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5、单位并接受信息的英语广播听众带来了很大的困难。怎样才能克服这一困难,做到准确无误地听记英语新闻中出现的数字呢?根据我们的收听实践,发现采取以下步骤,比较容易听记:1)根据美国英语中每逢四位数就要变更计数单位的规则,记数时采用国际习惯每隔三位数用一逗号分开,即1,000以上的数:先从后向前数,每三位数加一“,”,第一个“,”号前为thousand,第二个“,”号前为million,第三个“,”号前为billion(在英国英语国家中为thousand million),然后一节一节表示。例如:123,456,895,167,读成one hundred (and) twenty three bill

6、ion four hundred (and) fifty-six million eight hundred (and) ninety-five thousand one hundred and sixty-seven.从这一读法中不难看出:除了trillion,billion,和million外,其他数字都是百、十、个的反复使用。2)以trillion,billion,million和thousand为中心,收听时集中注意力听清楚是多少个trillion,多少个billion,多少个million和多少个thousand,及时记下并在它们的后面分别用“,”分开,没有具体数字的就打上“0”。当

7、然trillion的前面还有一些更大的计数词,其规律都是一样的。3)注意数字的书写表达方法。一般说来,英语数字的书写方法有以下三种:(1)如果数字能用一个单独单词来表达,就直接写出该单词。如:“一”、“九”、“十五”、“八十”就分别写作one,nine,fifteen和eighty。(2)如果数字要用一个复合数词或几个数词来表达,如:“二十一”、“九十九”、“一百零一”、“一千八百七十六”等等,通常就写出阿拉伯数字“21”、“99”、“101”、“1,876”等等。如果数字是比较大的整数,常常要用阿拉伯数字加英语单词一起来表达。如“一百六十万”、“四十五亿”就写成“1.6 million”和“

8、4.5 billion”等等。另外,还有一些数字可以有两种读法。例如:1,000可读作one thousand或ten hundred,4,500可读作four thousand five hundred或forty-five hundred,500,000可读作five hundred thousand或half million。在VOA的英语广播中,如果数字达到或超过了billion,Special English和Standard English 的读法通常都不一样。如:The Chinese News Agency says Chinas population has grown to

9、 1,031,882,511 persons. (St.) Standard English的播音员将这一数字读作one billion thirty-one million eight hundred eighty-two thousand five hundred eleven。而Special English的播音员将这一数字读作one thousand thirty-one million。又如:World Bank President A. W. Clausen says the bank will lend China 1,000,000,000 next year. (St.)

10、Standard English的播音员将这一数字读作one billion,而Special English的播音员将这一数字读作one thousand million,这一读法避免了使用billion这一没有被VOA Special English Wordbook收进的难词。数字中的另一难点是带有小数点的百分数,我们常常在经济、金融和其他涉及较精确的百分比的新闻中遇到。这些数字,特别是百分之零点几的数字的读法比较难懂,有的有几种读法,在一般的辞书和语法书中很难找到满意的答案。现根据录音材料,从这摘录一些含有这些数字的典型单句,按一定的规律排列如下,供读者参考:The report no

11、ted that the slowdown is less than the four and one half per cent (4.5%) drop in such economic activity during the last three months of 1981.The second largest bank in the United States, the city Bank of New York, has raised its prime interest rates to sixteen and one half per cent (16.5%).He (World

12、 Bank President A. W. Claysen) praised Chinas economic progress in the last two years, noting the Chinese economy has grown almost seven point five per cent (7.5%) in the time of world recession.The Labor Department said almost 11 million Americans were out of work, about nine point eight per cent (

13、9.8%) of the work force.Almost 10 million persons in the US were unemployed in March. That means nine per cent (9%) of the American labor forces was out of work, and increase of two tenths of one per cent (0.2%) over Februarys rate.Consumer prices in the US increased by only two tenths of one per ce

14、nt (0.2%) in February.Producer prices in the United States increased by one tenth of one per cent (0.1%) in April, the first rise since January. Government economists say producer prices rose at yealy rate of only four tenths of one per cent (0.4%) during the first four months of this year.The Labor

15、 Department reports that producer prices increased by only one half of one per cent (0.5%) in October.The Federal Reserve Board says industrial production dropped eight tenths of one per cent (0.8%) in October.The Labor Department reports the prices in the US lowered only six tenths of one per cent

16、(0.6%) last month. Prices has risen one fourth per cent (0.25%) in May and June.The World has a huge supply of fresh water, rivers, rain water, lakes and underground wells. But experts say that only abut one third of one per cent (0.3% or 1/3%) of the worlds total water supply is naturally safe for

