已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、LESSON 1 Types of ship 船舶类型1、classify klæsifai vt. 分类; 归类 be classified as 分成(为)类2、carry kæri vt. & vi. 运送, 搬运,携带 carry on 继续进行 carry out 贯彻,执行3、design dizain vt. & vi. 设计, 绘制4、passenger pæsind n. 乘客, 旅客 passenger ship 客轮5、special spel adj. 特殊的, 特别的6、shipping ipi n. (货物的)运输, 运

2、送 7、liquid likwid n. 液体 adj. 液体的, 、multi-purpose mltip:ps adj. 多用途的9、vessel vesl n. 船, 舰 multi-purpose vessle 多用途船10、bulk blk n. 散装 bulk vessel 散货船11、carrier kæri n. 运输船, 承运人12、container kntein n. 容器 集装箱 container ship 集装箱船13、refrigerated rifridreitid adj. 冷藏的 refrigerated ship 冷藏船14、tanker t&#

3、230;k n. 液货船, 油轮15、liquefied likwifaid adj. 液化的16、natural nætrl adj. 天然的 liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG) 液化天然气船17、chemical kemikl adj. 化学的 Liquefied Chemical Gas carri(LCG) 液化化学品船18、liner lain n. 班轮; 班机19、tramp træmp n. 不定期船19、cruiser kru:z n. 大型旅游船20、ferry feri n. 渡船21、tug t n. 拖轮 oce

4、an-going tug 远洋拖轮 coastal tug 沿海拖轮22、barge b:d n. 驳船 oil barge 油驳23、pilot pailt n.引航;引航员 pilot boat 引航艇24、port p:t n. 港口, 商港25、channel tænl n. 海峡 通道; 水沟, 水渠26、operate preit vt. & vi. 管理 ; 操作 operate on diesel oil 用柴油启动27、sail seil vi. 起航, 开船;航行 sail for 开往(bound for) sail fromto 从开往28、regul

5、ar rejul adj. 有规律的, 定期的 regular interval 定期29、route ru:t n. 路, 路途, 路线, 路程30、fix fiks vt. 固定;确定 fix ones attention on 集中注意力31、standard stændd n. 标准, 规范32、dimension dimenn n. 尺寸33、hold huld n. 货舱 cargo hold 货舱34、deck dek n. 甲板35、traditional trdinl adj. 传统的36、quantity kwntiti n. 数目, 数量37、loose lu:

6、s adj. 松的, 宽松的38、iron-ore ain : n. 铁矿石39、etc. etsetr adv. 拉等等40、tween twi:n prep. 在之间; 在之中 tween deck 二层甲板41、vehicle vi:ikl n. 交通工具, 车辆42、bow bu n. 船首43、stern st:n n. 船尾44、 chilled tild adj. 冷冻的;冷藏的45、alongside lsaid adv. 在旁边 get alongside 靠岸46、wharf w:f n. 码头; 停泊处47、board b:d n. 板;船侧 on board 在船上48

7、、harbour h:b n. 海港, 港口49、launch l:nt vt. 使(船)下水; 发射 launch out 出航 50、engine endin n. 发动机, 引擎51、tow tu vt. 拖, 拉, 拽52、anchor æk n. 锚 vt. 抛锚53、foghorn fh:n n. 雾号54、beacon bi:kn n. 灯标,信号标55、 power driven vessel drivn 机动船56、 Liquefied Petroleum Gas carrier pitrulim (LPG)液化石油气船57、 very large crude ca

8、rrier kru:d (VLCC)大型油轮58、timber carrier timb 木材船59、 garbage boat :bid 垃圾船60、rescue boat reskju: 救助船61、patrol boat ptrul 巡逻船62、surveying vessel sveii 水道测量船63、dredger dred 挖泥船64、ice-breaker aisbreik 破冰船65、yacht jt 游艇66、warship w:ip 军舰, 战舰key sentencesv Ships can be classified according to what they ca

9、rry. 船舶可以根据它们所载的货物进行分类。 according to 根据v Cargo ships can be divided into two basic types. 货船可以分成两种基本类型。 be divided into 被分成v One type carries dry cargo, the other carries liquid cargo. 一类运载干货,另一类运载液货。 onethe other 一个另一个 dry cargo 干货 liquid cargo 液货v Ships can operate as liners and tramps. 有些船舶还可以作为班

10、轮和不定期船使用。 operate as = be worked asv Liners sail on regular routes and keep to a fixed timetable. 班轮按照既定的时间表形式行驶在固定的航线上。 regular route 固定航线 a fixed timetable 固定时间表v Tramps run in all parts of the world where there is cargo for them to carry. 不定期船运营于世界各地,哪儿有货就到哪儿。 v The most modern type of dry cargo

