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1、A ability 能力;absent缺席的;abroad到国外;achieve获得 ,实现;activity活动;watchingadvanced 先进的 ,高级的; year.adventure 冒险 ,奇遇;advantage 优势;advertise 登广告;affect影响;afford买得起;it.agriculture 农业;announce 宣布; competition.anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;apologize 道歉;appearance出现,外表;appreciate 感激 ,欣赏;astronaut 宇航员;atmosphere大气,气氛;attempt 企图

2、,尝试;company中考英语重点高频词汇及精选例句1- He has ability to solve the problem2- All he needs is an opportunity to show his abilityHe will be absent from the meeting tomorrow.Steven has been working abroad for five years.Many people will work hard to achieve these goalsYou can take part in activities from canoein

3、g to birdThe company bought many advanced equipment lastI set off for a new adventure in the United States.1- Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads.2- I will take advantage of 利用() this trip to buy all the things that we need.They put some advertisement 名词 on the newspaper.This will af

4、fect our mood.The car is so expensive that we cant be able to affordAgriculture is very important for all the countries.The director announced that we had won theHe is very anxious to go aboard.I need to apologize for what I did.1- It was the president's second public appearance to date2- She ca

5、re about her appearance very much.We appreciate what you did for us.I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft.very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围We are attempting to persuade him to work for ourattract吸引;audience 听众;Average 平均; 8000 USDappetite 食欲;attitude 态度; customers. Bbalance 平衡;your balance1- In orde

6、r to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes.All the audience were attracted by his performance.The yearly average income of individual in China isHe has very good appetite recently.The waiter in the restaurant has very good attitude to theThe medicines you are currently taki

7、ng could be affectingbargain讨价还价;We always bargain with the sellers in the market.benefit禾益;beyond超过;basic 基本的;基础的 We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipmentBoth parties have benefited from the project.This is beyond our capability.biology生物学;bitter苦的;branch 分支,部门;broadcast 广播

8、,播送;1- The situation is beyond her control. Or out of control.Biology is one of the most important basic subject.The leaves taste rather bitter.the company has many branches in the world.1- In a broadcast on radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiationsbehavior

9、His behavior is not suitable in this important occasionbelief信仰,信念;We need to insist our belief. Ccamera照相机;Camera is used to take pictures.capital首都,省会;Beijing is the capital of China.captain队长,船长;John used to be the captain in U.S.Aceiling天花板;It is difficult to touch the ceiling because it is too

10、high.celebrate庆祝;We will celebrate the birthday of company.century世纪;chain链子;连锁;Wal mart is the biggest chain shop in the world.challenge挑战;It is big challenge for his to climb the high mountain.channel航道,海峡,频道;Please adjust the channel to receive the signal thatwe send.character特征;Her behavior last

11、 night revealed a lot about hercharacter charge收费,索价;1- free charge,免费chat聊天;2- We need to charge my mobile phone.Would you like to chat with me by the phone.Christmas圣诞节;Christmas is the most important date for the western.citizen公民;All the citizens have the right to vote for presidentelectioncigar

12、ette香烟;A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.climate气候;The climate has been becoming hotter obviously inrecently years.coal煤炭;The price of coal has reduced dramatically since lastyear.collar衣领;Some new designed jacket has no collar.Comfortable 舒适的;A home should be comfortable and friendly

13、.Communication 交流,通讯 competition 竞赛; plete完全的,彻底的;composition乍文; exam.concert音乐会This sofa is very comfortable for the fat man to sit on.It is very important to communicate with friendsHe will be banned from international competition fourI have done the homework completely.There is going to

14、be the composition in the EnglishI've been to plenty of live rock concertsconductor®票员,(乐队)指挥,导体;confident 自信的; congratulation 祝贺; construction 建设; continent大陆,大洲;convenient便的; now?conversation 交谈;cough咳嗽; hospital.coursed程,课程,一道菜;The train conductor punched 住了 眼) our tickets.Wood is a poor