17、drinking.总的来说,英语数字的听记是英语学习者的一大难点,除了掌握一定的规律和技巧外,必须通过大量的听说读写训练,才能达到比较迅速而准确的目的。 数字听力是英语听力训练中的一大难点, 学生很难在短时间内准确地捕捉到数字信息,并快速记录。同时, 数字听力又是英语听力教学中的一大重点。通过数字读法及速记技巧训练, 可以帮助学生攻克数字听力难关。数字在信息传递中极为重要, 无论是日常对话还是新闻播报都会涉及到数字, 而数字都极其细微, 稍有差错就会导致理解相差甚远。在英语听力中, 与数字相关的读写练习自然也是学习重点之一, 这也是英语听力中的一大难点, “纯数字信息的准确获取与转换

18、已长期成为学生听力理解过程中的重大障碍之一, 严重影响学生成绩的整体提高”。数字听力无法依靠上下文语境推断, 练习者需要完全凭借背景知识、短时记忆和快速反应获取信息。有时即使进行了大量训练, 也难以获得显著效果。调查结果表明, 在听力试题测试中数字方面的得分率最低。1、常见的数字读法数字的种类繁多, 有基数、序数、分数、小数、百分数等。数字又是日常生活中经常用到的语言信息, 包括日期、时间、价格、股票指数、温度、门牌号、电话号码等, 有时一个数字还有不同读法。这些都需要我们在教学实践中认真总结归纳, 以期达到良好的教学效果。1.1 基数词基数词是基础, 所有其他数字都在此基础之上形成, 其中要

19、特别注意四位以上的大额数字。依照中文的习惯, 数字由每四位划分一个单位, 从低到高位依次为: 个, 万, 亿等。而英文则不同, 是以每三位划分一个单位: thousand, million, billion,trillion。如: 134, 256, 366, 906 读作: one hundred( and) thirty- four billion, two hundred ( and) fifty- six million, three hundred ( and) sixty- six thousand, nine hundred ( and) six. ( 在美式英语中, 往往省略h

20、undred 后面的and) 。只有注意到中英文的差别,才能有意识地形成英语读数习惯。同时要注意到一些特殊读法, 特别是在财经新闻中常常遇到违反常规的读法。如以下实例:例1: In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6, 783. ( 读作: sixty- seven eighty -three)例2: The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 96 points at 10, 116. The Standard and Poors 500 Index gained 6 points

21、to close at 1, 254.( 10, 116 读作: ten thousand one hundred sixteen;1, 254 读作: twelve hundred and fifty- four)上述两个例句信息本是外电新闻原文。有时正规读法和特例读法甚至会在一段中同时出现, 如例2 所示。1.2 序数词序数词中除first, second, third, 其余都是在基数词末尾加上- th 构成, 只有部分在拼写方法上略有变动。但要注意很多序数词也可用基数词表示,如:Lesson nine = the ninth lesson 第九课;World War (World Wa

22、r Two) = the second world war 第二次世界大战等。但要注意在提及国王或女王时, 只能用序数词, 而不能用基数词。如: Queen Elithabeth II 应读作: Queen Elithabeth the second, 而不能读作Queen Elithabeth two。1.3 分数分数的分子用基数词表示, 分母用序数词表示。若分子大于1, 分母用复数, 如: 1/3, 读作: one third; 2/7 读作: two sevenths。如果分子或分母数值较大, 或在数学计算中, 常常会用over 来读分数线, 如: 32/46 读作thirty- two

23、 over forty- six。但要注意1/2, 1/4 和3/4 分别读作: a ( one)half, a( one) quarter, three quarters。1.4 小数小数的整数部分按照基数词规则读, 小数部分的数字逐个读出, 而小数点“.”念作“point”。如9.45 读作“nine point four five”, 但有时也会听到“nine point forty- five”的特例读法。如果小数点前为0, 读作nought 或zero。1.5 百分数百分数的读法比较简单, 通常是在基数或小数后面加上百分号, 读作“percent”即可。如: 35%( thirty

24、- five percent) , 23.8% ( twenty - three point eight percent) 。但有时, 百分号前被读作分数, 如:1.5% 读作one and one half percent; 12.3% 读作twelve and three tenths percent。1.6 倍数英语中表示两倍用twice, 三倍以上用times。但要注意其他一些表示倍数的词: double, triple /treble, quadruple 等倍数还可以用基数词加上后缀“- fold”表示, 如16- fold( 十六倍) 。1.7 日期在年的表示中, 如果数字较小,

