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1、 本文由zhou835266986贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 测控专业英语翻译 Unit 1 Measurement, Control and Instrumentation Instrumentation is defined as the art and science of measurement and control. Instrumentation engineers are responsible for controlling a whole system like a power plant. 译为:仪器可定义为

2、测量和控制的艺术和科学。仪器工程师负责控制整个系统,比如一 个电厂。 An instrument is a device that measures and/or regulates process variables such as flow, temperature, level, or pressure. Instruments include many varied contrivances that can be as simple as valves and transmitters, and as complex as analyzers. 译为:仪器是一种用来测量和/或调节过程

3、变量(如流量、温度、液位或压力)的装置。 仪器包括许多不同的设备,可以像阀和变送器那样简单,也可以像分析仪那样复杂。 Instruments often comprise control systems of varied processes such as refineries, factories, and vehicles. The control of processes is one of the main branches of applied instrumentation. Instrumentation can also refer to handheld devices t

4、hat measure some desired variable. Diverse handheld instrumentation is common in laboratories, but can be found in the household as well. For example, a smoke detector is a common instrument found in most western homes. 译为:仪器通常由如精炼厂、工厂和车辆这些不同流程的控制系统组成。过程控制是实 用仪器的主要分支之一。 仪器也可以是测量某个所需变量的手持设备。 多样化的手持式仪

5、器 常见于实验室, 在日常生活中也可以发现。 例如: 烟雾探测器是西方家庭中的一种常见仪器。 Output instrumentation includes devices such as solenoids, valves, regulators, circuit breakers, and relays. These devices control a desired output variable, and provide either remote or automated control capabilities. These are often referred to as fin

6、al control elements when controlled remotely or by a control system. 句中 desired output variable 意为“期望输出变量” ,are referred to as 意为“被称为” 。 全句译为:输出仪器包括线圈、阀、调节器、断路器和继电器等元件。这些元件控制期 望输出变量,使之实现远程或自动控制功能。在远程控制或自动控制系统中,称这些元件为 终端控制元件。 Transmitters are devices that produce an output signal, often in the form o

7、f a 420mA electrical current signal, although many other options using voltage, frequency, pressure, or ethernet are possible. This signal can be used for informational purposes, or it can be sent to a PLC, DCS, SCADA system, LabView or other type of computerized controller, where it can be interpre

8、ted into readable values and used to control other devices and processes in the system. 译为:变送器是产生某种输出信号的装置,通常是 420mA 的电流信号,当然也可以 是电压、频率、压力或以太网。这个信号可作参考之用,还可以发送到 PLC、DCS、SCADA 系统、LabView 或其它类型的计算机控制器,这个信号被转换成可读值,用于控制系统中的 其它设备和过程。 1 Control Instrumentation plays a significant role in both gathering in

9、formation from the field and changing the field parameters, and as such are a key part of control loops. 句中 field 意为“现场” ,control loops 意为“控制回路” 。 全句译为: 控制仪器在现场信息采集和现场参数转换中都起到了重要作用。 这本身是控 制回路的一个关键部分。 History In the early years of process control, process indicators and control elements such as valve

10、s were monitored by an operator that walked around the unit adjusting the valves to obtain the desired temperatures, pressures, and flows. As technology evolved pneumatic controllers(气压式 调节器) were invented and mounted(安装,配有)in the field that monitored the process and controlled the valves. 译为:在早年的过程

11、控制中,过程指标和控制元件,如阀,是由操作员在装置周围走动 通过调节阀门来监测,以获得所需的温度、压力和流量。随着技术的发展,气压式调节器发 明了,并安装于监测过程和控制阀的现场。 This reduced the amount of time process operators were needed to monitor the process. Later years the actual controllers were moved to a central room and signals were sent into the control room to monitor the

12、process and outputs signals were sent to the final control element such as a valve to adjust the process as needed. 译为:这样就减少了过程操作员监测过程所需的时间。近几年,实际控制转移到中央控 制室,信号被发送到控制室来监测过程,并且输出信号被送到终端控制元件,如阀门,根据 需要调节过程。 These controllers and indicators were mounted on a wall called a control board. 译为:这些控制器和指示器安装称为