11、carrier is the container ship. They carry containers of standard dimensions either in the holds or on deck. 最现代化的干货船是集装箱船。它们将标准尺寸的集装箱装载在货舱内或是甲板上。v General cargo ships are traditional dry cargo carriers. They can carry almost all kinds of cargo. 杂货船是传统型的干货船。它们几乎能运载所有类型的货物。v Bulk carriers carry large

12、quantities of loose cargo. They do not have tween decks and their holds are much larger. 散货船运载大量的松散货。它们没有二层甲板,货舱比较大。v Ro-Ro ships have doors at the bow and stern. 滚装船首尾都有门。v Refrigerated ships carry frozen or chilled cargoes. Their speed is often fast. 冷藏船可以运载冷藏或冷冻的货物。它们的速度通常很快。 v The largest type o

13、f cargo ship is the tanker. 最大型的货船是液货船。v Oil tanker are the most common type of liquid cargo carriers. 油轮是最普通的液货船。v The traditional passenger ship is the passenger liner. 传统的客轮是客班轮。v The most common type of passenger vessel is the ferry。 最普通的客轮是渡轮。v Light ship dont have engines. They are towed into

14、position and then anchored there. 灯船没有主机。它们要被拖带到指定位置并在那儿抛锚。1、The merchants ships can be designed as .A. cargo ships and passenger ships B. dry cargo ships and liquid cargo shipsC. cargo ships and oil tankers D. cargo ships and container ships2、Which of the following are not dry cargo ships?A. Multi-

15、deck vessels and bulk carriers B. Container ships and refrigerated shipsC. LNG carrier D. General cargo ship3、 The most common type of liquid cargo carrier is .A. the LNG carrier B. the oil tanker C. the chemical tanker D. the LPG carrier 4、 do not have tweendecks. Their holds are much wider. They c

16、arry cargo in bulk.A. Bulk carriers B. General cargo ships C. Multi-purpose ships D. Timber carriers5、The ship carries non-packed cargo or unprotected cargo, such as coal, ore or grain. It is called a .A. general cargo ship B. container ship C. bulk carrier D. oil tanker6、Bulk carriers carry large q

17、uantities of loose cargo, therefore they have .A. more than one tween deck B. large holds C. a lot of decks D. many holdsLESSON 2Deck department 甲板部门1、 crew kru: n. 全体船员 crew members 船员2、master m:st n. 船长3、political plitikl commissarkmi,s: 4、assistant sistnt officer 驾助5、apprentice prentis officer 实习

18、驾驶员6、cadet kdet n. 实习生;学员7、purser ps n. 事务长8、surgeon s:dn n. 外科医生9、boatswain butswein n. 水手长 bosun busn 10、 carpenter k:pint n. 木工, 木匠11、quartermasterkw:rt,m:st n.舵工12、helmsman helmzmn n. 舵工13、coxswain kkswein n. 艇长14、engineer ,endini n.轮机员15、 department dip:tmntn. 部, 部门16、discharge dist:d v. 卸载;排放

19、同义词:unload discharge outlet 排水口17、load lud v. 装载 load line 载重线 safe working load(SWL) 安全工作负荷量18、maintain meintein v. 维护;保养 同义词:keep 维持19、seamanship si:mnip n. 船艺 good seamanship 良好的船艺20、appropriate prprit adj. 适当的 be appropriate to/for 21、 besides bisaidz prep. 除之外(还有) 同义词:in addition to 近义词:except/

20、apart from 排除在22、depend dipend vi. 依靠, 依赖 depend on(upon) 依靠 It(That) depend! 看情况而定 23、 tonnage tnid n. 吨位 gross tonnage 总吨位 net tonnage 净吨位 deadweight tonnage 载重吨位24、responsible rispnsbl adj. 有责任的 be responsible for sth. 对某事负责 be responsible to sb. 对某人负责25、navigation ,nævigein n. 航行 navigate n

21、ævigeit vt. & vi. 航行 navigator nævigeit n. 航海者26、legal lil adj. 合法的;法定的27、handle hændl v. 处理 n. 手柄 同义词:deal with 处理 28、merchant m:tnt ship 商船29、 overall uvr:l adj. 总体的; 全面的 overalls n. 工作服30、acquaint kweint v. 熟悉 be acquainted with 熟悉 = be familiar with / familiarize with31、perfor

22、m pf:m v. 执行;履行 performance pf:mns n. 32、represent ,reprizent v. 代表 representative ,reprizenttiv n.33、adverse ædv:s weather 恶劣天气34、stretch stret v. 有弹性;拉紧 n. 拉紧的状态;弹力35、emergency Im:dnsi n. 紧急状况 on emergency 36、responsibility ri,spnsbiliti n. 责任37、closely klsli adv. 严密地;仔细地38、command km:nd v. 指