25、 或者新世纪初的几个年份, 可以直接当作基数词读出, 如: 357A.D.读作“three hundred fifty- seven A.D.”; 2006 读作“two thousand( and) six”。数值较大时, 习惯于两位一组读出, 如: 1980 读作“nineteen eighty”。月份的读法很统一, 但要注意书写时可以用缩写, 听力中适当的缩写可以帮助我们迅速记录,节约时间。具体日期的表示有如下两种: November 23rd( 读作: November (the) twenty third) 和23rd November(读作: (the) twenty third

26、(of) November) 。1.8 时间最简便的读法是把时和分依次读出, 如: 8:10读作“eight ten”; 6:52 读作“six fifty- two”。但这两个时刻通常读作“ten past / after eight”和“eight to /of seven”( after 和of 为美式英语习惯) 。如果想表示刚好在某一个整点, 如11:00, 可以用“at 11 oclock sharp / on the hour / on the strike”。而12:00 也可读为“at noon”; 00:00 为“at midnight”。时刻的读法中还常常用到half 和q

27、uarter, 分别表示三十分钟和十五分钟。1.9 价格读价格首先要注意单位: 英国有pound /pounds (, 英镑)、penny / pence( p, 便士) ; 美国有dollar / dollars( $, 美元) 、cent / cents( , 美分) 。美国的硬币还有quarter ( = 25 cents) , dime ( = 10cents) , nickel( = 5 cents) 。在听写过程中, 要记得写上货币单位, 数值加上单位才是完整的价格。书写时可以用货币符号, 以节省时间。同时, 对货币单位间的换算也要相当熟悉。读具体价格需要注意带零头的数字, 如:

28、3.35读作“three dollars thirty- five cents”, 或“three dollars thirty - five”, 或简单的读作“three thirty -five”。类似的, 3.35 读作“three ( pounds) thirtyfive(pence) ”。1.10 股票指数具体股票指数的读法已涵盖在以上分节的介绍中, 但是很多时候会采用特例读法。涉及股票指数时, 重点在表示数值变动的相关表达, 此处不再赘述。1.11 温度这里首先要分清两种单位: 摄氏度( centigrade或Celsius) 和华氏度( Fahrenheit) 。其次要注意零度和

29、零下的读法。如: 0读作nought / zero degrees Centigrade; - 5 可读作five degrees below zero 或negative/minus five degrees。1.12 门牌号通常情况下, 三位门牌号逐个读出, 四位门牌号每两个数分一组。如: Classroom 305 读作Classroom three - oh/zero - five; Room 2534 读作Room twenty- five thirty- four。1.13 电话号码读电话号码首先要按照国家代码、区号、号码本身来分开, 如86- 0551- 3837898, 然后逐

30、个数字读出。若号码主体部分有七位, 则按照三位一组加四位一组读出, 如上例中3837898 读作three eight three, seven eight nigh eight; 若主体部分有八位, 则每四个数一组读出, 如28465258 读作two eight four six, five two five eight。如果遇到两个或三个相连数字相同, 可分别用double 和treble。但是, 开头三个数字相同, 通常仍应该分开读, 如: 5553298 应读作five five five,three two nine eight, 而不是treble five, three two

31、 nine eight。而且运用double 或treble 时, 仍应遵循上述数字分组规则, 如: 7733298 应读作double seven three, three two nine eight, 而不是double seven double three two nine eight。1.14 其他 “0”的读法0 可以读作zero, nought, null, nil, nothing, oh,上述规则已有所涉及。此外nil 多见于体育赛事,如: 3: 0 读作three nil 或three to nothing。 区分million 和billion; - teens 和- t

32、ys听力中辨音是基础, 涉及数字时, 区别million和billion; - teens 和- tys 尤为重要。 连读连读对听力理解影响甚大, 此处试举一二, 以说明其在涉及数字的听力中可能造成的误解和困难。如: 00 可能读作double oh, 听起来像“w”; 88可能读作double eight; 1800 可能读作one eigh( t)hundred, 听起来像“one hundred”。2 数字的速记技巧2.1 使用逗号帮助记录大额数字遇到四位及以上数字时, 应习惯于使用逗号分节, 每三位一节。这种分组方法既符合英语朗读习惯, 又能帮助练习者准确记录, 迅速应对。2.2 合理

33、使用million, billion, trillion 等词及其缩写数额较大且低位数字多为零者, 可以用million,billion, trillion 等单词代替, 在草稿中甚至仅以m, b, t 代替, 以节省时间。事实上, 很多数字在朗读时已进行此类转换,如: ten point five million 和ten and one half million均指10.5million, 即10,500,000。又如: two hundred ten thousand million 指210,000 million, 即210,000,000,000。2.3 充分利用数学符号做听力笔记

