dates back to the ancient Egyptians.Main records, however, show that the apritif first appeared in 1786 in Turin, Italy, when Antonio Benedetto

5、 Carpano invented vermouth in this city. In later years, vermouth was produced and sold by such well-known companies as Martini, Cinzano, and Gancia.开胃酒的来源一向都众说纷谈,有些说法是追溯到古埃及时代就有了在餐前喝一小杯酒精饮料来开胃的概念。无论如何,大概的说,开胃酒起源于1786年的意大利都灵市Antonio Benedetto Carpano 在都灵这个城市发明了Vermouth, Vermouth 的生产以及销售的著名公司有如马天尼,沁扎

6、诺,以及甘西亚等公司。MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Apritifs were already widespread in the 19th century in Italy, where they were being served in fashionable cafes in Rome, Venice, Florence, Mi

7、lan, Turin, and Naples.Apritifs became very popular in Europe in the late 19th century. By 1900, they were also commonly served in the United States. In Spain and in some countries of Latin America, apritifs have been a staple of tapas cuisine for centuries.开胃酒在19世纪时已经风靡意大利,在一些时尚城市的酒吧都有提供如罗马,威尼斯,佛洛伦

8、萨,米兰,都灵和那不勒斯等在19世纪末时开胃酒开始风靡欧洲,直到1900年,美国也开始流行饮用开胃酒。 在西班牙和拉丁美洲的一些国家,开胃酒成为餐前小食的铁打伙伴。MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒There is no single alcoholic drink that is always used for an apritif;

9、fortified wines, liqueurs, and dry champagne are possibly the most common choices.Sherry, a fortified wine, is a very popular apritif. In Greece, ouzo is a popular choice; in the Czech Republic, becherovka; in France, pastis. In Italy, vermouth or bitters (amari) may be served; popular brands of bit

10、ters are Campari, Cinzano, Byrrh, and Suze.开胃酒不是单一的一种含酒精的饮料;加强型葡萄酒,利口酒,和香槟都是最平常的选择。雪莉酒,是一种加强型的葡萄酒,也是比较流行的开胃酒;在希腊,Ouzo 是很流行的选择;在捷克,是Becherovka。 在法国是Pastis;在意大利,Vermouth 或者Bitters是比较流行的,Bitter中比较知名的品牌有金巴利,沁扎诺,苏示等。MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge Traini

11、ngF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Description:Campari is a bitter Italian aperitif made according to a secret recipe originally developed in 1860 by Gaspare Campari in Milan. Campari is the result of a unique blend of aromatic herbs mellowed in selected spirit.金巴利是于1860年由Gasp

12、are Campari在米兰发明的一种苦味的开胃酒,金巴利是由选好的烈酒加入不同的香草的酒水。Campari is often mixed with soda and ice or orange juice and ice, but it is also consumed without a mixer and used in some cocktails. Regular Campari has an astringent, bittersweet flavour.金巴利最经常与冰块苏打水或者冰块橙汁混合一起饮用,但也经常纯饮或者用于一些鸡尾酒中,纯饮金巴利口感收敛性很强,苦中带甜的口感。A

13、BV: 25.0%Country of origin: ItalyCategory(s): Aperitifs & BittersCampari 金巴利MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Martini Bianco 味美思(白)Description:Martini Bianco with its slightly sweeter

14、 vanilla overtones was first introduced during the 1910s. 味美思白于1910年发明,口感清淡略带香草的甘甜。Martini Bianco is classic aromatic medium-dry Italian vermouth from Turin, made by macerating Alpine herbs and vanilla with white wine, before sweetening and fortification.味美思白是来自都灵的经典香型,口感略干的意大利味美思,由浸泡过的阿尔卑斯山各种香草配白葡萄

15、酒制成。ABV: 15.0%Country of Origin: ItalyCategory(s): Vermouth Group(s): Sweet Vermouth MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Dubonnet 杜波内Description:Dubonnet is a French, wine based aperitif fl

16、avored with spices and hints of quinine. 杜波内是一种以葡萄酒为基础添加了不同的香料的法国开胃酒Similar to Vermouth, Dubonnet is a wine-based spirit thats infused with herbs and fortified with additional neutral spirits. Dubonnet is sweeter than Vermouth and, unlike Vermouth, Dubonnet has quinine added giving it a certain bitt

17、erness as well.与味美思相似,杜波内同样是以葡萄酒为基酒,除了加入香草外还添加了烈酒。杜波内比味美思甜,也有奎宁所带来的苦涩的味道。ABV: 15.0%Country of Origin: FranceCategory(s): VermouthMANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Martini Extra Dry 味美思(干)

18、Description:Martini Extra Dry with a light floral nose, with hints of raspberry, lemon and iris was first introduced on New Years Day in 1900. 味美思干在1900年的新年被发明,有清淡的植物花香包括如覆盆子/柠檬/鸢尾花等This bestseller includes the usual Martini white wine base and herbal ingredients, but with a much reduced level of ad

19、ditional sugar for a dry, but not bitter, vermouth.这款最好的开胃酒包括了普通味美思的白葡萄酒基酒和香草成分,但是减低了糖分,更干,但是不苦的味美思。ABV: 15.0%Country of Origin: ItalyCategory(s): Vermouth Group(s): Dry VermouthMANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Train

20、ing Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Martini Rosso 味美思(甜)Description:Martini Rosso, the original vermouth, which is bitter-sweet in character and the most complex of the three. It is claimed to be the worlds first vermouth.味美思甜是最原始的味美思开胃酒,结构上是苦中带甜也是3种味美思中最复杂的一款。也宣称是世界第一的味美思。The distinctive amber-brown colour is

21、 produced by the addition of caramel, which also tempers the bittersweet effect of the 50+ herbs and spices used in production.与众不同的褐琥珀色来自后来添加的焦糖,焦糖带来的苦涩有甜的味道掺加了50多种香草和香料的风味。ABV: 15.0%Category(s): Vermouth Group(s): Sweet Vermouth MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Saf

22、ety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Pimms No. 1 飘仙1号Description:Originally there were other variations: No2 (whisky), No3 (brandy), No5 (bourbon) and No6 (vodka). 最原始的还有其他选择:2号(威士忌),3号(白兰地),5号(波本),6号(伏特加).Not strictly a liqueur, Pimms is a gin-based drink, i

23、nfused with aromatics and mixed with lemonade for consumption.飘仙1号不是严格意义上的利口酒,飘仙是以金酒为基酒的酒水,混合了其他香精以及柠檬水等Connoisseurs insist that only adding champagne as opposed to lemonade, makes a true Pimms No1 Cup.鉴赏家们都坚持使用添加香槟来替换柠檬水,制作真正的飘仙一号。ABV: 25%Country of Origin: United KingdomCategory(s): LiqueurMANDARI

24、N ORIENTAL, SANYA三亚文华东方酒店三亚文华东方酒店餐饮部安全知识培训餐饮部安全知识培训F&B Safety Knowledge TrainingF&B Product Knowledge Training Aperitif餐饮部产品知识培训 开胃酒Pernod 潘诺Description:This aniseed aperitif was invented in France as a replacement for the banned absinthe, and quickly became a massive success in its own right. Serve diluted with ice-cold water.这是种茴香型开胃酒在法国发明用来取代被禁止的苦艾酒,并


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