15、 conductor 导体 of heat and electricity.John is very confident that he will win the race.The road construction is in progress.She loved African continent.Is it convenient for you to come to my office rightWe had a good conversation last night.English coursestarted coughing blood so they transferred me

16、 to acourage勇气;He is short of courage to face the difficulties.cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;crowd人群; curtain 窗帘; the room.culture文化;curious 好奇的;custom习俗;back centuries customer 消费者;顾客 Conclusion 结论; the exam.contribution 贡献;D daily每日的; decade 十年; past decade definitely明确地,肯定地; people deliver投递;house.Declare宣

17、布;deserve应受,值得;description描述;design设计;devote专心,致力于;investigation determine 决心,决定; cooking timeThe curtain is used to prevent the light from enteringChildren are naturally curious 孩子天生就好奇 The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goesAll the waiters need to respect the customers.He made the final conc

18、lusion that Peter had passedJohn made great contribution to the country.The daily price has increased by 50%. British Rail has become more commercial over theI'm definitely going to get in touch with theseAll the packages of rice have been delivered to myJohn declared that he would give up the c

19、ompetition. It's your money, you work very hard, so youdeserve it. Please describe what you saw last night.The company has designed a beautiful building.He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientificThe size of the chicken pieces will determine the dialogue/dialog 对话;They have begun dia

20、logues to promote better understanding between both communitiesdirection 方向;指导;disaster 灾难; than two monthsdisappear 消失; minutes.discussion 讨论;disturb 打扰;Langfang city is locatedn the opposite directionIt was the second air disaster in the region in lessJohn drive the car very fast, the car disappea

21、red in twowe will discuss about this issue tomorrow.Don! disturb him, he is studying in his room.diary日记;He insist on writing the diary.digital数码的;Digital camera is very popular in recent years.download下载;You need to download some software to run it.dustbin垃圾箱;We need to put more and more dustbin in

22、 the yard.decrease减少;Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% eachyeardepartment部,科;系;We are working in the same department.dynasty王朝,朝代;The Ming dynasty of China was founded hundredsyears ago. Eeconomical经济的,节约的;It is more economical to wash a full loadeducate教育;He was educated at No.3 middle School

23、effective有效的The new rules will become effective in the next fewdaysefficient效率局的;you need to be more efficient when you do yourhomework.effort努力;John made great effort to finish his job on time.electricity电;Electricity was invented by a famous scientist.equality平等;They live and work together in comp

24、lete equalityencourage鼓励;Peter encouraged Steven to study hard.energy能量;精力;He always has enough energy.entrance入口;There are five entrances in this building.envelope信封;environment 环境;we need to take measures to protect our environmentescape逃避;It is very difficult to escape from the prison.especially尤

25、其,特别;exhibition展览会;There are many different cars in the car exhibition.Expert专家;He is petroleum expertExtremely极端地;My mobile phone is extremely usefulEventually最终地;Eventually, the army caught up with him inLangfang city. FFamiliar熟悉的;We are very familiar with EuropeFailure失败;Failure is the mother of

26、 success.Finger手指;flour面粉;Bread is made of flourfluently流利地;He can speak English very fluently.forbid禁止;Smoking is forbidden in this room.foreigner外国人;Perter is a foreignerforgive原谅;Please forgive me for forgetting your name.fortunately幸运地;Fortunately, He passed the English exam.freedom自由;freedom is

27、 most important right for the humanbeing.frequent频繁的;He makes mistake frequently.fresh舶羊的;I like to eat fresh fruits.fruit水果;friendly友好的;He is very friendly to mefuel燃料;The plane was running out of fuel.furniture家具;We need to buy furniture for the new house.Festival节日;October 1st is most important f

28、estival day. GGeneration一代;the new generation has different idea about life.Generally一地;Generous慷慨的;大方的;He has been very generous to his friends.Geography地理;We need to know some knowledge aboutgeography.Glove手套;Government 政府;The government shall be responsible forgraduation毕业;I graduated from Beijin