13、控制面板的壁面上。 The operators stood in front of this board walking back and forth monitoring the process indicators. This again reduced the number and amount of time process operators were needed to walk around the units. The basic air signal used during these years was 315 psig(磅/平方英寸). 译为: 操作员在面板前面来回走动以

14、监测过程指示器。 这就再次减少了过程操作员在装置周 围来回走动所需的时间。这几年使用的基本气压信号是 3-15 磅/平方英寸。 In the 1970s electronic instrumentation began to be manufactured by the instrument companies. Each instrument company came out with their own standard signal for their instrumentation, 10 50mA, 0.251.25V, 010V, 15V, and 420mA, causing o

15、nly confusion until the 420mA was universally used as a standard electronic instrument signal for transmitters and valves. 译为:20 世纪 70 年代仪器公司开始生产电子仪器。每个仪器公司为他们的仪器装置推 出了自己的标准信号:如 1050mA, 0.251.25V, 010V, 15V, 和 420mA,这只会引起 混乱,直到 420mA 被普遍作为变送器和阀的标准电子仪器信号。 The transformation of instrumentation from me

16、chanical pneumatic transmitters, controllers, and valves to electronic instruments reduced maintenance costs as electronic instruments were more dependable than mechanical instruments. This also increased efficiency and production due to their increase in accuracy. 句中 reduced 为 transformation 的谓语,as

17、 引导原因状语从句。 全句译为:从机械气动变送器、控制器和阀的控制方式向电子仪器控制方式的转变,降低了 维修成本,因为电子仪器比机械仪器更可靠。同时由于精度的提高,从而提高了工作效率和 产量。 The next evolution of instrumentation came with the production of Distributed Control Systems 2 (DCS). The pneumatic and electronic control rooms allowed control from a centralized room, DCS systems allo

18、wed control from more than one room or control stations. These stations could be next to each other or miles away. Now a process operator could sit in front of a screen and monitor thousands of points throughout a large unit or complex.译为:伴随着分散式控制系统 (DCS)的产生,仪器有了进一步的发展。气动控制和电气控制室允许来自一个集中室的控 制,DCS 系统

19、允许来自多个控制台的控制。这些控制台可以是相邻的,也可以相隔千里。 现在过程操作员可以坐在屏幕前监控整个装置和设备的成千上万的点。 Measurement Instrumentation is usually used for measurement. Measurement is the process or the result of determining the magnitudes of many parameters (physical values). These parameters include: (1)Chemical composition;化学成分 (2)Chemic

20、al properties; 化学性质 (3)Properties of light; 光的特性 (4)Vibration; 振动 (5)Weight; 重量 (6)Voltage; 电压 (7)Inductance; 电感 译为:仪器通常用于测量。测量是确定一些参数(物理值)的大小的过程或结果。 (8)Capacitance; 电容 (9)Resistivity; 电阻 (10)Viscosity; 粘度 (11)Other mechanical properties of materials;材料的其它机械性能 (12)Properties of ionising radiation;电力

21、辐射的性质 (13)Frequency; 频率 (14)Current; 电流 (15)Pressure, either differential or static;压力(差压或静压) (16)Flow; 流量 (17)Temperature;温度 (18)Levels of liquids;液位等 (19)Density. 密度 With the exception of a few seemingly fundamental quantum constants, units of measurement are essentially arbitrary; in other words,

22、 people make them up and then agree to use them. 句中 With the exception of 意为“除?以外” ,quantum constants 意为“量子常数” 。 全句译为: 除了少数看上去代表基本法则的量子常数以外, 测量的单位实质上是很主观 的,换句话说,人们编制并愿意使用它就可以了。 Nothing inherent in nature dictates that an inch has to be a certain length, or that a mile is a better measure of distance

23、 than a kilometre. Over the course of human history, however, first for convenience and then for necessity, standards of measurement evolved so that communities would have certain common benchmarks(基准). Laws regulating measurement were originally developed to prevent fraud (欺诈,欺骗行为;骗子) in commerce.