34、时, 可以充分利用数学符号来表示增加、减少、多于、少于、等于, 甚至可以自创符号来方便记忆。3 训练方法涉及数字听力练习的方法很多, 如: 两人配对练习, 一人读一人记, 训练几组之后交换练习; 如:多听英语新闻, 特别是财经报道等。这里着重介绍几个小技巧和小游戏, 既具有可操作性, 又充满趣味性, 而且在教学实践中效果显著。3.1 读电话号码本把电话号码当作普通的基数词来念, 要做到发音准确、迅速、自然。3.2 数数从0 开始一直数到出错为止, 出错后从头再来, 要求同上。这两个方法的好处是不受时空限制, 甚至一个人走在路上也能自行操练。  (2)基数词和序数词的写法与读

35、法罗马字阿拉伯数字 基数词读法序数词写法序数词读法I1one1stthe firstII2two2ndthe secondIII3three3rdthe thirdIV4four4ththe fourthV5five5ththe fifthVI6six6ththe sixthVII7seven7ththe seventhVIII8eight8ththe eighthIX9nine9ththe ninthX10ten10ththe tenthXI11eleven11ththe eleventhXII12twelve12ththe twelfthXIII13thirteen13ththe

36、 thirteenthXIV14fourteen14ththe fourteenthXV15fifteen15ththe fifteenthXVI16sixteen16ththe sixteenthXVII17seventeen17ththe seventeenthXVIII18eighteen18ththe eighteenthXIX19nineteen19ththe nineteenthXX20twenty20ththe twentiethXXI21twenty one21stthe twenty firstXXV25twenty five25ththe twenty fifthXXX30

37、thirty30ththe thirtiethXL40forty40ththe fortiethL50fifty50ththe fiftiethLX60sixty60ththe sixtiethLXX70seventy70ththe seventiethLXXX80eighty80ththe eightiethXC90ninety90ththe ninetiethIC99ninety nine99ththe ninety ninthC100one hundred100ththe hundredth102a hundred and two102ndthe (one) hundred and se

38、cond246two hundred and forty-six246thtwo hundred and forty sixth751seven hundred and fifty-one751stseven hundred and fifty first      (2)1000以上的数词    1,000 = one thousand       一千    10,000 = ten thousand 

39、     一万     100,000 = one hundred thousand     十万     1,000,000 = one million     一百万     10,000,000 = ten million     一千万     100,000,000=o

40、ne hundred million     一亿      (3) 十亿以上的大数,英美有不同的读法:       十亿      英国:  one thousand million       美国:  one billion       百亿&

41、#160;     英国:    ten thousand million       美国:    ten billion      千亿      英国:    one hundred thousand million       美国:

42、0;   one hundred billion      万亿      英国:    one billion       美国:    one trillion      2.Fractions 分数     通常将分子读为基数,将分母读为序数。  

43、60;      1/2 = a (or one) half        1/3 = a (or one) third        1/4 = a quarter or one fourth        1/5 = a (or one) fifth       

44、2/3 = two thirds        9/10 = nine tenths        53/4 = five and three quarters        15/64 = fifteen over (or by) sixty-four        15% = fifteen per cent

45、60;       4 = four per mill        3.Decimals  小数         0.4 = zero (or nought) point four        0.01 = point (or decimal) nought one    &

46、#160;   12.34 = twelve point three four        567.809 = five hundred and sixty-seven point eight nought nine        30.45 = thirty point four five, five recurring        0.3% = decimal

47、 three percent   4.Mathematic Forms 数学式         (1) Addition 加法         1+2=3        One and two are three.        2+3=5   &#

48、160;    Two plus three equals five.        4+0=4        Four and nought is equal to four.        45+70+152=267        45,70 and 152 added are (or

49、 make) 267 the sum (or total) is 267.      演算时的读法:      Three and seven are ten; I write(or I write down, or I put down)a nought and carry one. Four and one that I carry are five, and eight make thirteen, and three sixteen; I write down six and carry

50、 one. One and one (that I carry) are two; I put down two.- The sum (or total, or the result of the addition) is two hundred and sixty. 37,80 and 143 added together, and (or make) 260.       (2)Subtraction 减法         9-4=5  &#

51、160;      Nine minus four equals (or is equal to) five.        15-7=8        Seven from fifteen leaves eight.        23,654-8,175=15,479     

52、0;  8,175 (take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479. The difference (or The remainder) is 15,479.         Nine from five won't go.      演算时的读法:      Nought from nought (leaves) nought. One from on

53、e leaves nought (or nothing). Two from three (leaves) one. I can't take (or subtract) five from four; I must borrow ten; five from fourteen leaves nine.- The difference (or The remainder) is nine thousand one hundred. 5210 (take or subtracted) from 14,310 leaves 9,100.     &#

