1、英语电子邮件写作资料整理英语电子邮件如何写 a1 内容 a2 结构常用词汇b1.Know your email terms b2. 其它缩写:跟老外邮件交流中常会见到的英语缩写词汇常用例句 c1. 外企必备:英文电子邮件高频句 c2. 商务英语函电的 20 个常用句型范文 d1. 英文书信范文精选 d2. 英文书信范文 2 d3. 外贸业务全套英文邮件范文A 英文邮件如何写a1 内容从问候开始 用问候语开始邮件内容非常重要,例如 "Dear Lillian," 。根据你与收件人的关系亲近与否, 你可能选择使用他们的姓氏来称呼他们而不是直呼其名,例如 "Dear M
2、rs. Price," 。如果关 系比较亲密的话,你就可以说, "Hi Kelly," 如果你和公司联系, 而不是个人,你就可以写 "To Whom It May Concern:" 感谢收件人如果你在回复客户的询问,你应该以感谢开头。例如,如果有客户想了解你的公 司,你就可以说, "Thank you for contacting ABC Company." 如果此人已经回复过你的一 封邮件了,那就一定要说, "Thank you for your prompt reply." 或是 "Tha
3、nks forgett in gbacktome."如果你可以找到任何机会那一定要谢谢收信人。这样对方就会感到比较舒服,而且显得更礼貌。表明你的意图 然后,如果是你主动写电子邮件给别人的话,那就不可能再写什么感谢的字句了。那就以你 写此邮件的目的开头。例如,"I am writi ng to en quire about"或是"I am writi ng inrefere nee to"在电子邮件开头澄清你的来意非常重要,这样才能更好的引出邮件的主要内容。记得要注意语法,拼写和标点符号,保持句子简短明了并句意前后一致。结束语 在你结束邮件之前,
4、再次感谢收信人并加上些礼貌语结尾。你可以 "Thank you for your patience and cooperation." 或 "Thank you for your consideration." 开始接着写, "If you have any questi ons or concern s,do n't hesitateto let me kno w."及"I look forward tohearing from you."结束最后是写上合适的结尾并附上你的名字。"Best re
5、gards," "Sincerely,"及"Thank you,"都很规范化。最好不要用"Best wishes,"或"Cheers,"类的词因为这些词都常用在非正式的私人 邮件中。最后,在你发送邮件之前,最好再读一遍你的内容并检查其中有没有任何的拼写错误,这样就能保证你发出的是一封真正完美的邮件!结构地址栏的写法:地址栏(To)电子邮件的地址,包括写信人地址、收信人地址、抄送收信人地址、密送收信 人地址,这四部分无需填写繁杂的邮政地址,只需填入相应的电子邮件地址即可,而且并非 每一项都要填,若收信人只有
6、一个,就不需填写其他收信人的电子邮件地址,处理比一般信 件要简单得多。主题摘要的写法:主题摘要栏(Subject )邮件的标题应当简洁明了。邮件标题是邮件主要内容的浓缩,是读者浏览信箱时决定是否阅读该邮件的根据。简洁明了的主题内容可起到索引的作用,便于收件 者以后在大量的邮件中查出相关的邮件。邮件标题选择的合适与否将影响到读者处理信件的 效率。因此,为了确保收信人能及时阅读邮件,邮件的标题不仅要引人注目,而且应该言简意赅。另外,标题应该用名词短语或动名词短语,如如: Your Meeting in California ”,“YourOrder” , “Mrs. Jones”,“weekly
7、Sales Meeting” , “广告”等标题都信息明确、一目了然。称呼(salutation)商务英文电子邮件通常用较正式的称呼,如:Dear+对方的姓氏,有时可以省去 Dear,直呼对方的名或姓,或者用随意的称呼,如:“Hi,Johnson”,“Hi,Davis ”等。若不能确定收件人是哪一位,可用这样的表达,如:“ Dear Sirs ”,“Dear Madamor Sir ”或"To whomit mayconcern ”等。正文部分的写法:正文部分(body)涉外商务电子邮件的正文书写格式绝大多数采用齐头式。齐头式是指正文 中各部分都从每行的左边开始,这种格式便于打字和节
8、省时间,提高工作效率。正文是电子 邮件的主要部分,大多把话题分成几个小主题,每个小主题一段,每段一般只有一两句话, 正文由两三个或三四个简短的段落构成。敬意结尾( complimentary closing ) 结尾常用敬语,表示客套和礼节,措辞应恰当。通常用“ Best Regards”,“Best Wishes ” ,或使用“ Good day to you!”等表示美好祝愿的词组作为敬意结尾,使得电子邮件更趋向随 意体(casual style )。签名(sig nature )通常是寄件者在信函的敬意结尾下面写上自己的姓名。因为电子邮件是在电脑上打出来的,所以不能像传统的外贸信函那样可
9、用手签。附件(Enclosure )电子邮件中如果带有与邮件内容相关的附件,可用word、excel 等软件编写成文件报表或扫描各种形式发票、定单或报价单等,并在邮件中说明具体文件的名称及 份数等,以便对方确认。附言(Postscript )打好邮件后,若发现需要补充某些内容, 可在签名下方注明 P.S. 再附上补充的内容。 但补充 的内容不宜太多,常常是一两句话。若补充的内容很多, 则需另写一封邮件, 以免喧宾夺主。英语电子邮件中的常用词汇b1. Know your email terms 英语电子邮件发送程序有很多的缩写,如果你不知道意思的话,你给老板要求加薪水的邮件 就可能发给了整个办公
10、室!"Reply to all" 表示你的邮件将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人。在邮件的地址栏内,"cc" (carbon copy)部分是指邮件发给你指定的人,而"bcc"部分你可以 悄悄的发送邮件而不让其他的人知道-b的意思是"blind"(掩藏的)。如果有人要你 "forward" 一封邮件,他们意思是要你通过转发的功能发送邮件, 有时侯简写成"fw."比较常见的缩写如下: 缩写 原文 意思AOB Any other business 其他事 ASAP As soon a
11、s possible 尽快BCC blind carbon copy 密送BTW By the way 顺便提一下CC Carbon copy 抄送Conf. Confidential 机密IOW In other words 换句话说Pls. Please 请PS Postscript 附言WRT With regard to 关于b2. 其它缩写:跟老外邮件交流中常会见到的英语缩写词汇2 = to/too2Bornot2B =To beornottobe4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As FarAs I'
12、;mConcerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AFK= Away From Keyboard AIAMU = AndI 'm A Monkey'sUncle AISI = As ISeeIt AKA = Also KnownAs AMBW=AllMy BestWishes ANFAWFOW=SAnd NowFor A Word WordFrom Our WebSponsor AOTS= All Of The Sudden ASAFP= As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP= As Soon As P
