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1、布达拉宫英语导游词【篇一:布达拉宫英文导游词】the palace is more than 117 meters (384 feet) in height and 360 (1180 feet) in width, occupying a building space of 90 thousand square meters. potala is composed of white palace and red palace. the former is for secular use while the later is for religious.the white palace con

2、sists of offices, dormitories, a buddhist official seminary and a printing house. from the east entrance of the palace, painted with images of four heavenly kings, a broad corridor upwards leads to deyang shar courtyard, which used to be where dalai lamas watched operas. around the large and open co

3、urtyard, there used to be a seminary and dormitories. west of the courtyard is the white palace. there are three ladder stairs reaching inside of it, however, the central one was reserved for only dalai lamas and central government magistrates dispatched to . in the first hallway, there are huge mur

4、als describing the construction of potala palace and jokhang temple and the procession of princess wencheng reaching . on the south wall, visitors will see an edict signed with the great fifth s handprint. the white palace mainly serves as the political headquarter and dalai lamas living quarters.th

5、e west chamber of sunshine and the east chamber of sunshine lie as the roof of the white palace. they belonged to the thirteenth dalai lama and the fourteenth dalai lama respectively. beneath the east chamber of sunshine is the largest hall in the white palace, where dalai lamas ascended throne and

6、ruled .the red palace was constructed after the death of the fifth dalai lama. the center of the complicated red palace is the great west hall, which records the great fifth dalai lama s life by its finemurals. the scene of his visit to emperor shunzhi in beijing in 1652 is extraordinarily vivid. it

7、 also has finely carved columns and brackets. the hall has four additional chapels. the west chapel houses three gold stupas of the fifth, tenth and twelfth dalai lamas . their mummified and perfumed bodies are well kept in those stupas. among the three, the fift h dalai lama s stupa is the biggest,

8、 which is made of sandalwood, wrapped ingold foil and decorated with thousands of diamonds, pearls, agates and others gems. the stupa, with a height of 14.86 meters (49 feet), spends more than 3,700 kilograms of gold. the north chapel contains statues of sakyamuni, dalai lamas and medicine buddha, a

9、nd stupas of the eighth, ninth and eleventh dalai lamas. against the wall is tanjur (beijing edition), a most important an buddhist sutra sent to the seventh dalai lama by emperor yongzheng. in the east chapel a two meters (6.5 feet) high statue of tsong khapa, the founder of gelugpa which is dalai

10、lama s lineage, isenshrined and worshipped. the south chapel is where a silver statue of padmasambhava and 8 bronze statues of his reincarnations are enshrined. on the floor above, there is a gallery which has a collection of 698 murals, portraying buddhas, bodhisattvas, dalai lamas and great adepts

11、 and narrating jataka stories and significant an historic events. west of the great w est hall locates the thirteenth dalai lama s stupahall. since he was regarded as great as the great fifth, people started to build his stupa after his death in the fall of 1933. the highest hall of potala was built

12、 in 1690. it used to be the holy shrine of chinese emperors. dalai lamas would come here with his officials and high lamas to show their respects to the central government annually before.【篇二:布达拉宫的英文导游词】potala palacein 641, after marrying princess winching, songster gump decided to build a grand pal

13、ace to for her and in memory of the event. however, the original palace was destroyed due to a lightning strike and succeeding warfare during landama s time.in the seventeenth century when the fifth dalai lama was in power, potala was rebuilt. the thirteenth dalai lama expanded it to today s scale.

14、the monastery -like palace, leaning against red hill, was the religious and political center of old and the winter palace of dalai lamas. the palace is more than 117 meters (384 feet) high and 360 (1180 feet) wide, with an area of 90 thousand square meters. potala includes white palace and red palac

15、e.the white palace is for guests while the red one is for religion. the white palace consists of offices, dormitories, a buddhist official seminary and a printing house. from the east entranceof the palace, painted with images of four heavenly kings, a broad corridor upwards leads to deyang shar cou

16、rtyard, which was where dalai lamas watched operas. around the large and open courtyard, there was a seminary and dormitories. the white palace is to the west of the courtyard. there are three ladder stairs to get inside of it, but the central one was only used by dalai lamas and central governors.

17、in the first hallway, there are huge wall paintings describing the building of potala palace and jokhang temple and the procession of princess wencheng reaching. on the south wall, visitors will see an edict signed with the great fifth s handprint. the white palace mainlyserves as the political head

18、quarter and dalai lamas livingquarters. the west chamber of sunshine and the east chamber of sunshine is the roof of the white palace. they belonged to the thirteenth dalai lama and the fourteenth dalai lamarespectively. beneath the east chamber of sunshine is the largest hall in the white palace, w

19、here dalai lamas came to power. the red palace was built after the death of the fifth dalai lama. the center of the complicated red palace is the great west hall, which records the great fifth dalai lama s life by its finewall paintings. the painting which shows his visit to emperor shunzhi in beiji

20、ng in 1652 is impressive. the hall has four additional chapels. the west chapel stores three gold stupas(舍利子)of the fifth, tenth and twelfth dalai lamas . theirbodies are well kept in those stupas. among the three, the fifth dalai lama s stupa is the biggest, which is made of sandalwood, wrapped in

21、gold foil and decorated with thousands of diamonds, pearls, agates (玛瑙)and others gems (宝石). thestupa, which is 14.86 meters (49 feet) high, uses more than 3,700 kilograms of gold. the north chapel contains statues of sakyamuni, dalai lamas and medicine buddha, and stupas of the eighth, ninth and el

22、eventh dalai lamas. against the wall is tanjur (beijing edition), a very important buddhist sutra sent to the seventh dalai lama by emperor yongzheng. in the east chapel a two meters (6.5 feet) high statue of tsong khapa, the founder of gelugpa which is dalai lama s ancestor, isremembered and worshi

