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1、Lesson 2 Hiroshima - the "Liveliest” City in Japan -Jacques Danvoir词汇(Vocabulary) reportorial ( adj.) : .rep't:ril reporting报道的,报告的 -kimono ( n.) :a loose garment with short,wide sleeve and a sash  sæn.腰带,肩带part of the traditional costume of Japanese men and women和服 -preoccupation

2、 ( n.) :a matter which takes up one's attention令人全神贯注的事物 -oblivious ( adj.) :forgetful or unmindful(usually with of or to)忘却的;健忘的(常与of或to连用) -bob ( v) :move or act in a bobbing manner,move suddenly or jerkily颠簸地;to curtsy n. 屈膝礼vi. 行屈膝礼quickly上下跳动,晃动;行屈膝礼 -ritual ( adj.) : of or having the natur

3、e of,or done as a rite or rites仪式的,典礼的 -facade ( n.) : fs:dthe front of a building;part of a building facing a street,courtyard,etc(房屋)正面,门面facade  n 建筑物的正面;(不真实的)外表【例】the grim facts behind the facade of gaiety  欢乐外表后面的冷酷事实【记】facface脸正面,外表"-lurch ( v) :roll,pitch,or sway suddenly forw

4、ard or to one side突然向前(或向侧面)倾斜 lurch  n /v 蹒跚而行;突然倾斜【记】读:乐吃一边乐一边吃一边走就会蹒跚而行【反】progress smoothly(平滑前进)"-intermezzo ( n.) : intmetsua short piece of music played aloneor one which connects longer pieces插曲;间奏曲 -gigantic ( adj.) :very big;huge;colossal;immense巨大的,庞大的,其大无比的 -usher ( n.) :an offi

5、cial doorkeeper门房;传达员 -heave (v) :utter(a sign,groan,etc)with great effort or pain(费劲或痛苦地)发出(叹息、呻吟声等) GRE词汇精选 (红宝书)  heave  v (努力地、使劲地)用力举起raiselift【记】大力士能够heave那个heaven(n 天;天堂)"-barge ( n.) :a large boat,usually flatbottomed,for carrying heavy freightfreit n.货物,货运 on rivers,canals,et

6、c;a large pleasure boat,esp. one used for state ceremonies,pageants, pædntn.壮观的游行,露天历史剧 etc大驳船;(尤指用于庆典的)大型游艇 -moor ( v) :hold(a ship,etc)in place by cables or chains to the shore,or by anchors,etc系泊;锚泊 -arresting (adj.) :attracting attention;interesting;striking引人注目的;有趣的 -beige ( adj.) 

7、60;bei   :grayishtan米黄色;浅灰黄色的 -tatami ( n.) :Japa floor mat woven of rice straw,used traditionally in Japanese homes for sitting on,as when eating日日本人家里铺在地板上的稻草垫,榻榻米 -stunning ( adj.) :colloqremarkably attractive,excellent口极其漂亮的;极其出色的 -twinge ( n.) :a sudden,brief,darting pain or pang;a suddenb

8、rief feeling of remorseremorse  rim:sn.痛恨,悔恨,自责,shame,etc刺痛,剧痛;痛心,懊悔,悔恨,内疚n.(生理,心理上的)剧痛,刺痛-slay ( v.) :(slew或slayed, slain,slaying)kill or destroy in a violent way杀害;毁掉 -linger ( v) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延;历久犹存vi.逗留,留恋徘徊;继续存留,缓慢消失-agony ( n.) :very g

9、reat mental or physical pain(精神上或肉体上的)极度痛苦 -inhibit ( v) :hold back or keep from some action,feeling,etc 抑制(感情等);约束(行动等) -spinal ( adj. ) :of or having to do with the spine or spinal cord脊背的;脊柱的;脊髓的 -agitated ( adj.) :shaken;perturbed;excited颤抖的;不安的,焦虑的;激动的.(for,against) agitate for a strike鼓动罢工-rev

10、erie ( n.) :a dreamy,fanciful,or visionary notion or daydream梦想;幻想;白日梦'revri   =revery-heinous (adj.) :outrageously evil or wicked;abominable 极可恨的,极可恶的,极坏的 -cataclysm ( n.) : kætklizma violent and sudden change or eventesp. a serious flood or earthquake灾变(尤指洪水、地震等) 【记】cata向下,clysm冲走大洪水

11、灾难 -demolish ( v) :pull down,tear down,or smash to pieces拆毁,拆除;破坏,毁坏 -formaldehyde ( n.) : f:'mældihaid   chem.a colorless,pungent gas,HCHO, used in solution as a strong disinfectantn.消毒剂 and preservation,and in the manufacture of synthetic resins,dyes. etc化甲醛 -ether ( n.) i: :chem.a l

