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1、20112012学年度九年级(上)期末英语试卷(时间:120分钟 满分:150分 制卷人:杨志卿)亲爱的同学们,你们准备好了吗? 希望你们冷静、沉着答题,祝愿你们考出应有的水平,理想的成绩!注意:卷面整洁,字迹清晰,字母书写规范!所有答案必须做在答题卡上!第一部分 听力( 共五大题,满分30分). 关键词语选择(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到5个句子,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。( )1. A. potato B. tomato C. photo( )2. A. chess B. cheer C. chair( )3. A. silv

2、er B. similar C. theater( )4. A. against B. ancient C. accident( )5. A. set out B. sold out C. sent out. 短对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)你将听到10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( )6. How can the boy find the park?( )7. Where are they probably talking?( )8. How will the girls family go to Beiji

3、ng?( )9. What is Bruces advice?( )10. Whats wrong with Frank?( )11. How will the girl go to the Sea World? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By undergound.( )12. What is Sams dream? A. To be a singer. B. To go to college. C. To be a translator.( )13. What does Mr Zhang do? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A da

4、ncer.( )14. What would the boy like to have? A. Some bread. B. Some cake. C. Nothing.( )15. When were binoculars maybe invented? A. In 1485. B. In 1845. C. In 1854. 长对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到2段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17两个小题。( )16. Whom did the girl see a movie wi

5、th last night? A. Her father. B. Her classmates. C. Her mother.( )17. Why did the girl get to the cinema late? A. Because the bus was broken. B. Because the traffic was heavy. C. Because she had too much homework to do.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。( )18. How long havent the speakers seen each other? A. For

6、3 years. B. For 2 years. C. For 3 months.( )19. How did Lucy get her skirt? A. She bought it in a shop. B. She made it herself. C. Her parents bought it for her.( )20. Who is good at making clothes? A. Jacks mother. B. Lucys mother. C. Lucys sister. 短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后后有5个问题。请根据短文内容,在每

7、小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。( )21. What does the speaker think of Singapore? A. Interesting. B. Beautiful. C. Strange.( )22. What cant you see in Singapore? A. Mountains. B. Animals. C. Museums.( )23. What can you do in Singapore? A. See beaches. B. Drive anywhere. C. Do shopping.( )24. What should

8、you bring when visiting Singapore? A. Warm clothes. B. Some food. C. Enough money.( )25. Whats the weather usually like in Singapore? A. Rainy. B. Hot. C. Cool. 信息转换(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。FORD FOCUSSize26_ meters long1.8 meters wide1.5 meters tallFeaturesExcellen

9、t engineEasy to drive and 27_Helping you to 28_ and go to workPrice29_ yuanPhone Number30_第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )31. - I hope you dont mind my opening the window. - _. Its much too hot in here. A. Certainly B. Of course not C. All right D.

10、 Never mind( )32. - What time do you expect me back, Mum? - _ half an hour.A. At B. Before C. In D. For( )33. - Mr. Zhang, Lily came to see you just now. - It _ be Lily. Shes gone to Hong Kong. A. can B. cant C. must D. mustnt( )34. Mary prefers playing outdoors_ TV. A. to watching B. watching C. to

11、 watch D. watches( )35. - What are you going to do this weekend? - Im going to the zoo with Kathy _ it rains. A. if B. because C. unless D. so( )36. I _ 900 English words when I was ten. A. memorize B. have memoriszed C. had memorized D. is memorizing( )37. - I dont have a partner _. - Maybe you sho

12、uld join an English language club. A. to practice to speak English B. to practice speaking English with C. practicing speaking English with D. practicing to speak English( )38. Uncle Wang looks so fine in recent days. He _ a lot, but he has _. A. was used to smoke, given it up B. used to smoke, give

13、n it up C. was used to smoke, give it up D. used to smoke, given up it( )39. Im terrified _ the dark so I always go to sleep _ my bedroom light _. A. of, on, on B. of, with, on C. at, with, on D. with, with, on( )40. Martin is _ boy. A. a eight years old B. eight-year-old C. an eight-year-old D. an

14、eight-years-old( )41. - I need something for cutting the paper. - Oh, you want a knife? OK, Ill get _ for you.A. it B. that C. this D. one( )42. My fatner _ my mother twenty years ago. A. married B. married to C. married with D. was married( )43. His mother looked after him _. A. as well as she can