24、译为:本质上没有任何内在的事物决定:一英寸必须是某一特定的长度,或者一英里较 一公里是一个较好的距离度量。然而,在人类历史的过程中,首先是为了方便起见,然后因 为必要, 测量标准逐渐形成了以便使社会有特定的共同基准。 最初制定法律规范尺度就是为 3 了防止商业欺诈。 Measurement methods are often scrutinized 仔细检查, ( 详审) for their validity, applicability, and accuracy. It is very important that the scope of the measurement method b

25、e clearly defined, and any aspect included in the scope is shown to be accurate and repeatable through validation. 译为:通常要审核测量方法的有效性、适用性和准确性。明确界定测量方法的使用范围 是非常重要的,并且这个范围里的任何方面通过验证被证明是正确的和可复验的。 Measurement method validations often encompass 围绕; ( 包围) following considerations: the 译为:测量方法的验证通常包括以下注意事项:

26、(1)Accuracy and precision: Demonstration of accuracy may require the creation of a reference value if none is yet available. 准确度和精确度。如果目前没有任何有效值,准确度的验证可 能需要规定一个参考值。 (2)Repeatability and Reproducibility, sometimes in the form of a Gauge R&R. 重复性和再现 性,有时是以量规“R&R”的形式表示。 (3)Range, or a continuum

27、 scale over which the measurement method would be considered accurate. Example: 10N to 100N force test. 在量程或连续的范围内,测量方法被视为是准确 的。例如:10N 到 100N 的力测试。 (4)Measurement resolution, be it spatial, temporal, or otherwise. 测量分辨率是空间的、时间 的,或其它形式。 (5) Curve fitting, typically for linearity, which justifies inte

28、rpolation between calibrated reference points. 曲线拟合,通常为直线拟合,这证明标准参考点之间的插值法是正确的。 (6) Robustness, or the insensitivity to potentially subtle variables in the test environment or setup which may be difficult to control. 鲁棒性, 或是对测试环境中潜在的细微变量或难以控制的装 置的不敏感度。 (7) Usefulness to predict end-use characteristi

29、cs and performance. 实用性, 用来预测最终用途 的特点和性能。 (8)Measurement uncertainty. 测量不确定度。 (9)Interlaboratory or round robin tests. 多个实验室进行的或循环的测试。 (10)other types of measurement systems analysis.测量系统分析的其它类型。 Control In addition to measuring field parameters, instrumentation is also responsible for providing the

30、 ability to modify some field parameters. Modern day control engineering (also called control systems engineering) is a relatively new field of study that gained a significant attention during 20th century with the advancement in technology. 译为:除了测量现场参数,仪器还负责提供修改某些现场参数的能力。 现代控制工程(也叫控制系统工程)是一个比较新的研究领

31、域,随着科技的进步,在 20 世纪这个领域得到了显著的关注。 It can be broadly defined as practical application of control theory. Control engineering has an essential role in a wide range of control systems, from simple household washing machines to high-performance F-16 fighter aircraft. 译为:它大致可以被定义为控制理论的实际应用。在广泛的控制系统中,如从简单的家

32、用洗衣机到高性能的 F-16 战斗机,控制工程起着很重要的作用。 It seeks to understand physical systems, using mathematical modeling, in terms of inputs, outputs and various components with different behaviors; use control systems design tools to develop 4 controllers for those systems; and implement controllers in physical syste

33、ms employing available technology. 主语 it 代指“control engineering” ,句子中的 3 个并列成分 understand,use 和 implement 为 seeks to 的宾语。 全句译为: 控制工程根据输入、 输出和不同性质的各种元件, 建立数学模型, 分析物理系统。 使用控制系统设计工具来为这些系统开发控制器。 在物理系统中运用有效的技术来执行这些 控制器。 A system can be mechanical, electrical, fluid, chemical, financial and even biologica

34、l, and the mathematical modeling, analysis and controller design uses control theory in one or many of the time, frequency and complex-s domains, depending on the nature of the design problem. 译为:系统可以是机械、电气、流体、化工、金融,甚至是生物,数学建模、分析和控制 器的设计采用控制理论的时间、频率和复数(s)域中的一个或多个,的取决于设计问题的 性质。 1Control theory There

35、are two major divisions in control theory, namely, classical and modern, which have direct implications over the control engineering applications. The scope of classical control theory is limited to single-input and single-output (SISO) system design. 译为:控制理论中有两个重要的部分,即经典控制理论和现代控制理论,它们对控制工 程应用有着直接的影

36、响。经典控制理论的应用范围局限于单输入和单输出(SISO)系统设 计。 The system analysis is carried out in time domain using differential equations, in complex-s domain with Laplace transform or in frequency domain by transforming from the complex-s domain. All systems are assumed to be second order and single variable, and higher-