12、ight colorless liquid made from alcohol,which burns and is easily changed into a gas(used in industry and as an anaesthetic to put people to sleep before an operation)化醚;乙醚 -humiliate ( v) :hurt the pride or dignity of by causing to be or seem foolish or contemptible使受辱,使丢脸 -genetic (adj.) :of or ha

13、ving to do with genetics遗传的 -短语 (Expressions)have a lump in ones throat:   a feeling of pressure in ones throat (cause by repressed emotion as love,sadness,etc)如哽在喉,哽咽(因压制激动的情绪所致,如爱、悲伤等)        例: Many British people had a lump in their throat on hearing

14、the death of Dianna许多英国人在听到黛安娜王妃的死讯时如哽在喉。 -on ones mind:   occupying ones thoughts(espas a source of worry,)占领某人的思绪,一直在想的(尤指忧虑的来源) a) if something is on your mind, you keep thinking or worrying about it       例: The thought that is always on my mind is wh

15、ether to go abroad or not我一直在思考的一个问题是究竟要不要出国。 -rub shoulders with:   (infml)meet and mix with(people)与(人们)联系,交往        例: The foreign visitors said that they would like to rub shoulders with ordinary Chinese people那些外国游客们说他们愿意与中国老百姓有来往。 -set off: 

16、60; start(a journey,race,etc)开始(旅行,赛跑等)        例: If you want to catch that train wed better set off for the station immediately你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。 -flash bypastthrough:   move very quickly in the specified direction急速向某方向运动     

17、   例: The train flashed by at high speed火车疾驰而过。A meteor flashed through the sky. -sink in:   (of liquids)go down into another substance;be absorbed (指液体)渗入,被吸收(fig)(of words,etc)be fully absorbed or understood:penetrate espgradually(指话语等)完全理解      &#

18、160; 例: Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。 The scale of the tragedy gradually sank in这一悲惨事件涉及的范围已逐渐完全清楚了。 -by trade:   way of making a living,espa job that involves making sth;occupation以为谋生之道(尤指以制造某物为业)        例: be a but

19、cher,carpenter,tailor,etcby trade做肉商、木匠、裁缝等 -第二课广岛日本“最有活力”的城市(节 选)雅各丹瓦 “广岛到了!大家请下车!”当世界上最快的高速列车减速驶进广岛车站并渐渐停稳时,那位身着日本火车站站长制服的男人口中喊出的一定是这样的话。我其实并没有听懂他在说些什么,一是因为他是用日语喊的,其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗?这儿的日本人看来倒没有我这样



22、一起在水上餐厅赴宴。您看,就是这儿。”他边说边为我在请柬背面勾划出了一张简略的示意图。幸亏有了他画的图,我才找到一辆出租车把我直接送到了运河堤岸,那儿停泊着一艘顶篷颇像一般日本房屋屋顶的大游艇。由于地价过于昂贵,日本人便把传统日本式房屋建到了船上。漂浮在水面上的旧式日本小屋夹在一座座灰黄色摩天大楼之间,这一引人注目的景观正象征着和服与超短裙之间持续不断的斗争。在水上餐厅的门口,一位身着和服、面色如玉、风姿绰约的迎宾女郎告诉我要脱鞋进屋。于是我便脱下鞋子,走进这座水上小屋里的一个低矮的房间,蹑手蹑脚地踏在柔软的榻榻米地席上,因想到要这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长而感到十分困窘不安。 市长是位瘦高个儿的

23、男人,目光忧郁,神情严肃。出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己置身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。到场的宾客们被互相介绍了一番。他们大多数都是日本人,我也不好开口去问为什么要请我们来这儿聚会。在场的少数几位美国人和德国人看来也同我一样有些局促不安。 “先生们,”市长开言道,“我很高兴欢迎你们到广岛来。” 大家都开始弯腰鞠躬,连在场的西方人也不例外。只要在日本呆上三天,人的脊椎骨就会变得特别地柔韧灵活。“先生们,你们光临广岛是我们的极

24、大荣幸。” 大家又开始鞠躬。随着广岛这一名字的一次次重复,大家的面容变得越来越严肃起来。 “广岛,大家知道,是一座大家都很熟悉的城市,”市长接着说道。“对,对,当然是这样,”在场的人们低声议论着,脸上的神色越来越不安起来。“难得有个城市像广岛这样闻名遐迩。我既高兴而又自豪地欢迎诸位来到广岛。令广岛如此举世闻名的乃是它的牡蛎。” 我正准备点头对市长的话表示赞同,可就在这时,我突然听明白了刚才这句话末尾几个字的意义,我的头脑也就随之从忧愁伤感中清醒过来。“广岛牡蛎?怎么没提原子弹和这个城市所遭受的灾难以及人类有史以来犯下的最大的罪恶呢?” 市长还在继续演讲,一个劲儿赞美着日本南方的海味。我蹑手蹑脚