13、ossible ATST = At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA=AreWeGoingToHaveToGo ThroughThisAgain AWGTHTGTTSA =AreWeGoingToHaveToGoThroughThisShAgainAYSOS =AreYouStupidOrSomethingB:B4 = Before B4N= Bye For NowBBFBBM= Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = BeBackIn A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later
14、 BBN = Bye Bye Now BCNU = Be Seein You BF = Boyfriend BFD = BigFingDealBFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = ByteMe BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass BNF = BigNameFan BOHICA = BendOver HereItComesAgain BR = Bathroom BRB = Be Right Back
15、BRT = BeRightThere BS =BigSmile BT = Byte This BTDT = Been There Done That BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The Way BTWBO = BeThereWithBellsOn BWDIK = But What Do I Know? BWO = Black,WhiteorOtherC:Cam = Web Camera CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) CID = Consider It Done CIO = Check ItOut CIS = Com
16、puServeInformationService CMF = Count My Fingers Cof$ = Church ofScientology CRAFT= Can'tRemember A FingThing CRAWS= Can' tRememberAnythingWorth A Sh CSL = Can't Stop Laughing CTC= Choaking The Chicken CU = SeeYou CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later CWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your A
17、ssD:DBEYR= Don't BelieveEverythingYouRead DD = Due Diligence DDD= DirectDistanceDial DETI = Don't Even ThinkIt DGT= Don't Go There DHYB= Don't Hold Your Breath DIIK = DamnedIf I KnownDILLIGAD =Do ILook LikeIGive Adamn DILLIGAS =Do ILook LikeIGive ASh DKDC= Don't Know Don't Ca
18、re DL = Download DLTM= Don't Lie To Me DQYDJ= Don' tQuitYou ' reDayJob DRIB = Don ' t Read If Busy DS = Dunce Smiley DYSTSOTT =DidYouSeeTheSizeOfThatThingE:EG = Evil Grin EOM = End Of Message ESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To Face FAQ= FrequentlyAsked Question
19、FBKS= Failure Between Keyboard and Seat FE = ForExample/FatalError FF&PN= Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF= Friend Of A Friend FTASB = FasterThan A SpeedingBullet FT = Faint FTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time Being FUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB= Fed Up BeyondBelief8FUD = (Sp
20、reading)Fear,Uncertainty,andDisinformationFWIW = For What It ' s Worth FYA = For Your Amusement FYI = For Your Information FYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = GotToGo G8T/GR8 = Great GAL = Get A Life GDGD = Good,Good GF = girlfriend GG = Good Game/Gotta Go GIGO = Garbage In,Garbage Out GIWIST =
21、 Gee, I Wish I' d SaidThat GL = Good Luck GLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I GMTA = GreatMindsThinkAlike GNBLFY=GotNothingButLoveForYou GR&D= GrinningRunningAnd Ducking GRRRR= "Growling" GSOAS = Go Sit On A Snake GTG =GotToGo GTGB = Got To Go, Bye GTGP = Got To Go Pee GTH = Go To
22、Hell GTSY = GladTo SeeYa GYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good One HAK = Hugs And Kisses HB = Hurry Back HD = Hold HHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK =HaHa,OnlyKidding HIOOC = Help! I' m OutOf CoffeeHowz = How is HTH = HopeThis(That)Helps HUA = Heads Up Ace HUYA = HeadUp
23、You ' rea I:IAC = In Any Case IAE = In Any Event IANAC = I AmNot A Crook IANAL = I AmNot A Lawyer IBT = InBetween Technology IBTD = I Beg To Differ IC = I See/In Character IDGAF = IDon'tGive A F IDGI = I Don't Get It IDK = I Don't Know IDKY = IDon'tKnowYou IDST = I Didn ' t S
24、ay That IDTS =IDon ' t ThinkSo IFAB = I Found A Bug IFU = IFed Up IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee IIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot Outside IIMAD = IfItMakes An(y) Difference IIRC = If I Remember Correctly IIWM = If It Were Me ILICISCOMK =ILaughed,ICried,ISpat/SpiltCoffee/Crumbs/CokeOnMy Keyboard ILY = I Love Yo