54、160;  (3)Multiplication        乘法         1×0=0        One multiplied by nought equals nought.         1×1=1    

55、60;   Once one is one.         2×1=2        Twice one is two.        3×5=15        Three times five is fifteen    &

56、#160;   6×0=0          Multiply six by nothing, and the result is nothing.        演算时的读法:         Five times nine (or Nine multiplied by five) are forty-five; I

57、 put down five and carry four. Five times seven are thirty-five and four (that I carry) are thirty-nine; I write down nine and carry three. Five times six make thirty and three (that I carry) thirty-three; I put down thirty-three.        Eight times nine (or Eight

58、nine) are seven two; I write two and carry seven. Eight sevens make fifty-six and seven are sixty-three. I put down three and carry six. Eight sixes make forty-eight and six fifty-four; I write down fifty-four.        I now add the partial results (or products) Fiv

59、e. Two and nine are eleven. Three and three are six and one are seven. Four and three make seven.     (4)Division 除法         9÷3=3        Nine divided by three makes (or is equal to) three.  

60、;       20÷5=4        Five into twenty goes four times.         4567÷23=198余13        23 into 4567 goes 198 times, and 13 remainder. The quotient is 1

61、98, and 13 remainder.         演算时的读法:         Fifteen into thirteen won't go; fifteen into one hundred and thirty-eight goes nine times; nine times fifteen are one hundred and thirty-five; one hundred and thirty-five

62、 from one hundred and thirty-eight leaves three; I bring down seven; fifteen into thirty-seven goes twice; twice fifteen are thirty; thirty from thirty-seven leaves seven. The (exact) quotient is ninety-two, and seven remainder; 15 into 1387 goes 92 times, and 7 remainder.   5.Time 时间

63、    (1)Hours 钟点         2h.5'8" = two hours five minutes eight seconds        2小时5分8秒         6.18 = six eighteen        6时18分

64、         8.30 a.m. = eight thirty a.m.'ei 'em        上午8时30分         the 6.05 p.m. train = the six (nought) five p.m.'pi:'em train      

65、60;  下午6时零5分列车   又二十四小时混合制的写法和读法如下:        0900 = 0 nine hundred        (上午)9时         0910 = 0 nine ten        (上午)9时10分   &

66、#160;     1300 = thirteen hundred        13时(下午1时)         1525 = fifteen twenty-five        15时25分(下午3时25分)         2000 = twenty

67、 hundred        20时(下午8时)         at 5 o'c =at five o'clock        五点钟   (2)Date 日期         Oct.1 =October first   &#

68、160;    10月1日         Oct.1st = October the first        10月1日         1st Oct. 1949 = the first of October, nineteen forty-nine       

69、 1949年10月1日         3/5 = 英May (the) third 5月3日;        美March fifth 3月5日         附注联系日期前置词用on.    (3)Year 年份         684 B.C. =Si

70、x eighty-four B.C. 'bi:'si:        公元前684年         1960 = nineteen sixty; nineteen hundred and sixty        19- nineteen something        1950'

71、s nineteen fifties         二十世纪五十年代          附注联系年份的前置词用in.    6.Numbers 号码     (1)Telephones Numbers电话号码         1023 = one O two three; te

72、n twenty-three        1227 = one double two (or two two) seven        0386 = O three eight six        0096 = double O(or O O )nine six        7000 = seven O dou

73、ble O = seven thousand        No.26= Number 26     第26号         Room 201 = Room two O one     第201房间         10 Chang'an Street = Ten Chang&#

74、39;an Street     长安街10号     (2)Writings 书籍作品         Vol. I = Volume one (or the first volume)      卷一         Chap. II= Chapter two (or the second ch

75、apter)        第2章         Page 3 = page Three (or the third page)        第3页         See pp.5-10 = See Pages five to ten     

76、   见第5-10页         Act V = Act five (or the fifth act)        第5幕         Hamlet III 1:56 = Hamlet Act Three, Scene One. Line fifty-six      哈姆雷特

77、第3幕第一场第56行         Matt.7:12 = Matthew, Chapter Seven, Verse Twelve        马可福音第七章第12节         Beethoven Op.49 = Beethoven Opus forty-nine        贝多芬作

78、品第49号         4to = quarto        四本开         8vo = octavo        八本开    (3)Other 其他         Wo

79、rld War I = World War One        第一次世界大战         World War II = World War Two        第二次世界大战         Charles I= Charles the First        查理一世         Henry V = Henry the Fifth        亨利五世    


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