25、地退到屋子的后边,那儿有几个人在开小会,没怎么理睬市长的演讲。“您看上去像是心中有什么疑惑未解似的,”一个身材矮小、戴着一副特大眼镜的日本人对我说道。“不错,我得承认我真的没有料到在这儿会听到一番关于牡蛎的演说。我原以为广岛仍未摆脱原子弹灾祸的阴影。” “没有人再去谈它了,谁都不愿再提了,尤其是在这儿出生的或是亲身经历了那场灾难的人。” “你也是这种态度吗?” “我当时就在这个城市,不过没在市中心。我之所以对您讲起这些,是因为我已差不多步入老年了。在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。这一派人还

26、要求拆掉原子博物馆。” “你们为什么要这样做呢?” “因为那些东西使人伤感,因为时代毕竟在前进。”小个子日本人面带微笑,一双眼睛在厚厚的镜片后面眯成了一条缝。“假如您要描写这座城市的话,千万别忘记告诉人们这是日本最快乐的城市,尽管这里的市民许多人身上还带着暗伤和明显的灼伤。” 和其他任何一家医院一样,这家医院里也弥漫着甲醛和乙醚的气味。长得看不到尽头的走廊墙边排列着无数的担架和轮椅,穿廊而过的护士手中都端着镀镍的医疗器械,使得来这儿的健康人一看便脊背发凉。所谓原子病区设在三楼,共有十七个病床。“我是以打鱼为生的,在这儿已呆了好久了,二十多年了。”一个身穿日本式睡衣的老人这样对我说。“你是受的什

27、么伤?” “内伤。那场灾难降临时我正在广岛。我看到了原子弹爆炸时的火球,但无论脸上身上都没有灼伤。我当时满街奔跑着寻找失踪的亲友。我以为自己总算是幸免于难了,但到后来,我的头发开始脱落,腹内开始出水,并感觉恶心呕吐。打那时起,他们就一直不断地对我进行体检和治疗。” 站在我身边的大夫对老人的话作了补充说明:“我们这儿还有一些病人是靠不断的护理医治才得以维持生命的。另有一些病人因伤重不治而死,还有一些自杀身亡。” “他们干吗要自杀呢?” “因为在这座城市里苟延残喘是一种耻辱。假如你身上有着明显的原子伤痕,你的孩子就会受到那些没有伤痕的人的歧视。男人们谁也不愿娶一个原子弹受害者的女儿或侄女为妻。他们

28、害怕核辐射会造成遗传基因病变。” 那位老渔民彬彬有礼、兴致勃勃地定睛望着我。 他的病床上方悬挂着一个由许多叠成小鸟形状的五颜六色的纸片结成的大纸团。 “那是什么?”我问道。“那是我的吉祥鸟。每当我从死神那儿挣脱出来的那一天,每当病痛将我从尘世烦恼中解放出来的那一天,我都要叠一只新的小纸鸟,加到原有的纸鸟群里去。我就这样看着这些纸鸟,庆幸病痛给自己带来的好运。因为正是我的病痛使我有了怡养性情的机会。” 从医院出来,我又一次地撕碎了一个小笔记本,那上面记着我预先想好准备在采访原子病区的病人时提问的一些问题,其中有一个问题就是:你是否真的认为广岛是日本最充满活力的城市?我一直没问这问题,但我已能从每

29、个人的眼神中体会出这个问题的答案。(选自埃德凯编播的美国广播节目)习题全解 I . 1)The writer must be an American journalist or reporter. 2)The aim of the visit, I think, was to gather information about Hiroshima today. 3)A lot of sad thoughts were on his mind. There were other visitors from abroad who didn't share his views. The fir

30、st paragraph shows this to us clearly. 4)He felt a sense of guilt. 5)The Japanese were not preoccupied with the same thought as the writer was. 6)Hiroshima was different from other Japanese cities in that it was destroyed by an atomic bomb on August 6, 1945. 7)Since then, it has been rebuilt with ha

31、rd work and with the help of education, science and technology. 8)One is an obvious conflict between western influences and the traditional customs. Another is that the impact of the 1945 bomb attack is still felt or seen till now. 9)Because he thought it was unnecessary to do so since the answers w

32、ere obvious after his talk with the patients. 10)The answer was the Hiroshima was not the liveliest city in Japan. . 1)They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them. 2)As soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened t

33、he door. 3)The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development. 4)1 suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only. 5)The few Americans and G

34、ermans seemed just as restrained as 1 was 6)After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude 7)1 was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he meantHis words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking 8)I thought for so

35、me reason or other no harm had been done to meSee the translation of the text 1)n+present participle:epochmaking,facekeeping,time consuming,nervewracking 2)n+past participle:homemade,bedridden,sunburnt, heartfelt 3)n+adj:pitchdark,headstrong,dutyfree,coalblack 4)n+n+-ed:lion-hearted,iron-fisted,wall