25、u IMHO = InMy HumbleOpinion IMNSHO= InMyNot SoHumbleOpinion IMO = In My Opinion INMP = It ' s Not My Problem INPO = InNo ParticularOrder IOH = I' m Outta Here IOW = In OtherWords IRL = In Real LifeISS = ISaidSo ITM = In The Money IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean IYSS = If You SaySoJ:J/C = Ju
26、stChecking J/K =JustKidding! J/W =JustWondering JAFO = Just Another FingOnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OK KFY = Kiss For You KISS = Keep ItSimpleStupid KIT = Keep In Touch KMA = Kiss My Ass KWIM = Know What I Mean KX = kiss KYPO = Keep Your Pants On L:L8R = Later LD = Long Distance LDTTWA = Let ' s Do
27、The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off LMK = Let Me Know LOL = LaughingOutLoud/Lots OfLuck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ' TilICry LTNS= Long Time No See LYL = Love Ya Lots LYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = Mate MHOTY = My Hat' s Off To You MM
28、= Market Maker MorF = Male or Female?MOTD= Message Of The Day MOTSS= Members Of The SameSex MTFBW=Y MayThe ForceBeWithYou MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed Later MYOB = MindYour OwnBusinessN:N = And/Know/Now NAK= Nursing At Keyboard NAZ= Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No BigDeal NBIF = No
29、Basis In Fact NFI = No Fing Idea NFW = NoFingWay NIFOC= NudeIn Front Of The Computer NM= Never Mind NMP= Not MyProblem NMU= NothingMuchYou NOYB = None Of Your Business NP = No Problem NQOCD = Not Quite Our Class Dear NRG = Energy NRN = No Reply Necessary NYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = O
30、n An Unrelated Subject OBTW = Oh, By The Way OIC = Oh,I See OICU = Oh, I See You OMDB = Over My Dead Body OMG = Oh My God/Oh My Gosh OMIK = Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard ONNA= Oh No, Not Again OOC= Out Of Character OOTB=OutOfTheBox/OutOfTheBlue OT = Off Topic12OTOH = On The Other Hand OWTTE =OrWordsTo
31、ThatEffect OZ = standsfor "Australia"P:PEBCAK =ProblemExists Between ChairAnd Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced Mail Pic = Picture PIMP = PeeingInMy Pants PITA = Pain In The Ass PLS/PLZ = Please PMFJI = PardonMeForJumpingIn PO = Piss Off POS = Parents Over Shoulder POV = Point Of View PPL =
32、People Pro = Professional PS = By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH = Take A Hike TANSTAAFL = There Ain 't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = ThingsAreReallyFedUp TDTM = Talk Dirty To Me TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN =ThanksForNothin ' THX/TX/THKS = Thanks TIA = Thanks In Advanc
33、e TIAIL = ThinkI Am InLove TIC = Tongue In Cheek TLA = Three Letter Acronym TLGO = The List Goes On TM = Trust Me TMI = Too Much Information TMTOWTDI = There ' s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That Be TSR = TotallyStuck inRAM13TTFN = TaTaForNow TTT = That ' s The Ticket/To The
34、Top TTUL/TTYL = Talk To You Later TWHAB = ThisWo'n t Hurt A Bit TY = Thank You TYVM = Thank You Very MuchU: U = You UR = Your UR = Youare unPC = unPolitically Correct URYY4M = You Are Too WiseFor MeV:VFM = ValuesForMoney VG = Very GoodW:WAG =WildAssGuess WAI = What An Idiot WB= Welcome Back WCA
35、= WhoCares Anyway WDYS = WhatDidYouSay? WDYT = WhatDoYou Think? WE = Whatever WEG = Wicked Evil Grin WG = Wicked Grin WGAFF=WhoGives AFlyingF WIIFM = What' s In It For Me? WIT = WordsmithInTraining WITFITS = WhatintheFisthisSh WOG = Wise Old Guy Wot/Wut = What WRT= WithRespectTo/WithRegardTo WTF