23、挥;n. 命令 take command of 指挥 under sb.s command 在某人的指挥下 39、although :lðu conj. 尽管 40、stand watch 值班 类似的表达方式还有: keep watch; be on watch officer on watch (OOW)值班驾驶员41、stowage stuid n. 积载, 装载 stow stu vt. 装, 装载 stowage plan 积载图42、thorough r adj. 彻底的 thoroughly rli adv. 彻底地 thorough clean = clean tho

24、roughly 43、celestial slestl adj. 天的, 天空的 celestial body 天体44、fix fiks v. 定位;固定 fix ones attention to 集中注意力于 fix ships position 确定船位 running fix 移线定位45、assume sju:m v. 假设 assumption smpn n. 假设 make assumption 做假设46、supervise sju:pvaiz v. 监督;管理 supervision ,sju:pvin n. 监督 under the supervision of 在的监督

25、下47、possess pzes v. 拥有;具有48、quality kwliti n. 质量49、leadership li:dip n. 领导;领导权50、in the event of 万一;如果发生51、inability ,inbiliti: n. 无能52、junior du:nj adj. 地位较低的 反义词:senior si:nj 地位高的53、assist sist vt. & vi. 帮助, 促进 assist sb. to do/ in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事54、training treini n. 训练;培训 training manual

26、培训手册55、purpose p:ps n. 目的; 意图;用途 on purpose 故意56、consist of 由组成(使用主动形式)57、be made up of 由组成(只有被动形式)58、electrical officer 电机员59、storekeeper 物料管理员60、donkeyman 辅机操作员;副司炉61、pumpman 泵工62、fireman(stroker) 司炉63、greaser (oiler) 加油工64、Chief Steward 事务长65、Second Steward 二管事66、Ships Cook 大厨key sentencesv There

27、 are about 12 crew members in the Deck Department. They are 3 officers, a bosun, a carpenter and a number of sailors. 甲板部大约有12名船员。他们是3名驾驶员,一名水手长,一名木匠和一些水手。v The captain is an experienced navigator. He usually works out the best course. 船长是名经验丰富的航海员。他通常会制定出最佳的航海路线。 work out 制定出;计算出v The Second Office

28、r also looks after all the equipment used for navigation. 二副也负责所有用于航行的仪器。 look after 负责;照看 v The bosun has a lot of knowledge and practical experience in seamanship. He is in charge of the sailors work. 水手长有丰富的船艺知识和实践经验。他负责水手的工作。 in charge of 负责v The carpenter is directly responsible to the Chief Of

29、ficer. He sounds the tanks and bilges every day. He also operates the windlass when lowering and raising the anchors. 木匠直接对大副负责。他每天要测量油水舱和底舱的深度。当起锚和抛锚时还要操作锚机。 sound 测深 bilge 底舱 windlass 锚机 raise 升高 lower 降低1、The carpenter and the bosun also belong to the .A. deck department B. service department C.

30、engine department D. department2、 is in charge of the life-saving equipment.A. The bosun B. The third officer C. The second officer D. The chief officer3、The chief officer is in charge of the .A. departments B. service department C. engine department D. deck department4、Its the job of to look after

31、all the equipment used for navigation.A. the chief officer B. the second officer C. the third officer D. the captain5、The captain is an experienced .A. navigating B. navigation C. navigator D. navigability6、The carpenters most important regular job is .A. to operate the windlass B. to sound the tank

32、s and bilgesC. to work with wood D. to make the furniture7、 The captain is the ship.A. in overall command of B. in charge of C. responsible for D. all of the above8、The carpenter is directly responsible to .A. the captain B. the bosun C. the third officer D. the chief officerLESSON 3 Ship structure

33、船舶结构v In general, a vessel is made up of two parts: the hull and the superstructure.一般来说,船舶由两部分组成:船体和上层建筑。 in general 一般来说,总的来说 be made up of 由组成v The hull is made up of frame covered with plating. 船体是由覆盖着钢板的框架组成。 covered with 覆盖 过去分词做定语 v The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartme

34、nts by decks and bulkheads. 船体由甲板和隔舱壁分隔成许多的水密舱。 Bulkhead 隔舱壁 v Bulkhead are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. 隔舱壁是横穿过船体的垂直钢板墙。 go across 横穿 v At fore end of the hull are the fore peak tanks and at the after end are the after peak tanks. 在船体的前端是首尖舱,在后端是尾尖舱。 fore end 最前端 after end

35、最后端v They are used for fresh water and water ballast. 它们用来装淡水和压载水。 be used for 被用来做 water ballast = ballast water 压载水v The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom tank. 货舱和船底中间的空间是双层底舱。 double bottom tank 双层底舱 v The superstructure includes forecastle, bridge and poo