15、B. as good as she could C. as well as possible D. as well as he could( )44. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered _ of them. A. some B. lots C. each D. few( )45. Our classroom should _ every day. A. be clean B. be cleaned C. clean D. cleaned( )46. - Why didnt you go to the ci

16、nema with us this afternoon? - I _ at the station for my uncle from Beijing. A. was waiting B. have waited C. am waiting D. will wait( )47. - Have you ever been to Shanghai,Mary? - Yes,I _ there for three days with my parents last month. A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was( )48. Jim has never b

17、een to Beijing. _. A. So do we B. So have we C. Neither do we D. Neither have we( )49. - Tommy, do you know if Frank _ to the zoo this Sunday if it _? - Sorry, I have no idea. A. will go, is fine B. goes, is fine C. will go, will be fine D. goes, will be fine( )50. Everyone needs to have at least _

18、sleep a night. A. 8 hours B. 8 hours C. 8-hours D. 8-hours完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(A)When Jane was a little girl, she liked keeping pets. She had many books about animals and there were many pictures and stamps on the walls of her bedroom. She often said th

19、at she would work in a 51 when she grew up . Most of Janes pets were quite small parrots, cats, dogs, and so on. But one day she met something quite 52 . That afternoon, Janes mother was surprised to see a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He 53 a Tshirt and was sitting on a chair, trying to

20、 put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of water. “Jane, where are you?” the mother shouts. Then suddenly she remembered that a few days before a young gorilla(大猩猩) called Gor had run away from the zoo. “I found him in the

21、 city square,” Jane said. “He seemed so lonely. I talked to him. We became friends at once and he followed me 54 .” “Well, you know you 55 keep him,” her mother said. “You must send him back to the zoo. Youd better phone the police.” Soon a 56 came and also a truck from the zoo. 57 was angry with Ja

22、ne when she told her story. The policeman knew Jane loved animals. And the zookeeper said, “Thank you for your kindness. I can see Gor likes you, 58 we need him back.” Jane agreed. She hugged Gor and said that she would go and see him 59 . These days Jane has stopped collecting 60 , but you can stil

23、l find her with her friend Gor at the zoo on Saturdays and Sundays! ( )51. A. hospital B. school C. zoo D. factory ( )52. A. small B. long C. short D. big ( )53. A. wore B. made C. sold D. lent ( )54. A. to school B. home C. to the zoo D. to the shop ( )55. A. cant B. can C. must D. have to ( )56. A

24、. teacher B. postman C. policeman D. friend ( )57. A. Everybody B. The zookeeper C. Janes mother D. Nobody ( )58. A. and B. but C. so D. because ( )59. A. every day B. after school C. in the afternoon D. at weekends ( )60. A. clothes B. glasses C. animals D. fruits (B)Food is important. Everyone nee

25、ds to 61 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is 62 . We begin to get knowledge even when we are young. Small children are 63 in everything around them. They learn 64 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older th

26、ey begin to 65 story books, science books,and anything they like. When they find something new, they have to ask questions and 66 to find out the answers. What is the best 67 to get knowledge? If we learn 68 ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are 69 getting answers from others and dont

27、 ask why, we will never learn more and understand 70 . ( )61. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat ( )62. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat ( )63. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. good ( )64. A. everybody B. something C. nothing D anything ( )65. A. lend B. write C. learn D. read ( )66. A

28、. try B. have C. think D. wait ( )67. A. place B. school C. way D. road ( )68. A. on B. with C. to D. by ( )69. A. seldom(几乎不) B. always C. certainly D. sometimes ( )70. A. harder B. much C. well D. better . 补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项是多余选项。 A: Hi, Li Fang. You look un

29、happy. 71 B: Hi, Lin Ping. Do you think we shouldnt be allowed to choose our own clothes?A: No, I dont think so. 72 B: But my parents dont allow me to do that. 73 A: Oh, thats too bad. Im usually allowed to do that.B: Youre lucky. 74 A: So do I. For example, Im not allowed to go out at night.B: Me,

30、neither. 75 A: Yes, I do, especially for us girls. And Im not allowed to get my ears pierced yet. A. I have a lot of rules at my house.B. Whats wrong?C. They always regard me as a child.D. What are you allowed to do on Friday nights?E. We are no longer children.F. Are you allowed to do homework with