29、g University.gradual逐渐的;Losing weight is a slow,?gradual?processgrammar语法;You need to master the grammar.Guest客人;We need to respect our guests.Guide导游;He has been a guide for 10 years. Hhabit习惯;I have a good habit, I get up very early.Handkerchief 手帕;Handwriting书法,笔迹;harvest收获;There were 3 million t

30、ons of grain in the fields at thestart of the?harvest.height高度;The height of this mountain is 600 meters.honor尊敬;it is my great honor to see you.hunger饥饿;Hunger is very common in Libya.humourous幽默的;Peter is very humourous when he teaches me English IIslandImagine 想象; immediately立即,立亥U;increase增力口;In

31、come 收入;He lives in a small island.You cant imagine how beautiful the island is.He will come immediately if you call him.My salary has increased dramatically.Industry 工业,勤劳;Industry?and?agriculture?are?the?two?important?sectors?of?the?national?ec onomyLight?industry?is?closely?related?to?agriculture

32、.Inform 通知;I was informed to come to the office immediately.Internet 因特网;Interview 采访,面试;When?I?went?for?my?first?interview?for?this?job?I?arrived?extremely?earlyInterrupt 打断打扰; talking. Inventor发明者;Insurance保险;JJournalist记者;Judge审判,判断,法官;Justice 正义,公正;法官Junior初级的; K kindergarten 幼儿园; kite 风筝; knowl

33、edge 知识; Kitchen厨房; LLabour劳动;Lack缺乏;Ladder梯子;Language语言;Lately最近;Latter后者;to study physics well.Lawyer律师;Don't interrupt other people when they areEdison is the inventor of electric lamp.We need to buy insurance for our new car.A journalist interviewed me yesterday.I?judged?him?to?be?about?fort

34、yHe has a sense of justice.他有正义感。There is a kindergarten in our community.knowledge can change the life quality.This kitchen is too small for the big family.He is lack of sense of justice.My mother language is English.Dad's health hasn't been too good latelyThe latter part of the debate conc

35、entrated on howwinsThe lawyer is paid only if heLeague 联盟; the leagueBritain has dropped from second to third place inThe candidate of president promised to reduce theLecture 演讲; taxes in his competition lecture.Level 水平; years Librarian图书管理员;for many years.Local 当地的; company. Luggage 行李; tonight. l

36、uckily 幸运地; company. MMagazine 杂志; Majority多数;Market市场;Marriage结婚;marriage. Material材料,原料;Medical医学的;cuts and bruiseMemory 记忆力; traffic accident.Mental精神的;healthy.Menu菜单;Mention提到;of presidentMerry欢乐的;Merely仅仅,只不过; body weighWe do have the lowest level of inflation for someHe has been working as a l

37、ibrarian in this libraryWe need to hire some local employees for ourThe luggage will be delivered to your houseLuckily, I succeeded to convince him to work for ourMajority of employees agree with your opinion. We often go to the market to buy the goods.They are very satisfied with their daughter sTh

38、e price of material has increased too much.Meanwhile 同时;Measure 措施,测量,尺寸;1- The government warned that police would take tougher measures to control the situation.2- Please measure the length and width of this house.Several police officers received medical treatment forMedical facilities are being u

39、pgraded.Peter has good memory of what happened in theForgiveness can make us mentally and physicallyPlease give us a menu, we need to order the food.You did not mention to me that he is the candidateMerry Christmas, everyoneThe brain accounts for merely three per cent ofMessage7肖息、;He left a message

40、 for you that he will visit youtomorrow.Metal金属;Mirror镜子;Monitor班长;yesterday.Monument纪念碑;Mostly主要地;大部分; form of alloys.(合金) Museum博物馆;Media传媒;company. Minority少数,少数民族;mainly affect the minority tribes.He hit his head against a metal barI was elected to be a monitor in our classThe government built t

41、his monument to the heroesIt is known to_all that metals are mostly used in theYahoo announced to become a new mediaLanguage extinction is a gradual process, whichMobile移动的;What this happened is still a bit of mystery.Peter s nationality is Canadian.When things go wrong, all of us naturally feelSue

