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1、传统语法教学的继承与超越浅析一堂语法教研课 如东县实验中学 周俊梅作为教师,都渴盼着能上一堂体现自我最高水平的教研课。这样的水平如何体现?主要从学生的反应,他们在课堂上的互动,以及知识的理解和接受程度上来认定。而往往最能够直观显现出来的,便是课堂上的互动。每当我回想起译林版8A Unit 6 那堂语法教研课,学生们争先恐后地想要回答问题的情形便浮现在我眼前,我自认为这是一堂平实、扎实、丰实、充实、真实的英语语法教研课,它是传统语法教学的继承与超越。Step 1:呈现生词A: Free talk and present the new words上课一开始,老师运用已学知识和同学们进行英语口语交

2、流,自然而然地过渡到本堂语法课生词的呈现上来。T: Boys and girls, we have learned many natural disasters in this Unit,right?S: Yes.T: Do you think they are far away from us?S: No.T: Do you still remember the snowstorm in Rudong in 2007? S: Yes.T: Many houses came down, many plants and animals died because of it, so we say

3、it was a terrible snowstorm. (用图片展示出当时可怕情景,引出生词terrible,同时让学生用感叹句操练生词terrible. What a terrible snowstorm! How terrible the snowstorm is!)T: OK, please look at the picture, this is my daughter, what was she doing? (呈现图片,学生集体回答)S: She was playing snowballs. (引出生词snowball)T: Do you like playing snowbal

4、ls? (适时进行师生情感沟通)S: Yes.T: Well, what did she want to do?S: She wanted to hit somebody.T: Yes, she wanted to hit me. (引出生词hit, 顺便带出它的现在分词和过去式 hitting; hit)T: Boys and girls, lets look at another picture. What was she doing?S: She was making a snowman. (引出生词snowman)T: Yes, it was a lovely snowman, and

5、 there were several snowmen around it. (让学生了解掌握snowman的复数)T:Can you make snowmen ? Who did you often make snowmen with?S: T: A snowstorm is terrible, and all the other natural disasters are terrible, too. So, before you go travelling, I think you had better listen to the weather report carefully. Be

6、sides this, you should also read a guidebook , do you agree with me? ( 实物展示生词,综合运用多种媒体)S: Yes.T: Thank you. Now, please look at the screen, what happened to the car in the snowstorm?S: It crashed into a big tree.T: Yes. There was something wrong with it. It didnt work. It broke down. We should be mo

7、re careful in the snowstorm, or well be sorry.(复习旧知识点crash into的同时,情境中导出新的短语break down, 同时要求同学们掌握break的过去式broke)T: There is a picture here, what were they doing?S: They were talking about something.T: Yes, they were discussing a project with each other. ( 电脑展示场景,单独呈现与暴风雪情境无关的两个生词)B: Read all the new

8、 words on the screen after the monitor and ask the students try to remember them in 3 minutes.terrible (adj.) 可怕的,糟糕的terribly (adv.) 可怕地,糟糕地 snowball (n.) 雪球hit-hit hit-hitting v.撞击snowman-snowmen n. 雪人guidebook n. 手册,指南break down 损坏,出毛病break-broke vt. 打破,损坏discuss vt. 讨论C: Say the new words quickly

9、, lets see who has a good memory(组织单词记忆竞赛,强化单词记忆,活跃课堂气氛,努力为下一步的语法教学打下坚实的基础)Step 2: Present the past continuous tense (呈现过去进行时)A: Watch the following video and then answer the questions: Whatwere people doing in the shopping mall/center/restaurant/ when the earthquake began?(此处运用多媒体展现地震场面,可以为学生提供直观、形

10、象的感性材料,使原来枯燥的语法教学获得直接的感知,为过去进行时的提出打下极好的铺垫)1.They were shopping in the shopping mall when the earthquake began.2.They were shopping in the shopping center when the earthquak began.3.They were eating in the restaurant when the earthquake began.B: Announce the main task in this class You have done a go

11、od job. This class we will learn a new tense: the past continuous tense.e use the past continuous tense to talk about things that were happening for some time in the past, just like the three sentences on the screen. Now, who can tell me the structure of the past continuous tense?(让学生观察语言现象,归纳语法规则,突

12、出学生的主体地位和老师的主导地位) Structure: Sb+ was/were + V-ing. C: Practice the past continuous tense(看图操练) 1. He was cooking a meal at this time yesterday. 2. He was playing football at four oclock last Friday. 3. He was riding a horse at nine last Sunday. 4. They were having a class this time yesterday afterno

13、on.(通过呈现图片,让学生口头造句。旨在通过控制性的练习来巩固过去进行时,同时检查了学生的掌握情况) D: Present the negative form of the past continuous tense(看图练) (通过多媒体呈现三幅复式图片,在接近真实的情境中引导学生根据图片内容老师提供的信息说出相应的句子并大声朗读这些句子,既强化了过去进行时,又让学生感知了过去进行时的否定形式的构成。)Picture 1:T: What was the girl doing?S: She was playing badminton .T: Was she swimming?S: No ,

14、She wasnt.T: She was playing badminton.She wasnt swimming.He was swimming.He wasnt playing badminton.(学生自然而然地跟在老师后说出以上句式)Picture 2:T: What were they doing?S: They were playing football.T: Were they singing?S: No, they werent. Ss: They were playing football.They werent singing.They were singing.They

15、werent playing football.(回答完老师的简单提问后,学生们很快集体说出上面4个句子) Picture 3: (此时学生都已能悟出老师的意图,大声说出下列句子) Ss: They werent singing. They were chatting. They werent skating.They were dancing. T: Who can tell me the negative form of the past continuous tense?(学生回答老师板书) Sb + was/ were+ not + V-ingE: Present the “Yes”