31、 friends?G. Dont you think its dangerous for us to go out at night?第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分).阅读理解( 共20小题,每小题2 分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(A)Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve o

32、'clock. "Who can it be at this time of night?" He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got off bed, put on his dressing gown (浴袍) and went to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. "That is very strange." Then he went back to his bedroom, took off

33、 his dressing gown, got back into bed ,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.A few minutes later he heard the bell again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly and rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw

34、a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it : "It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fool's Day (愚人节) . April fool to you!""Oh , it was the English boy next door!" Mr. Lee exclaimed (惊叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and feel as

35、leep at once. The bell did not ring again.( )76. When did Mr. Lee go to bed? He went to bed _.A. before twelve o'clock  B. after twelve o'clockC. when the bell rang   D. when he saw the boy( )77. Why did he rush to the door when he heard the bell ring the second time?A. He wan

36、ted to open the door for the visitorB. He wanted to find out who the visitor was.C. He was afraid of the ringD. He was waiting for someone.( )78. From this passage, we learn that we can _ on April Fool's Day.A. say "Hello" to each other B. dance and sing at nightC. play jokes on each o

37、ther D. send presents to children( )79. What did Mr. Lee think about the English boy? He thought he _.A. was a good boy    B. was friendly with himC. shouldn't ring the bell at midnight  D. did a dangerous thing just now ( )80. When was that day? A. New Years Day B. Christmas

38、 Day C. April Fool's Day D. Childrens Day(B)Have you ever been ill? When you are ill,you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot,and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work,you stay in bed,feeling very sad.What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. The

39、y are very small and you can't find them with your eyes,but you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing. Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we shall see them in it. So your

40、father and mother will not let you drink dirty water. Germs aren't found only in water. They are found in air and dust. If you cut your finger,if some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处),some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and red,and you will

41、have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your body,and you would have pain everywhere.( )81. Which of the following is TRUE?A. If things are very small,they are germs.B. If things can't be seen,they must be germs.C. Germs are only in dirty water.D. Germs are everywhere arou

42、nd us. ( )82. What is a microscope used for?A. Making very small things look much bigger.B. Making very big things look much smaller.C. Helping you read some newspapers.D. Helping you if you can't see things clearly.( )83. Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water?A. You haven't l

43、ooked at it carefully.B. Water can't be drunk in this way.C. There must be lots of germs in it.D. Water will make you ill.( )84. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Germs can be found both in water and in the airB. Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.C. If your temperature is not OK,the

44、re must be germs in your body.D. If your finger isn't cut,there aren't any germs on it. ( )85. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Germs may make us ill.B. Germs are in dirty water.C. Don't drink dirty water.D. Take care of your fingers. (C)My friend Matt and I arrived at the Acti

45、vity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation(条件)wasn't wonderful,but we had everything we needed (beds,blankets,food),and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends,Kevin an

46、d Simon,while(而) the sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn't know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors,but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning cav

47、ing while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞)first. Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud,we were pleased and excited by what we'd done.( )86. The w

48、riter spent the Saturday morning _.A. rock-climbing B. sleeping C. meeting friends D. caving( )87. There were _ members in all in the writer's group.A. 6 B. 8 C. l0 D. 12 ( )88. We can learn from the passage that _.A. some of the group had been there beforeB. the group had done rock-climbing man

49、y timesC. some of the group already knew each otherD. group all came from the same city ( )89. The write thought her weekend was _.A. interesting B. relaxing C. frightening D. unpleasant ( )90. This passage mainly talks about _.A. the writer's friends at the Activity CentreB. the writer's ex

50、perience at the Activity CentreC. outdoor sports at the Activity CentreD. how to go rock-climbing and caving (D)The police do many things for us. They help keep our things and us safe. They help keep cars moving safely. They take care of people who are hurt. Then they see these people get to a docto

51、r.The police go around town to see that everything is all right. They get around town in many ways. Some of them walk or go by car. In some big cities,some of the police ride on horses. It is strange to see these animals in the street.As they go around town,the police help people. Sometimes they find lost children. They take the children home. If the police see a fight,they put an end to it right away. Sometimes people will ask the police how to get to a place in town. The police can always tell the people which way to go. They know all the streets and r


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