36、= What The F WTG= Way To Go! WTSDS= Where The Sun Don't ShineWYMM = Will You Marry Me WYP = What's Your Problem? WYRN = What 's Your Real Name? WYS= Whatever You Say WYSIWYG= What You See Is What You Get WYT= Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = Why Ya = You YA = Yet Another YAFIYGI =
37、 You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don't Know Me Yep/Yup = Yes YGBK = You GottaBeKiddin ' YMMV = YourMileageMayVary YNK = You Never Know YOYO = You'reOnYourOwn YR = Yeah, Right YSYD = Yeah, Sure You Do YTTT = You Telling The Truth? YYSSW = YeahYeahSureSureWhateverC 电子邮件常用例句c1 外企必备:英
38、文电子邮件高频句1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning forthe project A.今天下午我建议我们就 A 项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。I suggest we havea call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me knowif the time is okay for you and Ben.我建议我们今晚九点半和 Br
39、own 小聚一下,你和 Ben 有没有空? We'd like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time. 十月三十号 (周四), 老时间,开会。Let's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time. 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project. 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和 XXX 项目的情况。2
40、. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions咨询信息 /反馈/建议Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。Look forward to your feedbacks and suggesti
41、ons soon.期待您的反馈建议 !What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做 ?What do you think about this?这个你怎么想 ?Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.有任何问题 ,欢迎和我们联系。Any question, please let me know.有任何问题 ,欢迎和
42、我们联系。Please contact me if you have any questions. 有任何问题 ,欢迎和我们联系。Your commentsandsuggestionsarewelcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议 ! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议 !Do you have any idea about this?对于这个您有什么建议吗 ?It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior. 您若是能
43、够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了 !At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. 如果可以 ,我希望你能负责这件事情。3. Give feedback 意见反馈Please see comments below. 请看下面的评论。My answers are in blue below. 我的回答已标蓝。I add some comments to the document for your reference.我就文档添加了一些备注 ,仅供参考。4. Attachm
44、ent 附件I enclose the evaluation report for your reference. 我附加了评估报告供您阅读。Attached please find today's meeting notes. 今天的会议记录在附件里。Attach is the design document, please review it. 设计文档在附件里 , 请评阅。For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。
45、5. Point listing 列表Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1.2 今天我们要完成的任务:1.2.Some known issues in this release:1 .2声明中涉及的一些问题:1 .2Our team here reviewed the newest SCMpolicy and has followingconcerns:1 .2我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策 ,做出如下考虑: 1 .2 .Herearesomemorequestions/issuesfor you
46、r team: 1 .2 .以下是对你们团队的一些问 题:1.2.The current status is as following: 12目前数据如下:1 2Some items need your attention:1.2以下方面需提请注意:1 .26. Raise question 提出问题I have some questions about the report XX-XXX我对 XX-XXX 报告有一些疑问。For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions:就 ABC 协议, 我有以下几个问题: 7. Proposal
47、 提议For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing关于平台启动的下一步计划 , 我有一个提议 I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue Achievo 团队建议应对突出问题采用 A 办法。8. Thanks note 感谢信T
48、hank you so much for the cooperation 感谢你的合作 ! Ireallyappreciatetheeffort you allmadeforthissuddenandtightproject.对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。Thanks for your attention! 谢谢关心 !Your kind assistanceonthisareverymuchappreciated.我们对您的协助表示感谢。Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助 !9. Apology 道歉I sincerely apologi