36、eyed,brickwalled 5)adj+n+-ed:stiff-necked,highminded,dullwitted,warmblooded,emptyheaded,coldblooded 6)adj+present participle:highsounding,hardworking, plain-sailing,farreaching 7)adj+past participle:highflown,new-born,finespun, highstrung 1)was指事实如此;而must be意为“很可能”。 2)“Was I at the scene?”表示不能断定是不是在

37、那里,而 “Was I not at the scene?”表示肯定是在那里,有“难倒不是”的意思。 3)elderly意为“上了年纪的”,但不算太老。 4)grin指露齿而笑,有时可指傻笑,但不出声;laugh表示大笑;。mile一词最常用,指不出声地微笑,可表示开心、满意、喜爱等等。 5)sketch指很快地勾画出轮廓。 6)careful指认真、周全,小心谨慎以免出错;cautious指处处谨小慎微,以防失败或危险。 7)site大多指一块地方,可大可小;它可能是留作特殊用途的地方,如建筑工地(a building site),也可能指发生某事的地方或场所,如第一枚原子弹爆炸的地方(si

38、te of the first atomic bombardment)。spot所指地点较小。 8)demolish意义比较实在,指彻底拆除,而destroy仅指破坏。 9)gay意为轻松愉快,兴致高。delightful指有魅力,心情好。 lO)gaze指目不转睛地长久地注视,往往出于好奇、钦羡、着迷等。stare指盯着看,瞪大眼睛看,往往出于吃惊、羡慕等。 1)job,task,duty 2)unaware 3)fronts,by the front doors 4)striking/fascinating/strange / sight;continual,endless, consta

39、nt 5)sudden,sharp feeling;idea,thought,expectation 6)killed,murdered 7)pain,torture 8)fame 9)daydream,thoughts 1O)atomic disaster 11)tear down, pull down 12)meet with,face 1)他刚才所讲的与讨论的问题无关。 2)战场旧址使他回想起那战火纷飞的抗战岁月。 3)他专心致志地工作,完全没有理会周围正在发生的事。 4)记者们看到诺贝尔奖获得者时感到很兴奋。 5)老师用了个什么字?我没太听清楚。 我也没听清楚,很像是preoccupa

40、tion。 6)又拐了一个弯,我们来到了一个可容几百人的大岩洞。 7)人们领悟到这骇人听闻的消息之后都惊得目瞪口呆。 8)铁水倒人混铁炉有如把茶水从茶壶倒入茶杯。 9)手术的失败使年青的外科大夫心情沉重。 10)将军常到兵营里去,和普通战士们在一起。 1)soil 2)soil 3)earth 4)earth 5)familiar to 6)familiar with 7)puzzled 8)surprising 9)admits 10)had confessed 11)careful 12)cautiously 1)There is not a soul in the hallThe mee

41、ting must have been put off 2)The book looks very much like a box. (The book looks much the same as a box. ) 3)Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other. 4)The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in

42、the battle. 5)He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about. 6)What he did had nothing to do with her. 7)She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind. 8)I have had the matter on my mind for a long time. 9)He loves such

43、gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects. 10)It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in. 11)The soil smells of fresh grass. 12)Could you spare me a few minutes? 13)Could you spare me a ticket? 14)That elderly grey-haired

44、man is a coppersmith by trade.X. Omitted.XI. My Visit to the European Town One autumn, my friends and I went to Wuxi on vacation. We decided to visit the European Town first. It is a park located on the side of Tai Lake. Many European scenic spots are built smaller there and a lot of tourists go the

45、re for sightseeing everyday. Because they may never have the chance to see the real ones, they pay to see these imitations. We arrived at the town late in the morning. It began to drizzle as we stepped inside. But the rain didn't decrease our plea-sure because it was more romantic than in the su

46、nlight. I was deeply impressed by the scenery there. The number of European 31style buildings was beyond my imagination. We saw Triumphal Arch and Eiffel Tower of Paris, the Windmills of Holland and many others. Here and there, people were taking pictures. In an excited mood, we strolled to each bui

47、lding. We also took a lot of photos there. I liked the one taken in front of Triumphal Arch most. It was so real that you might think I had been to Paris. We spent the rest of the day there. It was really an unforgetable experience for me.背景知识:Background InformationSome important dates:1938 Munich P

48、act, which sacrificed Czechoslovakia to GermanyAug. 1939 Gr. and USSR concluded a non-aggression pactSept.1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland. France and Britain declared war on Gr. immediately, officially beginning World War II. At the same time, USSR annexed Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.Jun.22, 1941 Gr. invaded USSRDec. 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, bringing the US into the war Sept. 1943 Italy surrenderedMay. 7, 1945 Gr. surrendered unconditionallyAu


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