37、order system responses and multivariable effects are ignored. 译为:系统用微分方程实现时域分析,用拉氏变换实现复数(s)域分析,或将复数域 转换到频域分析。 所有系统都被假定为二阶和单变量系统, 高阶系统响应和多变量影响被忽 略。 A controller designed using classical theory usually requires on-site tuning due to design approximations. Yet, due to easier physical implementation of

38、classical controller designs as compared to systems designed using modern control theory, these controllers are preferred in most industrial applications. The most common controllers designed using classical control theory are PID controllers. 译为:由于设计的近似性,使用经典控制理论设计的控制器通常需要现场调整。然而, 由于和使用现代控制理论设计的系统相

39、比, 经典控制器的设计具有较简单的物理实现性, 所 以这些控制器是大多数工业应用中的首选。 使用经典控制理论设计的最常见的控制器是 PID 控制器。 In contrast, modern control theory is carried out in the state space, and can deal with multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) systems. This overcomes the limitations of classical control theory in more sophisticated 精密的, ( 尖端的)

40、 design problems, such as fighter aircraft control. In modern design, a system is represented as a set of first order differential equations defined using state variables. 译为:相比之下,现代控制理论是建立在状态空间基础上的,并且可以处理多输入多输 出(MIMO)系统。这就克服了经典控制理论在更复杂的设计问题(如战斗机控制)中的局 限性。在现代设计中,系统表示为一组使用状态变量描述的一阶差分方程。 5 Nonlinear,

41、multivariable, adaptive and robust(鲁棒,健壮的) control theories come under this division. Being fairly new, modern control theory has many areas yet to be explored. Scholars like Rudolf E. Kalman and Aleksandr Lyapunov are well-known among the people who have shaped modern control theory. 译为:非线性、多变量、自适应

42、和鲁棒控制理论归入这一部分(现代控制理论) 。现代 控制理论作为相当新的理论,仍有许多领域有待探索。在发展现代控制理论的人当中,像鲁 道夫 E· ,卡尔曼和亚历山大·李亚普诺夫这样的学者是众所周知的。 2Control systems Control engineering is the engineering discipline that focuses on the modeling of a diverse range of dynamic systems (e.g. mechanical systems) and the design of controllers

43、 that will cause these systems to behave in the desired manner. Although such controllers need not be electrical many are. And hence control engineering is often viewed as a subfield of electrical engineering. 译为:控制工程是工程学科,其重点在于不同范围动态系统(如机械系统)的建模和导 致这些系统以所期望的方式工作的控制器设计。 尽管那些控制器并一定是电气的, 但大多数 控制器是电气的。

44、因此控制工程常被认为是电气工程的子领域。 However, the falling price of microprocessors is making the actual implementation of a control system essentially trivial. As a result, focus is shifting back to the mechanical engineering discipline, as intimate knowledge of the physical system being controlled is often desired

45、. 译为: 然而, 微处理器价格的下降使得控制系统的实际执行实质上是微不足道的。 因此, 重点移回机械工程学科, 它作为受控制的物理系统联系紧密的知识, 通常是可以期望获得的。 Electrical circuits, digital signal processors and microcontrollers can all be used to implement control systems. Control engineering has a wide range of applications from the flight and propulsion(推进)systems of

46、 commercial airliners to the cruise(巡航)control present in many modern automobiles. 译为:电路,数字信号处理器和微控制器都可以用来实现控制系统。控制工程有着广泛 的应用范围:从商用客机的飞行和推进系统到在许多现代车辆中存在的巡航控制。 In most of the cases, control engineers utilize feedback when designing control systems. This is often accomplished using a PID controller sy

47、stem. For example, in an automobile with cruise control the vehicles speed is continuously monitored and fed back to the system, which adjusts the motors torque(扭转力,转(力)矩)accordingly. 译为:在大多数情况下,控制工程师在设计控制系统时利用了反馈。这通常使用 PID 控制器系统完成。例如:在有巡航控制的汽车上,车辆的速度不断被监测并反馈给相应调节 电机扭矩的系统。 Where there is regular fee