23、pped. in addition, about 70 famous experts in an buddhism surround him. the south chapel is where a silver statue ofpadmasambhava and 8 bronze statues of his regenerations are kept. on the floor above, there is a gallery with a collection of 698 wall paintings, showing the stories of buddhas, bodhis

24、attvas, dalai lamas and great experts and jataka and significant historic events. west of the great hall locates the thirteenth dalai lama s stupa hall. since he was regarded as great as the great fifth, people started to build his stupa after his death in the fall of 1933. taking three years, the s

25、tupa is comparable with the great fifth s stupa. it is 14 meters (46 feet)high, covered by a ton (2200 pounds) of gold foils. in front of it is a mandala made of more than 200,000 pearls and other gems.wall paintings in the hall tell important events in his life, including his visit with emperorguan

26、gxu. the highest hall of potala was built in 1690. it used to be the holy temple of chinese emperors. dalai lamas would come here with his officials and high lamas to show their respects to the central government annually before.dharma cave and the saint s chapel are the only structures left which w

27、ere built in seventh century. they both lie in the central of the red palace. dharma cave is said to be the place where king songtsen gampo proceeded his religious cultivation.inside the cave, we can see the statues of songtsen gampo, princess wencheng, princess tritsun and his chief ministers. in t

28、he saint s chapel above dharma cave, the statues of cheezi, tsong khapa, padmasambhava, the fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth dalai lamas are kept and worshipped. visitors may find a stone with a footprint that was believed to be left by the infant twelfth dalai lama.notes:1. potala palace 布达拉宫2. pri

29、ncess wencheng 文成公主3. songtsen gampo 松赞干布4. white palace 白宫5. red palace 红宫【篇三:布达拉宫导游词800 字】布达拉宫导游词800 字布达拉宫导游词800 字(一)广东省外语外贸大学附属小学六年级叶玮琦嗨,大家好!我是其乐无穷社团导游,我姓叶,大家就叫我叶导吧。请大家按照次序,依次上车,布达拉宫之旅马上就要开始了。(在车上)请大家安静些,在和布达拉宫亲密接触之前,先让我讲一段关于布达拉宫的故事吧。布达拉宫屹立在西藏首府拉萨市区西北的红山上,是一座规模宏大的宫堡式建筑群。据说是松赞干布为迎娶文成公主而兴建的,可惜后来被战火

30、破坏,一直到17 世纪才得到重建,几经辗转,便成了今天我们看到的样子。(下车)到了,瞧,那依山而建的美丽城堡就是布达拉宫,真不愧是建筑史上的一座丰碑。布达拉宫的宫墙是令人叹绝的,宫殿东墙的墙角尖若刀斧,西墙却圆滑柔和。(进入布达拉宫)来,请大家跟我一起买票。我们来摸一摸墙壁,很特别吧?布达拉宫中有白玛草墙、草坯墙和牛粪墙。宫墙的夹层中注入了铁汁,它们是布这拉宫最坚强的钢铁卫士,可以保证宫殿在 1300 年中纹丝不动。大家都很期待去典加竹普看看吧?不用着急,请大家跟着我的脚步,带着探索的心情去看看典加竹普真实的模样。这间屋子是7 世纪留下的唯一一间建筑,据说是文成公主与松赞干布结婚的婚房,房内保

31、存着文成公主的塑像,虽然只有一尺多高,但雕工细致,美不胜收。典加竹普是迄今为止最古老的房子,也因为如此,所以显得尤为珍贵,好了,大家仔细地欣赏一下这1300 多年前的珍贵房子吧,记得不能拍照哦!( 30 分钟后)看完了最古老的房子,我们去看看最珍贵的宝塔怎么样?大家都已经猜到了,我们要去的地方正是灵塔。灵塔珍贵在什么地方呢?据说建造灵塔所用的黄金多达11 万两,塔山镶嵌着15万余颗钻石,每一座塔都价值连城。布达拉宫共有8 位喇嘛的灵塔,塔内用各种名贵藏药保存着他们的法体,如果你担心这么多名贵的东西会有小偷光顾,那么我可以告诉你完全没有必要,因为布达拉宫中有很多的警卫哟。布达拉宫不仅是建筑史上的

32、杰作,也是一座知识的宝库。这里不仅珍藏着印度的贝叶经,还收藏着清朝册封达赖的金册、金印、玉册,这些记载着人类智慧的藏品,每一件都是无价之宝。好啦,解说到此结束,下面是自由活动时间,大家自己去游玩吧。游玩的过程中要注意安全,做一个文明的小游客,不能乱扔垃圾,不能乱涂乱画。下午三点半在大门口集合。布达拉宫导游词800 字(二)蔡亦可游客们,大家好!我是你们的导游,我叫蔡亦可,大家可以叫我小蔡。今天我将带领大家游览世界遗产 布达拉宫。布达拉宫坐落于中国西南部西藏自治区拉萨市市中心的红山上。主体建筑包括白宫、红宫。下面就由我来介绍给大家听吧!白宫是历代达赖喇嘛进行政治、宗教管理的地方,建筑坐北朝南共7 层;红宫位于布达拉宫的中部,以红宫为主体的建筑群竣立于1694 年,共 6 层。现在,大家可以走进红宫、白宫看看,拍个照留作纪念。下面,我带大家去参观大昭寺。站在庭院里,我们可以看到大昭寺的主要建筑是经堂大殿。大殿高4 层,建筑构件为汉式风格,柱头和屋檐则为典型的藏式风格。让我们走进大殿看看吧,大殿分为4层。一层供奉有唐代文成公主带入西藏的释迦摩尼金像。二层供奉松赞干布、文成公主和赤尊公主


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