16、or “No” form of the past continuous tense by playing a guessing game (在语法课上巧妙地设计点游戏既能引来学生们的笑声,使语法学习变得比较有趣,同时又能在笑声中加强同学们对语法知识的记忆)Picture 1:由老师问学生问题,进行示范T: Was it running?No, it wasnt. Was it playing basket?(放映图片让学生回答)S: Yes, it was.Picture 2至Picture 6 改由学生提问老师回答,猜谜活动把过去进行时一般疑问句的学习推向高潮,游戏结束后仍旧由学生归纳过去进

17、行时一般疑问句的构成及回答。疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前Step 3: Practice the past continuous tense(此时过去进行时的肯定形式、否定形式以及一般疑问句的构成及回答都已自然引出,及时巩固操练能达到学以致用的目的)A: Work in pairsA: Were you watching TV at 9:00 last Sunday?B: No, I wasnt watching TV.A: What were you doing at that time?B: I was reading. (接下来让学生模仿例句更换划线部分内容进行对话)B: F

18、ill in the blanks:1. What _ your brother _ (do) at nine oclock last night?2. They _(listen) to music at that time yesterday.3. He _(not search) the Internet at that moment last week.4. They _( not discuss) a problem in the meeting room this time yesterday .5. _Amy _ (visit) the Science Museum from 9

19、:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday?(操练完以上句子后,叫学生小组讨论,归纳总结出过去进行时的常用时间状语)C: Ask the students to make sentences using the past continuous tense.(此处用头脑风暴的形式鼓励学生用事实造句,让学生进行自由活动。因它是语言的产出活动,能让学生在交流思想的过程中掌握语法,使语法学习的过程变得比较有意义)Step 4:拓展过去进行时的学习A.有时为了句子表达的需要,我们可以用复合句来表达过去进行时.如:1.昨晚当我到家的时候,妈妈和爸爸正在看电视.My parents w

20、ere watching TV when I arrived home last night.2.刚才当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在读书. Students were reading when the teacher came in just now.B.the past continuous tense with “while”(用可爱的动画图片展示)1.The rabbit was jumping while the pig was dancing .2.The worm was eating while the dog was reading .C.The difference bet

21、ween the past continuous tense with “while”and “when”1.The boy was playing basketball when the teacher came in.2.He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 3.I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me.4. The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping.(让学生讨论并进

22、行归纳总结)D. Practice the past continuous tense with “while” and “when”1. We were talking _ the teacher came into the classroom.2. I was singing _ he was dancing.3. _ I was cutting hair, the UFO landed.4. The boys were playing by the river _ Tom fell into theriver.5. My mother was washing _ my father wa

23、s cooking.6. What were you doing _ the UFO arrived?(引导学生在操练中体味“while” 和 “when”之间的异同)Step 5: Do the exercises on the book(语法规则的发展需要大量的语言材料,只看见一两个语言样本达不到发展规则的目的,发展语言规则需要在不同场合多次见到,才能引起他们的注意。于是此时回归课本可谓是抓住了时机。)A. Rearrange the sentences(P 课本101页)1. Simon/arrive/Amy/ get some snow from the ground /when2.

24、Daniel/make a snowball/he/ fall over /while3. make a snowman /while/Kitty/stand beside her/Suzy4. hide behind the tree/when/a snowball/hit him5. run towards Millie/while/she/take some photosB: Kitty saw Simon in the computer room yesterday. She is asking him about the project. Please complete their

25、dialogue! (P 课本99页)Kitty: I saw you in the computer room yesterday, Simon. What were you doing there?Simon: I _ (search) the Internet. I _(look) for some photos of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake for my project. Kitty: Oh, I thought you _(discuss) the project with Daniel.Simon: No, Daniel _(talk) to Mi

26、llie. They_(plan) a trip to Tangshan. They_ (look) for some information about it. Daniel_(try) to find a map of Tang-shan and Millie _(read) some guidebooks.(此项练习先交由学生独立完成,然后小组校对答案。小组代表朗读表演。这样既培养了学生的自主合作精神又加深了学生对过去进行时的理解和运用!) C: A snowstorm hit the city. Mr Wu is asking the students what they were d

27、oing when the snowstorm came. Please complete their dialogue! (P 课本100页)Mr Wu: What a terrible snowstorm! It came at about 6.30 thismorning. I _(read) the newspaper then. What _you _(do), simon.Simon: I _ (have) breakfast.Mr Wu: What about you ,Millie? Millie: I _(walk) to the bus stop. Sandy, I saw

28、 you and your parents standing on the side of the road. _ you_ (wait) for a taxi. Sandy: Yes, _.Mr Wu: Why didnt your father drive you to school as usual?Sandy: His car broke down because of the cold whether. He _(ring) someone to come and help when Millie saw me.Mr Wu: I see. Its time for class. Le

29、ts go.(为了避免教学方式的雷同,这个对话交由学生以开火车的方式迅速报出答案,促使学生急中生智!同时也检查出课堂教学的问题所在,以便及时讲解释疑!)Answer the questions(为了避免部分学生上课开小车,在完成对话后让他们回答对话中的两个问题,适时提醒他们集中注意力)1.What was Mr Wu doing when the terrible snowstorm came?2.What about Millie when the terrible snowstorm came?Step 6: Oral workPrepare a short story about your past experience(经历), using past continuous tense as much as possible:Think about:1. What was happening at tha


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