48、dback, control theory can be used to determine how the system responds to such feedback. In practically all such systems stability is important and control theory can help ensure stability to be achieved. 译为:哪里有定期反馈,控制理论就能被用于确定系统如何响应这样的反馈。实际中, 所有这类系统的稳定性是很重要的,并且控制理论有助于确保稳定性的实现。 Although feedback is

49、an important aspect of control engineering, control engineers may also work on the control of systems without feedback. This is known as open loop control. A classic example of open loop control is a washing machine that runs through a predetermined cycle without the use of sensors. 译为: 虽然反馈是控制工程的一个

50、重要方面, 但是控制工程师也可能从事于无反馈系统 的控制。这就是开环控制。开环控制的一个典型例子是:一台洗衣机没有使用传感器,而是 6 通过预先设定的周期工作。 3Recent advancement Originally, control engineering was all about continuous systems. Development of computer control tools posed a requirement of discrete control system engineering because the communications between t

51、he computer-based digital controller and the physical system are governed by a computer clock. The equivalent to Laplace transform in the discrete domain is the z-transform. Today many of the control systems are computer controlled and they consist of both digital and analog components. 译为:本来,控制工程是所

52、有关于连续系统的。计算机控制工具的发展提出了离散控制 系统工程的要求, 因为基于计算机的数字控制器和物理系统之间的通信是由计算机时钟控制 的。在离散域中相当于拉普拉斯变换的是 z 变换。现今许多控制系统是由计算机控制的,并 且它们是由数字和模拟元件组成的。 Therefore, at the design stage either digital components are mapped into the continuous domain and the design is carried out in the continuous domain, or analog components

53、 are mapped in to discrete domain and design is carried out there. The first of these two methods is more commonly encountered in practice because many industrial systems have many continuous systems components, including mechanical, fluid, biological and analog electrical components, with a few dig

54、ital controllers. 译为:因此,在设计阶段,或是数字元件被映射到连续域,并且在连续域中进行,或是 模拟元件映射到离散域并在离散域进行设计。 这两种方法首先是在实践中较常遇到的, 因为 很多工业系统有许多带有连续系统元件,包括:机械、流体、生物和模拟电气元件,而有很 少的数字控制器。 Similarly, the design technique has progressed from paper-and-ruler based manual design to computer-aided design, and now to computer-automated design

55、 (CAutoD), which has been made possible by evolutionary computation. 译为:同样的,设计技术已经从基于纸张和直尺的手工设计发展到计算机辅助设计,如 今向计算机自动设计( CAutoD )发展。 CAutoD can be applied not just to tuning a predefined control scheme, but also to controller structure optimisation, system identification and invention of novel control

56、 systems, based purely upon a performance requirement, independent of any specific control scheme. 句中 not just to?but also to?意为“不仅?而且?” ,novel control systems 意为“新 型系统” 。 全句译为:计算机自动设计(CAutoD)不仅能用于预定义控制模式的调整,而且可以用于 控制器结构优化、系统辨识和新型系统的开发。这一切都仅仅基于设计的性能要求,而不依 赖于任何具体的控制模式。 Instrumentation engineering Ins

57、trumentation engineering is the engineering specialization focused on the principle and operation of measuring instruments that are used in design and configuration of automated systems in electrical, pneumatic domains etc. 译为:仪器工程是专业化的工程领域,其重点是测量仪器的原理和操作,他们应用于电 气、气动等领域的自动化系统的设计和配置。 They typically w

58、ork for industries with automated processes, such as chemical or manufacturing plants, with the goal of improving system productivity, reliability, safety, optimization, and stability. To control the parameters in a process or in a particular system, devices such as 7 microprocessors, microcontrolle

59、rs or PLCs are used, but their ultimate aim is to control the parameters of a system. 译为:为了提高系统的生产率、可靠性、安全性、最优化和稳定性,仪器工程很典型地 运用于有自动化流程的工业, 如化工厂或制造厂。 为了控制某一个流程或特定系统中的参数, 要使用微处理器、微控制器或 PLC 这样的设备,其最终目的是控制系统的参数。 Instrumentation technologists Instrumentation technologists, technicians and mechanics specialize in troubleshooting(发现 并修理故障,解决纷争)and repairing and maintenance of instruments and instrumentation systems. This trade is so intertwined(缠结在一起)with electricians, pipefitters, power engine


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