49、ze for this misunderstanding!对造成的误解我真诚道歉 !I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP. 很抱歉现在才进行询问 , 但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。c2. 商务英语函电的 20个常用句型1. Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken. 有劳贵方,不胜感激。2. We are obliged to thank you for your
50、kind attention in this matter. 不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。3. We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair. 对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢。4. Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended tous. 对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。5. We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter. 贵方对此悉心关照,不胜感激。6.
51、 We should be grateful for yourtrial order. 如承试订货,不胜感激。7. We should be grateful for yourfurnishingus details of yourrequirements. 如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激。8.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. 如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。9.We shall appreciateit very much if you will give our bid your favor
52、able consideration.如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激。10. We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received. 收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。11. We assure you of our best services at all times. 我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。12.If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so.贵公司若有所需求,我公司定尽力效劳。13.It would give u
53、s a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur.我方如有机会同样效劳贵方,将不胜欣慰。14. We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you. 我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。15. We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges. 我方将很愉快与贵方合作,收费低廉。16. We have always been able to
54、supply these firms with their monthly requirements without interruption.我方始终能供应这些公司每月所需的数量,从无间断。17. We take this opportunity to re-emphasizethatwe shall, at all times,do everything possible to give you whatever information you desire.我们借此机会再此强调,定会尽力随时提供贵方所需的信息。18. We are always in a position to quot
55、e you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise. 我们始终能向贵方提供品质最佳的产品,报价最为优惠。19. This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得最大的利润。20. We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support. 恳请贵方继续给予信任
56、,大力支持。D 书信范文d1 英文书信范文精选一、感谢信 Sample 120 June 2006 Dear Mr. Seaton , Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because
57、 I wouldn't have known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told methat in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before th
58、e night falls. So I think I was lucky.I think the river trip was the best thing of all. London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich. It was all tremendously excitinga day that I shall never forget.Thank you for giving me such a great b
59、irthday treat. Yours sincerely,Linda Chen Sample 2 20 July 2006 Dear Mr. Wang, Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of MCEA (Maywood Chinese Education Association). Your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in Maywood will benefit from studying the Chinese language as part of their elementary school education. It provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual Chinese education a reality in Maywood public schools. Although MCEAwould like to see P
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