42、had dressed herself neatly for workMystery神秘; Nnarrow狭窄的;nationality国籍;Naturally自然地;disappointed and frustratedneatly整洁地;necessary 必要的; neighbor 令IW;nephew侄子,外甥;niece侄女,外甥女;normal正常的;nowadays 现在;nurse护士;The young children need more nutrition.You need to obey the instructions of the safetyThe food wi

43、ll be offered by the company.The operation is very successfulJennie had sat opposite her at breakfastnutrition 营养; OObey服从;guard in the bank. Object物体,反对;Ocean海洋;offer提供;operation操作,做手术;opposite相反的;对面的organize 组织;overcome 克服;obvious明显的;Olympic奥林匹克的;Outstanding 杰出的; PI should have written the notes i

44、n the opposite order Peter often organize his classmates to go climbing. It s very difficult to overcome the difficulties.He has made a obvious mistake.He has made outstanding contribution to the country.Palace 宫殿;Paragraph 段;Park停放(车);particular特别的;He need a partner to work with him to do thepartne

45、r 搭档; experiment.panda熊猫;You need to be more patient to your son.passenger 乘客; patient耐心的,病人;peaceful和平的;performance 表演; period时期;permit允许;persuade 说® phenomenon 现象; phenomenonphysical身体的,物理的;pillow 枕头;pilot飞行员;population 人口,人数;poisonous 有毒的;pollution 污染;We are happy to live in a peaceful world

46、.He was attracted by her excellent performance.This crisis might last for a lon g period of timeYou are not permitted to enter without the card.we have new evidence showing that this is a globalYour old pillow should be replaced by a new one. He is very happy to become a pilot.the population of Chin

47、a is 1.3 billion.Some people were killed by poisonous air.Pollution is getting more serious.The ship was identified, and its name and positionposition 位置;地位were reported to the coastguardpractical实际的,实用的; We can offer you practical suggestions on how to increasethe fibre in your daily dietWe do not

48、yet have any practical way to prevent thecancer.pressure 压力;precious珍贵的,宝贵的;president总统;pretend假装;He pretended to be our enemy in the gram节目,项目;project工程;项目I used to be the project nunciation 发音;purpose目的,意图;What s your purpose of attending this meeting?Potential潜力;This company is

49、 our potential competitor.private私人的;private conversation,private car.privilege Q特权;The police has special privilege to kill the criminal.quality product.质量;We need to pay more attention to the quality ofquantity数量;The quantity of students is increasing dramatically.quarrel争吵;had a terrible quarrel

50、with my otherquarter quartered.四分之一;The doses I suggested for adults could be halved orqueue R队,行列;She waited in the bus queueraise提高,抚养; 募集 He raised his hand when teacher asked who wasable to answer the question.They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of groundsIt is not easy

51、to raise a child.rare 稀有的, 罕见的;Heart attacks were extremely rare in babies, he saidShe collects rare plantsrecently近来;The prices of all the goods are increasing recently.recognize认出;I can hardly recognize her after twenty years.record记录;They created a new record.recover恢复;He will be recovered in a f

52、ew days.recycle回收,再利用;These rubbish could be recycled.reduce减少;My weight has been reduced very much.refuse拒绝;He received a gift, but he refused to accept it.refer参考,提到;for further information, Please refer to instructions ofproductregular规则的;Steven has regular classes on Saturday.relative相对的,亲戚;rema

53、in保持,剩下,仍然;remind提醒,使想起;I would like to remind you that the beer you bought isexpired.remove去掉;It is very difficult to remove this stain.resign辞职,放弃;Peter has resigned from the university.request要求;You are requested to attend this meeting tomorrow ontime.research调查,研究;respect尊敬;It is very important

54、for the waiters to respect thecustomers.restaurant饭馆;resource资源;review复习;What you need to do is to review what you learnedyesterday.responsibility 责任心;It is your responsibility to pay the salary on time. SSafety安全;Safety is the most important factor to be considered.salary薪水;satisfy满足;We need to satisfy your customers.scenescenery风景;Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoyingthe sceneryscientific科学的;Scientific management promotes productionsecretly秘密地;He claims that seve


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