36、p. 上层建筑包括首楼、驾驶台和尾楼。v An ordinary cargo ship usually has five holds. They are numbered from forward to aft.一艘普通的货船通常有五个货舱。它们从前往后进行编号。 number v. 编号 v The deck below the main deck are known as tween deck. 主甲板之下的甲板称为二层甲板。v A short raised deck above the main deck at the bow is the forecastle deck. The po

37、op deck is at the stern. 船头主甲板上面凸出的一小块甲板叫首楼甲板。尾楼甲板位于船尾。v When standing on a ship and facing the bow, the left-hand side is called the port side, and the right-hand side is called the starboard side. 当站在船上面向船首时,左手一侧称为左舷,右手一侧称为右舷。v The port side aft part of a vessel is called the port quarter, and the

38、 aft part on the starboard side is called the starboard quarter. 船的左后部分称为左胯,右后部分称为右胯。v The forward part of the vessel on the port side is called the port bow and on the starboard side the starboard bow. 船的左前部称为左船首,右前部称为右船首。v The height from water level to the top of weather deck is called freeboard.

39、 水线到露天甲板顶部的高度叫做干舷。 water level = waterline 水线v The depth from waterline to the vessels bottom is called draft. 水线到船底的深度称为吃水。 fore draft 前吃水 aft draft 后吃水Additional phrases1、crews cabin kæbin 船员房间2、 wheel house wi:l 操舵室3、laundry room l:ndri 洗衣房4、refrigerator room rifridreit 冷藏间5、 galley æli

40、 厨房6、 store room st: 物料间7、 chain locker tein lk 锚链舱8、 paint locker peint 油漆间9、bath room b: 浴室10、ballast water tank bælst 压载水舱11、bunker tank bk 燃料舱12、daily supply tank deili splai日用柜13、accommodation ,kmdein deck 起居甲板14、boat deck 艇甲板15、embarkation ,emb:kein deck 登艇甲板16、upper deck 上甲板17、lower deck

41、 下甲板1、The forward part of the vessel on port side is called .A. the port side B. the port quarter C. the port bow D. the port side aft2、The superstructure is .A. below the main deck B. on the bridge C. above the main deck D. above the bridge 3、Watertight compartments are separated by .A. engine room

42、s B. tweendecks C. dunnages D. decks and bulkheads4、A modern general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge .A. amidships B. forward C. aft D. anywhere on board5、 A short raised deck above the main deck at the bow is called .A. the fore deck B. the weather deck C. the superstructure D. the foreca

43、stle deck6、 When standing on a ship and facing the bow, the left-hand side is called .A. the left side B. the port side C. the starboard side D. the right side6、 The hull is the ships body.A. main B. outer C. upper D. inner7、Double bottom tanks are in the space between the and the bottom of the hull

44、.A. tanks B. holds C. cabins D. tweendecks8、Freeboard is the height from to the top of weather deck.A. water level B. bottom level C. deck level D. boat deck levelLESSON 4Navigational aids 航海仪器New words and expressions1、aids eidz n. 帮助;援助 navigational aids 助航仪器 aids to navigation 助航仪器2、berth b: n. (

45、船舶的)停泊位或锚位 3、arrival raivl n. 到达, 抵达4、constantly knstntli adv. 经常地5、plot plt vt.绘制; 标出 6、chart t:t n. 图表 航海图7、accurate ækjurit adj. 精确的, 准确的8、sextant sikstænt n. 六分仪9、radar reid n. 雷达10、observe bz:v vt. & vi. 观察; 研究 observation ,bz:vein n. 注意; 观察 take observation of 观测,观察11、binoculars

46、bainkjulz n. 双筒望远镜12、distant distnt adj. 远隔的, 遥远的13、object bdikt n. 物体;目标14、frequency fri:kwnsi n. 频率15、communication k,mju:nikein n. 通讯 communicate with 与联络16、steer sti vt. & vi. 驾驶, 掌舵 steer the wheel 操舵17、gear i n.齿轮; 传动装置; 18、quartemaster kw:tm:st n. 舵工 19、mode mud n. 方式, 样式;模式20、automatic ,

47、:tmætik adj. 自动的 automatic mode 自动模式21、manual mænjul adj. 用手的 manual mode 手动模式22、vice versa vaisiv:s adv. 反之亦然23、compass kmps n. 罗盘, 指南针24、magnetic mænetikadj. 有磁性的 magnetic compass 磁罗经25、gyro dair adj. 回转的 gyro compass 陀螺罗经26、attraction trækn n. 吸引, 吸引力27、electricity ilektrisiti n. 电, 电流28、value vælju n. 价值, 价格29、visibility ,vizibiliti n. 能见度30、telegraph telir:f n. 车钟;电报 telegraph order 车钟令 31、signal sinl n. 信号, 暗号32、seabed si:bed n. 海底 33、measure me vt. & vi. 测量 mea


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